1. Overview
Ratpack is a set of JVM based libraries built for modern days high-performance real-time applications. It’s built on top of embedded Netty event-driven networking engine and is fully compliant with the reactive design pattern.
In this article, we’ll learn how to use Ratpack and we’ll build a small application using it.
2. Why Ratpack?
The main advantages of Ratpack:
- it’s very lightweight, fast and scalable
- it consumes less memory than other frameworks such as DropWizard; an interesting benchmark comparison result can be found here
- since it’s built on top of Netty, Ratpack is totally event-driven and non-blocking in nature
- it has support for Guice dependency management
- much like Spring Boot, Ratpack has its own testing libraries to quickly setup test-cases
3. Creating an Application
To understand how Ratpack works, let’s start by creating a small application with it.
3.1. Maven Dependencies
First, let’s add the following dependencies into our pom.xml:
You can check the latest version on Maven Central.
Note that although we are using Maven as our build system, as per Ratpack recommendation, it’s better to use Gradle as a build tool since Ratpack has first-class Gradle support provided via the Ratpack’s Gradle plugin.
We can use the following build Gradle script:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "io.ratpack:ratpack-gradle:1.4.5"
apply plugin: "io.ratpack.ratpack-java"
repositories {
dependencies {
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.11'
runtime "org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.7.21"
test {
testLogging {
events 'started', 'passed'
3.2. Building the Application
Once our build management is configured, we need to create a class to start the embedded Netty server and build a simple context to handle the default requests:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
RatpackServer.start(server -> server.handlers(chain -> chain
.get(ctx -> ctx.render("Welcome to Baeldung ratpack!!!"))));
As we can see, by using RatpackServer we can now start the server (default port 5050). The handlers() method takes a function that receives a Chain object, which maps all the respective incoming requests. This “Handler Chain API” is used for building the response handling strategy.
我们可以看到,通过使用RatpackServer,我们现在可以启动服务器(默认端口5050)。handlers()方法接收一个函数,该函数接收一个链对象,该对象映射所有各自传入的请求。这个 “处理程序链API “被用于构建响应处理策略。
If we run this code snippet and hit the browser at http://localhost:5050, “Welcome to Baeldung ratpack!!!” should be displayed.
如果我们运行这个代码片段,并在http://localhost:5050,”欢迎来到Baeldung ratpack!!!”应该会显示。
Similarly, we can map an HTTP POST request.
同样地,我们可以映射一个HTTP POST请求。
3.3. Handling URL Path Parameters
3.3 处理URL路径参数
In the next example, we need to capture some URL path param in our application. In Ratpack we use PathTokens to capture them:
RatpackServer.start(server -> server
.handlers(chain -> chain
.get(":name", ctx -> ctx.render("Hello "
+ ctx.getPathTokens().get("name") + " !!!"))));
Here, we’re mapping the name URL param. Whenever a request like http://localhost:5050/John would come, the response will be “Hello John !!!”.
在这里,我们正在映射name URL参数。每当一个类似http://localhost:5050/John的请求到来时,响应将是 “Hello John !!”。
3.4. Request/Response Header Modification With/Without Filter
Sometimes, we need to modify the inline HTTP response header based on our need. Ratpack has MutableHeaders to customize outgoing responses.
For example, we need to alter following headers in the response: Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Accept-Language, and Accept-Charset:
例如,我们需要改变响应中的以下头信息。Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Accept-Language, 和Accept-Charset。
RatpackServer.start(server -> server.handlers(chain -> chain.all(ctx -> {
MutableHeaders headers = ctx.getResponse().getHeaders();
headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
headers.set("Accept-Language", "en-us");
headers.set("Accept-Charset", "UTF-8");
}).get(":name", ctx -> ctx
.render("Hello " + ctx.getPathTokens().get("name") + "!!!"))));
By using MutableHeaders we set are setting the three headers and pushing them in the Chain.
In the same way, we can check the incoming request headers too:
The same can be achieved by creating a filter. Ratpack has a Handler interface, which can be implemented to create a filter. It has only one method handle(), which takes the current Context as a parameter:
public class RequestValidatorFilter implements Handler {
public void handle(Context ctx) throws Exception {
MutableHeaders headers = ctx.getResponse().getHeaders();
headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
We can use this filter in the following way:
server -> server.handlers(chain -> chain
.all(new RequestValidatorFilter())
.get(ctx -> ctx.render("Welcome to baeldung ratpack!!!"))));
3.5. JSON Parser
3.5 JSON解析器
Ratpack internally uses faster-jackson for JSON parsing. We can use Jackson module to parse any object to JSON.
Let’s create a simple POJO class which will be used for parsing:
public class Employee {
private Long id;
private String title;
private String name;
// getters and setters
Here, we have created one simple POJO class named Employee, which has three parameters: id, title, and name. Now we will use this Employee object to convert into JSON and return the same when certain URL is hit:
在这里,我们创建了一个名为Employee的简单POJO类,它有三个参数。id, title, and name。现在我们将使用这个Employee对象来转换为JSON,并在某些URL被点击时返回相同的内容。
List<Employee> employees = new ArrayList<Employee>();
employees.add(new Employee(1L, "Mr", "John Doe"));
employees.add(new Employee(2L, "Mr", "White Snow"));
server -> server.handlers(chain -> chain
ctx -> ctx.render(Jackson.json(employees)))));
As we can see, we are manually adding two Employee objects into a list and parsing them as JSON using Jackson module. As soon as the /data/employees URL is hit, the JSON object will be returned.
正如我们所看到的,我们正在手动添加两个Employee对象到一个列表中,并使用Jackson模块将它们解析为JSON。一旦/data/employees URL被点击,JSON对象将被返回。
Point to note here is that we are not using ObjectMapper at all since Ratpack’s Jackson module will do the needful on the fly.
3.6. In-Memory Database
Ratpack has the first class support for in-memory databases. It uses HikariCP for JDBC connection pooling. In order to use it, we need to add Ratpack’s HikariCP module dependency in the pom.xml:
If we are using Gradle, the same needs to be added in the Gradle build file:
compile ratpack.dependency('hikari')
Now, we need to create an SQL file with table DDL statements so that the tables are created as soon as the server is up and running. We’ll create the DDL.sql file in the src/main/resources directory and add some DDL statements into it.
Since we’re using H2 database, we have to add dependencies for that too.
Now, by using HikariModule, we can initialize the database at the runtime:
server -> server.registry(Guice.registry(bindings ->
bindings.module(HikariModule.class, config -> {
"jdbc:h2:mem:baeldung;INIT=RUNSCRIPT FROM 'classpath:/DDL.sql'");
4. Testing
As mentioned earlier, Ratpack has first-class support for jUnit test cases. By using MainClassApplicationUnderTest we can easily create test cases and test the endpoints:
public class ApplicationTest {
MainClassApplicationUnderTest appUnderTest
= new MainClassApplicationUnderTest(Application.class);
public void givenDefaultUrl_getStaticText() {
assertEquals("Welcome to baeldung ratpack!!!",
public void givenDynamicUrl_getDynamicText() {
assertEquals("Hello dummybot!!!",
public void givenUrl_getListOfEmployee()
throws JsonProcessingException {
List<Employee> employees = new ArrayList<Employee>();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
employees.add(new Employee(1L, "Mr", "John Doe"));
employees.add(new Employee(2L, "Mr", "White Snow"));
public void shutdown() {
Please note that we need to manually terminate the running MainClassApplicationUnderTest instance by calling the close() method as it may unnecessarily block JVM resources. That’s why we have used @After annotation to forcefully terminate the instance once the test case executed.
5. Conclusion
In this article, we saw the simplicity of using Ratpack.
As always, the full source code is available over on GitHub.