What is a Spring Bean? – 什么是Spring Bean?

最后修改: 2018年 9月 28日


1. Overview


Bean is a key concept of the Spring Framework. So understanding this notion is crucial to get the hang of the framework and use it in an effective way.


Unfortunately, there aren’t clear answers to the simple question of what a Spring bean really is. Some explanations go to such a low level that the big picture is missed, whereas others are too vague.

不幸的是,对于Spring Bean到底是什么这个简单的问题,并没有明确的答案。有些解释到了很低的层次,以至于错过了大局,而有些解释则过于模糊。

This tutorial will try to shed light on the topic, starting with a description in the official documentation.


2. Bean Definition


Here’s a definition of beans in the Spring Framework documentation:


In Spring, the objects that form the backbone of your application and that are managed by the Spring IoC container are called beans. A bean is an object that is instantiated, assembled, and otherwise managed by a Spring IoC container.

在Spring中,构成你的应用程序的骨干并由Spring IoC容器管理的对象被称为Bean。Bean是一个由Spring IoC容器实例化、组装和管理的对象。

This definition is concise and gets to the point but fails to elaborate on an important element: the Spring IoC container. Let’s take a closer look to see what it is and the benefits it brings in.

这个定义简明扼要,切中要害但却没有详细说明一个重要的元素:Spring IoC容器。让我们仔细看看它是什么以及它带来的好处。

3. Inversion of Control


Simply put, Inversion of Control (IoC) is a process in which an object defines its dependencies without creating them. This object delegates the job of constructing such dependencies to an IoC container.


Let’s start with the declaration of a couple of domain classes before diving into IoC.


3.1. Domain Classes


Assume we have a class declaration:


public class Company {
    private Address address;

    public Company(Address address) {
        this.address = address;

    // getter, setter and other properties

This class needs a collaborator of type Address:


public class Address {
    private String street;
    private int number;

    public Address(String street, int number) {
        this.street = street;
        this.number = number;

    // getters and setters

3.2. Traditional Approach


Normally, we create objects with their classes’ constructors:


Address address = new Address("High Street", 1000);
Company company = new Company(address);

There’s nothing wrong with this approach, but wouldn’t it be nice to manage the dependencies in a better way?


Imagine an application with dozens or even hundreds of classes. Sometimes we want to share a single instance of a class across the whole application, other times we need a separate object for each use case, and so on.


Managing such a number of objects is nothing short of a nightmare. This is where inversion of control comes to the rescue.


Instead of constructing dependencies by itself, an object can retrieve its dependencies from an IoC container. All we need to do is to provide the container with appropriate configuration metadata.


3.3. Bean Configuration


First off, let’s decorate the Company class with the @Component annotation:


public class Company {
    // this body is the same as before

Here’s a configuration class supplying bean metadata to an IoC container:


@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = Company.class)
public class Config {
    public Address getAddress() {
        return new Address("High Street", 1000);

The configuration class produces a bean of type Address. It also carries the @ComponentScan annotation, which instructs the container to look for beans in the package containing the Company class.

该配置类产生一个 Address 类型的 bean。它还带有 @ComponentScan 注解,该注解指示容器在包含 Company 类的包中寻找 bean。

When a Spring IoC container constructs objects of those types, all the objects are called Spring beans, as they are managed by the IoC container.

当Spring IoC容器构建这些类型的对象时,所有对象都被称为Spring Bean,因为它们由IoC容器管理。

3.4. IoC in Action


Since we defined beans in a configuration class, we’ll need an instance of the AnnotationConfigApplicationContext class to build up a container:


ApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Config.class);

A quick test verifies the existence and the property values of our beans:


Company company = context.getBean("company", Company.class);
assertEquals("High Street", company.getAddress().getStreet());
assertEquals(1000, company.getAddress().getNumber());

The result proves that the IoC container has created and initialized beans correctly.


4. Conclusion


This article gave a brief description of Spring beans and their relationship with an IoC container.

这篇文章对Spring Bean及其与IoC容器的关系进行了简要描述。

The complete source code can be found over on GitHub.
