Spring Cloud Gateway WebFilter Factories – Spring Cloud Gateway WebFilter Factories

最后修改: 2020年 5月 9日


1. Introduction


Spring Cloud Gateway is an intelligent proxy service often used in microservices. It transparently centralizes requests in a single entry point and routes them to the proper service. One of its most interesting features is the concept of filters (WebFilter or GatewayFilter).

Spring Cloud Gateway是一种智能代理服务,通常在微服务中使用。它以透明的方式将请求集中在一个单一的入口点,并将它们路由到适当的服务。其最有趣的功能之一是过滤器的概念(WebFilterGatewayFilter)。

WebFilter, together with Predicate factories, incorporate the complete routing mechanism. Spring Cloud Gateway provides many built-in WebFilter factories that allow interacting with the HTTP requests before reaching the proxied service and the HTTP responses before delivering the result to the client. It is also possible to implement custom filters.

WebFilterPredicate工厂一起,整合了完整的路由机制。Spring Cloud Gateway提供了许多内置的WebFilter工厂,允许在到达代理服务之前与HTTP请求交互,并在将结果交付给客户端之前与HTTP响应交互。也可以实现自定义过滤器

In this tutorial, we’ll focus on the built-in WebFilter factories included in the project and how to use them in advanced use cases.


2. WebFilter Factories


WebFilter (or GatewayFilter) factories allow modifying the inbound HTTP requests and outbound HTTP responses. In this sense, it offers a set of interesting functionalities to apply before and after interacting with the downstream services.


Spring Cloud Gateway WebFilter Factories Architecture

The Handler Mapping manages the client’s request. It checks whether it matches some configured route. Then, it sends the request to the Web Handler to execute the specific filter chain for this route. The dotted line splits the logic between pre- and post-filter logic. The income filters run before the proxy request. The output filters enter into action when they receive the proxy response. Filters provide mechanisms to modify the process in between.


3. Implementing WebFilter Factories


Let’s review the most important WebFilter factories incorporated in the Spring Cloud Gateway project. There are two ways to implement them, using YAML or Java DSL. We’ll show examples of how to implement both.

让我们回顾一下Spring Cloud Gateway项目中最重要的WebFilter工厂。有两种方法来实现它们,使用YAML或Java DSL。我们将展示如何实现这两种方法的例子。

3.1. HTTP Request

3.1 HTTP请求

The built-in WebFilter factories allow interacting with the headers and parameters of the HTTP request. We can add (AddRequestHeader), map (MapRequestHeader), set or replace (SetRequestHeader), and remove (RemoveRequestHeader) header values and send them to the proxied service. The original host header can also be kept (PreserveHostHeader).

内置的WebFilter工厂允许与HTTP请求的头文件和参数进行交互。我们可以添加 (AddRequestHeader), 映射 (MapRequestHeader),设置或替换 (SetRequestHeader)移除(RemoveRequestHeader)头值并将其发送到代理服务。原始的主机头也可以被保留(PreserveHostHeader)。

In the same way, we can add (AddRequestParameter) and remove (RemoveRequestParameter) parameters to be processed by the downstream service. Let’s see how to do it:


- id: add_request_header_route
  uri: https://httpbin.org
  - Path=/get/**
  - AddRequestHeader=My-Header-Good,Good
  - AddRequestHeader=My-Header-Remove,Remove
  - AddRequestParameter=var, good
  - AddRequestParameter=var2, remove
  - MapRequestHeader=My-Header-Good, My-Header-Bad
  - MapRequestHeader=My-Header-Set, My-Header-Bad
  - SetRequestHeader=My-Header-Set, Set 
  - RemoveRequestHeader=My-Header-Remove
  - RemoveRequestParameter=var2

Let’s check if everything works as expected. For that, we’ll use curl and the publicly available httpbin.org:


$ curl http://localhost:8080/get
  "args": {
    "var": "good"
  "headers": {
    "Host": "localhost",
    "My-Header-Bad": "Good",
    "My-Header-Good": "Good",
    "My-Header-Set": "Set",
  "origin": ",",
  "url": "https://localhost:8080/get?var=good"

We can see the curl response as a consequence of the request filters configured. They add My-Header-Good with value Good and map its content to My-Header-Bad. They remove My-Header-Remove and set a new value to My-Header-Set. In the args and url sections, we can see a new parameter var added. Furthermore, the last filter removes the var2 parameter.


In addition, we can modify the request body before reaching the proxied service. This filter can only be configured using the Java DSL notation. The snippet below just uppercases the content of the response body:

此外,我们可以在到达代理服务之前修改请求正文。这个过滤器只能使用Java DSL符号进行配置。下面的片段只是将响应体的内容大写。

public RouteLocator routes(RouteLocatorBuilder builder) {
     return builder.routes()
       .route("modify_request_body", r -> r.path("/post/**")
         .filters(f -> f.modifyRequestBody(
           String.class, Hello.class, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, 
           (exchange, s) -> Mono.just(new Hello(s.toUpperCase()))))

To test the snippet, let’s execute curl with the -d option to include the body “Content”:


$ curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/post" -i -d "Content"
"data": "{\"message\":\"CONTENT\"}",
"json": {
    "message": "CONTENT"

We can see that the content of the body is now uppercased to CONTENT as a result of the filter.


3.2. HTTP Response

3.2 HTTP响应

Likewise, we can modify response headers by using add (AddResponseHeader), set or replace (SetResponseHeader), remove (RemoveResponseHeader) and rewrite (RewriteResponseHeader). Another functionality over the response is to dedupe (DedupeResponseHeader) to overwrite strategies and avoid duplication on them. We can get rid of backend-specific details regarding version, location, and host by using another built-in factory (RemoveLocationResponseHeader).


Let’s see a complete example:


- id: response_header_route
  uri: https://httpbin.org
  - Path=/header/post/**
  - AddResponseHeader=My-Header-Good,Good
  - AddResponseHeader=My-Header-Set,Good
  - AddResponseHeader=My-Header-Rewrite, password=12345678
  - DedupeResponseHeader=Access-Control-Allow-Credentials Access-Control-Allow-Origin
  - AddResponseHeader=My-Header-Remove,Remove
  - SetResponseHeader=My-Header-Set, Set
  - RemoveResponseHeader=My-Header-Remove
  - RewriteResponseHeader=My-Header-Rewrite, password=[^&]+, password=***
  - RewriteLocationResponseHeader=AS_IN_REQUEST, Location, ,

Let’s use curl to display the response headers:


$ curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/header/post" -s -o /dev/null -D -
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
My-Header-Good: Good
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
My-Header-Rewrite: password=***
My-Header-Set: Set

Similarly to the HTTP request, we can modify the response body. For this example, we overwrite the body of the PUT response:


public RouteLocator responseRoutes(RouteLocatorBuilder builder) {
    return builder.routes()
      .route("modify_response_body", r -> r.path("/put/**")
        .filters(f -> f.modifyResponseBody(
          String.class, Hello.class, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, 
          (exchange, s) -> Mono.just(new Hello("New Body"))))

Let’s use the PUT endpoint to test the functionality:


$ curl -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/put" -i -d "CONTENT"
{"message":"New Body"}

3.3. Path

3.3. 路径

One of the features provided with the built-in WebFilter factories is the interaction with the paths configured by the client. It is possible to set a different path (SetPath), rewrite (RewritePath), add a prefix (PrefixPath), and strip (StripPrefix) to extract only parts of it. Remember that the filters are executed in order based on their positions in the YAML file. Let’s see how to configure the routes:


- id: path_route
  uri: https://httpbin.org
  - Path=/new/post/**
  - RewritePath=/new(?<segment>/?.*), $\{segment}
  - SetPath=/post

Both filters remove the subpath /new before reaching the proxied service. Let’s execute curl:


$ curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/new/post" -i
"X-Forwarded-Prefix": "/new"
"url": "https://localhost:8080/post"

We could also use the StripPrefix factory. With StripPrefix=1, we can get rid of the first subpath when contacting the downstream service.


3.4. Related to HTTP Status


RedirectTo takes two parameters: status and URL. The status must be a series of 300 redirection HTTP code and the URL a valid one. SetStatus takes one parameter status that can be an HTTP code or its string representation. Let’s have a look at a couple of examples:

RedirectTo需要两个参数:状态和URL。status必须是一系列300重定向的HTTP代码,URL必须是有效的。SetStatus 接收一个参数status,可以是HTTP代码或其字符串表示。让我们看一下几个例子。

- id: redirect_route
  uri: https://httpbin.org
  - Path=/fake/post/**
  - RedirectTo=302, https://httpbin.org
- id: status_route
  uri: https://httpbin.org
  - Path=/delete/**
  - SetStatus=401

The first filter acts over the /fake/post path, and the client is redirected to https://httpbin.org with an HTTP status 302:


$ curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/fake/post" -i
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: https://httpbin.org

The second filter detects the /delete path, and an HTTP status 401 is set:


$ curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/delete" -i
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

3.5. Request Size Limit


Finally, we can restrict the size limit of the request (RequestSize). If the request size is beyond the limit, the gateway rejects access to the service:


- id: size_route
  uri: https://httpbin.org
  - Path=/anything
  - name: RequestSize
       maxSize: 5000000

4. Advanced Use Cases


Spring Cloud Gateway offers other advanced WebFilter factories to support baseline functionalities for the microservices pattern.

Spring Cloud Gateway提供了其他高级WebFilter工厂,以支持微服务模式的基本功能。

4.1. Circuit Breaker


Spring Cloud Gateway has a built-in WebFilter factory for Circuit Breaker capability. The factory permits different fallback strategies and Java DSL route configuration. Let’s see a simple example:

Spring Cloud Gateway有一个内置的WebFilter工厂,用于Circuit Breaker功能。该工厂允许不同的回退策略和Java DSL路由配置。让我们看一个简单的例子。

- id: circuitbreaker_route
  uri: https://httpbin.org
  - Path=/status/504
  - name: CircuitBreaker
     name: myCircuitBreaker
     fallbackUri: forward:/anything
  - RewritePath=/status/504, /anything

For the configuration of the Circuit Breaker, we used Resilience4J by adding the spring-cloud-starter-circuitbreaker-reactor-resilience4j dependency:



Again, we can test the functionality using curl:


$ curl http://localhost:8080/status/504 
"url": "https://localhost:8080/anything"

4.2. Retry

4.2 重试

Another advanced feature allows the client to retry access when something happens with proxied services. It takes several parameters, such as the number of retries, the HTTP status codes (statuses) and methods that should be retried, series, exceptions, and backoff intervals to wait after each retry. Let’s look at the YAML configuration:


- id: retry_test
  uri: https://httpbin.org
  - Path=/status/502
  - name: Retry
       retries: 3
       statuses: BAD_GATEWAY
       methods: GET,POST
          firstBackoff: 10ms
          maxBackoff: 50ms
          factor: 2
          basedOnPreviousValue: false

When the client reaches /status/502 (Bad Gateway), the filter retries three times, waiting for the backoff intervals configured after each execution. Let’s see how it works:

当客户端到达/status/502 (Bad Gateway)时,过滤器重试三次,等待每次执行后配置的退避间隔。让我们看看它是如何工作的。

$ curl http://localhost:8080/status/502

At the same time, we need to check the Gateway logs in the server:


Mapping [Exchange: GET http://localhost:8080/status/502] to Route{id='retry_test', ...}
Handler is being applied: {uri=https://httpbin.org/status/502, method=GET}
Received last HTTP packet
Handler is being applied: {uri=https://httpbin.org/status/502, method=GET}
Received last HTTP packet
Handler is being applied: {uri=https://httpbin.org/status/502, method=GET}
Received last HTTP packet

The filter retries three times with this backoff for methods GET and POST when the gateway receives status 502.


4.3. Save Session and Secure Headers


The SecureHeader factory adds HTTP security headers to the response. Similarly, SaveSession is of particular importance when used with Spring Session and Spring Security:

SecureHeader工厂在响应中添加HTTP安全头信息。同样,SaveSession在与Spring SessionSpring Security一起使用时也特别重要。

- SaveSession

This filter stores the session state before making the forwarded call.


4.4. Request Rate Limiter


Last but not least, the RequestRateLimiter factory determines if the request can proceed.  If not, it returns an HTTP code status 429 – Too Many Requests. It uses different parameters and resolvers to specify the rate limiter.

最后,RequestRateLimiter工厂确定请求是否可以继续。 如果不能,它将返回HTTP代码状态429 – Too Many Requests它使用不同的参数和解析器来指定速率限制器

The RedisRateLimiter uses the well-known Redis database to check the number of tokens the bucket can keep. It requires the following dependency:



Consequently, it also needs the configuration of Spring Redis:

因此,它也需要配置Spring Redis

    host: localhost
    port: 6379

The filter has several properties. The first argument, replenishRate, is the number of requests per second allowed. The second argument, burstCapacity, is the maximum number of requests in a single second. The third parameter, requestedTokens, is how many tokens the request costs. Let’s see an example implementation:


- id: request_rate_limiter
  uri: https://httpbin.org
  - Path=/redis/get/**
  - StripPrefix=1
  - name: RequestRateLimiter
       redis-rate-limiter.replenishRate: 10
       redis-rate-limiter.burstCapacity: 5

Let’s use curl to test the filter. Beforehand, remember to start a Redis instance, for example using Docker:


$ curl "http://localhost:8080/redis/get" -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 4
X-RateLimit-Requested-Tokens: 1
X-RateLimit-Burst-Capacity: 5
X-RateLimit-Replenish-Rate: 10

Once the remaining rate limit reaches zero, the gateway raises HTTP code 429. For testing the behavior, we can use the unit tests. We start an Embedded Redis Server and run RepeatedTests in parallel. Once the bucket reaches the limit, the error begins to display:

一旦剩余的速率限制达到零,网关会引发HTTP代码429。为了测试该行为,我们可以使用单元测试。我们启动一个Embedded Redis服务器并并行运行RepeatedTests。一旦桶达到极限,就开始显示错误。

00:57:48.263 [main] INFO  c.b.s.w.RedisWebFilterFactoriesLiveTest - Received: status->200, reason->OK, remaining->[4]
00:57:48.394 [main] INFO  c.b.s.w.RedisWebFilterFactoriesLiveTest - Received: status->200, reason->OK, remaining->[3]
00:57:48.530 [main] INFO  c.b.s.w.RedisWebFilterFactoriesLiveTest - Received: status->200, reason->OK, remaining->[2]
00:57:48.667 [main] INFO  c.b.s.w.RedisWebFilterFactoriesLiveTest - Received: status->200, reason->OK, remaining->[1]
00:57:48.826 [main] INFO  c.b.s.w.RedisWebFilterFactoriesLiveTest - Received: status->200, reason->OK, remaining->[0]
00:57:48.851 [main] INFO  c.b.s.w.RedisWebFilterFactoriesLiveTest - Received: status->429, reason->Too Many Requests, remaining->[0]
00:57:48.894 [main] INFO  c.b.s.w.RedisWebFilterFactoriesLiveTest - Received: status->429, reason->Too Many Requests, remaining->[0]
00:57:49.135 [main] INFO  c.b.s.w.RedisWebFilterFactoriesLiveTest - Received: status->200, reason->OK, remaining->[4]

5. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we covered Spring Cloud Gateway’s WebFilter factories. We showed how to interact with the requests and responses from the client before and after executing the proxied service.

在本教程中,我们介绍了Spring Cloud Gateway的WebFilter工厂。我们展示了在执行代理服务之前和之后如何与来自客户端的请求和响应进行交互。

As always, the code is available over on GitHub.
