Spring Bean Annotations – SpringBean注解

最后修改: 2015年 10月 25日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the most common Spring bean annotations used to define different types of beans.

在本教程中,我们将讨论最常见的Spring Bean注释,用于定义不同类型的Bean。

There are several ways to configure beans in a Spring container. Firstly, we can declare them using XML configuration. We can also declare beans using the @Bean annotation in a configuration class.


Finally, we can mark the class with one of the annotations from the org.springframework.stereotype package, and leave the rest to component scanning.


2. Component Scanning


Spring can automatically scan a package for beans if component scanning is enabled.


@ComponentScan configures which packages to scan for classes with annotation configuration. We can specify the base package names directly with one of the basePackages or value arguments (value is an alias for basePackages):


@ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.baeldung.annotations")
class VehicleFactoryConfig {}

Also, we can point to classes in the base packages with the basePackageClasses argument:


@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = VehicleFactoryConfig.class)
class VehicleFactoryConfig {}

Both arguments are arrays so that we can provide multiple packages for each.


If no argument is specified, the scanning happens from the same package where the @ComponentScan annotated class is present.


@ComponentScan leverages the Java 8 repeating annotations feature, which means we can mark a class with it multiple times:

@ComponentScan利用了Java 8的重复注释功能,这意味着我们可以用它多次标记一个类。

@ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.baeldung.annotations")
@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = VehicleFactoryConfig.class)
class VehicleFactoryConfig {}

Alternatively, we can use @ComponentScans to specify multiple @ComponentScan configurations:


  @ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.baeldung.annotations"), 
  @ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = VehicleFactoryConfig.class)
class VehicleFactoryConfig {}

When using XML configuration, the configuring component scanning is just as easy:


<context:component-scan base-package="com.baeldung" />

3. @Component


@Component is a class level annotation. During the component scan, Spring Framework automatically detects classes annotated with @Component:

@Component是一个类级注解。在组件扫描过程中,Spring Framework会自动检测带有@Component:注解的类。

class CarUtility {
    // ...

By default, the bean instances of this class have the same name as the class name with a lowercase initial. In addition, we can specify a different name using the optional value argument of this annotation.


Since @Repository, @Service, @Configuration, and @Controller are all meta-annotations of @Component, they share the same bean naming behavior. Spring also automatically picks them up during the component scanning process.


4. @Repository


DAO or Repository classes usually represent the database access layer in an application, and should be annotated with @Repository:


class VehicleRepository {
    // ...

One advantage of using this annotation is that it has automatic persistence exception translation enabled. When using a persistence framework, such as Hibernate, native exceptions thrown within classes annotated with @Repository will be automatically translated into subclasses of Spring’s DataAccessExeption.

使用该注解的一个好处是,它启用了自动持久化异常转换功能。当使用持久化框架(如 Hibernate)时,在用 @Repository 注释的类中抛出的本地异常将被自动翻译成 Spring 的 DataAccessExeption 的子类。

To enable exception translation, we need to declare our own PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor bean:


public PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor exceptionTranslation() {
    return new PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor();

Note that in most cases, Spring does the above step automatically.


Or via XML configuration:


<bean class=

5. @Service


The business logic of an application usually resides within the service layer, so we’ll use the @Service annotation to indicate that a class belongs to that layer:


public class VehicleService {
    // ...    

6. @Controller


@Controller is a class level annotation, which tells the Spring Framework that this class serves as a controller in Spring MVC:

@Controller是一个类级别的注解,它告诉Spring框架这个类在Spring MVC中充当控制器

public class VehicleController {
    // ...

7. @Configuration


Configuration classes can contain bean definition methods annotated with @Bean:


class VehicleFactoryConfig {

    Engine engine() {
        return new Engine();


8. Stereotype Annotations and AOP


When we use Spring stereotype annotations, it’s easy to create a pointcut that targets all classes that have a particular stereotype.


For instance, suppose we want to measure the execution time of methods from the DAO layer. We’ll create the following aspect (using AspectJ annotations), taking advantage of the @Repository stereotype:


public class PerformanceAspect {
    @Pointcut("within(@org.springframework.stereotype.Repository *)")
    public void repositoryClassMethods() {};

    public Object measureMethodExecutionTime(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) 
      throws Throwable {
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        Object returnValue = joinPoint.proceed();
        long end = System.nanoTime();
        String methodName = joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
          "Execution of " + methodName + " took " + 
          TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(end - start) + " ms");
        return returnValue;

In this example, we created a pointcut that matches all the methods in classes annotated with @Repository. Then we used the @Around advice to target that pointcut, and determine the execution time of the intercepted methods calls.


Furthermore, using this approach, we can add logging, performance management, audit, and other behaviors to each application layer.


9. Conclusion


In this article, we examined the Spring stereotype annotations and discussed what type of semantics they each represent.


We also learned how to use component scanning to tell the container where to find annotated classes.


Finally, we learned how these annotations lead to a clean, layered design, and separation between the concerns of an application. They also make configuration smaller, as we no longer need to explicitly define beans manually.


As usual, the examples are available over on GitHub.


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