Using Spring Cloud Config Without Git – 在没有Git的情况下使用Spring Cloud配置

最后修改: 2022年 2月 17日


1. Introduction


Spring Cloud Config is a library that makes it easy to externalize configuration for Spring applications. It allows us to expose configuration data as a service, making it easy to ingest from any other application that has an HTTP client.

Spring Cloud Config是一个库,可以使Spring应用程序的配置轻松地外部化。它允许我们将配置数据作为一项服务公开,从而使我们能够轻松地从任何其他具有HTTP客户端的应用程序中摄取配置。

In this tutorial, we will look at how to use Spring Cloud Config without git.

在本教程中,我们将看看如何在没有git的情况下使用Spring Cloud Config。

2. Spring Cloud Config Overview

2.Spring Cloud配置概述

The Spring Cloud Config library is a typical client-server model. A centralized server (or servers) reads in configuration data from some external data source. These servers expose various HTTP endpoints that allow any other application to query for configuration data.

Spring Cloud Config库是一个典型的客户-服务器模型。一个集中的服务器(或多个服务器)从一些外部数据源中读入配置数据。这些服务器暴露了各种HTTP端点,允许任何其他应用程序查询配置数据。

spring cloud config overview

Spring Cloud Config Overview


spring cloud config overview


Spring Cloud Config also makes it very easy to connect from a Spring Boot application to a config server automatically. The configuration data that is provided by the server can then be used just like any other properties source inside the client application.

Spring Cloud Config还使自动从Spring Boot应用程序连接到配置服务器变得非常容易。服务器提供的配置数据可以像客户端应用程序中的任何其他属性源一样使用

3. Git Providers


The most common use case for Spring Cloud Config is to store configuration data inside a git repository. This type of setup has several advantages:

Spring Cloud Config最常见的用例是在git仓库内存储配置数据。这种类型的设置有几个优点。

  • Flexibility: A git repository can hold various file types, including binary.
  • Security: Easy to control both read and write access at a granular level.
  • Auditing: Robust history tracking allows easy auditing of configuration changes.
  • Standardized: Git operations are standard regardless of provider, meaning we can self-host or use any number of 3rd party providers.
  • Distributed: Git is designed from the ground up to be distributed, so it’s a great fit for cloud-native and microservice architectures.

Despite all the benefits listed above, however, git may not always be the best choice for storing configuration data. For example, our organization may already put configuration data in another data store like a relational database. In this case, it may not be worth the effort to migrate it to git.


In the next section, we’ll take a closer look at using Spring Cloud Config without git.

在下一节,我们将仔细研究在没有git的情况下使用Spring Cloud Config。

4. Using Spring Cloud Config Without Git

4.在没有Git的情况下使用Spring Cloud配置

When we talk about using something other than git with Spring Cloud Config, we are really referring to the server component. Our choice of data store does not impact the client component. Only the server is impacted.

当我们谈到在Spring Cloud Config中使用git以外的东西时,我们实际上是指服务器组件。我们对数据存储的选择并不影响客户端组件。只有服务器会受到影响。

Inside the Spring Cloud Config Server library, there’s a single interface named EnvironmentRepository that defines a configuration source. All configuration sources, both git and otherwise, must implement this interface.

在Spring Cloud Config Server库中,有一个名为EnvironmentRepository的接口定义了一个配置源。所有的配置源,无论是git还是其他,都必须实现这个接口

Let’s look at some of the provided implementations.


3.1. File System

3.1 文件系统

Spring Cloud Config provides support for using a file system as a configuration source. To enable this feature, we have to specify the following value in the config server’s file:

Spring Cloud Config提供了对使用文件系统作为配置源的支持。要启用这一功能,我们必须在配置服务器的application.properties文件中指定以下值。

By default, the search location assumes a classpath resource. If we want to use any arbitrary file, we simply include a file resource prefix:


In addition to this property, the config server needs to run with the native profile enabled:


It’s important to remember that when using a file system configuration source, we need to ensure the file system is available everywhere the config server will run. This likely means using a distributed file system such as NFS.


3.2. JDBC

3.2 JDBC

Spring Cloud Config can also use a relational database to load configuration data using JDBC. This is accomplished via the JdbcEnvironmentRepository class. To enable this class, we have to follow a few steps.

Spring Cloud Config 还可以使用关系型数据库来使用JDBC加载配置数据。这是通过JdbcEnvironmentRepository类完成的。要启用这个类,我们必须遵循几个步骤。

First, the spring-jdbc library must be present on the classpath. If we’re already using Spring Data JDBC or another dependent library, it will already be present. Otherwise, we can always specify it manually:

首先,spring-jdbc库必须存在于classpath中。如果我们已经在使用Spring Data JDBC或其他依赖性库,那么它就已经存在了。否则,我们总是可以手动指定它。


Second, we need to specify how to connect to the database:



In this case, we’re using MySQL, but any JDBC-compliant driver will work.


Next, the database must include a table named PROPERTIES that has the following columns:


  • KEY

And finally, we need to specify the JDBC profile for the config server:


3.3. Redis

3.3. Redis

Spring Cloud Config also supports Redis as a configuration source. This is accomplished using the RedisEnvironmentRepository class. Similar to the JDBC source, we need to follow a few steps to enable it.

Spring Cloud Config 还支持将 Redis 作为配置源。这可以通过RedisEnvironmentRepository类来实现。与JDBC源类似,我们需要遵循几个步骤来启用它。

First, we need to add a dependency to Spring Data Redis:

首先,我们需要向Spring Data Redis添加一个依赖关系。


Second, we need to set some properties for how to connect to Redis:


Next, we have to ensure our properties are stored properly in Redis. We can use the HMSET command to store some sample properties:


HMSET application "somevalue" "anothervalue"

If we were to echo back these properties, we should see the following data:


HGETALL application
    "": "somevalue",
    "": "anothervalue"

Finally, we must enable the Redis profile for our Spring Cloud Config server:

最后,我们必须为我们的Spring Cloud Config服务器启用Redis配置文件。

Using Redis as a configuration source also supports different profiles. To do this, we simply add the profile name to the end of the application:


HMSET application-dev "somevalue" "anothervalue"

In this example, we’re creating a new set of properties under a profile named dev.


3.4. Secrets


A popular feature of many cloud providers is secrets. Secrets allow us to securely store sensitive data as part of our cloud infrastructure. These are perfect for things like usernames, hostnames, and passwords, which we would want to include as part of our application configuration.


Spring Cloud Config provides support for many different cloud secret providers. Below, we’ll look at AWS, which uses the AwsSecretsManagerEnvironmentRepository class to load AWS secrets into a property source.

Spring Cloud Config为许多不同的云秘密提供者提供支持。下面,我们来看看AWS,它使用AwsSecretsManagerEnvironmentRepository类来将AWS的秘密加载到一个属性源。

This class relies on the AWSSecretsManager class to do the heavy lifting of communicating with AWS. While we could manually create it ourselves, the more straightforward solution is to use a Spring starter:



This module includes an auto-configuration that will create an instance of AWSSecretsManager for us. All we have to do is specify a set of properties in our bootstrap.yml file:


    default-context: application
    prefix: /config
    profile-separator: _
    fail-fast: true
    name: ConfigServerApplication
    enabled: true

Now, let’s suppose we want to store our database credentials in a secret and make them available to the config server. We would simply create a new secret at the path /config/application/database_credentials. Inside, we would store the necessary key/value pairs required to connect to the database.


This construct also supports different profiles. For example, if we have a development database server, we could also create a separate secret for it. We would name it /config/application/database_credentials_dev.


3.5. S3

3.5. S3

Another convenient way to store configuration is with cloud file services. Let’s take a look at how we can use AWS S3 as a configuration source.

另一种存储配置的便捷方式是使用云文件服务。让我们来看看我们如何使用AWS S3作为配置源。

First, we need to add the AWS SDK to our project:

首先,我们需要将AWS SDK添加到我们的项目中。


Then, we need to provide some values to configure a connection to the S3 bucket that contains our property files:



And, we’ll need to supply specific properties for the AWS S3 configuration provider:

而且,我们需要为AWS S3配置提供者提供特定的属性。

          region: us-east-1
          bucket: config-bucket

We also need to set a profile to ensure the AWS S3 configuration source is loaded:

我们还需要设置一个配置文件,以确保AWS S3配置源被加载。

All that’s left is to create our desired property files, including any profile-specific files, inside the bucket. Note that when an application doesn’t have a profile, the config server assumes default. Therefore, we should include a file with this suffix along with any other files that contain specific profile names.


3.6. Custom Configuration Source


If any of the provided configuration sources don’t meet our needs, we always have the option of implementing our own. In general, this involves creating a new class that implements both EnvironmentRepository and Ordered:


public class CustomConfigurationRepository implements EnvironmentRepository, Ordered {
    public Environment findOne(String application, String profile, String label) {
        // Return a new Environment that is populated from
        // our desired source (DB, NoSQL store, etc)

    public int getOrder() {
        // Define our order relative to other configuration repositories
        return 0;

Then, we simply instantiate this class as a new Spring bean:

然后,我们简单地将这个类实例化为一个新的Spring Bean。

public CustomConfigurationRepository customConfigurationRepository() {
    return new CustomConfigurationRepository();

4. Multiple Configuration Sources


In some cases, it may be necessary to run Spring Cloud Config with multiple configuration sources. In this case, we have to specify a couple of pieces of data.

在某些情况下,可能需要用多个配置源运行Spring Cloud Config。在这种情况下,我们必须指定几条数据。

Let’s say we want to run with both JDBC and Redis as configuration sources. The first thing we need to do is define the order of each source in our bootstrap.yml file:


          order: 2
          order: 1

This allows us to specify the precedence for which configuration sources should be used before others. Because the ordering follows the normal Spring Ordered annotation processing, lower number sources will be checked first.

这允许我们指定哪些配置源应在其他配置源之前使用的优先顺序。因为排序遵循正常的Spring Ordered注解处理,数量较少的来源将被首先检查

Additionally, we need to define both profiles for the server:


Note that we could specify the active profiles in the YAML as well. And, this same pattern could be used to define any number of configuration sources.


5. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve covered various configuration sources that can be used with Spring Cloud Config. While git is a great default source for many projects, it may not always be the best choice. We have seen that Spring Cloud Config provides multiple alternatives, as well as the ability to create custom providers.

在这篇文章中,我们已经介绍了可用于Spring Cloud Config的各种配置源。虽然git是许多项目的默认源,但它不一定是最佳选择。我们已经看到,Spring Cloud Config提供了多种选择,以及创建自定义提供者的能力。