An Intro to Spring Cloud Vault – Spring Cloud Vault的介绍

最后修改: 2018年 9月 15日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll show how we can use Hashicorp’s Vault in Spring Boot applications to secure sensitive configuration data.

在本教程中,我们将展示如何在Spring Boot应用程序中使用Hashicorp的Vault来保护敏感配置数据。

We assume here some Vault knowledge and that we have a test setup already up and running. If this isn’t the case, let’s take a moment to read our Vault Intro tutorial so we can get acquainted with its basics.


2. Spring Cloud Vault


Spring Cloud Vault is a relatively recent addition to the Spring Cloud stack that allows applications to access secrets stored in a Vault instance in a transparent way.

Spring Cloud Vault是Spring Cloud堆栈的一个相对较新的补充,允许应用程序以透明的方式访问存储在Vault实例中的秘密

In general, migrating to Vault is a very simple process: just add the required libraries and add a few extra configuration properties to our project and we should be good to go. No code changes are required!


This is possible because it acts as a high priority PropertySource registered in the current Environment.


As such, Spring will use it whenever a property is required. Examples include DataSource properties, ConfigurationProperties, and so on.


3. Adding Spring Cloud Vault to a Spring Boot Project

3.将Spring Cloud Vault添加到Spring Boot项目中

In order to include the spring-cloud-vault library in a Maven-based Spring Boot project, we use the associated starter artifact, which will pull all required dependencies.

为了在基于Maven的Spring Boot项目中包含spring-cloud-vault库,我们使用相关的starter工件,它将提取所有必要的依赖。

Besides the main starter, we’ll also include the spring-vault-config-databases, which adds support for dynamic database credentials:



The latest version of the Spring Cloud Vault starter can be downloaded from Maven Central.

最新版本的Spring Cloud Vault启动器可以从Maven Central下载。

3.1. Basic Configuration


In order to work properly, Spring Cloud Vault needs a way to determine where to contact the Vault server and how to authenticate itself against it.

为了正常工作,Spring Cloud Vault需要一种方法来确定在哪里联系Vault服务器以及如何对其进行认证。

We do this by providing the necessary information in the application.yml or


      uri: https://localhost:8200
        trust-store: classpath:/vault.jks
        trust-store-password: changeit
    import: vault:// 

The property points to Vault’s API address. Since our test environment uses HTTPS with a self-signed certificate, we also need to provide a keystore containing its public key.属性指向Vault的API地址。由于我们的测试环境使用带有自签名证书的HTTPS,我们还需要提供一个包含其公钥的密钥库。

Note that this configuration has no authentication data. For the simplest case, where we use a fixed token, we can pass it through the system property or an environment variable. This approach works well in conjunction with standard cloud configuration mechanisms, such as Kubernetes’ ConfigMaps or Docker secrets.

注意,该配置没有认证数据。对于最简单的情况,即我们使用一个固定的令牌,我们可以通过系统属性或环境变量来传递它。这种方法与标准的云配置机制(如Kubernetes的ConfigMaps或Docker secrets)配合使用效果很好。

Spring Vault also requires extra configuration for each type of secret that we want to use in our application. The following sections describe how we can add support to two common secret types: key/value and database credentials.

Spring Vault还需要对我们想要在应用程序中使用的每种类型的秘密进行额外的配置。下面几节描述了我们如何为两种常见的秘密类型添加支持:键/值和数据库凭证。

4. Using the Generic Secrets Backend

4.使用 “通用秘密 “后端

We use the Generic Secret backend to access unversioned secrets stored as Key-Value pairs in Vault.

我们使用Generic Secret后端来访问unversioned存储在Vault中作为Key-Value对的秘密

Assuming we already have the spring-cloud-starter-vault-config dependency in our classpath, all we have to do is to add a few properties to the application.yml file:


      # other vault properties omitted ...
        enabled: true
        application-name: fakebank

The property application-name is optional in this case. If not specified, Spring will assume the value of the standard instead.


We now can use all key/value pairs stored at secret/fakebank as any other Environment property. The following snippet shows how we can read the value of the foo key stored under this path:


@Autowired Environment env;
public String getFoo() {
    return env.getProperty("foo");

As we can see, the code itself knows nothing about Vault, which is a good thing! We can still use fixed properties in local tests and switch to Vault as we please by just enabling a single property in the application.yml.


4.1. A Note on Spring Profiles

4.1.关于Spring Profiles的说明

If available in the current Environment, Spring Cloud Vault will use the available profile names as a suffix appended to the specified base path where key/value pairs will be searched.

如果在当前环境中可用,Spring Cloud Vault 将使用可用的配置文件名称作为后缀,附加到将搜索键/值对的指定基本路径上

It will also look for properties under a configurable default application path (with and without a profile suffix) so we can have shared secrets in a single location. Use this feature with caution!


To summarize, if the production profile of out fakebank application is active, Spring Vault will look for properties stored under the following paths:

总而言之,如果出fakebank应用程序的production配置文件处于活动状态,Spring Vault将寻找存储在以下路径下的属性。

  1. secret/fakebank/production (higher priority)
  2. secret/fakebank
  3. secret/application/production
  4. secret/application (lower priority)

In the preceding list, application is the name that Spring uses as a default additional location for secrets. We can modify it using the property.


Properties stored under the most specific path will take precedence over the others. For instance, if the same property foo is available under paths above, then the precedence order would be:

存储在最具体路径下的属性将优先于其他属性。例如,如果同一个属性foo 在上述路径下可用,那么优先顺序将是。

5. Using the Database Secret Backend


The Database backend module allows Spring applications to use dynamically generated database credentials created by Vault. Spring Vault injects those credentials under the standard spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password properties so they can be picked by regular DataSources.

数据库后端模块允许Spring应用程序使用由Vault创建的动态生成的数据库凭证。Spring Vault在标准的spring.datasource.usernamespring.datasource.password属性下注入这些凭证,因此它们可以被普通的DataSources所选中。

Please note that, before using this backend, we must create a database configuration and roles in Vault as described in our previous tutorial.


In order to use Vault generated database credentials in our Spring application, the spring-cloud-vault-config-databases must be present in the project’s classpath, along with the corresponding JDBC driver.


We also need to enable its use in our application by adding a few properties to our application.yml:


      # ... other properties omitted
        enabled: true
        role: fakebank-accounts-rw

The most important property here is the role property, which holds a database role name stored in Vault. During startup, Spring will contact Vault and request that it creates new credentials with the corresponding privileges.


The vault will, by default, revoke the privileges associated with those credentials after the configured time-to-live.


Fortunately, Spring Vault will automatically renew the lease associated with the acquired credentials. By doing this, the credentials will stay valid as long our application is running.

幸运的是,Spring Vault将自动更新与所获凭证相关的租约。通过这样做,只要我们的应用程序在运行,凭证将保持有效。

Now, let´s see this integration in action. The following snippet gets a new database connection from a Spring-managed DataSource:


Connection c = datasource.getConnection();

Once again, we can see that there is no sign of Vault usage in our code. All integration happens at the Environment level, so our code can easily be unit-tested as usual.


6. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we’ve shown how to integrate Vault with Spring Boot using the Spring Vault library. We’ve covered two common use cases: generic key/value pairs and dynamic database credentials.

在本教程中,我们展示了如何使用Spring Vault库将Vault与Spring Boot集成。我们介绍了两种常见的使用情况:通用键/值对和动态数据库凭证。

A sample project containing all required dependencies, integrations tests and vault setup scripts is available over on GitHub.
