Introduction to Spring AOP – Spring AOP简介

最后修改: 2017年 11月 5日


1. Introduction


In this tutorial, we’ll introduce AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) with Spring, and learn how we can use this powerful tool in practical scenarios.


It’s also possible to leverage AspectJ’s annotations when developing with Spring AOP, but in this article, we’ll focus on the core Spring AOP XML-based configuration.

在使用 Spring AOP 进行开发时,也可以利用AspectJ 的注释,但在本文中,我们将重点讨论基于 XML 的核心 Spring AOP 配置。

2. Overview


AOP is a programming paradigm that aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns. It does this by adding additional behavior to existing code without modifying the code itself.


Instead, we can declare the new code and the new behaviors separately.


Spring’s AOP framework helps us implement these cross-cutting concerns.


3. Maven Dependencies


Let’s start by adding Spring’s AOP library dependency in the pom.xml:



The latest version of the dependency can be checked here.


4. AOP Concepts and Terminology


Let’s briefly go over the concepts and terminology specific to AOP:


Program Execution

4.1. Business Object


A business object is a normal class that has a normal business logic. Let’s look at a simple example of a business object where we just add two numbers:


public class SampleAdder {
    public int add(int a, int b) {
        return a + b;

Note that this class is a normal class with business logic, without any Spring-related annotations.


4.2. Aspect


An aspect is a modularization of a concern that cuts across multiple classes. Unified logging can be an example of such cross-cutting concern.


Let’s see how we define a simple Aspect:


public class AdderAfterReturnAspect {
    private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
    public void afterReturn(Object returnValue) throws Throwable {"value return was {}",  returnValue);

In the above example, we defined a simple Java class that has a method called afterReturn, which takes one argument of type Object and logs in that value. Note that even our AdderAfterReturnAspect is a standard class, free of any Spring annotations.


In the next sections, we’ll see how we can wire this Aspect to our Business Object.


4.3. Joinpoint


A Joinpoint is a point during the execution of a program, such as the execution of a method or the handling of an exception.


In Spring AOP, a JoinPoint always represents a method execution.

在Spring AOP中,一个JoinPoint总是代表一个方法的执行。

4.4. Pointcut


A Pointcut is a predicate that helps match an Advice to be applied by an Aspect at a particular JoinPoint.


We often associate the Advice with a Pointcut expression, and it runs at any Joinpoint matched by the Pointcut.


4.5. Advice

4.5 建议

An Advice is an action taken by an aspect at a particular Joinpoint. Different types of advice include “around,” “before,” and “after.”


In Spring, an Advice is modelled as an interceptor, maintaining a chain of interceptors around the Joinpoint.


4.6. Wiring Business Object and Aspect


Now let’s look at how we can wire a Business Object to an Aspect with an After-Returning advice.


Below is the config excerpt that we’d place in a standard Spring config in the “<beans>” tag:


<bean id="sampleAdder" class="org.baeldung.logger.SampleAdder" />
<bean id="doAfterReturningAspect" 
  class="org.baeldung.logger.AdderAfterReturnAspect" />
    <aop:aspect id="aspects" ref="doAfterReturningAspect">
       <aop:pointcut id="pointCutAfterReturning" expression=
         "execution(* org.baeldung.logger.SampleAdder+.*(..))"/>
       <aop:after-returning method="afterReturn"
         returning="returnValue" pointcut-ref="pointCutAfterReturning"/>

As we can see, we defined a simple bean called simpleAdder, which represents an instance of a Business Object. In addition, we created an instance of an Aspect called AdderAfterReturnAspect.


Of course, XML isn’t our only option here; as mentioned before, AspectJ annotations are fully supported as well.


4.7. Configuration at Glance


We can use tag aop:config for defining AOP-related configuration. Within the config tag, we define the class that represents an aspect. Then we give it a reference of “doAfterReturningAspect,” an aspect bean that we created.

我们可以使用标签aop:config来定义AOP相关配置。config标签中,我们定义了代表一个方面的类。然后我们给它一个“doAfterReturningAspect “的引用,一个我们创建的方面Bean。

Next we define a Pointcut using the pointcut tag. The pointcut used in the example above is execution(* org.baeldung.logger.SampleAdder+.*(..)), which means apply an advice on any method within the SampleAdder class that accepts any number of arguments and returns any value type.

接下来我们使用pointcut标签定义一个Pointcut。在上面的例子中使用的pointcut是execution(* org.baeldung.logger.SampleAdder+.*(.)),这意味着对SampleAdder类中接受任何数量参数并返回任何值类型的任何方法应用一个建议。

Then we define which advice we want to apply. In the above example, we applied the after-returning advice. We defined this in our Aspect AdderAfterReturnAspect by executing the afterReturn method that we defined using the attribute method.

然后我们定义我们要应用的建议。在上面的例子中,我们应用了返回后的建议。我们在我们的Aspect AdderAfterReturnAspect中通过执行我们用属性方法定义的afterReturn方法来定义这个。

This advice within Aspect takes one parameter of type Object. The parameter gives us an opportunity to take an action before and/or after the target method call. In this case, we just log the method’s return value.


Spring AOP supports multiple types of advice using annotation-based config. This and more examples can be found here and here.

Spring AOP支持使用基于注解的配置的多种类型的建议。这一点以及更多的例子可以在这里这里找到。

5. Conclusion


In this article, we illustrated the concepts used in AOP. We also looked at examples of using the AOP module of Spring. If we want to learn more about AOP, we can look at the following resources:


The implementation of these examples can be found over on GitHub.
