1. Overview
When building a new Spring Boot project, there’s a high degree of flexibility on how we can organize our classes.
在构建一个新的Spring Boot项目时,我们可以高度灵活地组织我们的类。
Still, there are some recommendations that we need to keep in mind.
2. No Default Package
Given the fact that Spring Boot annotations like @ComponentScan, @EntityScan, @ConfigurationPropertiesScan and @SpringBootApplication use packages to define scanning locations, it’s recommended that we avoid using the default package — that is, we should always declare the package in our classes.
鉴于像@ComponentScan、@EntityScan、@ConfigurationPropertiesScan和@SpringBootApplication这样的Spring Boot注解使用包来定义扫描位置,建议我们避免使用默认包–也就是说,我们应该始终在类中声明该包。
3. Main Class
The @SpringBootApplication annotation triggers component scanning for the current package and its sub-packages. Therefore, a solid way to go is to have the main class of the project reside in the base package.
This is configurable, and we can still locate it elsewhere by specifying the base package manually. However, in most cases, this option is certainly simpler.
Even more, a JPA-based project would need to have a few additional annotations on the main class:
@SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = "example.baeldung.com")
Also, be aware that extra configuration might be needed.
4. Design
The design of the package structure is independent of Spring Boot. Therefore, it should be imposed by the requirements of our project.
包结构的设计是独立于Spring Boot的。因此,它应该由我们项目的要求来施加。
One popular strategy is package-by-feature, which enhances modularity and enables package-private visibility inside sub-packages.
Let’s take, for example, the PetClinic project. This project was built by Spring developers to illustrate their view on how a common Spring Boot project should be structured.
让我们以PetClinic项目为例。这个项目是由Spring开发人员建立的,以说明他们对普通Spring Boot项目应如何结构的看法。
It’s organized in a package-by-feature manner. Hence, we have the main package, org.springframework.samples.petclinic, and 5 sub-packages:
- org.springframework.samples.petclinic.model
- org.springframework.samples.petclinic.owner
- org.springframework.samples.petclinic.system
- org.springframework.samples.petclinic.vet
- org.springframework.samples.petclinic.visit
Each of them represents a domain or a feature of the application, grouping highly-coupled classes inside and enabling high cohesion.
5. Conclusion
In this small article, we had a look at some recommendations we need to keep in mind when building a Spring Boot project – and learned about how we can design the package structure.
在这篇小文章中,我们看了一下在构建Spring Boot项目时需要注意的一些建议–并了解了我们如何设计包的结构。