1. Overview
In this article, we introduce the Spring Boot Actuator. We’ll cover the basics first, then discuss in detail what’s available in Spring Boot 2.x vs 1.x.
在这篇文章中,我们将介绍Spring Boot Actuator。我们将首先介绍基础知识,然后详细讨论Spring Boot 2.x与1.x中的可用功能。
We’ll learn how to use, configure, and extend this monitoring tool in Spring Boot 2.x and WebFlux, taking advantage of the reactive programming model. Then we’ll discuss how to do the same using Boot 1.x.
我们将学习如何利用反应式编程模型,在Spring Boot 2.x和WebFlux中使用、配置和扩展这个监控工具。然后我们将讨论如何使用Boot 1.x做同样的事情。
Spring Boot Actuator is available since April 2014, together with the first Spring Boot release.
自2014年4月起,Spring Boot Actuator与第一个Spring Boot版本一起提供。
With the release of Spring Boot 2, Actuator has been redesigned, and new exciting endpoints were added.
随着Spring Boot 2的发布,Actuator已被重新设计,并增加了新的令人兴奋的端点。
We split this guide into three main sections:
2. What Is an Actuator?
In essence, Actuator brings production-ready features to our application.
Monitoring our app, gathering metrics, understanding traffic, or the state of our database become trivial with this dependency.
The main benefit of this library is that we can get production-grade tools without having to actually implement these features ourselves.
Actuator is mainly used to expose operational information about the running application — health, metrics, info, dump, env, etc. It uses HTTP endpoints or JMX beans to enable us to interact with it.
Once this dependency is on the classpath, several endpoints are available for us out of the box. As with most Spring modules, we can easily configure or extend it in many ways.
2.1. Getting Started
To enable Spring Boot Actuator, we just need to add the spring-boot-actuator dependency to our package manager.
要启用Spring Boot Actuator,我们只需要将spring-boot-actuator依赖性添加到我们的软件包管理器中。
In Maven:
Note that this remains valid regardless of the Boot version, as versions are specified in the Spring Boot Bill of Materials (BOM).
请注意,无论Boot版本如何,这都是有效的,因为版本是在Spring Boot材料清单(BOM)中指定的。
3. Spring Boot 2.x Actuator
3.Spring Boot 2.x Actuator
In 2.x, Actuator keeps its fundamental intent but simplifies its model, extends its capabilities, and incorporates better defaults.
First, this version becomes technology-agnostic. It also simplifies its security model by merging it with the application one.
Among the various changes, it’s important to keep in mind that some of them are breaking. This includes HTTP requests and responses as well as Java APIs.
在各种变化中,重要的是要记住,其中一些是破坏性的。这包括HTTP请求和响应,以及Java APIs。
Lastly, the latest version now supports the CRUD model as opposed to the old read/write model.
3.1. Technology Support
With its second major version, Actuator is now technology-agnostic whereas in 1.x it was tied to MVC, therefore to the Servlet API.
在其第二个主要版本中,Actuator现在是与技术无关的,而在1.x版本中,它是与MVC相联系的,因此与Servlet API相联系。
In 2.x, Actuator defines its model as pluggable and extensible without relying on MVC for this.
Hence, with this new model, we’re able to take advantage of MVC as well as WebFlux as an underlying web technology.
Moreover, forthcoming technologies could be added by implementing the right adapters.
Finally, JMX remains supported to expose endpoints without any additional code.
3.2. Important Changes
Unlike in previous versions, Actuator comes with most endpoints disabled.
Thus, the only two available by default are /health and /info.
If we want to enable all of them, we could set management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=*. Alternatively, we can list endpoints that should be enabled.
Actuator now shares the security config with the regular App security rules, so the security model is dramatically simplified.
Therefore, to tweak Actuator security rules, we could just add an entry for /actuator/**:
public SecurityWebFilterChain securityWebFilterChain(
ServerHttpSecurity http) {
return http.authorizeExchange()
We can find further details on the brand new Actuator official docs.
Also, by default, all Actuator endpoints are now placed under the /actuator path.
Same as in the previous version, we can tweak this path using the new property management.endpoints.web.base-path.
3.3. Predefined Endpoints
Let’s have a look at some available endpoints, most of which were available in 1.x already.
Also, some endpoints have been added, some removed and some have been restructured:
- /auditevents lists security audit-related events such as user login/logout. Also, we can filter by principal or type among other fields.
- /beans returns all available beans in our BeanFactory. Unlike /auditevents, it doesn’t support filtering.
- /conditions, formerly known as /autoconfig, builds a report of conditions around autoconfiguration.
- /configprops allows us to fetch all @ConfigurationProperties beans.
- /env returns the current environment properties. Additionally, we can retrieve single properties.
- /flyway provides details about our Flyway database migrations.
- /health summarizes the health status of our application.
- /heapdump builds and returns a heap dump from the JVM used by our application.
- /info returns general information. It might be custom data, build information or details about the latest commit.
- /liquibase behaves like /flyway but for Liquibase.
- /logfile returns ordinary application logs.
- /loggers enables us to query and modify the logging level of our application.
- /metrics details metrics of our application. This might include generic metrics as well as custom ones.
- /prometheus returns metrics like the previous one, but formatted to work with a Prometheus server.
- /scheduledtasks provides details about every scheduled task within our application.
- /sessions lists HTTP sessions given we are using Spring Session.
- /shutdown performs a graceful shutdown of the application.
- /threaddump dumps the thread information of the underlying JVM.
3.4. Hypermedia for Actuator Endpoints
Spring Boot adds a discovery endpoint that returns links to all available actuator endpoints. This will facilitate discovering actuator endpoints and their corresponding URLs.
Spring Boot增加了一个发现端点,可以返回所有可用的执行器端点的链接。这将有助于发现执行器端点和它们相应的URL。
By default, this discovery endpoint is accessible through the /actuator endpoint.
Therefore, if we send a GET request to this URL, it’ll return the actuator links for the various endpoints:
因此,如果我们向这个URL发送一个GET 请求,它将返回各个端点的执行器链接。
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/actuator",
"templated": false
"features-arg0": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/actuator/features/{arg0}",
"templated": true
"features": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/actuator/features",
"templated": false
"beans": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/actuator/beans",
"templated": false
"caches-cache": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/actuator/caches/{cache}",
"templated": true
// truncated
As shown above, the /actuator endpoint reports all available actuator endpoints under the _links field.
Moreover, if we configure a custom management base path, then we should use that base path as the discovery URL.
For instance, if we set the management.endpoints.web.base-path to /mgmt, then we should send a request to the /mgmt endpoint to see the list of links.
Quite interestingly, when the management base path is set to /, the discovery endpoint is disabled to prevent the possibility of a clash with other mappings.
3.5. Health Indicators
Just like in the previous version, we can add custom indicators easily. Opposite to other APIs, the abstractions for creating custom health endpoints remain unchanged. However, a new interface, ReactiveHealthIndicator, has been added to implement reactive health checks.
Let’s have a look at a simple custom reactive health check:
public class DownstreamServiceHealthIndicator implements ReactiveHealthIndicator {
public Mono<Health> health() {
return checkDownstreamServiceHealth().onErrorResume(
ex -> Mono.just(new Health.Builder().down(ex).build())
private Mono<Health> checkDownstreamServiceHealth() {
// we could use WebClient to check health reactively
return Mono.just(new Health.Builder().up().build());
A handy feature of health indicators is that we can aggregate them as part of a hierarchy.
So, following the previous example, we could group all downstream services under a downstream-services category. This category would be healthy as long as every nested service was reachable.
Check out our article on health indicators for a more in-depth look.
3.6. Health Groups
As of Spring Boot 2.2, we can organize health indicators into groups and apply the same configuration to all the group members.
从Spring Boot 2.2开始,我们可以将健康指标组织到组中,并对所有组成员应用相同的配置。。
For example, we can create a health group named custom by adding this to our application.properties:
This way, the custom group contains the diskSpace and ping health indicators.
这样,custom 组包含diskSpace 和ping 健康指标。
Now if we call the /actuator/health endpoint, it would tell us about the new health group in the JSON response:
现在,如果我们调用/actuator/health 端点,它将在JSON响应中告诉我们新的健康组。
With health groups, we can see the aggregated results of a few health indicators.
In this case, if we send a request to /actuator/health/custom, then:
We can configure the group to show more details via application.properties:
Now if we send the same request to /actuator/health/custom, we’ll see more details:
"status": "UP",
"components": {
"diskSpace": {
"status": "UP",
"details": {
"total": 499963170816,
"free": 91300069376,
"threshold": 10485760
"ping": {
"status": "UP"
It’s also possible to show these details only for authorized users:
We can also have a custom status mapping.
For instance, instead of an HTTP 200 OK response, it can return a 207 status code:
例如,它可以返回一个207状态代码,而不是HTTP 200 OK响应。
Here, we’re telling Spring Boot to return a 207 HTTP status code if the custom group status is UP.
在这里,我们告诉Spring Boot,如果custom group的状态是UP.,则返回207 HTTP状态代码。
3.7. Metrics in Spring Boot 2
3.7.Spring Boot 2中的衡量标准
In Spring Boot 2.0, the in-house metrics were replaced with Micrometer support, so we can expect breaking changes. If our application was using metric services such as GaugeService or CounterService, they will no longer be available.
在Spring Boot 2.0中,内部度量衡被Micrometer支持所取代,因此我们可以预期会有一些变化。如果我们的应用程序正在使用诸如GaugeService或CounterService等度量衡服务,它们将不再可用。
Instead, we’re expected to interact with Micrometer directly. In Spring Boot 2.0, we’ll get a bean of type MeterRegistry autoconfigured for us.
相反,我们应该与Micrometer直接互动。在Spring Boot 2.0中,我们将得到一个为我们自动配置的MeterRegistry类型的bean。
Furthermore, Micrometer is now part of Actuator’s dependencies, so we should be good to go as long as the Actuator dependency is in the classpath.
Moreover, we’ll get a completely new response from the /metrics endpoint:
"names": [
// ...
As we can see, there are no actual metrics as we got in 1.x.
To get the actual value of a specific metric, we can now navigate to the desired metric, e.g., /actuator/metrics/jvm.gc.pause, and get a detailed response:
"name": "jvm.gc.pause",
"measurements": [
"statistic": "Count",
"value": 3.0
"statistic": "TotalTime",
"value": 7.9E7
"statistic": "Max",
"value": 7.9E7
"availableTags": [
"tag": "cause",
"values": [
"Metadata GC Threshold",
"Allocation Failure"
"tag": "action",
"values": [
"end of minor GC",
"end of major GC"
Now metrics are much more thorough, including not only different values but also some associated metadata.
3.8. Customizing the /info Endpoint
The /info endpoint remains unchanged. As before, we can add git details using the respective Maven or Gradle dependency:
/info 端点保持不变。和以前一样,我们可以使用相应的Maven或Gradle依赖性来添加git细节。
Likewise, we could also include build information including name, group, and version using the Maven or Gradle plugin:
3.9. Creating a Custom Endpoint
As we pointed out previously, we can create custom endpoints. However, Spring Boot 2 has redesigned the way to achieve this to support the new technology-agnostic paradigm.
正如我们之前指出的,我们可以创建自定义端点。然而,Spring Boot 2重新设计了实现这一目的的方式,以支持新的技术无关的范式。
Let’s create an Actuator endpoint to query, enable, and disable feature flags in our application:
@Endpoint(id = "features")
public class FeaturesEndpoint {
private Map<String, Feature> features = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public Map<String, Feature> features() {
return features;
public Feature feature(@Selector String name) {
return features.get(name);
public void configureFeature(@Selector String name, Feature feature) {
features.put(name, feature);
public void deleteFeature(@Selector String name) {
public static class Feature {
private Boolean enabled;
// [...] getters and setters
To get the endpoint, we need a bean. In our example, we’re using @Component for this. Also, we need to decorate this bean with @Endpoint.
The path of our endpoint is determined by the id parameter of @Endpoint. In our case, it’ll route requests to /actuator/features.
Once ready, we can start defining operations using:
- @ReadOperation: It’ll map to HTTP GET.
- @WriteOperation: It’ll map to HTTP POST.
- @DeleteOperation: It’ll map to HTTP DELETE.
When we run the application with the previous endpoint in our application, Spring Boot will register it.
当我们在应用程序中使用前一个端点运行应用程序时,Spring Boot将注册它。
A quick way to verify this is to check the logs:
[...].WebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping: Mapped "{[/actuator/features/{name}],
produces=[application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json || application/json]}"
[...].WebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/actuator/features],
produces=[application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json || application/json]}"
[...].WebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/actuator/features/{name}],
consumes=[application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json || application/json]}"
[...].WebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping : Mapped "{[/actuator/features/{name}],
In the previous logs, we can see how WebFlux is exposing our new endpoint. If we switch to MVC, it’ll simply delegate on that technology without having to change any code.
Also, we have a few important considerations to keep in mind with this new approach:
- There are no dependencies with MVC.
- All the metadata present as methods before (sensitive, enabled…) no longer exist. We can, however, enable or disable the endpoint using @Endpoint(id = “features”, enableByDefault = false).
- Unlike in 1.x, there is no need to extend a given interface anymore.
- In contrast with the old read/write model, we can now define DELETE operations using @DeleteOperation.
3.10. Extending Existing Endpoints
Let’s imagine we want to make sure the production instance of our application is never a SNAPSHOT version.
We decide to do this by changing the HTTP status code of the Actuator endpoint that returns this information, i.e., /info. If our app happened to be a SNAPSHOT, we would get a different HTTP status code.
We can easily extend the behavior of a predefined endpoint using the @EndpointExtension annotations, or its more concrete specializations @EndpointWebExtension or @EndpointJmxExtension:
@EndpointWebExtension(endpoint = InfoEndpoint.class)
public class InfoWebEndpointExtension {
private InfoEndpoint delegate;
// standard constructor
public WebEndpointResponse<Map> info() {
Map<String, Object> info = this.delegate.info();
Integer status = getStatus(info);
return new WebEndpointResponse<>(info, status);
private Integer getStatus(Map<String, Object> info) {
// return 5xx if this is a snapshot
return 200;
3.11. Enable All Endpoints
In order to access the actuator endpoints using HTTP, we need to both enable and expose them.
By default, all endpoints but /shutdown are enabled. Only the /health and /info endpoints are exposed by default.
We need to add the following configuration to expose all endpoints:
To explicitly enable a specific endpoint (e.g., /shutdown), we use:
To expose all enabled endpoints except one (e.g., /loggers), we use:
4. Spring Boot 1.x Actuator
4.Spring Boot 1.x执行器
In 1.x, Actuator follows a read/write model, which means we can either read from it or write to it.
For example, we can retrieve metrics or the health of our application. Alternatively, we could gracefully terminate our app or change our logging configuration.
In order to get it working, Actuator requires Spring MVC to expose its endpoints through HTTP. No other technology is supported.
为了让它工作,Actuator需要Spring MVC通过HTTP暴露其端点。不支持其他技术。
4.1. Endpoints
In 1.x, Actuator brings its own security model. It takes advantage of Spring Security constructs but needs to be configured independently from the rest of the application.
Also, most endpoints are sensitive — meaning they’re not fully public, or most information will be omitted — while a handful are not, e.g., /info.
Here are some of the most common endpoints Boot provides out of the box:
- /health shows application health information (a simple status when accessed over an unauthenticated connection or full message details when authenticated); it’s not sensitive by default.
- /info displays arbitrary application info; it’s not sensitive by default.
- /metrics shows metrics information for the current application; it’s sensitive by default.
- /trace displays trace information (by default the last few HTTP requests).
We can find the full list of existing endpoints over on the official docs.
4.2. Configuring Existing Endpoints
We can customize each endpoint with properties using the format endpoints.[endpoint name].[property to customize].
我们可以使用格式endpoints. [endpoint name]. [property to customize],用属性来定制每个端点。
Three properties are available:
- id: by which this endpoint will be accessed over HTTP
- enabled: if true, then it can be accessed; otherwise not
- sensitive: if true, then need the authorization to show crucial information over HTTP
For example, adding the following properties will customize the /beans endpoint:
4.3. /health Endpoint
4.3./health 端点
The /health endpoint is used to check the health or state of the running application.
It’s usually exercised by monitoring software to alert us if the running instance goes down or gets unhealthy for other reasons, e.g., connectivity issues with our DB, lack of disk space, etc.
By default, unauthorized users can only see status information when they access over HTTP:
"status" : "UP"
This health information is collected from all the beans implementing the HealthIndicator interface configured in our application context.
Some information returned by HealthIndicator is sensitive in nature, but we can configure endpoints.health.sensitive=false to expose more detailed information like disk space, messaging broker connectivity, custom checks, and more.
Note that this only works for Spring Boot versions below 1.5.0. For 1.5.0 and later versions, we should also disable security by setting management.security.enabled=false for unauthorized access.
注意,这只适用于1.5.0以下的Spring Boot版本。对于1.5.0及以后的版本,我们还应该通过设置management.security.enabled=false来禁用未经授权的访问。
We could also implement our own custom health indicator, which can collect any type of custom health data specific to the application and automatically expose it through the /health endpoint:
public class HealthCheck implements HealthIndicator {
public Health health() {
int errorCode = check(); // perform some specific health check
if (errorCode != 0) {
return Health.down()
.withDetail("Error Code", errorCode).build();
return Health.up().build();
public int check() {
// Our logic to check health
return 0;
Here’s how the output would look:
"status" : "DOWN",
"myHealthCheck" : {
"status" : "DOWN",
"Error Code" : 1
"diskSpace" : {
"status" : "UP",
"free" : 209047318528,
"threshold" : 10485760
4.4. /info Endpoint
4.4./info 端点
We can also customize the data shown by the /info endpoint:
info.app.name=Spring Sample Application
info.app.description=This is my first spring boot application
And the sample output:
"app" : {
"version" : "1.0.0",
"description" : "This is my first spring boot application",
"name" : "Spring Sample Application"
4.5. /metrics Endpoint
4.5./metrics 端点
The metrics endpoint publishes information about OS and JVM as well as application-level metrics. Once enabled, we get information such as memory, heap, processors, threads, classes loaded, classes unloaded, and thread pools along with some HTTP metrics as well.
Here’s what the output of this endpoint looks like out of the box:
"mem" : 193024,
"mem.free" : 87693,
"processors" : 4,
"instance.uptime" : 305027,
"uptime" : 307077,
"systemload.average" : 0.11,
"heap.committed" : 193024,
"heap.init" : 124928,
"heap.used" : 105330,
"heap" : 1764352,
"threads.peak" : 22,
"threads.daemon" : 19,
"threads" : 22,
"classes" : 5819,
"classes.loaded" : 5819,
"classes.unloaded" : 0,
"gc.ps_scavenge.count" : 7,
"gc.ps_scavenge.time" : 54,
"gc.ps_marksweep.count" : 1,
"gc.ps_marksweep.time" : 44,
"httpsessions.max" : -1,
"httpsessions.active" : 0,
"counter.status.200.root" : 1,
"gauge.response.root" : 37.0
In order to gather custom metrics, we have support for gauges (single-value snapshots of data) and counters, i.e., incrementing/decrementing metrics.
Let’s implement our own custom metrics into the /metrics endpoint.
We’ll customize the login flow to record a successful and failed login attempt:
public class LoginServiceImpl {
private final CounterService counterService;
public LoginServiceImpl(CounterService counterService) {
this.counterService = counterService;
public boolean login(String userName, char[] password) {
boolean success;
if (userName.equals("admin") && "secret".toCharArray().equals(password)) {
success = true;
else {
success = false;
return success;
Here’s what the output might look like:
"counter.login.success" : 105,
"counter.login.failure" : 12,
Note that login attempts and other security-related events are available out of the box in Actuator as audit events.
4.6. Creating a New Endpoint
In addition to using the existing endpoints provided by Spring Boot, we can also create an entirely new one.
除了使用Spring Boot提供的现有端点外,我们还可以创建一个全新的端点。
First, we need to have the new endpoint implement the Endpoint<T> interface:
public class CustomEndpoint implements Endpoint<List<String>> {
public String getId() {
return "customEndpoint";
public boolean isEnabled() {
return true;
public boolean isSensitive() {
return true;
public List<String> invoke() {
// Custom logic to build the output
List<String> messages = new ArrayList<String>();
messages.add("This is message 1");
messages.add("This is message 2");
return messages;
In order to access this new endpoint, its id is used to map it. In other words we could exercise it hitting /customEndpoint.
[ "This is message 1", "This is message 2" ]
4.7. Further Customization
For security purposes, we might choose to expose the actuator endpoints over a non-standard port — the management.port property can easily be used to configure that.
Also, as we already mentioned, in 1.x. Actuator configures its own security model based on Spring Security but independent from the rest of the application.
另外,正如我们已经提到的,在1.x.中,Actuator基于Spring Security配置了自己的安全模型,但独立于应用程序的其他部分。
Hence, we can change the management.address property to restrict where the endpoints can be accessed from over the network:
#port used to expose actuator
#CIDR allowed to hit actuator
#Whether security should be enabled or disabled altogether
Besides, all the built-in endpoints except /info are sensitive by default.
If the application is using Spring Security, we can secure these endpoints by defining the default security properties (username, password, and role) in the application.properties file:
如果应用程序使用Spring Security,我们可以通过在application.properties文件中定义默认安全属性(用户名、密码和角色)来保护这些端点。
5. Conclusion
In this article, we talked about Spring Boot Actuator. We began by defining what Actuator means and what it does for us.
在这篇文章中,我们谈到了Spring Boot Actuator。我们首先定义了Actuator的含义,以及它为我们做了什么。
Next, we focused on Actuator for the current Spring Boot version 2.x, discussing how to use it, tweak it, and extend it. We also talked about the important security changes that we can find in this new iteration. We discussed some popular endpoints and how they have changed as well.
接下来,我们重点讨论了当前Spring Boot 2.x版本的Actuator,讨论了如何使用它、调整它和扩展它。我们还谈到了在这个新的迭代中可以发现的重要安全变化。我们讨论了一些流行的端点,以及它们是如何变化的。
Then we discussed Actuator in the earlier Spring Boot 1 version.
然后我们讨论了早期Spring Boot 1版本中的Actuator。
Lastly, we demonstrated how to customize and extend Actuator.
As always, the code used in this article can be found over on GitHub for both Spring Boot 2.x and Spring Boot 1.x.
一如既往,本文中使用的代码可以在GitHub上找到,包括Spring Boot 2.x和Spring Boot 1.x。