Introduction to Spring Cloud Netflix – Eureka – Spring Cloud Netflix简介 – Eureka

最后修改: 2016年 8月 27日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll introduce client-side service discovery via “Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka.

在本教程中,我们将通过”Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka.“介绍客户端服务发现。

Client-side service discovery allows services to find and communicate with each other without hard-coding the hostname and port. The only ‘fixed point’ in such an architecture is the service registry, with which each service has to register.

客户端服务发现允许服务在不硬编码主机名和端口的情况下找到并相互通信。这种架构中唯一的 “固定点 “是服务注册表,每个服务都必须向其注册。

One drawback is that all clients must implement a certain logic to interact with this fixed point. This assumes an additional network round trip before the actual request.


With Netflix Eureka, each client can simultaneously act as a server to replicate its status to a connected peer. In other words, a client retrieves a list of all connected peers in a service registry, and makes all further requests to other services through a load-balancing algorithm.

使用Netflix Eureka,每个客户端可以同时作为服务器,将其状态复制给连接的对等体。换句话说,客户端在一个服务注册表中检索所有连接的对等体的列表,并通过负载平衡算法向其他服务提出所有进一步的请求。

To be informed about the presence of a client, they have to send a heartbeat signal to the registry.


To achieve the goal of this tutorial, we’ll implement three microservices:


  • a service registry (Eureka Server)
  • a REST service, which registers itself at the registry (Eureka Client)
  • a web application, which is consuming the REST service as a registry-aware client (Spring Cloud Netflix Feign Client)

2. Eureka Server


Implementing a Eureka Server for service registry is as easy as:


  1. adding spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-server to the dependencies
  2. enabling the Eureka Server in a @SpringBootApplication by annotating it with @EnableEurekaServer
  3. configuring some properties

Let’s do it step by step.


First, we’ll create a new Maven project and put the dependencies in it. Notice that we’re importing the spring-cloud-starter-parent to all the projects described in this tutorial:




We can check the latest Spring Cloud releases in the Spring’s Projects documentation.

我们可以在Spring的项目文档中查看最新的Spring Cloud版本。

Then we’ll create the main application class:


public class EurekaServerApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Finally, we’ll configure the properties in YAML format, so an application.yml will be our configuration file:


  port: 8761
    registerWithEureka: false
    fetchRegistry: false

Here we’re configuring an application port; the default one for Eureka servers is 8761. We’re telling the built-in Eureka Client not to register with itself because our application should be acting as a server.


Now we’ll point our browser to http://localhost:8761 to view the Eureka dashboard, where we’ll later inspect the registered instances.


At the moment, we can see basic indicators, such as status and health indicators:



3. Eureka Client


For a @SpringBootApplication to be discovery-aware, we have to include a Spring Discovery Client (for example, spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client) into our classpath.


Then we need to annotate a @Configuration with either @EnableDiscoveryClient or @EnableEurekaClient. Note that this annotation is optional if we have the spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client dependency on the classpath.


The latter tells Spring Boot to use Spring Netflix Eureka for service discovery explicitly. To fill our client application with some sample-life, we’ll also include the spring-boot-starter-web package in the pom.xml and implement a REST controller.

后者告诉Spring Boot明确使用Spring Netflix Eureka进行服务发现。为了让我们的客户端应用程序充满一些生活样本,我们还将在pom.xml中包含spring-boot-starter-web包并实现一个REST控制器。

But first, we’ll add the dependencies. Again, we can leave it to the spring-cloud-starter-parent dependency to figure out the artifact versions for us:

但首先,我们要添加依赖项。同样,我们可以让spring-cloud-starter-parent 依赖性来为我们找出工件的版本。


Here we’ll implement the main application class:


public class EurekaClientApplication implements GreetingController {

    private EurekaClient eurekaClient;

    private String appName;

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    public String greeting() {
        return String.format(
          "Hello from '%s'!", eurekaClient.getApplication(appName).getName());

And the GreetingController interface:


public interface GreetingController {
    String greeting();

Instead of the interface, we could also simply declare the mapping inside the EurekaClientApplication class. The interface can be useful though if we want to share it between server and client.


Next, we have to set-up an application.yml with a configured Spring application name to uniquely identify our client in the list of registered applications.


We can let Spring Boot choose a random port for us because later we’ll access this service with its name. 

我们可以让Spring Boot为我们选择一个随机的端口,因为稍后我们将用它的名字访问这个服务。

Finally, we have to tell our client where it has to locate the registry:


    name: spring-cloud-eureka-client
  port: 0
      defaultZone: ${EUREKA_URI:http://localhost:8761/eureka}
    preferIpAddress: true

We decided to set up our Eureka Client this way because this kind of service should be easily scalable later on.


Now we’ll run the client, and point our browser to http://localhost:8761 again to see its registration status on the Eureka Dashboard. By using the Dashboard, we can do further configuration, like link the homepage of a registered client with the Dashboard for administrative purposes. The configuration options, however, are beyond the scope of this article:



4. Feign Client


To finalize our project with three dependent microservices, we’ll now implement a REST-consuming web application using Spring Netflix Feign Client.

为了最终完成我们的项目,有三个依赖性的微服务,我们现在将使用REST实现一个Spring Netflix Feign Client的消耗性网络应用。

Think of Feign as a discovery-aware Spring RestTemplate using interfaces to communicate with endpoints. These interfaces will be automatically implemented at runtime, and instead of service-urls, it’s using service-names.

Feign视为一个具有发现意识的Spring RestTemplate,使用接口与端点通信。这些接口将在运行时自动实现,它不使用service-urls,而是使用service-names

Without Feign, we would have to autowire an instance of EurekaClient into our controller with which we could receive service-information by service-name as an Application object.


We would use this Application to get a list of all instances of this service, pick a suitable one, and then use this InstanceInfo to get the hostname and port. With this, we could do a standard request with any http client:


private EurekaClient eurekaClient;

public String greeting(Model model) {

    InstanceInfo service = eurekaClient

    String hostName = service.getHostName();
    int port = service.getPort();

    // ...

A RestTemplate can also be used to access Eureka client-services by name, but this topic is beyond this article.


To set up our Feign Client project, we’ll add the following four dependencies to its pom.xml:

为了设置我们的Feign Client项目,我们将在其pom.xml中添加以下四个依赖项。


The Feign Client is located in the spring-cloud-starter-feign package. To enable it, we have to annotate a @Configuration with @EnableFeignClients. To use it, we simply annotate an interface with @FeignClient(“service-name”) and auto-wire it into a controller.

Feign Client位于spring-cloud-starter-feign包中。要启用它,我们必须在@Configuration中注释@EnableFeignClients。要使用它,我们只需用@FeignClient(“service-name”)注释一个接口,并将其自动连接到一个控制器。

A good method for creating such Feign Clients is to create interfaces with @RequestMapping annotated methods and put them into a separate module. This way they can be shared between server and client. On the server-side, we can implement them as @Controller, and on the client-side, they can be extended and annotated as @FeignClient.

创建这种Feign Clients的好方法是创建带有@RequestMapping注释方法的接口,并将它们放入一个单独的模块。这样,它们就可以在服务器和客户端之间共享。在服务器端,我们可以将它们作为@Controller来实现,而在客户端,它们可以被扩展并注解为@FeignClient

Furthermore, the spring-cloud-starter-eureka package needs to be included in the project and enabled by annotating the main application class with @EnableEurekaClient.


The spring-boot-starter-web and spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf dependencies are used to present a view containing fetched data from our REST service.


This will be our Feign Client interface:


public interface GreetingClient {
    String greeting();

Here we’ll implement the main application class, which simultaneously acts as a controller:


public class FeignClientApplication {
    private GreetingClient greetingClient;

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    public String greeting(Model model) {
        model.addAttribute("greeting", greetingClient.greeting());
        return "greeting-view";

This will be the HTML template for our view:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="">
        <title>Greeting Page</title>
        <h2 th:text="${greeting}"/>

The application.yml configuration file is almost the same as in the previous step:

application.yml 配置文件与上一步几乎相同。

    name: spring-cloud-eureka-feign-client
  port: 8080
      defaultZone: ${EUREKA_URI:http://localhost:8761/eureka}

Now we can build and run this service. Finally, we’ll point our browser to http://localhost:8080/get-greeting and it should display something like the following:



5. ‘TransportException: Cannot Execute Request on Any Known Server’


While running Eureka servers, we often run into exceptions like:

在运行Eureka服务器时,我们经常遇到这样的异常情况。 Cannot execute request on any known server

Basically, this happens due to the wrong configuration in or application.yml. Eureka provides two properties for the client that can be configurable:


  • registerWithEureka: If we set this property as true, then while the server starts, the inbuilt client will try to register itself with the Eureka server.
  • fetchRegistry: If we configure this property as true, the inbuilt client will try to fetch the Eureka registry.

Now when we start up the Eureka server, we don’t want to register the inbuilt client to configure itself with the server.


If we mark the above properties as true (or just don’t configure them, as they’re true by default), then while starting the server, the inbuilt client tries to register itself with the Eureka server and also tries to fetch the registry, which isn’t available yet. As a result, we get TransportException.


So we should never configure these properties as true in the Eureka server applications. The correct settings that should be put in application.yml are:


    registerWithEureka: false
    fetchRegistry: false

6. Conclusion


In this article, we learned how to implement a service registry using Spring Netflix Eureka Server and register some Eureka Clients with it.

在这篇文章中,我们学习了如何使用Spring Netflix Eureka Server实现一个服务注册中心,并在其中注册一些Eureka Client

Since our Eureka Client from step 3 listens on a randomly chosen port, it doesn’t know its location without the information from the registry. With a Feign Client and our registry, we can locate and consume the REST service, even when the location changes.

由于我们的Eureka Client在一个随机选择的端口上监听,所以如果没有来自注册表的信息,它就不知道自己的位置。有了Feign Client和我们的注册表,我们就可以定位并使用REST服务,即使位置发生变化。

Finally, we saw the big picture of using service discovery in a microservice architecture.


As usual, we can find the sources over on GitHub, which also includes a set of Docker-related files to use with docker-compose to create containers from our project.
