1. Introduction
In this tutorial, we’ll explore OData, a standard protocol that allows easy access to data sets using a RESTFul API.
在本教程中,我们将探讨OData,这是一个标准协议,允许使用RESTFul API轻松访问数据集。。
2. What Is OData?
OData is an OASIS and ISO/IEC Standard for accessing data using a RESTful API. As such, it allows a consumer to discover and navigate through data sets using standard HTTP calls.
OData是一个OASIS和ISO/IEC标准,用于使用RESTful API访问数据。因此,它允许消费者使用标准的HTTP调用来发现和浏览数据集。
For instance, we can access one of the publicly available OData services with a simple curl one-liner:
curl -s https://services.odata.org/V2/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Regions
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<feed xml:base="https://services.odata.org/V2/Northwind/Northwind.svc/"
<title type="text">Regions</title>
... rest of xml response omitted
As of this writing, the OData protocol is at its 4th version – 4.01 to be more precise. OData V4 reached the OASIS standard level in 2014, but it has a longer history. We can trace its roots to a Microsoft project called Astoria, which was renamed to ADO.Net Data Services in 2007. The original blog entry announcing this project is still available at Microsoft’s OData blog.
截至目前,OData协议已经到了第四个版本–更准确地说,是4.01。OData V4在2014年达到了OASIS标准水平,但它的历史更长。我们可以追溯到一个名为Astoria的微软项目,该项目在2007年被重新命名为ADO.Net数据服务。宣布这个项目的原始博客条目仍可在Microsoft的OData博客上找到。
Having a standards-based protocol to access data set brings some benefits over standard APIs such as JDBC or ODBC. As an end-user level consumer, we can use popular tools such as Excel to retrieve data from any compatible provider. Programming is also facilitated by a large number of available REST client libraries.
As providers, adopting OData also has benefits: once we’ve created a compatible service, we can focus on providing valuable data sets, that end-users can consume using the tools of their choice. Since it is an HTTP-based protocol, we can also leverage aspects such as security mechanisms, monitoring, and logging.
Those characteristics made OData a popular choice by government agencies when implementing public data services, as we can check by taking a look at this directory.
3. OData Concepts
At the core of the OData protocol is the concept of an Entity Data Model – or EDM for short. The EDM describes the data exposed by an OData provider through a metadata document containing a number of meta-entities:
- Entity type and its properties (e.g. Person, Customer, Order, etc) and keys
- Relationships between entities
- Complex types used to describe structured types embedded into entities (say, an address type which is part of a Customer type)
- Entity Sets, which aggregate entities of a given type
The spec mandates that this metadata document must be available at the standard location $metadata at the root URL used to access the service. For instance, if we have an OData service available at http://example.org/odata.svc/, then its metadata document will be available at http://example.org/odata.svc/$metadata.
The returned document contains a bunch of XML describing the schemas supported by this server:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
... schema elements omitted
Let’s tear down this document into its main sections.
The top-level element, <edmx:Edmx> can have only one child, the <edmx:DataServices> element. The important thing to notice here is the namespace URI since it allows us to identify which OData version the server uses. In this case, the namespace indicates that we have an OData V2 server, which uses Microsoft’s identifiers.
顶层元素<edmx:Edmx>只能有一个子元素,即<edmx:DataServices>元素。这里要注意的是命名空间URI,因为它允许我们识别服务器使用的OData版本。在这种情况下,该命名空间表明我们有一个OData V2服务器,它使用微软的标识符。
A DataServices element can have one or more Schema elements, each describing an available dataset. Since a full description of the available elements in a Schema is beyond the scope of this article, we’ll focus on the most important ones: EntityTypes, Associations, and EntitySets.
3.1. EntityType Element
This element defines the available properties of a given entity, including its primary key. It may also contain information about relationships with other schema types and, by looking at an example – a CarMaker – we’ll be able to see that it is not very different from descriptions found in other ORM technologies, such as JPA:
<EntityType Name="CarMaker">
<PropertyRef Name="Id"/>
<Property Name="Id" Type="Edm.Int64"
<Property Name="Name" Type="Edm.String"
<NavigationProperty Name="CarModelDetails"
Here, our CarMaker has only two properties – Id and Name – and an association to another EntityType. The Key sub-element defines the entity’s primary key to be its Id property, and each Property element contains data about an entity’s property such as its name, type or nullability.
在这里,我们的CarMaker只有两个属性–Id和Name,以及与另一个EntityType的关联。Key s子元素定义了实体的主键是它的Id属性,而每个Property元素都包含了关于实体属性的数据,如它的名称、类型或无效性。
A NavigationProperty is a special kind of property that describes an “access point” to a related entity.
NavigationProperty是一种特殊的属性,它描述了一个通往相关实体的 “访问点”。
3.2. Association Element
3.2 协会元素
An Association element describes an association between two entities, which includes the multiplicity on each end and optionally a referential integrity constraint:
<Association Name="CarModel_CarMaker_Many_One0">
<End Type="default.CarModel" Multiplicity="*" Role="CarModel"/>
<End Type="default.CarMaker" Multiplicity="1" Role="CarMaker"/>
<Principal Role="CarMaker">
<PropertyRef Name="Id"/>
<Dependent Role="CarModel">
<PropertyRef Name="Maker"/>
Here, the Association element defines a one-to-many relationship between a CarModel and CarMaker entities, where the former acts as the dependent party.
3.3. EntitySet Element
3.3.EntitySet Element
The final schema concept we’ll explore is the EntitySet element, which represents a collection of entities of a given type. While it’s easy to think them as analogous to a table – and in many cases, they’re just that – a better analogy is that of a view. The reason for that is that we can have multiple EntitySet elements for the same EntityType, each representing a different subset of the available data.
The EntityContainer element, which is a top-level schema element, groups all available EntitySets:
<EntityContainer Name="defaultContainer"
<EntitySet Name="CarModels"
<EntitySet Name="CarMakers"
In our simple example, we have just two EntitySets, but we could also add additional views, such as ForeignCarMakers or HistoricCarMakers.
4. OData URLs and Methods
4.OData URLs和方法
In order to access data exposed by an OData service, we use the regular HTTP verbs:
- GET returns one or more entities
- POST adds a new entity to an existing Entity Set
- PUT replaces a given entity
- PATCH replaces specific properties of a given entity
- DELETE removes a given entity
All those operations require a resource path to act upon. The resource path may define an entity set, an entity or even a property within an entity.
Let’s take a look on an example URL used to access our previous OData service:
The first part of this URL, starting with the protocol up to the odata/ path segment, is known as the service root URL and is the same for all resource paths of this service. Since the service root is always the same, we’ll replace it in the following URL samples by an ellipsis (“…”).
这个URL的第一部分,从协议开始一直到odata/路径段,被称为service root URL,对这个服务的所有资源路径都是一样的。 由于服务根总是相同的,我们将在下面的URL样本中用省略号(”…”)替换它。
CarMakers, in this case, refers to one of the declared EntitySets in the service metadata. We can use a regular browser to access this URL, which should then return a document containing all existing entities of this type:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
<title type="text">CarMakers</title>
<link href="CarMakers" rel="self" title="CarMakers"/>
<title type="text">CarMakers</title>
<category term="default.CarMaker"
<link href="CarMakers(1L)" rel="edit" title="CarMaker"/>
<link href="CarMakers(1L)/CarModelDetails"
<content type="application/xml">
<d:Name>Special Motors</d:Name>
... other entries omitted
The returned document contains an entry element for each CarMaker instance.
Let’s take a closer look at what information we have available to us:
- id: a link to this specific entity
- title/author/updated: metadata about this entry
- link elements: Links used to point to a resource used to edit the entity (rel=”edit”) or to related entities. In this case, we have a link that takes us to the set of CarModel entities associated with this particular CarMaker.
- content: property values of CarModel entity
An important point to notice here is the use of the key-value pair to identify a particular entity within an entity set. In our example, the key is numeric so a resource path like CarMaker(1L) refers to the entity with a primary key value equal to 1 – the “L” here just denotes a long value and could be omitted.
5. Query Options
We can pass query options to a resource URL in order to modify a number of aspects of the returned data, such as to limit the size of the returned set or its ordering. The OData spec defines a rich set of options, but here we’ll focus on the most common ones.
As a general rule, query options can be combined with each other, thus allowing clients to easily implement common functionalities such as paging, filtering and ordering result lists.
5.1. $top and $skip
We can navigate through a large dataset using the $top an $skip query options:
$top tells the service that we want only the first 10 records of the CarMakers entity set. A $skip, which is applied before the $top, tells the server to skip the first 10 records.
It’s usually useful to know the size of a given Entity Set and, for this purpose, we can use the $count sub-resource:
This resource produces a text/plain document containing the size of the corresponding set. Here, we must pay attention to the specific OData version supported by a provider. While OData V2 supports $count as a sub-resource from a collection, V4 allows it to be used as a query parameter. In this case, $count is a Boolean, so we need to change the URL accordingly:
该资源会产生一个text/plain文件,其中包含了相应集合的大小。在这里,我们必须注意提供者所支持的特定OData版本。虽然OData V2支持$count作为集合的子资源,但V4允许它作为查询参数使用。在这种情况下,$count是一个布尔值,所以我们需要相应地改变URL。
5.2. $filter
5.2. $filter
We use the $filter query option to limit the returned entities from a given Entity Set to those matching given criteria. The value for the $filter is a logical expression that supports basic operators, grouping and a number of useful functions. For instance, let’s build a query that returns all CarMaker instances where its Name attribute starts with the letter ‘B’:
我们使用$filter查询选项来将返回的实体从给定的Entity Set限制在符合给定条件的实体。$filter的值是一个逻辑表达式,支持基本运算符、分组和一些有用的功能。例如,让我们建立一个查询,返回所有CarMaker实例,其中其Name属性以字母 “B “开头。
Now, let’s combine a few logical operators to search for CarModels of a particular Year and Maker:
.../CarModels?$filter=Year eq 2008 and CarMakerDetails/Name eq 'BWM'
Here, we’ve used the equality operator eq to specify values for the properties. We can also see how to use properties from a related entity in the expression.
5.3. $expand
By default, an OData query does not return data for related entities, which is usually OK. We can use the $expand query option to request that data from a given related entity be included inline with the main content.
Using our sample domain, let’s build an URL that returns data from a given model and its maker, thus avoiding an additional round-trip to the server:
The returned document now includes the CarMaker data as part of the related entity:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
<title type="text">CarModels</title>
<category term="default.CarModel"
<link href="CarModels(1L)" rel="edit" title="CarModel"/>
<link href="CarModels(1L)/CarMakerDetails"
<entry xml:base="http://localhost:8080/odata/">
<title type="text">CarMakers</title>
<category term="default.CarMaker"
<link href="CarMakers(1L)" rel="edit" title="CarMaker"/>
<link href="CarMakers(1L)/CarModelDetails"
<content type="application/xml">
<d:Name>Special Motors</d:Name>
<content type="application/xml">
5.4. $select
We use the $select query option to inform the OData service that it should only return the values for the given properties. This is useful in scenarios where our entities have a large number of properties, but we’re only interested in some of them.
Let’s use this option in a query that returns only the Name and Sku properties:
The resulting document now has only the requested properties:
... xml omitted
<content type="application/xml">
... xml omitted
We can also see that even related entities were omitted. In order to include them, we’d need to include the name of the relation in the $select option.
5.5. $orderBy
The $orderBy option works pretty much as its SQL counterpart. We use it to specify the order in which we want the server to return a given set of entities. In its simpler form, its value is just a list of property names from the selected entity, optionally informing the order direction:
.../CarModels?$orderBy=Name asc,Sku desc
This query will result in a list of CarModels ordered by their names and SKUs, in ascending and descending directions, respectively.
An important detail here is the case used with the direction part of a given property: while the spec mandates that server must support any combination of upper- and lower-case letters for the keywords asc and desc, it also mandates that client use only lowercase.
这里的一个重要细节是给定属性的方向部分所使用的大小写:虽然规范规定服务器必须支持关键词asc 和desc的大写和小写字母的任何组合,但它也规定客户端只使用小写。
5.6. $format
This option defines the data representation format that the server should use, which takes precedence over any HTTP content-negotiation header, such as Accept. Its value must be a full MIME-Type or a format-specific short form.
For instance, we can use json as an abbreviation for application/json:
This URL instructs our service to return data using JSON format, instead of XML, as we’ve seen before. When this option is not present, the server will use the value of the Accept header, if present. When neither is available, the server is free to choose any representation – usually XML or JSON.
这个URL指示我们的服务使用JSON格式返回数据,而不是像我们之前看到的XML。当这个选项不存在时,服务器将使用Accept 头的值,如果存在的话。当两者都不存在时,服务器可以自由选择任何表示方法–通常是XML或JSON。
Regarding JSON specifically, it’s fundamentally schemaless. However, OData 4.01 defines a JSON schema for metadata endpoints as well. This means that we can now write clients that can get totally rid of XML processing if they choose to do so.
具体到JSON,它从根本上说是没有模式的。然而,OData 4.01也为元数据端点定义了一种JSON模式。这意味着我们现在可以编写可以完全摆脱XML处理的客户端,如果他们选择这样做的话。
6. Conclusion
In this brief introduction to OData, we’ve covered its basic semantics and how to perform simple data set navigation. Our follow-up article will continue where we left and go straight into the Olingo library. We’ll then see how to implement sample services using this library.
Code examples, as always, are available over on GitHub.