The BeanDefinitionOverrideException in Spring Boot – Spring Boot中的BeanDefinitionOverrideException

最后修改: 2020年 2月 13日


1. Introduction


The Spring Boot 2.1 upgrade surprised people with unexpected occurrences of the BeanDefinitionOverrideException. It can confuse developers, and make them wonder what happened to the bean overriding behavior in Spring.

Spring Boot 2.1的升级让人们惊讶于BeanDefinitionOverrideException的意外发生。这可能会让开发人员感到困惑,并让他们想知道Spring中的Bean覆盖行为发生了什么。

In this tutorial, we’ll unravel this issue, and learn how best to address it.


2. Maven Dependencies


For our example Maven project, we need to add the Spring Boot Starter dependency:

对于我们的示例Maven项目,我们需要添加Spring Boot Starter依赖项。


3. Bean Overriding


Spring beans are identified by their names within an ApplicationContext.

ApplicationContext中,Spring Bean由它们的名字来识别。

Therefore, bean overriding is a default behavior that happens when we define a bean within an ApplicationContext that has the same name as another bean. It works by simply replacing the former bean in case of a name conflict.

因此,bean overriding是一种默认行为,当我们在ApplicationContext中定义一个与另一个bean同名的bean时发生的。它的作用是在名称冲突的情况下简单地替换前一个Bean。

Starting in Spring 5.1, the BeanDefinitionOverrideException was introduced to allow developers to automatically throw the exception to prevent any unexpected bean overriding. By default, the original behavior is still available, which allows bean overriding.

从Spring 5.1开始,引入了BeanDefinitionOverrideException,允许开发者自动抛出异常,以防止任何意外的bean覆盖。默认情况下,原来的行为仍然可用,它允许bean覆盖。

4. Configuration Change for Spring Boot 2.1

4.针对Spring Boot 2.1的配置变更

Spring Boot 2.1 disabled bean overriding by default as a defensive approach. The main purpose is to notice the duplicate bean names in advance to prevent overriding beans accidentally.

Spring Boot 2.1默认禁用Bean overriding,作为一种防御性方法。主要目的是为了提前注意到重复的Bean名称,以防止意外地覆盖Bean

Therefore, if our Spring Boot application relies on bean overriding, it’s very likely to encounter the BeanDefinitionOverrideException after we upgrade the Spring Boot version to 2.1 and later.

因此,如果我们的Spring Boot应用程序依赖于bean overriding,那么在我们将Spring Boot版本升级到2.1及以后的版本后,很可能会遇到BeanDefinitionOverrideException

In the next sections, we’ll look at an example where the BeanDefinitionOverrideException would occur, and then we’ll discuss some solutions.


5. Identifying the Beans in Conflict


Let’s create two different Spring configurations, each with a testBean() method, to produce the BeanDefinitionOverrideException:


public class TestConfiguration1 {

    class TestBean1 {
        private String name;

        // standard getters and setters


    public TestBean1 testBean(){
        return new TestBean1();
public class TestConfiguration2 {

    class TestBean2 {
        private String name;

        // standard getters and setters


    public TestBean2 testBean(){
        return new TestBean2();

Next, we’ll create our Spring Boot test class:

接下来,我们将创建我们的Spring Boot测试类。

@SpringBootTest(classes = {TestConfiguration1.class, TestConfiguration2.class})
public class SpringBootBeanDefinitionOverrideExceptionIntegrationTest {

    public void whenBeanOverridingAllowed_thenTestBean2OverridesTestBean1() {
        Object testBean = applicationContext.getBean("testBean");


Running the test produces a BeanDefinitionOverrideException. However, the exception provides us with some helpful information:


Invalid bean definition with name 'testBean' defined in ... 
... com.baeldung.beandefinitionoverrideexception.TestConfiguration2 ...
Cannot register bean definition [ ... defined in ... 
... com.baeldung.beandefinitionoverrideexception.TestConfiguration2] for bean 'testBean' ...
There is already [ ... defined in ...
... com.baeldung.beandefinitionoverrideexception.TestConfiguration1] bound.

Notice that the exception reveals two important pieces of information.


The first one is the conflicting bean name, testBean:


Invalid bean definition with name 'testBean' ...

The second shows us the full path of the configurations affected:


... com.baeldung.beandefinitionoverrideexception.TestConfiguration2 ...
... com.baeldung.beandefinitionoverrideexception.TestConfiguration1 ...

As a result, we can see that two different beans are identified as testBean, causing a conflict. Additionally, the beans are contained inside the configuration classes TestConfiguration1 and TestConfiguration2.


6. Possible Solutions


Depending on our configuration, Spring Beans have default names unless we set them explicitly.

根据我们的配置,Spring Bean有默认的名字,除非我们明确地设置它们。

Thus, the first possible solution is to rename our beans. There are some common ways to set bean names in Spring.


6.1. Changing Method Names


By default, Spring takes the names of the annotated methods as bean names.


Therefore, if we have beans defined in a configuration class, like our example, then simply changing the method names will prevent the BeanDefinitionOverrideException:


public TestBean1 testBean1() {
    return new TestBean1();
public TestBean2 testBean2() {
    return new TestBean2();

6.2. @Bean Annotation

6.2.@Bean 注释

Spring’s @Bean annotation is a very common way of defining a bean.


So another option is to set the name property of the @Bean annotation:


public TestBean1 testBean() {
    return new TestBean1();
public TestBean1 testBean() {
    return new TestBean2();

6.3. Stereotype Annotations


Another way to define a bean is with stereotype annotations. With Spring’s @ComponentScan feature enabled, we can define our bean names at the class level using the @Component annotation:


class TestBean1 {

    private String name;

    // standard getters and setters

class TestBean2 {

    private String name;

    // standard getters and setters


6.4. Beans Coming From 3rd Party Libraries


In some cases, it’s possible to encounter a name conflict caused by beans originating from 3rd party spring-supported libraries.


When this happens, we should attempt to identify which conflicting bean belongs to our application to determine if we can use any of the above solutions.


However, if we’re unable to alter any of the bean definitions, then configuring Spring Boot to allow bean overriding can be a workaround.

然而,如果我们无法改变任何Bean定义,那么配置Spring Boot以允许Bean重写可以作为一种变通方法。

To enable bean overriding, we’ll set the spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding property to true in our file:

为了启用Bean Overriding,我们将在application.properties文件中设置spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding属性为true


By doing this, we’re telling Spring Boot to allow bean overriding without any change to bean definitions.

通过这样做,我们告诉Spring Boot允许在不改变Bean定义的情况下进行Bean重写。

As a final note, we should be aware that it’s difficult to guess which bean will have priority because the bean creation order is determined by dependency relationships that are mostly influenced in runtime. Therefore, allowing bean overriding can produce unexpected behavior unless we know the dependency hierarchy of our beans well enough.


7. Conclusion


In this article, we explained what BeanDefinitionOverrideException means in Spring, why it suddenly appears, and how to address it after the Spring Boot 2.1 upgrade.

在这篇文章中,我们解释了BeanDefinitionOverrideException在Spring中的含义,为什么它会突然出现,以及在Spring Boot 2.1升级后如何解决。

As always, the complete source code of this article can be found over on GitHub.
