1. Overview
When writing a Spring Boot application, it’s helpful to map configuration properties onto Java beans. What’s the best way to document these properties, though?
在编写 Spring Boot 应用程序时,将配置属性映射到 Java Bean 上是非常有用的。但是,记录这些属性的最佳方式是什么?
In this tutorial, we’ll explore the Spring Boot Configuration Processor and the associated JSON metadata files that document each property’s meaning, constraints, and so on.
在本教程中,我们将探讨Spring Boot配置处理器和相关的JSON元数据文件,这些文件记录了每个属性的含义、约束等。
2. Configuration Metadata
Most of the applications we work on as developers must be configurable to some extent. However, usually, we don’t really understand what a configuration parameter does, if it has a default value, if it’s deprecated, and at times, we don’t even know the property exists.
To help us out, Spring Boot generates configuration metadata in a JSON file, which gives us useful information on how to use the properties. So, the configuration metadata is a descriptive file which contains the necessary information for interaction with the configuration properties.
为了帮助我们,Spring Boot在JSON文件中生成了配置元数据,它为我们提供了如何使用属性的有用信息。因此,配置元数据是一个描述性文件,其中包含与配置属性互动的必要信息。
The really nice thing about this file is that IDEs can read it, too, giving us autocomplete of Spring properties, as well as other configuration hints.
3. Dependencies
In order to generate this configuration metadata, we’ll use the configuration processor from the spring-boot-configuration-processor dependency.
So, let’s go ahead and add the dependency as optional:
This dependency will provide us with a Java annotation processor invoked when we build our project. We’ll talk in detail about this later on.
It’s a best practice to add a dependency as optional in Maven in order to prevent @ConfigurationProperties from being applied to other modules that our project uses.
4. Configuration Properties Example
To see the processor in action, let’s imagine we have a few properties that we need to include in our Spring Boot application via a Java bean:
为了了解处理器的运行情况,让我们想象一下,我们有几个属性需要通过一个Java Bean包含在我们的Spring Boot应用程序中。
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "database")
public class DatabaseProperties {
public static class Server {
private String ip;
private int port;
// standard getters and setters
private String username;
private String password;
private Server server;
// standard getters and setters
To do this, we’d use the @ConfigurationProperties annotation. The configuration processor scans for classes and methods with this annotation to access the configuration parameters and generate configuration metadata.
Let’s add a couple of these properties into a properties file. In this case, we’ll call it databaseproperties-test.properties:
#Simple Properties
And, just to be sure, we’ll also add a test to make sure that we are all lined up:
@SpringBootTest(classes = AnnotationProcessorApplication.class)
public class DatabasePropertiesIntegrationTest {
private DatabaseProperties databaseProperties;
public void whenSimplePropertyQueriedThenReturnsPropertyValue()
throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrectly bound Username property",
"baeldung", databaseProperties.getUsername());
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrectly bound Password property",
"password", databaseProperties.getPassword());
We’ve also added the nested properties database.server.id and database.server.port via the inner class Server. We should add the inner class Server as well as a field server with its own getter and setter.
In our test, let’s do a quick check to make sure we can set and read successfully nested properties as well:
public void whenNestedPropertyQueriedThenReturnsPropertyValue()
throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrectly bound Server IP nested property",
"", databaseProperties.getServer().getIp());
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrectly bound Server Port nested property",
3306, databaseProperties.getServer().getPort());
Okay, now we’re ready to use the processor.
5. Generating Configuration Metadata
We mentioned earlier that the configuration processor generates a file – it does this uses annotation processing.
So, after compiling our project, we’ll see a file called spring-configuration-metadata.json inside target/classes/META-INF:
"groups": [
"name": "database",
"type": "com.baeldung.autoconfiguration.annotationprocessor.DatabaseProperties",
"sourceType": "com.baeldung.autoconfiguration.annotationprocessor.DatabaseProperties"
"name": "database.server",
"type": "com.baeldung.autoconfiguration.annotationprocessor.DatabaseProperties$Server",
"sourceType": "com.baeldung.autoconfiguration.annotationprocessor.DatabaseProperties",
"sourceMethod": "getServer()"
"properties": [
"name": "database.password",
"type": "java.lang.String",
"sourceType": "com.baeldung.autoconfiguration.annotationprocessor.DatabaseProperties"
"name": "database.server.ip",
"type": "java.lang.String",
"sourceType": "com.baeldung.autoconfiguration.annotationprocessor.DatabaseProperties$Server"
"name": "database.server.port",
"type": "java.lang.Integer",
"sourceType": "com.baeldung.autoconfiguration.annotationprocessor.DatabaseProperties$Server",
"defaultValue": 0
"name": "database.username",
"type": "java.lang.String",
"sourceType": "com.baeldung.autoconfiguration.annotationprocessor.DatabaseProperties"
"hints": []
Next, let’s see how changing annotations on our Java beans affect the metadata.
接下来,让我们看看在我们的Java Bean上改变注解是如何影响元数据的。
5.1. Additional Information on Configuration Metadata
First, let’s add JavaDoc comments on Server.
Second, let’s give a default value to the database.server.port field and finally add the @Min and @Max annotations:
public static class Server {
* The IP of the database server
private String ip;
* The Port of the database server.
* The Default value is 443.
* The allowed values are in the range 400-4000.
private int port = 443;
// standard getters and setters
If we check the spring-configuration-metadata.json file now, we’ll see this extra information reflected:
"groups": [
"name": "database",
"type": "com.baeldung.autoconfiguration.annotationprocessor.DatabaseProperties",
"sourceType": "com.baeldung.autoconfiguration.annotationprocessor.DatabaseProperties"
"name": "database.server",
"type": "com.baeldung.autoconfiguration.annotationprocessor.DatabaseProperties$Server",
"sourceType": "com.baeldung.autoconfiguration.annotationprocessor.DatabaseProperties",
"sourceMethod": "getServer()"
"properties": [
"name": "database.password",
"type": "java.lang.String",
"sourceType": "com.baeldung.autoconfiguration.annotationprocessor.DatabaseProperties"
"name": "database.server.ip",
"type": "java.lang.String",
"description": "The IP of the database server",
"sourceType": "com.baeldung.autoconfiguration.annotationprocessor.DatabaseProperties$Server"
"name": "database.server.port",
"type": "java.lang.Integer",
"description": "The Port of the database server. The Default value is 443.
The allowed values are in the range 400-4000",
"sourceType": "com.baeldung.autoconfiguration.annotationprocessor.DatabaseProperties$Server",
"defaultValue": 443
"name": "database.username",
"type": "java.lang.String",
"sourceType": "com.baeldung.autoconfiguration.annotationprocessor.DatabaseProperties"
"hints": []
We can check the differences with the database.server.ip and database.server.port fields. Indeed, the extra information is quite helpful. As a result, it’s much easier for developers and IDEs to understand what each property does.
We should also make sure we trigger the build to get the updated file. In Eclipse, if we check the Build Automatically option, each save action will trigger a build. In IntelliJ, we should trigger the build manually.
我们还应该确保触发构建以获得更新的文件。在Eclipse中,如果我们勾选了Build Automatically选项,每次保存动作都会触发构建。在 IntelliJ 中,我们应该手动触发构建。
5.2. Understanding the Metadata Format
Let’s have a closer look at the JSON metadata file and discuss its components.
Groups are higher-level items used to group other properties, without specifying a value itself. In our example, we have the database group, which is also the prefix of the configuration properties. We also have a server group, which we created via an inner class and groups ip and port properties.
Properties are configuration items for which we can specify a value. These properties are set in .properties or .yml files and can have extra information, like default values and validations, as we saw in the example above.
Hints are additional information to help the user set the property value. For example, if we have a set of allowed value for a property, we can provide a description of what each of them does. The IDE will provide auto-competition help for these hints.
Each component on the configuration metadata has its own attributes to explain in finer details the configuration properties.
6. Conclusion
In this article, we looked at the Spring Boot Configuration Processor and its ability to create configuration metadata. Using this metadata makes it a lot easier to interact with our configuration parameters.
在这篇文章中,我们研究了Spring Boot配置处理器及其创建配置元数据的能力。使用这种元数据使我们与配置参数的交互变得更加容易。
We gave an example of a generated configuration metadata and explained in details its format and components.
We also saw how helpful the autocomplete support on our IDE can be.
As always, all of the code snippets mentioned in this article can be found on our GitHub repository.