1. Introduction
In this article, we’ll see how to set up Kafka Streams using Spring Boot. Kafka Streams is a client-side library built on top of Apache Kafka. It enables the processing of an unbounded stream of events in a declarative manner.
在本文中,我们将看到如何使用 Spring Boot 设置 Kafka Streams。Kafka Streams是一个建立在Apache Kafka之上的客户端库。 它能够以声明的方式处理无界限的事件流。
Some real-life examples of streaming data could be sensor data, stock market event streams, and system logs. For this tutorial, we’ll build a simple word-count streaming application. Let’s start with an overview of Kafka Streams and then set up the example along with its tests in Spring Boot.
一些现实生活中的流媒体数据例子可以是传感器数据、股市事件流和系统日志。在本教程中,我们将建立一个简单的字数流应用。让我们先了解一下Kafka流的概况,然后在Spring Boot中设置这个例子及其测试。
2. Overview
Kafka Streams provides a duality between Kafka topics and relational database tables. It enables us to do operations like joins, grouping, aggregation, and filtering of one or more streaming events.
Kafka Streams提供了Kafka主题和关系数据库表之间的双重性。它使我们能够对一个或多个流事件进行连接、分组、聚合和过滤等操作。
An important concept of Kafka Streams is that of processor topology. Processor topology is the blueprint of Kafka Stream operations on one or more event streams. Essentially, the processor topology can be considered as a directed acyclic graph. In this graph, nodes are categorized into source, processor, and sink nodes, whereas the edges represent the flow of the stream events.
The source at the top of the topology receives streaming data from Kafka, passes it down to the processor nodes where custom operations are performed, and flows out through the sink nodes to a new Kafka topic. Alongside the core processing, the state of the stream is saved periodically using checkpoints for fault tolerance and resilience.
3. Dependencies
We’ll start by adding the spring-kafka and kafka-streams dependencies to our POM:
4. Example
Our sample application reads streaming events from an input Kafka topic. Once the records are read, it processes them to split the text and counts the individual words. Subsequently, it sends the updated word count to the Kafka output. In addition to the output topic, we’ll also create a simple REST service to expose this count over an HTTP endpoint.
Overall, the output topic will be continuously updated with the words extracted from the input events and their updated counts.
4.1. Configuration
First, let’s define the Kafka stream configuration in a Java config class:
首先,让我们在一个Java config类中定义Kafka流的配置。
public class KafkaConfig {
@Value(value = "${spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers}")
private String bootstrapAddress;
@Bean(name = KafkaStreamsDefaultConfiguration.DEFAULT_STREAMS_CONFIG_BEAN_NAME)
KafkaStreamsConfiguration kStreamsConfig() {
Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();
props.put(APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "streams-app");
props.put(BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootstrapAddress);
props.put(DEFAULT_KEY_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.String().getClass().getName());
props.put(DEFAULT_VALUE_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.String().getClass().getName());
return new KafkaStreamsConfiguration(props);
// other config
Here, we’ve used the@EnableKafkaStreams annotation to autoconfigure the required components. This autoconfiguration requires a KafkaStreamsConfiguration bean with the name as specified by DEFAULT_STREAMS_CONFIG_BEAN_NAME. As a result, Spring Boot uses this configuration and creates a KafkaStreams client to manage our application lifecycle.
在这里,我们使用了@EnableKafkaStreams注解来自动配置所需组件。这种自动配置需要一个KafkaStreamsConfiguration bean,其名称由DEFAULT_STREAMS_CONFIG_BEAN_NAME指定。因此,Spring Boot使用该配置并创建一个KafkaStreams客户端来管理我们的应用程序生命周期。
In our example, we’ve provided the application id, bootstrap server connection details, and SerDes (Serializer/Deserializer) for our configuration.
4.2. Topology
Now that we’ve set up the configuration, let’s build the topology for our application to keep a count of the words from input messages:
public class WordCountProcessor {
private static final Serde<String> STRING_SERDE = Serdes.String();
void buildPipeline(StreamsBuilder streamsBuilder) {
KStream<String, String> messageStream = streamsBuilder
.stream("input-topic", Consumed.with(STRING_SERDE, STRING_SERDE));
KTable<String, Long> wordCounts = messageStream
.mapValues((ValueMapper<String, String>) String::toLowerCase)
.flatMapValues(value -> Arrays.asList(value.split("\\W+")))
.groupBy((key, word) -> word, Grouped.with(STRING_SERDE, STRING_SERDE))
Here, we’ve defined a configuration method and annotated it with @Autowired. Spring processes this annotation and wires a matching bean from the container into the StreamsBuilder argument. Alternately, we can also create a bean in the configuration class to generate the topology.
StreamsBuilder gives us access to all of the Kafka Streams APIs, and it becomes like a regular Kafka Streams application. In our example, we’ve used this high-level DSL to define the transformations for our application:
- Create a KStream from the input topic using the specified key and value SerDes.
- Create a KTable by transforming, splitting, grouping, and then counting the data.
- Materialize the result to an output stream.
In essence, Spring Boot provides a very thin wrapper around Streams API while managing the lifecycle of our KStream instance. It creates and configures the required components for the topology and executes our Streams application. Importantly, this lets us focus on our core business logic while Spring manages the lifecycle.
实质上,Spring Boot在管理我们的KStream实例的生命周期的同时,为Streams API提供了一个非常薄的包装。它为拓扑结构创建和配置所需的组件,并执行我们的Streams应用程序。重要的是,这让我们专注于我们的核心业务逻辑,而Spring则负责管理生命周期。
4.3. REST Service
After defining our pipeline with the declarative steps, let’s create the REST controller. This provides the endpoints in order to POST messages to the input topic and to GET the counts for the specified word. But importantly, the application retrieves data from the Kafka Streams state store rather than the output topic.
在用声明性步骤定义了我们的管道后,让我们创建REST控制器。这提供了端点,以便向输入主题POST消息,并获取指定单词的计数。但重要的是,应用程序从Kafka Streams状态存储而非输出主题中检索数据。
First, let’s modify the KTable from earlier and materialize the aggregated counts as a local state store. This can then be queried from the REST controller:
KTable<String, Long> wordCounts = textStream
.mapValues((ValueMapper<String, String>) String::toLowerCase)
.flatMapValues(value -> Arrays.asList(value.split("\\W+")))
.groupBy((key, value) -> value, Grouped.with(STRING_SERDE, STRING_SERDE))
After this, we can update our controller to retrieve the count value from this counts state store:
public Long getWordCount(@PathVariable String word) {
KafkaStreams kafkaStreams = factoryBean.getKafkaStreams();
ReadOnlyKeyValueStore<String, Long> counts = kafkaStreams.store(
StoreQueryParameters.fromNameAndType("counts", QueryableStoreTypes.keyValueStore())
return counts.get(word);
Here, the factoryBean is an instance of StreamsBuilderFactoryBean that is wired into the controller. This provides the KafkaStreams instance managed by this factory bean. Therefore, we can obtain the counts key/value state store that we created earlier, represented by KTable. At this point, we can use this to get the current count for the requested word from the local state store.
5. Testing
Testing is a crucial part of developing and verifying our application topology. Spring Kafka test library and Testcontainers both provide excellent support to test our application at various levels.
测试是开发和验证我们应用程序拓扑结构的关键部分。Spring Kafka测试库和Testcontainers都为在不同层次上测试我们的应用程序提供了出色的支持。
5.1. Unit Testing
First, let’s set up a unit test for our topology using the TopologyTestDriver. This is the main test tool for testing a Kafka Streams application:
void givenInputMessages_whenProcessed_thenWordCountIsProduced() {
StreamsBuilder streamsBuilder = new StreamsBuilder();
Topology topology = streamsBuilder.build();
try (TopologyTestDriver topologyTestDriver = new TopologyTestDriver(topology, new Properties())) {
TestInputTopic<String, String> inputTopic = topologyTestDriver
.createInputTopic("input-topic", new StringSerializer(), new StringSerializer());
TestOutputTopic<String, Long> outputTopic = topologyTestDriver
.createOutputTopic("output-topic", new StringDeserializer(), new LongDeserializer());
inputTopic.pipeInput("key", "hello world");
inputTopic.pipeInput("key2", "hello");
KeyValue.pair("hello", 1L),
KeyValue.pair("world", 1L),
KeyValue.pair("hello", 2L)
Here, the first thing we need is the Topology that encapsulates our business logic under test from the WordCountProcessor. Now, we can use this with the TopologyTestDriver to create the input and output topics for our testing. Crucially, this eliminates the need to have a broker running and still verify the pipeline behavior. In other words, it makes it fast and easy to verify our pipeline behavior without using a real Kafka broker.
5.2. Integration Testing
Finally, let’s use the Testcontainers framework to test our application end-to-end. This uses a running Kafka broker and starts up our application for a complete test:
@SpringBootTest(classes = KafkaStreamsApplication.class, webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class KafkaStreamsApplicationLiveTest {
private static final KafkaContainer KAFKA = new KafkaContainer(
private final BlockingQueue<String> output = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
// other test setup
void givenInputMessages_whenPostToEndpoint_thenWordCountsReceivedOnOutput() throws Exception {
postMessage("test message");
// assert correct counts on output topic
assertThat(output.poll(2, MINUTES)).isEqualTo("test:1");
assertThat(output.poll(2, MINUTES)).isEqualTo("message:1");
// assert correct count from REST service
Here, we’ve sent a POST to our REST controller, which, in turn, sends the message to the Kafka input topic. As part of the setup, we’ve also started a Kafka consumer. This listens asynchronously to the output Kafka topic and updates the BlockingQueue with the received word counts.
During the test execution, the application should process the input messages. Following on, we can verify the expected output both from the topic as well as the state store using the REST service.
6. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we’ve seen how to create a simple event-driven application to process messages with Kafka Streams and Spring Boot.
在本教程中,我们看到了如何创建一个简单的事件驱动的应用程序,用Kafka流和Spring Boot处理消息。
After a brief overview of core streaming concepts, we looked at the configuration and creation of a Streams topology. Then, we saw how to integrate this with the REST functionality provided by Spring Boot. Finally, we covered some approaches for effectively testing and verifying our topology and application behavior.
在简要介绍了核心流媒体概念后,我们研究了配置和创建流媒体拓扑结构的问题。然后,我们看到了如何将其与Spring Boot提供的REST功能相结合。最后,我们介绍了一些有效测试和验证我们的拓扑结构和应用行为的方法。
As always, the full source code is available over on GitHub.