R2DBC – Reactive Relational Database Connectivity – R2DBC – 反应式关系型数据库连接性

最后修改: 2019年 7月 28日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll show how we can use R2DBC to perform database operations in a reactive way.


In order to explore R2DBC, we’ll create a simple Spring WebFlux REST application that implements CRUD operations for a single entity, using only asynchronous operations to achieve that goal.

为了探索R2DBC,我们将创建一个简单的Spring WebFlux REST应用,为一个实体实现CRUD操作,只使用异步操作来实现这一目标。

2. What Is R2DBC?


Reactive development is on the rise, with new frameworks coming every day and existing ones seeing increasing adoption. However, a major issue with reactive development is the fact that database access in the Java/JVM world remains basically synchronous. This is a direct consequence of the way JDBC was designed and led to some ugly hacks to adapt those two fundamentally different approaches.


To address the need for asynchronous database access in the Java land, two standards have emerged. The first one, ADBC (Asynchronous Database Access API), is backed by Oracle but, as of this writing, seems to be somewhat stalled, with no clear timeline.


The second one, which we’ll cover here, is R2DBC (Reactive Relational Database Connectivity), a community effort led by a team from Pivotal and other companies. This project, which is still in beta, has shown more vitality and already provides drivers for Postgres, H2, and MSSQL databases.

第二个是R2DBC(Reactive Relational Database Connectivity),这是一个由Pivotal公司和其他公司的团队领导的社区工作,我们将在这里介绍。这个项目仍处于测试阶段,显示出更大的活力,已经为Postgres、H2和MSSQL数据库提供驱动。

3. Project Setup


Using R2DBC in a project requires that we add dependencies to the core API and a suitable driver. In our example, we’ll be using H2, so this means just two dependencies:



Maven Central still has no R2DBC artifacts for now, so we also need to add a couple of Spring’s repositories to our project:


        <name>Spring Milestones</name>
       <name>Spring Snapshots</name>

4. Connection Factory Setup


The first thing we need to do to access a database using R2DBC is to create a ConnectionFactory object, which plays a similar role to JDBC’s DataSource. The most straightforward way to create a ConnectionFactory is through the ConnectionFactories class.


This class has static methods that take a ConnectionFactoryOptions object and return a ConnectionFactory. Since we’ll only need a single instance of our ConnectionFactory, let’s create a @Bean that we can later use via injection wherever we need:


public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory(R2DBCConfigurationProperties properties) {
    ConnectionFactoryOptions baseOptions = ConnectionFactoryOptions.parse(properties.getUrl());
    Builder ob = ConnectionFactoryOptions.builder().from(baseOptions);
    if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(properties.getUser())) {
        ob = ob.option(USER, properties.getUser());
    if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(properties.getPassword())) {
        ob = ob.option(PASSWORD, properties.getPassword());
    return ConnectionFactories.get(ob.build());    

Here, we take options received from a helper class decorated with the @ConfigurationProperties annotation and populate our ConnectionFactoryOptions instance. To populate it, R2DBC implements a builder pattern with a single option method that takes an Option and a value.


R2DBC defines a number of well-known options, such as USERNAME and PASSWORD that we’ve used above. Another way to set those options is to pass a connection string to the parse() method of the ConnectionFactoryOptions class.


Here’s an example of a typical R2DBC connection URL:



Let’s break this string into its components:


  • r2dbc: Fixed-scheme identifier for R2DBC URLs — another valid scheme is rd2bcs, used for SSL-secured connections
  • h2: Driver identifier used to locate the appropriate connection factory
  • mem: Driver-specific protocol — in our case, this corresponds to an in-memory database
  • //./testdb: Driver-specific string, usually containing host, database, and any additional options.

Once we have our option set ready, we pass it to the get() static factory method to create our ConnectionFactory bean.

一旦我们准备好了我们的选项集,我们就把它传递给get() 静态工厂方法来创建我们的ConnectionFactory bean。

5. Executing Statements


Similarly to JDBC, using R2DBC is mostly about sending SQL statements to the database and processing result sets. However, since R2DBC is a reactive API, it depends heavily on reactive streams types, such as Publisher and Subscriber.

与JDBC类似,使用R2DBC主要是向数据库发送SQL语句并处理结果集。然而,由于R2DBC是一个反应式API,它在很大程度上依赖于反应式流的类型,如Publisher Subscriber

Using those types directly is a bit cumbersome, so we’ll use project reactor’s types like Mono and Flux that help us to write cleaner and more concise code.


In the next sections, we’ll see how to implement database-related tasks by creating a reactive DAO class for a simple Account class. This class contains just three properties and has a corresponding table in our database:


public class Account {
    private Long id;
    private String iban;
    private BigDecimal balance;
    // ... getters and setters omitted

5.1. Getting a Connection


Before we can send any statements to the database, we need a Connection instance. We’ve already seen how to create a ConnectionFactory, so it’s no surprise that we’ll use it to get a Connection. What we must remember is that now, instead of getting a regular Connection, what we get is a Publisher of a single Connection.


Our ReactiveAccountDao, which is a regular Spring @Component, gets its ConnectionFactory via constructor injection, so it’s readily available in handler methods.

我们的ReactiveAccountDao,是一个常规的Spring @Component,它通过构造函数注入获得其ConnectionFactory,因此它可以在处理方法中随时使用。

Let’s take a look at the first couple of lines of the findById() method to see how to retrieve and start using a Connection:


public Mono<Account>> findById(Long id) {         
    return Mono.from(connectionFactory.create())
      .flatMap(c ->
          // use the connection
      // ... downstream processing omitted

Here, we’re adapting the Publisher returned from our ConnectionFactory into a Mono that is the initial source for our event stream.


5.1. Preparing and Submitting Statements


Now that we have a Connection, let’s use it to create a Statement and bind a parameter to it:


.flatMap( c -> 
    Mono.from(c.createStatement("select id,iban,balance from Account where id = $1")
      .bind("$1", id)
      .doFinally((st) -> close(c))

The Connection‘s method createStatement takes a SQL query string, which can optionally have bind placeholders — referred to as “markers” in the spec.

Connection的方法createStatement接收一个SQL查询字符串,该字符串可以选择绑定占位符 – 在规范中被称为 “标记”

A couple of noteworthy points here: first, createStatement is a synchronous operation, which allows us to use a fluent style to bind values to the returned Statement; second, and very important, placeholder/marker syntax is vendor-specific!


In this example, we’re using H2’s specific syntax, which uses $n to mark parameters. Other vendors may use different syntax, such as :param@Pn, or some other convention. This is an important aspect that we must pay attention to when migrating legacy code to this new API.


The binding process itself is quite straightforward, due to the fluent API pattern and simplified typing: there’s just a single overloaded bind() method that takes care of all typing conversions — subject to database rules, of course.


The first parameter passed to bind() can be a zero-based ordinal that corresponds to the marker’s placement in the statement, or it can be a string with the actual marker.


Once we’ve set values to all parameters, we call execute(), which returns a Publisher of Result objects, which we again wrap into a Mono for further processing. We attach a doFinally() handler to this Mono so that we make sure that we’ll close our connection whether the stream processing completes normally or not.


5.2. Processing Results


The next step in our pipeline is responsible for processing Result objects and generating a stream of ResponseEntity<Account> instances.

我们管道的下一步是负责处理Result对象并生成ResponseEntity<Account> instances

Since we know that there can be only one instance with the given id, we’ll actually return a Mono stream. The actual conversion happens inside the function passed to the map() method of the received Result:


.map(result -> result.map((row, meta) -> 
    new Account(row.get("id", Long.class),
      row.get("iban", String.class),
      row.get("balance", BigDecimal.class))))
.flatMap(p -> Mono.from(p));

The result’s map() method expects a function that takes two parameters. The first one is a Row object that we use to gather values for each column and populate an Account instance. The second, meta, is a RowMetadata object that contains information about the current row, such as column names and types.


The previous map() call in our pipeline resolves to a Mono<Producer<Account>>, but we need to return a Mono<Account> from this method. To fix this, we add a final flatMap() step, which adapts the Producer into a Mono.


5.3. Batch Statements


R2DBC also supports the creation and execution of statement batches, which allow for the execution of multiple SQL statements in a single execute() call. In contrast with regular statements, batch statements do not support binding and are mainly used for performance reasons in scenarios such as ETL jobs.


Our sample project uses a batch of statements to create the Account table and insert some test data into it:


public CommandLineRunner initDatabase(ConnectionFactory cf) {
    return (args) ->
        .flatMap(c -> 
              .add("drop table if exists Account")
              .add("create table Account(" +
                "id IDENTITY(1,1)," +
                "iban varchar(80) not null," +
                "balance DECIMAL(18,2) not null)")
              .add("insert into Account(iban,balance)" +
              .add("insert into Account(iban,balance)" +
            .doFinally((st) -> c.close())

Here, we use the Batch returned from createBatch() and add a few SQL statements. We then send those statements for execution using the same execute() method available in the Statement interface.


In this particular case, we are not interested in any results — just that the statements all execute fine. Had we needed any produced results, all we had to do is to add a downstream step in this stream to process the emitted Result objects.


6. Transactions


The last topic we’ll cover in this tutorial is transactions. As we should expect by now, we manage transactions as in JDBC, that is, by using methods available in the Connection object.

在本教程中,我们将涉及的最后一个主题是事务。正如我们现在所期望的那样,我们像在JDBC中一样管理事务,也就是说,通过使用Connection 对象中的方法。

As before, the main difference is that now all transaction-related methods are asynchronous, returning a Publisher that we must add to our stream at appropriate points.


Our sample project uses a transaction in its implementation of the createAccount()  method:

我们的示例项目在实现createAccount() 方法时使用了一个事务。

public Mono<Account> createAccount(Account account) {    
    return Mono.from(connectionFactory.create())
      .flatMap(c -> Mono.from(c.beginTransaction())
        .then(Mono.from(c.createStatement("insert into Account(iban,balance) values($1,$2)")
          .bind("$1", account.getIban())
          .bind("$2", account.getBalance())
        .map(result -> result.map((row, meta) -> 
            new Account(row.get("id", Long.class),
        .flatMap(pub -> Mono.from(pub))
        .delayUntil(r -> c.commitTransaction())
        .doFinally((st) -> c.close()));   

Here, we’ve added transaction-related calls in two points. First, right after getting a new connection from the database, we call the beginTransactionMethod(). Once we know that the transaction was successfully started, we prepare and execute the insert statement.


This time we’ve also used the returnGeneratedValues() method to instruct the database to return the identity value generated for this new Account. R2DBC returns those values in a Result containing a single row with all generated values, which we use to create the Account instance.


Once again, we need to adapt the incoming Mono<Publisher<Account>> into a Mono<Account>, so we add a flatMap() to solve thisNext, we commit the transaction in a delayUntil() step. We need this because we want to make sure the returned Account has already been committed to the database.


Finally, we attach a doFinally step to this pipeline that closes the Connection when all events from the returned Mono are consumed.


7. Sample DAO Usage


Now that we have a reactive DAO, let’s use it to create a simple Spring WebFlux application to showcase how to use it in a typical application. Since this framework already supports reactive constructs, this becomes a trivial task. For instance, let’s take a look at the implementation of the GET method:

现在我们有了一个反应式DAO,让我们用它来创建一个简单的Spring WebFlux应用程序,以展示如何在典型应用程序中使用它。由于该框架已经支持反应式结构,这就成为一项微不足道的任务。例如,让我们看一下GET方法的实现。

public class AccountResource {
    private final ReactiveAccountDao accountDao;

    public AccountResource(ReactiveAccountDao accountDao) {
        this.accountDao = accountDao;

    public Mono<ResponseEntity<Account>> getAccount(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
        return accountDao.findById(id)
          .map(acc -> new ResponseEntity<>(acc, HttpStatus.OK))
          .switchIfEmpty(Mono.just(new ResponseEntity<>(null, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)));
    // ... other methods omitted

Here, we’re using our DAO’s returned Mono to construct a ResponseEntity with the appropriate status code. We’re doing this just because we want a NOT_FOUND (404) status code when there is no Account with the given id.

在这里,我们使用 DAO 返回的 Mono 来构造一个具有适当状态代码的 ResponseEntity。我们这样做只是因为我们想要一个NOT_FOUND(404)状态代码,当没有Account具有给定的id。

8. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve covered the basics of reactive database access using R2DBC. Although in its infancy, this project is quickly evolving, targeting a release date sometime in early 2020.


Compared to ADBA, which will definitely not be part of Java 12, R2DBC seems to be more promising and already provides drivers for a few popular databases — Oracle being a notable absence here.

与肯定不会成为Java 12一部分的ADBA相比,R2DBC似乎更有前途,并且已经为一些流行的数据库提供了驱动–Oracle是这里明显的缺席。

As usual, the complete source code used in this tutorial is available over on Github.
