HibernateException: No Hibernate Session Bound to Thread in Hibernate 3 – HibernateException:在Hibernate 3中没有与线程绑定的Hibernate会话

最后修改: 2017年 11月 4日


1. Introduction


In this short tutorial, we’ll clarify when “No Hibernate Session Bound to Thread” exception gets thrown and how to resolve it.

在这个简短的教程中,我们将阐明何时抛出 “没有Hibernate会话绑定到线程 “的异常以及如何解决它。

We’ll be focusing here on two different scenarios:


  1. using the LocalSessionFactoryBean
  2. using the AnnotationSessionFactoryBean

2. The Cause


With version 3, Hibernate introduced the concept of the contextual session and the getCurrentSession() method was added to the SessionFactory class. More information on the contextual session can be found here.

在第3版中,Hibernate引入了上下文会话的概念,getCurrentSession() 方法被添加到SessionFactory类。关于上下文会话的更多信息可以在这里找到。

Spring has its own implementation of the org.hibernate.context.CurrentSessionContext interface – org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.SpringSessionContext (in the case of Spring Hibernate 3). This implementation requires the session to be bound to a transaction.

Spring对org.hibernate.context.CurrentSessionContext接口有自己的实现–org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.SpringSessionContext(在Spring Hibernate 3的情况下)。该实现需要将会话绑定到一个事务上。

Naturally, classes that call getCurrentSession() method should be annotated with @Transactional either at the class level or method level. If not, the org.hibernate.HibernateException: No Hibernate Session Bound to Thread will be thrown.

当然,调用getCurrentSession()方法的类应该被注解为@Transactional,无论是在类级别还是方法级别。如果没有,org.hibernate.HibernateException:No Hibernate Session Bound to Thread 将会被抛出。

Let’s have a quick look at an example.


3. LocalFactorySessionBean


He’s the first scenario that we would be looking at in this article.


We will define a Java Spring configuration class with LocalSessionFactoryBean:

我们将用LocalSessionFactoryBean定义一个Java Spring配置类。

  { "classpath:persistence-h2.properties" }
  { "com.baeldung.persistence.dao", "com.baeldung.persistence.service" }
public class PersistenceConfigHibernate3 {   
    // ...    
    public LocalSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory() {
        LocalSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory 
          = new LocalSessionFactoryBean();
        Resource config = new ClassPathResource("exceptionDemo.cfg.xml");

        return sessionFactory;
    // ...

Note that we use a Hibernate configuration file (exceptionDemo.cfg.xml) here in order to map the model class. This is because the org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean does not provide the property packagesToScan, for mapping model classes.


Here’s our simple service:


public class EventService {
    private IEventDao dao;
    public void create(Event entity) {
@Table(name = "EVENTS")
public class Event implements Serializable {
    private Long id;
    private String description;
    // ...

As we can see in the code snippet below, the getCurrentSession() method of the SessionFactory class is used to obtain the Hibernate session:

正如我们在下面的代码片段中看到的,SessionFactory 类的getCurrentSession() 方法被用来获取Hibernate会话。

public abstract class AbstractHibernateDao<T extends Serializable> 
  implements IOperations<T> {
    private Class<T> clazz;
    private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
    // ...
    public void create(T entity) {
    protected Session getCurrentSession() {
        return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

The test below passes, demonstrating how the exception will be thrown when the class EventService containing the service method is not annotated with a @Transactional annotation:


  classes = { PersistenceConfigHibernate3.class }, 
  loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class
public class HibernateExceptionScen1MainIntegrationTest {
    EventService service;
    public ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
    public void whenNoTransBoundToSession_thenException() {
        expectedEx.expectMessage("No Hibernate Session bound to thread, "
          + "and configuration does not allow creation "
          + "of non-transactional one here");
        service.create(new Event("from LocalSessionFactoryBean"));

This test shows how the service method executes successfully when the EventService class is annotated with the @Transactional annotation:


  classes = { PersistenceConfigHibernate3.class }, 
  loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class
public class HibernateExceptionScen1MainIntegrationTest {
    EventService service;
    public ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
    public void whenEntityIsCreated_thenNoExceptions() {
        service.create(new Event("from LocalSessionFactoryBean"));
        List<Event> events = service.findAll();

4. AnnotationSessionFactoryBean


This exception can also occur when we use the org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean to create the SessionFactory in our Spring application.


Let’s look at some sample code that demonstrates this. To this extent, we define a Java Spring configuration class with AnnotationSessionFactoryBean:

让我们来看看一些演示的示例代码。在这个范围内,我们用AnnotationSessionFactoryBean定义了一个Java Spring配置类。

  { "classpath:persistence-h2.properties" }
  { "com.baeldung.persistence.dao", "com.baeldung.persistence.service" }
public class PersistenceConfig {
    public AnnotationSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory() {
        AnnotationSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory 
          = new AnnotationSessionFactoryBean();
          new String[] { "com.baeldung.persistence.model" });

        return sessionFactory;
    // ...

With the same set of DAO, Service and Model classes from the previous section, we encounter the exception as described above:


  classes = { PersistenceConfig.class }, 
  loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class
public class HibernateExceptionScen2MainIntegrationTest {
    EventService service;
    public ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
    public void whenNoTransBoundToSession_thenException() {
        expectedEx.expectMessage("No Hibernate Session bound to thread, "
          + "and configuration does not allow creation "
          + "of non-transactional one here");
        service.create(new Event("from AnnotationSessionFactoryBean"));

If we annotate the service class with a @Transactional annotation, the service method works as expected and the test shown below passes:

如果我们用@Transactional annotation来注解服务类,服务方法就会像预期的那样工作,下面的测试就会通过。

  classes = { PersistenceConfig.class }, 
  loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class
public class HibernateExceptionScen2MainIntegrationTest {
    EventService service;
    public ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
    public void whenEntityIsCreated_thenNoExceptions() {
        service.create(new Event("from AnnotationSessionFactoryBean"));
        List<Event> events = service.findAll();

5. The Solution


It’s clear that the getCurrentSession() method of the SessionFactory obtained from Spring needs to be called from within an open transaction. Therefore, the solution is to ensure that our DAO/Service methods/classes are annotated correctly with the @Transactional annotation.


It should be noted that in Hibernate 4 and later versions, the message of the exception that is thrown for this same reason is differently worded. Instead of the “No Hibernate Session Bound to Thread”, we’d get “Could not obtain transaction-synchronized Session for current thread”.

需要注意的是,在Hibernate 4及以后的版本中,因同样原因抛出的异常信息的措辞是不同的。我们得到的不是”没有与线程绑定的 Hibernate 会话”,而是”无法为当前线程获得事务同步的会话”

There’s another important point to make. Along with the org.hibernate.context.CurrentSessionContext interface, Hibernate has introduced a property hibernate.current_session_context_class which can be set to the class that implements the current session context.


As stated before, Spring comes with its own implementation of this interface: the SpringSessionContext. By default it sets the hibernate.current_session_context_class property equal to this class.


As a consequence, if we explicitly set this property to something else, it disrupts Spring’s ability to manage the Hibernate session and transactions. This results in an exception as well but is different from the exception under consideration.


Summarizing, it is important to remember that we should not set the hibernate.current_session_context_class explicitly when we use Spring to manage the Hibernate session.


6. Conclusion


In this article, we looked at why an when the exception org.hibernate.HibernateException: No Hibernate Session Bound to Thread is thrown in Hibernate 3 along with some example code and how we can solve it easily.

在这篇文章中,我们研究了为什么在Hibernate 3中出现异常 org.hibernate.HibernateException:No Hibernate Session Bound to Thread 在Hibernate 3中被抛出,以及一些示例代码和我们如何轻松解决它。

The code for this article can be found over on Github.
