1. Introduction
In this article, we take a look at Spring Boot Cloud CLI (or Cloud CLI for short). The tool provides a set of command line enhancements to the Spring Boot CLI that helps in further abstracting and simplifying Spring Cloud deployments.
在这篇文章中,我们看一下Spring Boot Cloud CLI(简称Cloud CLI)。该工具为Spring Boot CLI提供了一套命令行增强功能,有助于进一步抽象和简化Spring Cloud部署。
The CLI was introduced in late 2016 and allows quick auto-configuration and deployment of standard Spring Cloud services using a command line, .yml configuration files, and Groovy scripts.
CLI于2016年底推出,允许使用命令行、.yml配置文件和Groovy脚本快速自动配置和部署标准Spring Cloud服务。
2. Set Up
Spring Boot Cloud CLI 1.3.x requires Spring Boot CLI 1.5.x, so make sure to grab the latest version of Spring Boot CLI from Maven Central (installation instructions) and the most recent version of the Cloud CLI from Maven Repository (the official Spring repository)!
Spring Boot Cloud CLI 1.3.x需要Spring Boot CLI 1.5.x,因此请确保从Maven Central获取最新版本的Spring Boot CLI(安装说明),并从Maven资源库(Spring官方资源库)获取最新版本的Cloud CLI!
To make sure the CLI is installed and ready to use, simply run:
$ spring --version
After verifying your Spring Boot CLI installation, install the latest stable version of Cloud CLI:
在验证了你的Spring Boot CLI安装后,安装最新的稳定版本的Cloud CLI。
$ spring install org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-cli:1.3.2.RELEASE
Then verify the Cloud CLI:
$ spring cloud --version
Advanced installation features can be found on the official Cloud CLI page!
高级安装功能可以在官方的云计算CLI 网页上找到!
3. Default Services and Configuration
The CLI provides seven core services that can be run and deployed with single line commands.
To launch a Cloud Config server on http://localhost:8888:
$ spring cloud configserver
To start a Eureka server on http://localhost:8761:
$ spring cloud eureka
To initiate an H2 server on http://localhost:9095:
$ spring cloud h2
To launch a Kafka server on http://localhost:9091:
$ spring cloud kafka
To start a Zipkin server on http://localhost:9411:
$ spring cloud zipkin
To launch a Dataflow server on http://localhost:9393:
要在 http://localhost:9393 上启动一个 Dataflow 服务器。
$ spring cloud dataflow
To start a Hystrix dashboard on http://localhost:7979:
$ spring cloud hystrixdashboard
List currently running cloud services:
$ spring cloud --list
The handy help command:
$ spring help cloud
For more details about these commands, please check out the official blog.
4. Customizing Cloud Services With YML
Each of the services that are deployable through the Cloud CLI can also be configured using correspondingly-named .yml files:
active: git
uri: https://github.com/spring-cloud-samples/config-repo
This constitutes a simple configuration file that we can use for launching the Cloud Config Server.
We can, for example, specify a Git repository as the URI source that will be automatically cloned and deployed when we issue the ‘spring cloud configserver’ command.
例如,我们可以指定一个Git仓库作为URI源,当我们发出‘spring cloud configserver’命令时,该仓库将被自动克隆和部署。
Cloud CLI uses the Spring Cloud Launcher under the hood. That means that Cloud CLI supports most of the Spring Boot configuration mechanisms. Here’s the official list of Spring Boot properties.
Cloud CLI 在引擎盖下使用 Spring Cloud Launcher。这意味着Cloud CLI 支持大多数 Spring Boot 配置机制。 以下是Spring Boot 属性的官方列表。
Spring Cloud configuration conforms to the ‘spring.cloud…‘ convention. Settings for Spring Cloud and Spring Config Server can be found at this link.
Spring Cloud的配置符合‘spring.cloud…‘惯例。有关Spring Cloud和Spring配置服务器的设置可以在这个链接中找到。
We can also specify several different modules and services directly into the cloud.yml:
- name: configserver
coordinates: maven://...:spring-cloud-launcher-configserver:1.3.2.RELEASE
port: 8888
waitUntilStarted: true
order: -10
- name: eureka
coordinates: maven:/...:spring-cloud-launcher-eureka:1.3.2.RELEASE
port: 8761
The cloud.yml allows custom services or modules to be added and the use of Maven and Git repositories to be used.
5. Running Custom Groovy Scripts
Custom components can be written in Groovy and deployed efficiently since Cloud CLI can compile and deploy Groovy code.
由于Cloud CLI可以编译和部署Groovy代码,因此可以用Groovy编写自定义组件并进行高效部署。
Here’s an example minimal REST API implementation:
这里有一个最小的REST API实现的例子。
class api {
def get() { [message: 'Hello'] }
Assuming that the script is saved as rest.groovy, we can launch our minimal server like this:
$ spring run rest.groovy
Pinging http://localhost:8080/api/get should reveal:
Pinging http://localhost:8080/api/get应该会发现。
6. Encrypt/Decrypt
Cloud CLI also provides a tool for encryption and decryption (found in the package org.springframework.cloud.cli.command.*) that can be used directly through the command line or indirectly by passing a value to a Cloud Config Server endpoint.
Let’s set it up and see how to use it.
6.1. Setup
Both Cloud CLI as well as Spring Cloud Config Server use org.springframework.security.crypto.encrypt.* for handling encrypt and decrypt commands.
Cloud CLI以及Spring Cloud Config Server都使用org.springframework.security.crypto.encrypt。* for handling加密和解密指令。
As such, both require the JCE Unlimited Strength Extension provided by Oracle here.
6.2. Encrypt and Decrypt by Command
To encrypt ‘my_value‘ via the terminal, invoke:
$ spring encrypt my_value --key my_key
File paths can be substituted for the key name (e.g. ‘my_key‘ above) by using ‘@’ followed by the path (commonly used for RSA public keys):
$ spring encrypt my_value --key @${WORKSPACE}/foos/foo.pub
‘my_value‘ will now be encrypted to something like:
Furthermore, it will be stored in memory under key ‘my_key‘. This allows us to decrypt ‘my_key‘ back into’my_value‘ via command line:
$ spring decrypt --key my_key
We can also now use the encrypted value in a configuration YAML or properties file, where it will be automatically decrypted by the Cloud Config Server when loaded:
encrypted_credential: "{cipher}c93cb36ce1d09d7d62dffd156ef742faaa56f97f135ebd05e90355f80290ce6b"
6.3. Encrypt and Decrypt With Config Server
Spring Cloud Config Server exposes RESTful endpoints where keys and encrypted value pairs can be stored in the Java Security Store or memory.
Spring Cloud Config Server公开了RESTful端点,密钥和加密值对可以存储在Java Security Store或内存中。
For more information on how to correctly set up and configure your Cloud Config Server to accept symmetric or asymmetric encryption, please check out our article or the official docs.
Once Spring Cloud Config Server is configured and up running using the ‘spring cloud configserver‘ command, you’ll be able to call its API:
一旦Spring Cloud Config Server被配置好并使用’spring cloud configserver‘命令运行,你就可以调用其API。
$ curl localhost:8888/encrypt -d mysecret
$ curl localhost:8888/decrypt -d 682bc583f4641835fa2db009355293665d2647dade3375c0ee201de2a49f7bda
7. Conclusion
We’ve focused here on an introduction to Spring Boot Cloud CLI. For more information, please check out the official docs.
我们在这里重点介绍一下Spring Boot Cloud CLI。欲了解更多信息,请查看官方的docs。
The configuration and bash examples used in this article are available over on GitHub.