1. Overview
A common feature of web applications is the ability to download files.
In this tutorial, we’ll cover a simple example of creating a downloadable file and serving it from a Java Servlet application.
在本教程中,我们将介绍一个创建可下载文件并从Java Servlet应用程序中提供服务的简单例子。
The file we are using will be from the webapp resources.
2. Maven Dependencies
If using Jakarta EE, then we wouldn’t need to add any dependencies. However, if we’re using Java SE, we’ll need the javax.servlet-api dependency:
如果使用Jakarta EE,那么我们就不需要添加任何依赖项。然而,如果我们使用Java SE,我们将需要javax.servlet-api依赖项。
The latest version of the dependency can be found here.
3. Servlet
Let’s have a look at the code first and then find out what’s going on:
public class DownloadServlet extends HttpServlet {
private final int ARBITARY_SIZE = 1048;
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
resp.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=sample.txt");
try(InputStream in = req.getServletContext().getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/sample.txt");
OutputStream out = resp.getOutputStream()) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[ARBITARY_SIZE];
int numBytesRead;
while ((numBytesRead = in.read(buffer)) > 0) {
out.write(buffer, 0, numBytesRead);
3.1. Request End Point
3.1 请求端点
@WebServlet(“/download”) annotation marks the DownloadServlet class to serve requests directed at the “/download” end-point.
Alternatively, we can do this by describing the mapping in the web.xml file.
3.2. Response Content-Type
The HttpServletResponse object has a method called as setContentType which we can use to set the Content-Type header of the HTTP response.
Content-Type is the historical name of the header property. Another name was the MIME type (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions). We now simply refer to the value as the Media Type.
Content-Type是该头文件属性的历史名称。另一个名称是MIME类型(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)。现在我们简单地把这个值称为媒体类型。
This value could be “application/pdf”, “text/plain”, “text/html”, “image/jpg”, etc., the official list is maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and can be found here.
这个值可以是 “application/pdf”、”text/plain”、”text/html”、”image/jpg “等等。,官方列表由互联网号码分配机构(IANA)维护,可以在这里找到。
For our example, we are using a simple text file. The Content-Type for a text file is “text/plain”.
对于我们的例子,我们使用的是一个简单的文本文件。文本文件的Content-Type是 “text/plain”。
3.3. Response Content-Disposition
Setting the Content-Disposition header in the response object tells the browser how to handle the file it is accessing.
在响应对象中设置Content-Disposition header,告诉浏览器如何处理它所访问的文件。
Browsers understand the use of Content-Disposition as a convention but it’s not actually a part of the HTTP standard. W3 has a memo on the use of Content-Disposition available to read here.
The Content-Disposition values for the main body of a response will be either “inline” (for webpage content to be rendered) or “attachment” (for a downloadable file).
响应主体的Content-Disposition值将是 “inline”(用于渲染网页内容)或 “附件”(用于可下载的文件)。
If not specified, the default Content-Disposition is “inline”.
如果没有指定,默认Content-Disposition是 “inline”。
Using an optional header parameter, we can specify the filename “sample.txt”.
使用一个可选的标题参数,我们可以指定文件名 “sample.txt”。
Some browsers will immediately download the file using the given filename and others will show a download dialog containing our predefined value.
The exact action taken will depend on the browser.
3.4. Reading From File and Writing to Output Stream
In the remaining lines of code, we take the ServletContext from the request, and use it to obtain the file at “/WEB-INF/sample.txt”.
在剩下的几行代码中,我们从请求中获取ServletContext,并使用它来获取”/WEB-INF/sample.txt “中的文件。
Using HttpServletResponse#getOutputStream(), we then read from the input stream of the resource and write to the response’s OutputStream.
The size of the byte array we use is arbitrary. We can decide the size based on the amount of memory is reasonable to allocate for passing the data from the InputStream to the OutputStream; the smaller the nuber, the more loops; the bigger the number, the higher memory usage.
This cycle continues until numByteRead is 0 as that indicates the end of the file.
3.5. Close and Flush
Stream instances must be closed after use to release any resources it is currently holding. Writer instances must also be flushed to write any remaining buffered bytes to it’s destination.
Using a try-with-resources statement, the application will automatically close any AutoCloseable instance defined as part of the try statement. Read more about try-with-resources here.
使用try-with-resources语句,应用程序将自动关闭作为try语句一部分定义的任何AutoCloseable实例。阅读有关 try-with-resources 的更多信息这里。
We use these two methods to release memory, ensuring that the data we have prepared is sent out from our application.
3.6. Downloading the File
With everything in place, we are now ready to run our Servlet.
Now when we visit the relative end-point “/download”, our browser will attempt to download the file as “simple.txt”.
现在,当我们访问相对端点“/download”时,我们的浏览器将尝试下载文件为 “simple.txt”。
4. Conclusion
Downloading a file from a Servlet becomes a simple process. Using streams allow us to pass out the data as bytes and the Media Types inform the client browser what type of data to expect.
It is down to the browser to determine how to handle the response, however, we can give some guidelines with the Content-Disposition header.
All code in this article can be found over over on GitHub.