1. Introduction
Nowadays, it’s very common to write an application and deploy to the cloud and not worry about the infrastructure. Serverless and FaaS have become very popular.
In this type of environment, where instances are created and destroyed frequently, the time to boot and time to first request are extremely important, as they can create a completely different user experience.
Languages as JavaScript and Python are always in the spotlight in this type of scenario. In other words, Java with its fat JARs and long booting time was never a top contender.
In this tutorial, we’ll present Quarkus and discuss if it’s an alternative for bringing Java more effectively to the cloud.
2. Quarkus
QuarkusIO, the Supersonic Subatomic Java, promises to deliver small artifacts, extremely fast boot time, and lower time-to-first-request. When combined with GraalVM, Quarkus will compile ahead-of-time (AOT).
QuarkusIO,超音速亚原子 Java,承诺提供较小的人工制品、极快的启动时间和较低的首次请求时间。当与GraalVM相结合时,Quarkus将提前进行编译(AOT)。
And, since Quarkus is built on top of standards, we don’t need to learn anything new. Consequently, we can use CDI and JAX-RS, among others. Also, Quarkus has a lot of extensions, including ones that support Hibernate, Kafka, OpenShift, Kubernetes, and Vert.x.
而且,由于Quarkus是建立在标准之上的,我们不需要学习任何新的东西。因此,我们可以使用CDI和JAX-RS等。此外,Quarkus 有很多扩展,包括支持 Hibernate、Kafka、OpenShift、Kubernetes 和 Vert.x 的扩展。
3. Our First Application
The easiest way to create a new Quarkus project is to open a terminal and type:
mvn io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:0.13.1:create \
-DprojectGroupId=com.baeldung.quarkus \
-DprojectArtifactId=quarkus-project \
-DclassName="com.baeldung.quarkus.HelloResource" \
This will generate the project skeleton, a HelloResource with a /hello endpoint exposed, configuration, Maven project, and Dockerfiles.
Once imported into our IDE, we’ll have a structure similar to that shown in the image below:

Let’s examine the content of the HelloResource class:
public class HelloResource {
public String hello() {
return "hello";
Everything looks good so far. At this point, we have a simple application with a single RESTEasy JAX-RS endpoint. Let’s go ahead and test it by opening a terminal and running the command:
到目前为止,一切看起来都很好。在这一点上,我们有一个带有单个RESTEasy JAX-RS端点的简单应用。让我们继续,通过打开终端并运行命令来测试它。
./mvnw compile quarkus:dev:
Our REST endpoint should be exposed at localhost:8080/hello. Let’s test it with the curl command:
$ curl localhost:8080/hello
4. Hot Reload
When running in development mode (./mvn compile quarkus:dev), Quarkus provides a hot-reload capability. In other words, changes made to Java files or to configuration files will automatically be compiled once the browser is refreshed. The most impressive feature here is that we don’t need to save our files. This could be good or bad, depending on our preference.
当在开发模式下运行时(./mvn compile quarkus:dev),Quarkus提供了热加载功能。换句话说,一旦浏览器被刷新,对Java文件或配置文件的修改将自动被编译。这里最令人印象深刻的特点是,我们不需要保存我们的文件。这可能是好事,也可能是坏事,取决于我们的偏好。
We’ll now modify our example to demonstrate the hot-reload capability. If the application is stopped, we can simply restart it in dev mode. We’ll use the same example as before as our starting point.
First, we’ll create a HelloService class:
public class HelloService {
public String politeHello(String name){
return "Hello Mr/Mrs " + name;
Now, we’ll modify the HelloResource class, injecting the HelloService and adding a new method:
HelloService helloService;
public String greeting(@PathParam("name") String name) {
return helloService.politeHello(name);
Next, let’s test our new endpoint:
$ curl localhost:8080/hello/polite/Baeldung
Hello Mr/Mrs Baeldung
We’ll make one more change to demonstrate that the same can be applied to property files. Let’s edit the application.properties file and add one more key:
greeting=Good morning
After that, we’ll modify the HelloService to use our new property:
@ConfigProperty(name = "greeting")
private String greeting;
public String politeHello(String name){
return greeting + " " + name;
If we execute the same curl command, we should now see:
Good morning Baeldung
We can easily package the application by running:
./mvnw package
This will generate 2 jar files inside the target directory:
- quarkus-project-1.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar — an executable jar with the dependencies copied to target/lib
- quarkus-project-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar — contains classes and resource files
We can now run the packaged application:
java -jar target/quarkus-project-1.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar
5. Native Image
Next, we’ll produce a native image of our application. A native image will improve start-up time and time to first response. In other words, it contains everything it needs to run, including the minimal JVM necessary to run the application.
To start with, we need to have GraalVM installed and the GRAALVM_HOME environment variable configured.
We’ll now stop the application (Ctrl + C), if not stopped already, and run the command:
我们现在要停止应用程序(Ctrl + C),如果尚未停止的话,并运行该命令。
./mvnw package -Pnative
This can take a few seconds to complete. Because native images try to create all code AOT to boot faster, as a result, we’ll have longer build times.
We can run ./mvnw verify -Pnative to verify that our native artifact was properly constructed:
我们可以运行./mvnw verify -Pnative来验证我们的本地工件是否被正确构建。
Secondly, we’ll create a container image using our native executable. For that, we must have a container runtime (i.e. Docker) running in our machine. Let’s open up a terminal window and execute:
./mvnw package -Pnative -Dnative-image.docker-build=true
This will create a Linux 64-bit executable, therefore if we’re using a different OS, it might not be runnable anymore. That’s okay for now.
这将创建一个Linux 64位可执行文件,因此,如果我们使用不同的操作系统,它可能无法再运行。这在目前来说是没有问题的。
The project generation created a Dockerfile.native for us:
FROM registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora-minimal
WORKDIR /work/
COPY target/*-runner /work/application
RUN chmod 775 /work
CMD ["./application", "-Dquarkus.http.host="]
If we examine the file, we have a hint at what comes next. First, we’ll create a docker image:
docker build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.native -t quarkus/quarkus-project .
Now, we can run the container using:
docker run -i --rm -p 8080:8080 quarkus/quarkus-project
The container started in an incredibly low time of 0.009s. That’s one of the strengths of Quarkus.
Finally, we should test our modified REST to validate our application:
$ curl localhost:8080/hello/polite/Baeldung
Good morning Baeldung
6. Deploying to OpenShift
Once we’re done testing locally using Docker, we’ll deploy our container to OpenShift. Assuming we have the Docker image on our registry, we can deploy the application following the steps below:
oc new-build --binary --name=quarkus-project -l app=quarkus-project
oc patch bc/quarkus-project -p '{"spec":{"strategy":{"dockerStrategy":{"dockerfilePath":"src/main/docker/Dockerfile.native"}}}}'
oc start-build quarkus-project --from-dir=. --follow
oc new-app --image-stream=quarkus-project:latest
oc expose service quarkus-project
Now, we can get the application URL by running:
oc get route
Lastly, we’ll access the same endpoint (note that the URL might be different, depending on our IP address):
$ curl http://quarkus-project-myproject.
Good morning Baeldung
7. Conclusion
In this article, we demonstrated that Quarkus is a great addition that can bring Java more effectively to the cloud. For example, it’s possible now to imagine Java on AWS Lambda. Also, Quarkus is based on standards such as JPA and JAX/RS. Therefore, we don’t need to learn anything new.
在这篇文章中,我们展示了Quarkus是一个很好的补充,可以将Java更有效地带到云端。例如,现在可以想象Java在AWS Lambda上的情况。而且,Quarkus是基于JPA和JAX/RS等标准的。因此,我们不需要学习任何新东西。
Quarkus has caught a lot of attention lately, and lots of new features are being added every day. There are several quickstart projects for us to try Quarkus at Quarkus GitHub repository.
Quarkus最近引起了很多人的关注,每天都有很多新的功能被加入。在Quarkus GitHub 仓库,有几个快速启动项目供我们尝试Quarkus。
As always, the code for this article is available over on GitHub. Happy coding!