Spring Boot Consuming and Producing JSON – Spring Boot消耗和产生JSON

最后修改: 2019年 3月 21日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to build a REST service to consume and produce JSON content with Spring Boot.

在本教程中,我们将演示如何构建REST服务,以便使用Spring Boot消费和生产JSON内容

We’ll also take a look at how we can easily employ RESTful HTTP semantics.

我们还将看一下我们如何能够轻松地采用RESTful HTTP语义。

For simplicity, we won’t include a persistence layer, but Spring Data also makes this easy to add.

为了简单起见,我们不会包括持久层,但是Spring Data也可以轻松地添加。

2. REST Service


Writing a JSON REST service in Spring Boot is simple, as that’s its default opinion when Jackson is on the classpath:

在Spring Boot中编写JSON REST服务很简单,因为当Jackson位于classpath上时,这是它的默认意见。

public class StudentController {

    private StudentService service;

    public Student read(@PathVariable String id) {
        return service.find(id);


By annotating our StudentController with @RestController, we’ve told Spring Boot to write the return type of the read method to the response body. Since we also have a @RequestMapping at the class level, it would be the same for any more public methods that we add.

通过用@RestController注释我们的StudentController我们已经告诉Spring Boot将read方法的返回类型写入响应体中。由于我们在类的层面上也有一个@RequestMapping,所以对于我们添加的更多公共方法也是如此。

Though simple, this approach lacks HTTP semantics. For example, what would happen if we don’t find the requested student? Instead of returning a 200 or 500 status code, we might want to return a 404.


Let’s take a look at how to wrest more control over the HTTP response itself, and in turn add some typical RESTful behaviors to our controller.


3. Create


When we need to control aspects of the response other than the body, like the status code, we can instead return a ResponseEntity:


public ResponseEntity<Student> create(@RequestBody Student student) 
    throws URISyntaxException {
    Student createdStudent = service.create(student);
    if (createdStudent == null) {
        return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
    } else {
        URI uri = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequest()

        return ResponseEntity.created(uri)

Here we’re doing much more than just returning the created Student in the response. We’re also responding with a semantically clear HTTP status, and if creation succeeds, a URI to the new resource.


4. Read


As previously mentioned, if we want to read a single Student, it’s more semantically clear to return a 404 if we can’t find the student:


public ResponseEntity<Student> read(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
    Student foundStudent = service.read(id);
    if (foundStudent == null) {
        return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
    } else {
        return ResponseEntity.ok(foundStudent);

Here we can clearly see the difference from our initial read() implementation.


This way, the Student object will be properly mapped to the response body and returned with a proper status at the same time.


5. Update


Updating is very similar to creation, except it’s mapped to PUT instead of POST, and the URI contains an id of the resource we’re updating:


public ResponseEntity<Student> update(@RequestBody Student student, @PathVariable Long id) {
    Student updatedStudent = service.update(id, student);
    if (updatedStudent == null) {
        return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
    } else {
        return ResponseEntity.ok(updatedStudent);

6. Delete


The delete operation is mapped to the DELETE method. The URI also contains the id of the resource:


public ResponseEntity<Object> deleteStudent(@PathVariable Long id) {
    return ResponseEntity.noContent().build();

We didn’t implement specific error handling because the delete() method actually fails by throwing an Exception.


7. Conclusion


In this article, we learned how to consume and produce JSON content in a typical CRUD REST service developed with Spring Boot. Additionally, we demonstrated how to implement proper response status control and error handling.

在这篇文章中,我们学习了如何在用Spring Boot开发的典型CRUD REST服务中消费和生产JSON内容。此外,我们还演示了如何实现适当的响应状态控制和错误处理。

To keep things simple, we didn’t go into persistence this time, but Spring Data REST provides a quick and efficient way to build a RESTful data service.

为了保持简单,我们这次没有进入持久化,但是Spring Data REST提供了一种快速而有效的方法来构建RESTful数据服务。

The complete source code for the example is available over on GitHub.
