Using JDBI with Spring Boot – 在Spring Boot中使用JDBI

最后修改: 2019年 9月 19日


1. Introduction


In a previous tutorial, we covered the basics of JDBI, an open-source library for relational database access that removes much of the boilerplate code related to direct JDBC usage.


This time, we’ll see how we can use JDBI  in a Spring Boot application. We’ll also cover some aspects of this library that make it a good alternative to Spring Data JPA in some scenarios.

这一次,我们将看到如何在Spring Boot应用程序中使用JDBI。我们还将介绍这个库的一些方面,使其在某些情况下成为Spring Data JPA的良好替代品。

2. Project Setup


First of all, let’s add the appropriate JDBI dependencies to our project. This time, we’ll use JDBI’s Spring integration plugin, which brings all required core dependencies. We’ll also bring in the SqlObject plugin, which adds some extra features to base JDBI that we’ll use in our examples:



The latest version of those artifacts can be found in Maven Central:


We also need a suitable JDBC driver to access our database. In this article we’ll use H2, so we must add its driver to our dependencies list as well:



3. JDBI Instantiation and Configuration


We’ve already seen in our previous article that we need a Jdbi instance as our entry point to access JDBI’s API. As we’re in the Spring world, it makes sense to make an instance of this class available as a bean.


We’ll leverage Spring Boot’s auto-configuration capabilities to initialize a DataSource and pass it to a @Bean-annotated method which will create our global Jdbi instance.

我们将利用Spring Boot的自动配置功能来初始化一个DataSource,并将其传递给一个 @Bean注释的方法,该方法将创建我们的全局Jdbi实例。

We’ll also pass any discovered plugins and RowMapper instances to this method so that they’re registered upfront:


public class JdbiConfiguration {
    public Jdbi jdbi(DataSource ds, List<JdbiPlugin> jdbiPlugins, List<RowMapper<?>> rowMappers) {        
        TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy proxy = new TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy(ds);        
        Jdbi jdbi = Jdbi.create(proxy);
        jdbiPlugins.forEach(plugin -> jdbi.installPlugin(plugin));
        rowMappers.forEach(mapper -> jdbi.registerRowMapper(mapper));       
        return jdbi;

Here, we’re using an available DataSource and wrapping it in a TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy. We need this wrapper in order to integrate Spring-managed transactions with JDBI, as we’ll see later.


Registering plugins and RowMapper instances is straightforward. All we have to do is call installPlugin and installRowMapper for every available JdbiPlugin and RowMapper, respectively. After that, we have a fully configured Jdbi instance that we can use in our application.


4. Sample Domain


Our example uses a very simple domain model consisting of just two classes: CarMaker and CarModel. Since JDBI does not require any annotations on our domain classes, we can use simple POJOs:


public class CarMaker {
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private List<CarModel> models;
    // getters and setters ...

public class CarModel {
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private Integer year;
    private String sku;
    private Long makerId;
    // getters and setters ...

5. Creating DAOs


Now, let’s create Data Access Objects (DAOs) for our domain classes. JDBI SqlObject plugin offers an easy way to implement those classes, which resembles Spring Data’s way of dealing with this subject.

现在,让我们为我们的领域类创建数据访问对象(DAO)。JDBI SqlObject插件提供了一种简单的方法来实现这些类,它类似于Spring Data处理这个问题的方式。

We just have to define an interface with a few annotations and, automagically, JDBI will handle all low-level stuff such as handling JDBC connections and creating/disposing of statements and ResultSets:


public interface CarMakerDao {
    Long insert(@BindBean CarMaker carMaker);
    List<Long> bulkInsert(@BindBean List<CarMaker> carMakers);
    CarMaker findById(Long id);

public interface CarModelDao {    
    Long insert(@BindBean CarModel carModel);

    List<Long> bulkInsert(@BindBean List<CarModel> models);

    CarModel findByMakerIdAndSku(@Bind("makerId") Long makerId, @Bind("sku") String sku );

Those interfaces are heavily annotated, so let’s take a quick look at each of them.


5.1. @UseClasspathSqlLocator

5.1. @UseClasspathSqlLocator

The @UseClasspathSqlLocator annotation tells JDBI that actual SQL statements associated with each method are located at external resource files. By default, JDBI will lookup a resource using the interface’s fully qualified name and method. For instance, given an interface’s FQN of a.b.c.Foo with a findById() method, JDBI will look for a resource named a/b/c/Foo/findById.sql.


This default behavior can be overridden for any given method by passing the resource name as the value for the @SqlXXX annotation.


5.2. @SqlUpdate/@SqlBatch/@SqlQuery


We use the @SqlUpdate@SqlBatch, and @SqlQuery annotations to mark data-access methods, which will be executed using the given parameters. Those annotations can take an optional string value, which will be the literal SQL statement to execute – including any named parameters – or when used with @UseClasspathSqlLocator, the resource name containing it.


@SqlBatch-annotated methods can have collection-like arguments and execute the same SQL statement for every available item in a single batch statement. In each of the above DAO classes, we have a bulkInsert method that illustrates its use. The main advantage of using batch statements is the added performance we can achieve when dealing with large data sets.


5.3. @GetGeneratedKeys


As the name implies, the @GetGeneratedKeys annotation allows us to recover any generated keys as a result of successful execution. It’s mostly used in insert statements where our database will auto-generate new identifiers and we need to recover them in our code.


5.4. @BindBean/@Bind

5.4 @BindBean/@Bind

We use @BindBean and @Bind annotations to bind the named parameters in the SQL statement with method parameters. @BindBean uses standard bean conventions to extract properties from a POJO – including nested ones. @Bind uses the parameter name or the supplied value to map its value to a named parameter.


6. Using DAOs


To use those DAOs in our application, we have to instantiate them using one of the factory methods available in JDBI.


In a Spring context, the simplest way is to create a bean for every DAO using the onDemand method:


public CarMakerDao carMakerDao(Jdbi jdbi) {        
    return jdbi.onDemand(CarMakerDao.class);       

public CarModelDao carModelDao(Jdbi jdbi) {
    return jdbi.onDemand(CarModelDao.class);

The onDemand-created instance is thread-safe and uses a database connection only during a method call. Since JDBI we’ll use the supplied TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy, this means we can use it seamlessly with Spring-managed transactions.


While simple, the approach we’ve used here is far from ideal when we have to deal with more than a few tables. One way to avoid writing this kind of boilerplate code is to create a custom BeanFactory. Describing how to implement such a component is beyond the scope of this tutorial, though.


7. Transactional Services


Let’s use our DAO classes in a simple service class that creates a few CarModel instances given a CarMaker populated with models. First, we’ll check if the given CarMaker was previously saved, saving it to the database if needed. Then, we’ll insert every CarModel one by one.


If there’s a unique key violation (or some other error) at any point, the whole operation must fail and a full rollback should be performed.


JDBI provides a @Transaction annotation, but we can’t use it here as it is unaware of other resources that might be participating in the same business transaction. Instead, we’ll use Spring’s @Transactional annotation in our service method:


public class CarMakerService {
    private CarMakerDao carMakerDao;
    private CarModelDao carModelDao;

    public CarMakerService(CarMakerDao carMakerDao,CarModelDao carModelDao) {        
        this.carMakerDao = carMakerDao;
        this.carModelDao = carModelDao;
    public int bulkInsert(CarMaker carMaker) {
        Long carMakerId;
        if (carMaker.getId() == null ) {
            carMakerId = carMakerDao.insert(carMaker);
        carMaker.getModels().forEach(m -> {
        return carMaker.getModels().size();

The operation’s implementation itself is quite simple: we’re using the standard convention that a null value in the id field implies this entity has not yet been persisted to the database. If this is the case, we use the CarMakerDao instance injected in the constructor to insert a new record in the database and get the generated id.


Once we have the CarMaker‘s id, we iterate over the models, setting the makerId field for each one before saving it to the database.


All those database operations will happen using the same underlying connection and will be part of the same transaction. The trick here lies in the way we’ve tied JDBI to Spring using TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy and creating onDemand DAOs. When JDBI requests a new Connection, it will get an existing one associated with the current transaction, thus integrating its lifecycle to other resources that might be enrolled.

所有这些数据库操作将使用相同的底层连接发生,并且将成为同一事务的一部分。这里的诀窍在于我们使用TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy和创建onDemand DAO的方式将JDBI与Spring联系起来。当JDBI请求一个新的Connection时,它将得到一个与当前事务相关联的现有的Connection,从而将其生命周期与其他可能被注册的资源整合起来。

8. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve shown how to quickly integrate JDBI into a Spring Boot application. This is a powerful combination in scenarios where we can’t use Spring Data JPA for some reason but still want to use all other features such as transaction management, integration and so on.

在这篇文章中,我们展示了如何将JDBI快速集成到Spring Boot应用程序中。在我们因某些原因不能使用Spring Data JPA,但仍想使用所有其他功能(如事务管理、集成等)的场景中,这是一个强大的组合。

As usual, all code is available over at GitHub.
