1. Overview
On shutdown, by default, Spring’s TaskExecutor simply interrupts all running tasks, but it may be nice to instead have it wait for all running tasks to be complete. This gives a chance for each task to take measures to ensure the shutdown is safe.
In this quick tutorial, we’ll learn how to do this more graceful shutdown of a Spring Boot application when it involves tasks executing using thread pools.
在这个快速教程中,我们将学习如何在Spring Boot应用程序涉及使用线程池执行的任务时进行这种更优雅的关闭。
2. Simple Example
Let’s consider a simple Spring Boot application. We’ll autowire the default TaskExecutor bean:
让我们考虑一个简单的Spring Boot应用程序。我们将自动连接默认的TaskExecutorbean。
private TaskExecutor taskExecutor;
On application startup, let’s execute a 1-minute-long process using a thread from the thread pool:
taskExecutor.execute(() -> {
When a shutdown is initiated, for example, 20 seconds after startup, the thread in the example is interrupted and the application shuts down immediately.
3. Wait for Tasks to Complete
Let’s change the default behavior of task executor by creating a custom ThreadPoolTaskExecutor bean.
让我们通过创建一个自定义的ThreadPoolTaskExecutor bean来改变任务执行器的默认行为。
This class provides a flag setWaitForTasksToCompleteOnShutdown to prevent interrupting running tasks. Let’s set it to true:
public TaskExecutor taskExecutor() {
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor taskExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
return taskExecutor;
And, we’ll rewrite the earlier logic to create 3 threads each executing a 1-minute-long task.
public void runTaskOnStartup() {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
taskExecutor.execute(() -> {
Let’s now initiate a shutdown within the first 60 seconds after the startup.
We see that the application shuts down only 120 seconds after startup. The pool size of 2 allows only two simultaneous tasks to execute so the third one is queued up.
Setting the flag ensures that both the currently executing tasks and queued up tasks are completed.
Note that when a shutdown request is received, the task executor closes the queue so that new tasks can’t be added.
请注意,当收到关闭请求时,任务执行器会关闭队列 因此无法添加新任务。
4. Max Wait Time Before Termination
Though we’ve configured to wait for ongoing and queued up tasks to complete, Spring continues with the shutdown of the rest of the container. This could release resources needed by our task executor and cause the tasks to fail.
In order to block the shutdown of the rest of the container, we can specify a max wait time on the ThreadPoolTaskExecutor:
This ensures that for the specified time period, the shutdown process at the container level will be blocked.
When we set the setWaitForTasksToCompleteOnShutdown flag to true, we need to specify a significantly higher timeout so that all remaining tasks in the queue are also executed.
5. Conclusion
In this quick tutorial, we saw how to safely shut down a Spring Boot application by configuring the task executor bean to complete the running and submitted tasks until the end. This guarantees that all tasks will have the indicated amount of time to complete their work.
在这个快速教程中,我们看到了如何通过配置任务执行器bean来安全地关闭Spring Boot应用程序,以完成正在运行和提交的任务,直到结束。这保证了所有任务都有指定的时间来完成它们的工作。
One obvious side effect is that it can also lead to a longer shutdown phase. Therefore, we need to decide whether or not to use it depending on the nature of the application.
As always, the examples from this article are available over on GitHub.