RabbitMQ Message Dispatching with Spring AMQP – 用Spring AMQP进行RabbitMQ消息调度

最后修改: 2017年 4月 22日


1. Introduction


In this tutorial, we’ll explore the concept of fanout and topic exchanges with Spring AMQP and RabbitMQ.

在本教程中,我们将探讨fanout的概念和Spring AMQPRabbitMQ的主题交换。

At a high level, fanout exchanges will broadcast the same message to all bound queues, while topic exchanges use a routing key for passing messages to a particular bound queue or queues.


Prior reading of Messaging With Spring AMQP is recommended for this tutorial.

本教程建议事先阅读Messaging With Spring AMQP>。

2. Setting Up a Fanout Exchange


Let’s set up one fanout exchange with two queues bound to it. When we send a message to this exchange both queues will receive the message. Our fanout exchange ignores any routing key included with the message.


Spring AMQP allows us to aggregate all the declarations of queues, exchanges, and bindings in a Declarables object:

Spring AMQP允许我们在一个Declarables对象中聚合所有队列、交换和绑定的声明:

public Declarables fanoutBindings() {
    Queue fanoutQueue1 = new Queue("fanout.queue1", false);
    Queue fanoutQueue2 = new Queue("fanout.queue2", false);
    FanoutExchange fanoutExchange = new FanoutExchange("fanout.exchange");

    return new Declarables(

3. Setting Up a Topic Exchange


Now, we’ll also set up a topic exchange with two queues, each with a different binding pattern:


public Declarables topicBindings() {
    Queue topicQueue1 = new Queue(topicQueue1Name, false);
    Queue topicQueue2 = new Queue(topicQueue2Name, false);

    TopicExchange topicExchange = new TopicExchange(topicExchangeName);

    return new Declarables(

A topic exchange allows us to bind queues to it with different key patterns. This is very flexible and allows us to bind multiple queues with the same pattern or even multiple patterns to the same queue.


When the message’s routing key matches the pattern, it will be placed in the queue. If a queue has multiple bindings which match the message’s routing key, only one copy of the message is placed on the queue.


Our binding patterns can use an asterisk (“*”) to match a word in a specific position or a pound sign (“#”) to match zero or more words.


So, our topicQueue1 will receive messages which have routing keys having a three-word pattern with the middle word being “important” – for example: “user.important.error” or “blog.important.notification”.

因此,我们的topicQueue1将接收具有三个字模式的路由键的消息,中间的字是 “重要”–例如。“user.important.error”“blog.important.notification”

And, our topicQueue2 will receive messages which have routing keys ending in the word error; matching examples are “error”, “user.important.error” or “blog.post.save.error”.


4. Setting Up a Producer


We’ll use the convertAndSend method of the RabbitTemplate to send our sample messages:


    String message = " payload is broadcast";
    return args -> {
        rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend(FANOUT_EXCHANGE_NAME, "", "fanout" + message);
            "topic important warn" + message);
            "topic important error" + message);

The RabbitTemplate provides many overloaded convertAndSend() methods for different exchange types.


When we send a message to a fanout exchange, the routing key is ignored, and the message is passed to all bound queues.


When we send a message to the topic exchange, we need to pass a routing key. Based on this routing key the message will be delivered to specific queues.


5. Configuring Consumers


Finally, let’s set up four consumers – one for each queue – to pick up the messages produced:


    @RabbitListener(queues = {FANOUT_QUEUE_1_NAME})
    public void receiveMessageFromFanout1(String message) {
        System.out.println("Received fanout 1 message: " + message);

    @RabbitListener(queues = {FANOUT_QUEUE_2_NAME})
    public void receiveMessageFromFanout2(String message) {
        System.out.println("Received fanout 2 message: " + message);

    @RabbitListener(queues = {TOPIC_QUEUE_1_NAME})
    public void receiveMessageFromTopic1(String message) {
        System.out.println("Received topic 1 (" + BINDING_PATTERN_IMPORTANT + ") message: " + message);

    @RabbitListener(queues = {TOPIC_QUEUE_2_NAME})
    public void receiveMessageFromTopic2(String message) {
        System.out.println("Received topic 2 (" + BINDING_PATTERN_ERROR + ") message: " + message);

We configure consumers using the @RabbitListener annotation. The only argument passed here is the queues’ name. Consumers are not aware here of exchanges or routing keys.


6. Running the Example


Our sample project is a Spring Boot application, and so it will initialize the application together with a connection to RabbitMQ and set up all queues, exchanges, and bindings.

我们的示例项目是一个 Spring Boot 应用程序,因此它将与 RabbitMQ 的连接一起初始化应用程序,并设置所有队列、交换和绑定。

By default, our application expects a RabbitMQ instance running on the localhost on port 5672. We can modify this and other defaults in application.yaml.

默认情况下,我们的应用程序希望有一个运行在端口为 5672 的 localhost 上的 RabbitMQ 实例。我们可以在 application.yaml 中修改这个和其他默认值。

Our project exposes HTTP endpoint on the URI – /broadcast – that accepts POSTs with a message in the request body.


When we send a request to this URI with body “Test” we should see something similar to this in the output:

当我们向这个URI发送一个主体为 “Test “的请求时,我们应该在输出中看到与此类似的东西。

Received fanout 1 message: fanout payload is broadcast
Received topic 1 (*.important.*) message: topic important warn payload is broadcast
Received topic 2 (#.error) message: topic important error payload is broadcast
Received fanout 2 message: fanout payload is broadcast
Received topic 1 (*.important.*) message: topic important error payload is broadcast

The order in which we will see these messages is, of course, not guaranteed.


7. Conclusion


In this quick tutorial, we covered fanout and topic exchanges with Spring AMQP and RabbitMQ.

在这个快速教程中,我们涵盖了Spring AMQP和RabbitMQ的扇出和主题交换。

The complete source code and all code snippets for this tutorial are available on the GitHub repository.
