1. Overview
Spring Cloud Data Flow is a cloud-native toolkit for building real-time data pipelines and batch processes. Spring Cloud Data Flow is ready to be used for a range of data processing use cases like simple import/export, ETL processing, event streaming, and predictive analytics.
Spring Cloud Data Flow是一个用于构建实时数据管道和批处理过程的云原生工具箱。Spring Cloud Data Flow可随时用于一系列数据处理用例,如简单的导入/导出、ETL处理、事件流和预测分析。
In this tutorial, we’ll learn an example of real-time Extract Transform and Load (ETL) using a stream pipeline that extracts data from a JDBC database, transforms it to simple POJOs and loads it into a MongoDB.
2. ETL and Event-Stream Processing
ETL – extract, transform and load – was commonly referred to as a process that batch-loads data from several databases and systems into a common data warehouse. In this data warehouse, it’s possible to do heavy data analysis processing without compromising the overall performance of the system.
However, new trends are changing the way how this is done. ETL still has a role in transferring data to data warehouses and data lakes.
Nowadays this can be done with streams in an event-stream architecture with the help of Spring Cloud Data Flow.
如今,在Spring Cloud Data Flow的帮助下,可以用事件流架构中的streams来完成。
3. Spring Cloud Data Flow
With Spring Cloud Data Flow (SCDF), developers can create data pipelines in two flavors:
通过Spring Cloud Data Flow(SCDF),开发人员可以创建两种风格的数据管道。
- Long-lived real-time stream applications using Spring Cloud Stream
- Short-lived batched task applications using Spring Cloud Task
In this article, we’ll cover the first, a long-lived streaming application based on Spring Cloud Stream.
在这篇文章中,我们将介绍第一个,一个基于Spring Cloud Stream的长寿流应用。
3.1. Spring Cloud Stream Applications
The SCDF Stream pipelines are composed of steps, where each step is an application built in Spring Boot style using the Spring Cloud Stream micro-framework. These applications are integrated by a messaging middleware like Apache Kafka or RabbitMQ.
SCDF流管道由多个步骤组成,其中每个步骤都是使用Spring Cloud Stream微框架以Spring Boot风格构建的应用程序。这些应用程序由Apache Kafka或RabbitMQ等消息中间件集成。
These applications are classified into sources, processors, and sinks. Comparing to the ETL process, we could say that the source is the “extract”, the processor is the “transformer” and the sink is the “load” part.
这些应用被划分为源、处理器和汇。与ETL过程相比,我们可以说源是 “提取”,处理器是 “转化器”,汇是 “加载 “部分。
In some cases, we can use an application starter in one or more steps of the pipeline. This means that we wouldn’t need to implement a new application for a step, but instead, configure an existing application starter already implemented.
A list of application starters could be found here.
3.2. Spring Cloud Data Flow Server
3.2.Spring Cloud数据流服务器
The last piece of the architecture is the Spring Cloud Data Flow Server. The SCDF Server does the deployment of the applications and the pipeline stream using the Spring Cloud Deployer Specification. This specification supports the SCDF cloud-native flavor by deploying to a range of modern runtimes, such as Kubernetes, Apache Mesos, Yarn, and Cloud Foundry.
架构的最后一块是Spring Cloud Data Flow Server。SCDF服务器使用Spring Cloud Deployer规范进行应用程序和管道流的部署。该规范通过部署到一系列现代运行时(如Kubernetes、Apache Mesos、Yarn和Cloud Foundry)来支持SCDF的云原生风味。
Also, we can run the stream as a local deployment.
More information about the SCDF architecture can be found here.
4. Environment Setup
Before we start, we need to choose the pieces of this complex deployment. The first piece to define is the SCDF Server.
For testing, we’ll use SCDF Server Local for local development. For the production deployment, we can later choose a cloud-native runtime, like SCDF Server Kubernetes. We can find the list of server runtimes here.
对于测试,我们将使用SCDF Server Local进行本地开发。对于生产部署,我们以后可以选择一个云原生的运行时,例如SCDF Server Kubernetes。我们可以在这里找到服务器运行时的列表。
Now, let’s check the system requirements to run this server.
4.1. System Requirements
To run the SCDF Server, we’ll have to define and set up two dependencies:
- the messaging middleware, and
- the RDBMS.
For the messaging middleware, we’ll work with RabbitMQ, and we choose PostgreSQL as an RDBMS for storing our pipeline stream definitions.
For running RabbitMQ, download the latest version here and start a RabbitMQ instance using the default configuration or run the following Docker command:
对于运行 RabbitMQ,请下载最新版本这里并使用默认配置启动 RabbitMQ 实例或运行以下 Docker 命令。
docker run --name dataflow-rabbit -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 -d rabbitmq:3-management
As the last setup step, install and run the PostgreSQL RDBMS on the default port 5432. After this, create a database where SCDF can store its stream definitions using the following script:
作为最后的设置步骤,在默认的5432端口安装并运行PostgreSQL RDBMS。在这之后,使用下面的脚本创建一个数据库,SCDF可以在其中存储其流定义。
4.2. Spring Cloud Data Flow Server Local
4.2.Spring Cloud数据流服务器本地
For running the SCDF Server Local, we can choose to start the server using docker-compose, or we can start it as a Java application.
Here, we’ll run the SCDF Server Local as a Java application. For configuring the application, we have to define the configuration as Java application parameters. We’ll need Java 8 in the System path.
在这里,我们将把SCDF Server Local作为一个Java应用程序来运行。为了配置该应用程序,我们必须把配置定义为Java应用程序参数。我们在系统路径中需要Java 8。
To host the jars and dependencies, we need to create a home folder for our SCDF Server and download the SCDF Server Local distribution into this folder. You can download the most recent distribution of SCDF Server Local here.
为了承载jars和依赖项,我们需要为我们的SCDF服务器创建一个主文件夹,并将SCDF服务器本地版下载到这个文件夹中。你可以下载最新的SCDF Server Local发行版这里。
Also, we need to create a lib folder and put a JDBC driver there. The latest version of the PostgreSQL driver is available here.
Finally, let’s run the SCDF local server:
$java -Dloader.path=lib -jar spring-cloud-dataflow-server-local-1.6.3.RELEASE.jar \
--spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql:// \
--spring.datasource.username=postgres_username \
--spring.datasource.password=postgres_password \
--spring.datasource.driver-class-name=org.postgresql.Driver \
--spring.rabbitmq.host= \
--spring.rabbitmq.port=5672 \
--spring.rabbitmq.username=guest \
We can check if it’s running by looking at this URL:
4.3. Spring Cloud Data Flow Shell
4.3.Spring Cloud数据流外壳
The SCDF Shell is a command line tool that makes it easy to compose and deploy our applications and pipelines. These Shell commands run over the Spring Cloud Data Flow Server REST API.
SCDF Shell是一个命令行工具,使我们能够轻松地组成和部署我们的应用程序和管道。这些 Shell 命令通过 Spring Cloud Data Flow Server REST API 运行。
Download the latest version of the jar into your SCDF home folder, available here. Once it is done, run the following command (update the version as needed):
$ java -jar spring-cloud-dataflow-shell-1.6.3.RELEASE.jar
____ ____ _ __
/ ___| _ __ _ __(_)_ __ __ _ / ___| | ___ _ _ __| |
\___ \| '_ \| '__| | '_ \ / _` | | | | |/ _ \| | | |/ _` |
___) | |_) | | | | | | | (_| | | |___| | (_) | |_| | (_| |
|____/| .__/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, | \____|_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|
____ |_| _ __|___/ __________
| _ \ __ _| |_ __ _ | ___| | _____ __ \ \ \ \ \ \
| | | |/ _` | __/ _` | | |_ | |/ _ \ \ /\ / / \ \ \ \ \ \
| |_| | (_| | || (_| | | _| | | (_) \ V V / / / / / / /
|____/ \__,_|\__\__,_| |_| |_|\___/ \_/\_/ /_/_/_/_/_/
Welcome to the Spring Cloud Data Flow shell. For assistance hit TAB or type "help".
If instead of “dataflow:>” you get “server-unknown:>” in the last line, you are not running the SCDF Server at localhost. In this case, run the following command to connect to another host:
server-unknown:>dataflow config server http://{host}
Now, Shell is connected to the SCDF Server, and we can run our commands.
The first thing we need to do in Shell is to import the application starters. Find the latest version here for RabbitMQ+Maven in Spring Boot 2.0.x, and run the following command (again, update the version, here “Darwin-SR1“, as needed):
我们在 Shell 中需要做的第一件事是导入应用程序启动器。在 Spring Boot 2.0.x 中找到 RabbitMQ+Maven 的最新版本此处,然后运行以下命令(再次根据需要更新版本,此处为”Darwin-SR1“)。
$ dataflow:>app import --uri http://bit.ly/Darwin-SR1-stream-applications-rabbit-maven
For checking the installed applications run the following Shell command:
$ dataflow:> app list
As a result, we should see a table containing all the installed applications.
Also, SCDF offers a graphical interface, named Flo, that we can access by this address: http://localhost:9393/dashboard. However, its use isn’t in the scope of this article.
另外,SCDF提供了一个图形界面,名为Flo,我们可以通过这个地址访问。http://localhost:9393/dashboard。 然而,它的使用并不在本文的范围之内。
5. Composing an ETL Pipeline
Let’s now create our stream pipeline. For doing this, we’ll use the JDBC Source application starter to extract information from our relational database.
Also, we’ll create a custom processor for transforming the information structure and a custom sink to load our data into a MongoDB.
5.1. Extract – Preparing a Relational Database for Extraction
Let’s create a database with the name of crm and a table with the name of customer:
CREATE TABLE customer (
id bigint NOT NULL,
imported boolean DEFAULT false,
customer_name character varying(50),
Note that we’re using a flag imported, which will store which record has already been imported. We could also store this information in another table, if necessary.
Now, let’s insert some data:
INSERT INTO customer(id, customer_name, imported) VALUES (1, 'John Doe', false);
5.2. Transform – Mapping JDBC Fields to the MongoDB Fields Structure
For the transformation step, we’ll do a simple translation of the field customer_name from the source table, to a new field name. Other transformations could be done here, but let’s keep the example short.
To do this, we’ll create a new project with the name customer-transform. The easiest way to do this is by using the Spring Initializr site to create the project. After reaching the website, choose a Group and an Artifact name. We’ll use com.customer and customer-transform, respectively.
为此,我们将创建一个名为customer-transform的新项目。最简单的方法是使用Spring Initializr网站来创建该项目。到达网站后,选择一个组和一个工件名称。我们将分别使用com.customer和customer-transform,。
Once this is done, click on the button “Generate Project” to download the project. Then, unzip the project and import it into your favorite IDE, and add the following dependency to the pom.xml:
完成后,点击 “生成项目 “按钮,下载项目。然后,解压该项目并将其导入你最喜欢的IDE,并在pom.xml中添加以下依赖关系。
Now we’re set to start coding the field name conversion. To do this, we’ll create the Customer class to act as an adapter. This class will receive the customer_name via the setName() method and will output its value via getName method.
The @JsonProperty annotations will do the transformation while deserializing from JSON to Java:
@JsonProperty 注释将在从JSON到Java的反序列化过程中进行转换。
public class Customer {
private Long id;
private String name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
// Getters and Setters
The processor needs to receive data from an input, do the transformation and bind the outcome to an output channel. Let’s create a class to do this:
import org.springframework.cloud.stream.annotation.EnableBinding;
import org.springframework.cloud.stream.messaging.Processor;
import org.springframework.integration.annotation.Transformer;
public class CustomerProcessorConfiguration {
@Transformer(inputChannel = Processor.INPUT, outputChannel = Processor.OUTPUT)
public Customer convertToPojo(Customer payload) {
return payload;
In the above code, we can observe that the transformation occurs automatically. The input receives the data as JSON and Jackson deserialize it into a Customer object using the set methods.
The opposite is for the output, the data is serialized to JSON using the get methods.
5.3. Load – Sink in MongoDB
Similarly to the transform step, we’ll create another maven project, now with the name customer-mongodb-sink. Again, access the Spring Initializr, for the Group choose com.customer, and for the Artifact choose customer-mongodb-sink. Then, type “MongoDB“ in the dependencies search box and download the project.
与转换步骤类似,我们将创建另一个maven项目,现在名称为customer-mongodb-sink。再次访问Spring Initializr,在组中选择com.customer,在工件中选择customer-mongodb-sink。然后,在依赖项搜索框中输入“MongoDB“并下载该项目。
Next, unzip and import it to your favorite IDE.
Then, add the same extra dependency as in the customer-transform project.
Now we’ll create another Customer class, for receiving input in this step:
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.Document;
public class Customer {
private Long id;
private String name;
// Getters and Setters
For sinking the Customer, we’ll create a Listener class that will save the customer entity using the CustomerRepository:
public class CustomerListener {
private CustomerRepository repository;
public void save(Customer customer) {
And the CustomerRepository, in this case, is a MongoRepository from Spring Data:
而本例中的CustomerRepository,是来自Spring Data的MongoRepository。
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.repository.MongoRepository;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
public interface CustomerRepository extends MongoRepository<Customer, Long> {
5.4. Stream Definition
Now, both custom applications are ready to be registered on SCDF Server. To accomplish this, compile both projects using the Maven command mvn install.
现在,两个自定义应用程序已经准备好在SCDF服务器上注册了。为了完成这个任务,使用Maven命令mvn install编译两个项目。
We then register them using the Spring Cloud Data Flow Shell:
然后我们使用Spring Cloud Data Flow Shell注册它们。
app register --name customer-transform --type processor --uri maven://com.customer:customer-transform:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
app register --name customer-mongodb-sink --type sink --uri maven://com.customer:customer-mongodb-sink:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
Finally, let’s check if the applications are stored at SCDF, run the application list command in the shell:
app list
As a result, we should see both applications in the resulting table.
5.4.1. Stream Pipeline Domain-Specific Language – DSL
5.4.1.流管道特定领域语言 – DSL
A DSL defines the configuration and data flow between the applications. The SCDF DSL is simple. In the first word, we define the name of the application, followed by the configurations.
DSL定义了应用程序之间的配置和数据流。SCDF DSL很简单。在第一个词中,我们定义了应用程序的名称,然后是配置。
Also, the syntax is a Unix-inspired Pipeline syntax, that uses vertical bars, also known as “pipes”, to connect multiple applications:
另外,该语法是一种受Unix启发的管道语法,它使用垂直条,也称为 “管道”,来连接多个应用程序。
http --port=8181 | log
This creates an HTTP application served in port 8181 which sends any received body payload to a log.
Now, let’s see how to create the DSL stream definition of the JDBC Source.
5.4.2. JDBC Source Stream Definition
The key configurations for the JDBC Source are query and update. query will select unread records while update will change a flag to prevent the current records from being reread.
Also, we’ll define the JDBC Source to poll in a fixed delay of 30 seconds and polling maximum 1000 rows. Finally, we’ll define the configurations of connection, like driver, username, password and connection URL:
--query='SELECT id, customer_name FROM public.customer WHERE imported = false'
--update='UPDATE public.customer SET imported = true WHERE id in (:id)'
--fixed-delay=30 --time-unit=SECONDS
More JDBC Source configuration properties can be found here.
5.4.3. Customer MongoDB Sink Stream Definition
As we didn’t define the connection configurations in application.properties of customer-mongodb-sink, we’ll configure through DSL parameters.
Our application is fully based on the MongoDataAutoConfiguration. You can check out the other possible configurations here. Basically, we’ll define the spring.data.mongodb.uri:
customer-mongodb-sink --spring.data.mongodb.uri=mongodb://localhost/main
5.4.4. Create and Deploy the Stream
First, to create the final stream definition, go back to the Shell and execute the following command (without line breaks, they have just been inserted for readability):
stream create --name jdbc-to-mongodb
--definition "jdbc
--query='SELECT id, customer_name FROM public.customer WHERE imported=false'
--update='UPDATE customer SET imported=true WHERE id in (:id)'
--url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/crm | customer-transform | customer-mongodb-sink
This stream DSL defines a stream named jdbc-to-mongodb. Next, we’ll deploy the stream by its name:
stream deploy --name jdbc-to-mongodb
Finally, we should see the locations of all available logs in the log output:
Logs will be in {PATH_TO_LOG}/spring-cloud-deployer/jdbc-to-mongodb/jdbc-to-mongodb.customer-mongodb-sink
Logs will be in {PATH_TO_LOG}/spring-cloud-deployer/jdbc-to-mongodb/jdbc-to-mongodb.customer-transform
Logs will be in {PATH_TO_LOG}/spring-cloud-deployer/jdbc-to-mongodb/jdbc-to-mongodb.jdbc
6. Conclusion
In this article, we’ve seen a full example of an ETL data pipeline using Spring Cloud Data Flow.
在这篇文章中,我们已经看到了一个使用Spring Cloud Data Flow的ETL数据管道的完整例子。
Most noteworthy, we saw the configurations of an application starter, created an ETL stream pipeline using the Spring Cloud Data Flow Shell and implemented custom applications for our reading, transforming and writing data.
最值得一提的是,我们看到了一个应用程序启动器的配置,使用Spring Cloud Data Flow Shell创建了一个ETL流管道,并为我们的读取、转换和写入数据实现了自定义应用程序。
As always, the example code can be found in the GitHub project.