Introduction to Netflix Archaius with Spring Cloud – 使用Spring Cloud的Netflix Archaius简介

最后修改: 2018年 8月 20日


1. Overview


Netflix Archaius is a powerful configuration management library.

Netflix Archaius是一个强大的配置管理库。

Simply put, it’s a framework that can be used to gather configuration properties from many different sources, offering fast, thread-safe access to them.


On top of this, the library allows properties to change dynamically at runtime, making it possible for the system to get these variations without having to restart the application.


In this introductory tutorial, we’ll set up a simple Spring Cloud Archaius configuration, we’ll explain what’s happening under the hood, and finally, we’ll see how Spring allows extending the basic setup.

在这个入门教程中,我们将设置一个简单的Spring Cloud Archaius配置,我们将解释在引擎盖下发生了什么,最后,我们将看到Spring如何允许扩展基本设置。

2. Netflix Archaius Features

2.Netflix Archaius的特点

As we know, Spring Boot already provides instruments to manage externalized configurations, so why bother setting up a different mechanism?

正如我们所知,Spring Boot已经提供了管理外部配置的工具,那么为什么还要麻烦地设置一个不同的机制呢?

Well, Archaius offers some handy and interesting features that aren’t contemplated by any other configuration framework. Some of its key points are:


  • Dynamic and Typed properties
  • A Callback mechanism that gets invoked on property mutations
  • Ready for use implementations of dynamic configuration sources such as URLs, JDBC and Amazon DynamoDB
  • A JMX MBean that can be accessed by Spring Boot Actuator or JConsole to inspect and manipulate the properties
  • Dynamic properties validation

These perks can be beneficial in many scenarios.


Therefore, Spring Cloud has worked on a library that allows to easily configure a ‘Spring Environment Bridge’ so that Archaius can read properties from the Spring Environment.

因此,Spring Cloud已经开发了一个库,允许轻松配置 “Spring环境桥”,这样Archaius就可以从Spring环境中读取属性。

3. Dependencies


Let’s add the spring-cloud-starter-netflix-archaius to our application, it’ll add all the necessary dependencies to our project.


Optionally, we can also add spring-cloud-netflix to our dependencyManagement section and rely on its specification of the versions of the artifacts:




Note: we can check Maven Central to verify we’re using the latest version of the starter library.

注意:我们可以检查Maven Central以验证我们是否使用了最新版本的starter库

4. Usage


Once we add the required dependency, we’ll be able to access the properties managed by the framework:


DynamicStringProperty dynamicProperty 
  = DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance()
  .getStringProperty("", "default value");

String propertyCurrentValue = dynamicProperty.get();

Let’s work on a short example to see how this is available just out-of-the-box.


4.1. Quick Example


By default, it manages dynamically all the properties defined in a file named in the application’s classpath.


So let’s add it to our resources folder with some arbitrary properties:


Now we’ll need a way to check the properties’ values at any specific moment. In this case, we’ll create a RestController that retrieves the values as a JSON response:


public class ConfigPropertiesController {
    private DynamicStringProperty propertyOneWithDynamic
      = DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance()
      .getStringProperty("", "not found!");
    public String getPropertyValue() {
	return propertyOneWithDynamic.getName() + ": " + propertyOneWithDynamic.get();

Let’s try it out. We can send a request to this endpoint, and the service will retrieve the values stored in as expected.


No big deal so far, right? Ok, let’s go on and change the values of the property in the classpath file, without restarting the service. As a result, after a minute or so, a call to the endpoint should retrieve the new values. Pretty cool, isn’t it?


Next, we’ll try to understand what’s going on under the hood.


5. How Does It Work?


First of all, let’s attempt to comprehend the big picture.


Archaius is an extension of the Apache’s Commons Configuration library, adding some nice features like a polling framework for dynamic sources, with high throughput and thread-safe implementation.


The spring-cloud-netflix-archaius library comes then into play, merging all the different property sources, and auto-configuring the Archaius tools with these sources.


5.1. The Netflix Archaius Library

5.1.Netflix Archaius图书馆

It operates defining a Composite Configuration, a collection of various configurations obtained from different sources.


Moreover, some of those Configuration Sources might support being polled at runtime for changes. Archaius provides interfaces and some pre-defined implementations to configure these types of sources.


The collection of sources is hierarchized so that if a property is present in multiple configurations, the final value will be the one in the topmost slot.


Finally, a ConfigurationManager handles the system-wide Configuration and deployment context. It can install the final Composite Configuration, or retrieve the installed one for modification.


5.2. Spring Cloud Support


The main task of the Spring Cloud Archaius library is to merge all the different configuration sources as a ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration and install it using the ConfigurationManager.

Spring Cloud Archaius库的主要任务是将所有不同的配置源合并为一个ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration并使用ConfigurationManager进行安装。

The order of precedence in which the library defines the sources is:


  1. Any Apache Common Configuration AbstractConfiguration bean defined in the context
  2. All the sources defined in the Autowired Spring ConfigurableEnvironment
  3. The default Archaius sources, which we saw in the example above
  4. Apache’s SystemConfiguration and EnvironmentConfiguration sources

Another useful feature this Spring Cloud library provides is the definition of an Actuator Endpoint to monitor and interact with the properties. Its usage is out of the scope of this tutorial.

这个Spring Cloud库提供的另一个有用的功能是定义了一个执行器端点来监控并与属性互动。它的使用不在本教程的范围之内。

6. Adapting and Extending the Archaius Configuration


Now that we have a better understanding of how Archaius works, we are in good shape to analyze how to adapt the configuration to our application, or how to extend the functionality using our configuration sources.


6.1. Archaius Supported Configuration Properties


If we want Archaius to take into account other configuration files similar to the one, we can define the archaius.configurationSource.additionalUrls system property.

如果我们想让Archaius考虑到与config.properties类似的其他配置文件,我们可以定义 additionalUrlssystem属性。

The value is parsed to a list of URLs separated by a comma, so, for example, we can add this system property when we launch the application:



Archaius will read the file first, and then the other ones, in the specified order. Because of this, the properties defined in the latter files will have priority over the prior ones.


There are a couple of other system properties we can use to configure various aspects of the Archaius default configuration:


  • archaius.configurationSource.defaultFileName: the default configuration file name in the classpath
  • archaius.fixedDelayPollingScheduler.initialDelayMills: initial delay before reading the configuration source
  • archaius.fixedDelayPollingScheduler.delayMills: delay between two reads of the source; the default value is 1 minute

6.2. Adding Additional Configuration Sources with Spring


How could we add a different Configuration Source to be managed by the described framework? And how could we manage dynamic properties with higher precedence than the ones defined in the Spring Environment?


Reviewing what we mentioned in section 4.2, we can realize that the highest configurations in the Composite Configuration defined by Spring are the AbstractConfiguration beans defined in the context.


Thus, all we need to do is add an implementation of this Apache’s abstract class to our Spring Context using some of the functionality provided by Archaius, and the Spring’s autoconfiguration will spontaneously add it to the managed configuration properties.

因此,我们需要做的就是使用Archaius提供的一些功能将这个Apache的抽象类的实现添加到我们的Spring Context中,Spring的自动配置会自发地将其添加到托管配置属性中

To keep things simple, we’ll see an example where we configure a properties file similar to the default but with the difference of having a higher precedence than the rest of Spring environment and application properties:


public AbstractConfiguration addApplicationPropertiesSource() {
    URL configPropertyURL = (new ClassPathResource("")).getURL();
    PolledConfigurationSource source = new URLConfigurationSource(configPropertyURL);
    return new DynamicConfiguration(source, new FixedDelayPollingScheduler());

Lucky for us, it contemplates several configuration sources that we can set up with almost no effort. Their configuration is out of the scope of this introductory tutorial.


7. Conclusion


To sum up, we’ve learned about Archaius and some of the cool features it offers to take advantage of configuration management.


Also, we saw how the Spring Cloud autoconfiguration library comes into play allowing us to use this library’s API conveniently.

此外,我们还看到了Spring Cloud自动配置库是如何发挥作用的,使我们能够方便地使用这个库的API。

Once more, we can find all the examples shown in this tutorial and others in our Github repo.

再一次,我们可以在我们的Github repo中找到本教程中显示的所有例子和其他例子。