Using Apache Camel with Spring – 在Spring中使用Apache Camel

最后修改: 2016年 2月 22日


1. Overview


This article will demonstrate how to configure and use Apache Camel with Spring.

本文将演示如何将Apache Camel与Spring进行配置和使用。

Apache Camel provides quite a lot of useful components that support libraries such as JPA, Hibernate, FTP, Apache-CXF, AWS-S3 and of course many others – all to help integrating data between two different systems.

Apache Camel提供了相当多的有用组件,支持诸如JPA, Hibernate, FTP, Apache-CXF, AWS-S3,当然还有许多其他系统 – 所有这些都有助于在两个不同系统之间整合数据。

For example, using the Hibernate and Apache CXF components, you could pull data from a database and send it to another system over REST API calls.

例如,使用Hibernate和Apache CXF组件,你可以从数据库中提取数据并通过REST API调用将其发送到另一个系统。

In this tutorial, we’ll go over a simple Camel example – reading a file and converting its contents to uppercase and then back to lowercase. We’re going to use Camel’s File component and Spring 4.2.

在本教程中,我们将讨论一个简单的Camel例子–读取一个文件并将其内容转换为大写字母,然后再转换为小写字母。我们将使用Camel的文件组件和Spring 4.2。

Here are the full details of the example:


  1. Read file from source directory
  2. Convert file content to uppercase using a custom Processor
  3. Write converted output to a destination directory
  4. Convert file content to lowercase using Camel Translator
  5. Write converted output to a destination directory

2. Add Dependencies


To use Apache Camel with Spring, you will need the following dependencies in your POM file:

要在Spring中使用Apache Camel,你需要在你的POM文件中加入以下依赖项。



So, we have:


  • camel-core – the main dependency for Apache Camel
  • camel-spring – enables us use Camel with Spring
  • camel-stream – an optional dependency, which you can use (for example) to display some messages on the console while routes are running
  • spring-context – the standard Spring dependency, required in our case as we are going to run Camel routes in a Spring context

3. Spring Camel Context


First, we’ll create the Spring Config file where we will later define our Camel routes.


Notice how the file contains all required Apache Camel and Spring namespaces and schema locations:

注意该文件包含了所有需要的Apache Camel和Spring命名空间和模式位置。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""


	<camelContext xmlns="">
            <!-- Add routes here -->


The <camelContext> element represents (unsurprisingly) the Camel context, which can be compared to a Spring application context. Now your context file is ready to start defining Camel routes.


3.1. Camel Route With Custom Processor


Next we’ll write our first route to convert file content to uppercase.


We need to define a source from which the route will read data. This can be a database, file, console, or any number of other sources. In our case, it will be file.


Then we need to define the processor of the data that will be read from the source. For this example, we are going to write a custom processor class. This class will be a Spring bean which will implement the standard Camel Processor Interface.

然后我们需要定义将从源头读取的数据的处理器。在这个例子中,我们将编写一个自定义的处理器类。这个类将是一个Spring Bean,它将实现标准的Camel处理器接口

Once the data is processed, we need to tell the route to where to direct the processed data. Once again, this could be one of a wide variety of outputs, such as a database, file, or the console. In our case, we are going to store it in a file.


To set up these steps, including the input, processor, and output, add the following route to the Camel context file:


    <from uri="file://data/input" /> <!-- INPUT -->
    <process ref="myFileProcessor" /> <!-- PROCESS -->
    <to uri="file://data/outputUpperCase" /> <!-- OUTPUT -->

Additionally, we must define the myFileProcessor bean:


<bean id="myFileProcessor" class="org.apache.camel.processor.FileProcessor" />

3.2. Custom Uppercase Processor


Now we need to create the custom file processor we defined in our bean. It must implement the Camel Processor interface, defining a single process method, which takes an Exchange object as its input. This object provides the details of the data from the input source.

现在我们需要创建我们在Bean中定义的自定义文件处理器。它必须实现Camel Processor接口,定义一个单一的process方法,该方法接收一个Exchange对象作为其输入。这个对象提供了来自输入源的数据的详细信息。

Our method must read the message from the Exchange, uppercase the content, and then set that new content back into the Exchange object:


public class FileProcessor implements Processor {

    public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
        String originalFileContent = (String) exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
        String upperCaseFileContent = originalFileContent.toUpperCase();

This process method will be executed for every input received from the source.


3.3. Lowercase Processor


Now we will add another output to our Camel route. This time, we will convert the same input file’s data into lowercase. This time, we will not use a custom processor, however; we will use Apache Camel’s Message Translator feature. This is the updated Camel route:

现在我们将为我们的Camel路由添加另一个输出。这一次,我们将把同一个输入文件的数据转换成小写字母。不过,这次我们将不使用自定义处理器;我们将使用Apache Camel的Message Translator功能。这就是更新后的Camel路线。

    <from uri="file://data/input" />
    <process ref="myFileProcessor" />
    <to uri="file://data/outputUppperCase" />
    <to uri="file://data/outputLowerCase" />

4. Running the Application


In order to have our routes be processed, we simply need to load the Camel context file into a Spring application context:


ClassPathXmlApplicationContext applicationContext = 
  new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("camel-context.xml");

Once the route has been run successfully, two files will have been created: one with uppercase content, and one with lowercase content.


5. Conclusion


If you’re doing integration work, Apache Camel can definitely make things easier. The library provides plug-and-play components that will help you reduce boilerplate code and focus on the main logic of processing data.

如果你在做集成工作,Apache Camel肯定能让事情变得更容易。该库提供了即插即用的组件,可以帮助你减少模板代码,把注意力放在处理数据的主要逻辑上。

And if you want to explore the Enterprise Integration Patterns concepts in detail, you should have a look at this book written by Gregor Hohpe and and Bobby Woolf, who conceptualize the EIPs very cleanly.

如果你想详细探讨企业集成模式的概念,你应该看看这本书,作者是Gregor Hohpe和和Bobby Woolf,他们把EIP的概念说得非常清楚。

The example described in this article is available in a project on GitHub.
