1. Overview
JUnit 5, the next generation of JUnit, facilitates writing developer tests with shiny new features.
JUnit 5是新一代的JUnit,它以闪亮的新功能促进了开发人员测试的编写。
One such feature is parameterized tests. This feature enables us to execute a single test method multiple times with different parameters.
In this tutorial, we’re going to explore parameterized tests in depth, so let’s get started.
2. Dependencies
In order to use JUnit 5 parameterized tests, we need to import the junit-jupiter-params artifact from JUnit Platform. That means, when using Maven, we’ll add the following to our pom.xml:
为了使用JUnit 5参数化测试,我们需要从JUnit平台导入junit-jupiter-params神器。这意味着,使用Maven时,我们要在pom.xml中添加以下内容。
Also, when using Gradle, we’ll specify it a little differently:
3. First Impression
Let’s say we have an existing utility function, and we’d like to be confident about its behavior:
public class Numbers {
public static boolean isOdd(int number) {
return number % 2 != 0;
Parameterized tests are like other tests except that we add the @ParameterizedTest annotation:
@ValueSource(ints = {1, 3, 5, -3, 15, Integer.MAX_VALUE}) // six numbers
void isOdd_ShouldReturnTrueForOddNumbers(int number) {
JUnit 5 test runner executes this above test — and consequently, the isOdd method — six times. And each time, it assigns a different value from the @ValueSource array to the number method parameter.
JUnit 5测试运行器执行了上述测试–以及随之而来的isOdd方法–六次。每一次,它都从@ValueSource数组中分配一个不同的值给number方法参数。
So, this example shows us two things we need for a parameterized test:
- a source of arguments, in this case, an int array
- a way to access them, in this case, the number parameter
There is still another aspect not evident with this example, so we’ll keep looking.
4. Argument Sources
As we should know by now, a parameterized test executes the same test multiple times with different arguments.
And we can hopefully do more than just numbers, so let’s explore.
4.1. Simple Values
With the @ValueSource annotation, we can pass an array of literal values to the test method.
通过@ValueSource 注解,我们可以向测试方法传递一个字面值的数组。
Suppose we’re going to test our simple isBlank method:
public class Strings {
public static boolean isBlank(String input) {
return input == null || input.trim().isEmpty();
We expect from this method to return true for null for blank strings. So, we can write a parameterized test to assert this behavior:
@ValueSource(strings = {"", " "})
void isBlank_ShouldReturnTrueForNullOrBlankStrings(String input) {
As we can see, JUnit will run this test two times and each time assigns one argument from the array to the method parameter.
One of the limitations of value sources is that they only support these types:
- short (with the shorts attribute)
- byte (bytes attribute)
- int (ints attribute)
- long (longs attribute)
- float (floats attribute)
- double (doubles attribute)
- char (chars attribute)
- java.lang.String (strings attribute)
- java.lang.Class (classes attribute)
Also, we can only pass one argument to the test method each time.
Before going any further, note that we didn’t pass null as an argument. That’s another limitation — we can’t pass null through a @ValueSource, even for String and Class.
在进一步讨论之前,请注意我们没有把null作为一个参数传递。这是另一个限制–我们不能通过@ValueSource传递null,即使是String 和Class。
4.2. Null and Empty Values
As of JUnit 5.4, we can pass a single null value to a parameterized test method using @NullSource:
从JUnit 5.4开始,我们可以使用@NullSource向参数化测试方法传递一个单一的null 值。
void isBlank_ShouldReturnTrueForNullInputs(String input) {
Since primitive data types can’t accept null values, we can’t use the @NullSource for primitive arguments.
Quite similarly, we can pass empty values using the @EmptySource annotation:
相当类似地,我们可以使用@EmptySource 注解来传递空值。
void isBlank_ShouldReturnTrueForEmptyStrings(String input) {
@EmptySource passes a single empty argument to the annotated method.
@EmptySource 向被注解的方法传递一个空参数。
For String arguments, the passed value would be as simple as an empty String. Moreover, this parameter source can provide empty values for Collection types and arrays.
In order to pass both null and empty values, we can use the composed @NullAndEmptySource annotation:
void isBlank_ShouldReturnTrueForNullAndEmptyStrings(String input) {
As with the @EmptySource, the composed annotation works for Strings, Collections, and arrays.
To pass a few more empty string variations to the parameterized test, we can combine @ValueSource, @NullSource, and @EmptySource together:
为了向参数化测试传递更多的空字符串变化,我们可以将@ValueSource, @NullSource,和@EmptySource 结合起来。
@ValueSource(strings = {" ", "\t", "\n"})
void isBlank_ShouldReturnTrueForAllTypesOfBlankStrings(String input) {
4.3. Enum
4.3. 枚举
In order to run a test with different values from an enumeration, we can use the @EnumSource annotation.
For example, we can assert that all month numbers are between 1 and 12:
@EnumSource(Month.class) // passing all 12 months
void getValueForAMonth_IsAlwaysBetweenOneAndTwelve(Month month) {
int monthNumber = month.getValue();
assertTrue(monthNumber >= 1 && monthNumber <= 12);
Or, we can filter out a few months by using the names attribute.
或者,我们可以通过使用names 属性来过滤掉几个月。
We could also assert the fact that April, September, June and November are 30 days long:
@EnumSource(value = Month.class, names = {"APRIL", "JUNE", "SEPTEMBER", "NOVEMBER"})
void someMonths_Are30DaysLong(Month month) {
final boolean isALeapYear = false;
assertEquals(30, month.length(isALeapYear));
By default, the names will only keep the matched enum values.
We can turn this around by setting the mode attribute to EXCLUDE:
value = Month.class,
mode = EnumSource.Mode.EXCLUDE)
void exceptFourMonths_OthersAre31DaysLong(Month month) {
final boolean isALeapYear = false;
assertEquals(31, month.length(isALeapYear));
In addition to literal strings, we can pass a regular expression to the names attribute:
除了字面字符串之外,我们还可以向names 属性传递一个正则表达式。
@EnumSource(value = Month.class, names = ".+BER", mode = EnumSource.Mode.MATCH_ANY)
void fourMonths_AreEndingWithBer(Month month) {
EnumSet<Month> months =
Quite similar to @ValueSource, @EnumSource is only applicable when we’re going to pass just one argument per test execution.
4.4. CSV Literals
4.4 CSV字样
Suppose we’re going to make sure that the toUpperCase() method from String generates the expected uppercase value. @ValueSource won’t be enough.
假设我们要确保 toUpperCase()方法从String产生预期的大写字母值。@ValueSource将是不够的。
To write a parameterized test for such scenarios, we have to
- Pass an input value and an expected value to the test method
- Compute the actual result with those input values
- Assert the actual value with the expected value
So, we need argument sources capable of passing multiple arguments.
The @CsvSource is one of those sources:
@CsvSource({"test,TEST", "tEst,TEST", "Java,JAVA"})
void toUpperCase_ShouldGenerateTheExpectedUppercaseValue(String input, String expected) {
String actualValue = input.toUpperCase();
assertEquals(expected, actualValue);
The @CsvSource accepts an array of comma-separated values, and each array entry corresponds to a line in a CSV file.
This source takes one array entry each time, splits it by comma and passes each array to the annotated test method as separate parameters.
By default, the comma is the column separator, but we can customize it using the delimiter attribute:
默认情况下,逗号是列的分隔符,但我们可以使用delimiter 属性对其进行自定义。
@CsvSource(value = {"test:test", "tEst:test", "Java:java"}, delimiter = ':')
void toLowerCase_ShouldGenerateTheExpectedLowercaseValue(String input, String expected) {
String actualValue = input.toLowerCase();
assertEquals(expected, actualValue);
Now it’s a colon-separated value, so still a CSV.
4.5. CSV Files
Instead of passing the CSV values inside the code, we can refer to an actual CSV file.
For example, we could use a CSV file like this:
We can load the CSV file and ignore the header column with @CsvFileSource:
@CsvFileSource(resources = "/data.csv", numLinesToSkip = 1)
void toUpperCase_ShouldGenerateTheExpectedUppercaseValueCSVFile(
String input, String expected) {
String actualValue = input.toUpperCase();
assertEquals(expected, actualValue);
The resources attribute represents the CSV file resources on the classpath to read. And, we can pass multiple files to it.
The numLinesToSkip attribute represents the number of lines to skip when reading the CSV files. By default, @CsvFileSource does not skip any lines, but this feature is usually useful for skipping the header lines like we did here.
numLinesToSkip属性表示读取CSV文件时要跳过的行数。默认情况下,@CsvFileSource 不会跳过任何行,但这个功能通常对跳过标题行很有用,就像我们在这里做的那样。
Just like the simple @CsvSource, the delimiter is customizable with the delimiter attribute.
In addition to the column separator, we have these capabilities:
- The line separator can be customized using the lineSeparator attribute — a newline is the default value.
- The file encoding is customizable using the encoding attribute — UTF-8 is the default value.
4.6. Method
4.6. 方法
The argument sources we’ve covered so far are somewhat simple and share one limitation. It’s hard or impossible to pass complex objects using them.
One approach to providing more complex arguments is to use a method as an argument source.
Let’s test the isBlank method with a @MethodSource:
void isBlank_ShouldReturnTrueForNullOrBlankStrings(String input, boolean expected) {
assertEquals(expected, Strings.isBlank(input));
The name we supply to @MethodSource needs to match an existing method.
So, let’s next write provideStringsForIsBlank, a static method that returns a Stream of Arguments:
private static Stream<Arguments> provideStringsForIsBlank() {
return Stream.of(
Arguments.of(null, true),
Arguments.of("", true),
Arguments.of(" ", true),
Arguments.of("not blank", false)
Here we’re literally returning a stream of arguments, but it’s not a strict requirement. For example, we can return any other collection-like interfaces like List.
If we’re going to provide just one argument per test invocation, then it’s not necessary to use the Arguments abstraction:
@MethodSource // hmm, no method name ...
void isBlank_ShouldReturnTrueForNullOrBlankStringsOneArgument(String input) {
private static Stream<String> isBlank_ShouldReturnTrueForNullOrBlankStringsOneArgument() {
return Stream.of(null, "", " ");
When we don’t provide a name for the @MethodSource, JUnit will search for a source method with the same name as the test method.
Sometimes, it’s useful to share arguments between different test classes. In these cases, we can refer to a source method outside of the current class by its fully qualified name:
class StringsUnitTest {
void isBlank_ShouldReturnTrueForNullOrBlankStringsExternalSource(String input) {
public class StringParams {
static Stream<String> blankStrings() {
return Stream.of(null, "", " ");
Using the FQN#methodName format, we can refer to an external static method.
4.7. Custom Argument Provider
Another advanced approach to pass test arguments is to use a custom implementation of an interface called ArgumentsProvider:
class BlankStringsArgumentsProvider implements ArgumentsProvider {
public Stream<? extends Arguments> provideArguments(ExtensionContext context) {
return Stream.of(
Arguments.of((String) null),
Arguments.of(" ")
Then we can annotate our test with the @ArgumentsSource annotation to use this custom provider:
然后,我们可以用@ArgumentsSource 注解来使用这个自定义的提供者,来注释我们的测试。
void isBlank_ShouldReturnTrueForNullOrBlankStringsArgProvider(String input) {
Let’s make the custom provider a more pleasant API to use with a custom annotation.
4.8. Custom Annotation
Suppose we want to load the test arguments from a static variable:
static Stream<Arguments> arguments = Stream.of(
Arguments.of(null, true), // null strings should be considered blank
Arguments.of("", true),
Arguments.of(" ", true),
Arguments.of("not blank", false)
void isBlank_ShouldReturnTrueForNullOrBlankStringsVariableSource(
String input, boolean expected) {
assertEquals(expected, Strings.isBlank(input));
Actually, JUnit 5 does not provide this. However, we can roll our own solution.
实际上,JUnit 5并没有提供这个功能。但是,我们可以推出自己的解决方案。
First, we can create an annotation:
public @interface VariableSource {
* The name of the static variable
String value();
Then we need to somehow consume the annotation details and provide test arguments. JUnit 5 provides two abstractions to achieve those:
然后,我们需要以某种方式获取注解细节,并提供测试参数。JUnit 5提供了两个抽象来实现这些。
- AnnotationConsumer to consume the annotation details
- ArgumentsProvider to provide test arguments
So, we next need to make the VariableArgumentsProvider class read from the specified static variable and return its value as test arguments:
class VariableArgumentsProvider
implements ArgumentsProvider, AnnotationConsumer<VariableSource> {
private String variableName;
public Stream<? extends Arguments> provideArguments(ExtensionContext context) {
return context.getTestClass()
.orElseThrow(() ->
new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to load test arguments"));
public void accept(VariableSource variableSource) {
variableName = variableSource.value();
private Field getField(Class<?> clazz) {
try {
return clazz.getDeclaredField(variableName);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
private Stream<Arguments> getValue(Field field) {
Object value = null;
try {
value = field.get(null);
} catch (Exception ignored) {}
return value == null ? null : (Stream<Arguments>) value;
And it works like a charm.
5. Argument Conversion
5.1. Implicit Conversion
Let’s re-write one of those @EnumTests with a @CsvSource:
@CsvSource({"APRIL", "JUNE", "SEPTEMBER", "NOVEMBER"}) // Pssing strings
void someMonths_Are30DaysLongCsv(Month month) {
final boolean isALeapYear = false;
assertEquals(30, month.length(isALeapYear));
This seems like it shouldn’t work, but it somehow does.
JUnit 5 converts the String arguments to the specified enum type. To support use cases like this, JUnit Jupiter provides a number of built-in implicit type converters.
JUnit 5将String 参数转换为指定的枚举类型。为了支持像这样的用例,JUnit Jupiter提供了一些内置的隐式类型转换器。
The conversion process depends on the declared type of each method parameter. The implicit conversion can convert the String instances to types such as the following:
- Locale
- LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, Year, Month, etc.
- File and Path
- URL and URI
- Enum subclasses
5.2. Explicit Conversion
We sometimes need to provide a custom and explicit converter for arguments.
Suppose we want to convert strings with the yyyy/mm/dd format to LocalDate instances.
First, we need to implement the ArgumentConverter interface:
class SlashyDateConverter implements ArgumentConverter {
public Object convert(Object source, ParameterContext context)
throws ArgumentConversionException {
if (!(source instanceof String)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The argument should be a string: " + source);
try {
String[] parts = ((String) source).split("/");
int year = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]);
int month = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
int day = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]);
return LocalDate.of(year, month, day);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to convert", e);
Then we should refer to the converter via the @ConvertWith annotation:
@CsvSource({"2018/12/25,2018", "2019/02/11,2019"})
void getYear_ShouldWorkAsExpected(
@ConvertWith(SlashyDateConverter.class) LocalDate date, int expected) {
assertEquals(expected, date.getYear());
6. Argument Accessor
By default, each argument provided to a parameterized test corresponds to a single method parameter. Consequently, when passing a handful of arguments via an argument source, the test method signature gets very large and messy.
One approach to address this issue is to encapsulate all passed arguments into an instance of ArgumentsAccessor and retrieve arguments by index and type.
Let’s consider our Person class:
class Person {
String firstName;
String middleName;
String lastName;
// constructor
public String fullName() {
if (middleName == null || middleName.trim().isEmpty()) {
return String.format("%s %s", firstName, lastName);
return String.format("%s %s %s", firstName, middleName, lastName);
To test the fullName() method, we’ll pass four arguments: firstName, middleName, lastName, and the expected fullName. We can use the ArgumentsAccessor to retrieve the test arguments instead of declaring them as method parameters:
为了测试fullName()方法,我们将传递四个参数。firstName,middleName,lastName和expected fullName。我们可以使用ArgumentsAccessor来检索测试参数,而不是将它们声明为方法参数。
@CsvSource({"Isaac,,Newton,Isaac Newton", "Charles,Robert,Darwin,Charles Robert Darwin"})
void fullName_ShouldGenerateTheExpectedFullName(ArgumentsAccessor argumentsAccessor) {
String firstName = argumentsAccessor.getString(0);
String middleName = (String) argumentsAccessor.get(1);
String lastName = argumentsAccessor.get(2, String.class);
String expectedFullName = argumentsAccessor.getString(3);
Person person = new Person(firstName, middleName, lastName);
assertEquals(expectedFullName, person.fullName());
Here, we’re encapsulating all passed arguments into an ArgumentsAccessor instance and then, in the test method body, retrieving each passed argument with its index. In addition to just being an accessor, type conversion is supported through get* methods:
- getString(index) retrieves an element at a specific index and converts it to String — the same is true for primitive types.
- get(index) simply retrieves an element at a specific index as an Object.
- get(index, type) retrieves an element at a specific index and converts it to the given type.
7. Argument Aggregator
Using the ArgumentsAccessor abstraction directly may make the test code less readable or reusable. In order to address these issues, we can write a custom and reusable aggregator.
To do that, we implement the ArgumentsAggregator interface:
class PersonAggregator implements ArgumentsAggregator {
public Object aggregateArguments(ArgumentsAccessor accessor, ParameterContext context)
throws ArgumentsAggregationException {
return new Person(
accessor.getString(1), accessor.getString(2), accessor.getString(3));
And then we reference it via the @AggregateWith annotation:
@CsvSource({"Isaac Newton,Isaac,,Newton", "Charles Robert Darwin,Charles,Robert,Darwin"})
void fullName_ShouldGenerateTheExpectedFullName(
String expectedFullName,
@AggregateWith(PersonAggregator.class) Person person) {
assertEquals(expectedFullName, person.fullName());
The PersonAggregator takes the last three arguments and instantiates a Person class out of them.
8. Customizing Display Names
By default, the display name for a parameterized test contains an invocation index along with a String representation of all passed arguments:
├─ someMonths_Are30DaysLongCsv(Month)
│ │ ├─ [1] APRIL
│ │ ├─ [2] JUNE
│ │ ├─ [3] SEPTEMBER
│ │ └─ [4] NOVEMBER
However, we can customize this display via the name attribute of the @ParameterizedTest annotation:
@ParameterizedTest(name = "{index} {0} is 30 days long")
@EnumSource(value = Month.class, names = {"APRIL", "JUNE", "SEPTEMBER", "NOVEMBER"})
void someMonths_Are30DaysLong(Month month) {
final boolean isALeapYear = false;
assertEquals(30, month.length(isALeapYear));
April is 30 days long surely is a more readable display name:
├─ someMonths_Are30DaysLong(Month)
│ │ ├─ 1 APRIL is 30 days long
│ │ ├─ 2 JUNE is 30 days long
│ │ ├─ 3 SEPTEMBER is 30 days long
│ │ └─ 4 NOVEMBER is 30 days long
The following placeholders are available when customizing the display name:
- {index} will be replaced with the invocation index. Simply put, the invocation index for the first execution is 1, for the second is 2, and so on.
- {arguments} is a placeholder for the complete, comma-separated list of arguments.
- {0}, {1}, ... are placeholders for individual arguments.
9. Conclusion
In this article, we explored the nuts and bolts of parameterized tests in JUnit 5.
在这篇文章中,我们探讨了JUnit 5中参数化测试的核心和细节。
We learned that parameterized tests are different from normal tests in two aspects: they’re annotated with the @ParameterizedTest, and they need a source for their declared arguments.
Also, by now, we should know that JUnit provides some facilities to convert the arguments to custom target types or to customize the test names.
As usual, the sample codes are available on our GitHub project, so make sure to check it out.