1. Introduction
Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul is an open source gateway that wraps Netflix Zuul. It adds some specific features for Spring Boot applications. Unfortunately, rate limiting is not provided out of the box.
Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul是一个开源的网关,它封装了Netflix Zuul。它为Spring Boot应用程序添加了一些特定的功能。遗憾的是,没有提供开箱即用的速率限制。
In this tutorial, we will explore Spring Cloud Zuul RateLimit which adds support for rate limiting requests.
在本教程中,我们将探讨Spring Cloud Zuul RateLimit,它增加了对速率限制请求的支持。。
2. Maven Configuration
In addition to the Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul dependency, we need to add Spring Cloud Zuul RateLimit to our application’s pom.xml:
除了Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul的依赖性之外,我们还需要将Spring Cloud Zuul RateLimit添加到我们应用程序的pom.xml。
3. Example Controller
Firstly, let’s create a couple of REST endpoints on which we will apply the rate limits.
Below is a simple Spring Controller class with two endpoints:
public class GreetingController {
public ResponseEntity<String> getSimple() {
return ResponseEntity.ok("Hi!");
public ResponseEntity<String> getAdvanced() {
return ResponseEntity.ok("Hello, how you doing?");
As we can see, there is no code specific to rate limit the endpoints. This is because we’ll configure that in our Zuul properties within the application.yml file. Thus, keeping our code decoupled.
4. Zuul Properties
4.Zuul Properties
Secondly, let’s add the following Zuul properties in our application.yml file:
path: /greeting/simple
url: forward:/
path: /greeting/advanced
url: forward:/
enabled: true
repository: JPA
- limit: 5
refresh-interval: 60
- origin
- limit: 1
refresh-interval: 2
- origin
strip-prefix: true
Under zuul.routes we provide the endpoint details. And under zuul.ratelimit.policy-list, we provide the rate limit configurations for our endpoints. The limit property specifies the number of times the endpoint can be called within the refresh-interval.
As we can see, we added a rate limit of 5 requests per 60 seconds for the serviceSimple endpoint. In contrast, serviceAdvanced has a rate limit of 1 request per 2 seconds.
The type configuration specifies which rate limit approach we want to follow. Here are the possible values:
- origin – rate limit based on the user origin request
- url – rate limit based on the request path of the downstream service
- user – rate limit based on the authenticated username or ‘anonymous’
- No value – acts as a global configuration per service. To use this approach just don’t set param ‘type’
5. Testing the Rate Limit
5.1. Request Within the Rate Limit
Next, let’s test the rate limit:
public void whenRequestNotExceedingCapacity_thenReturnOkResponse() {
ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.getForEntity(SIMPLE_GREETING, String.class);
assertEquals(OK, response.getStatusCode());
HttpHeaders headers = response.getHeaders();
String key = "rate-limit-application_serviceSimple_127.0.0.1";
assertEquals("5", headers.getFirst(HEADER_LIMIT + key));
assertEquals("4", headers.getFirst(HEADER_REMAINING + key));
parseInt(headers.getFirst(HEADER_RESET + key)),
Here we make a single call to the endpoint /greeting/simple. The request is successful since it is within the rate limit.
Another key point is that with each response we get back headers providing us with further information on the rate limit. For above request, we would get following headers:
X-RateLimit-Limit-rate-limit-application_serviceSimple_127.0.0.1: 5
X-RateLimit-Remaining-rate-limit-application_serviceSimple_127.0.0.1: 4
X-RateLimit-Reset-rate-limit-application_serviceSimple_127.0.0.1: 60000
In other words:
- X-RateLimit-Limit-[key]: the limit configured for the endpoint
- X-RateLimit-Remaining-[key]: the remaining number of attempts to call the endpoint
- X-RateLimit-Reset-[key]: the remaining number of milliseconds of the refresh-interval configured for the endpoint
In addition, if we immediately fire the same endpoint again, we could get:
X-RateLimit-Limit-rate-limit-application_serviceSimple_127.0.0.1: 5
X-RateLimit-Remaining-rate-limit-application_serviceSimple_127.0.0.1: 3
X-RateLimit-Reset-rate-limit-application_serviceSimple_127.0.0.1: 57031
Notice the decreased remaining number of attempts and remaining number of milliseconds.
5.2. Request Exceeding the Rate Limit
Let’s see what happens when we exceed the rate limit:
public void whenRequestExceedingCapacity_thenReturnTooManyRequestsResponse() throws InterruptedException {
ResponseEntity<String> response = this.restTemplate.getForEntity(ADVANCED_GREETING, String.class);
assertEquals(OK, response.getStatusCode());
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
response = this.restTemplate.getForEntity(ADVANCED_GREETING, String.class);
assertEquals(TOO_MANY_REQUESTS, response.getStatusCode());
HttpHeaders headers = response.getHeaders();
String key = "rate-limit-application_serviceAdvanced_127.0.0.1";
assertEquals("1", headers.getFirst(HEADER_LIMIT + key));
assertEquals("0", headers.getFirst(HEADER_REMAINING + key));
assertNotEquals("2000", headers.getFirst(HEADER_RESET + key));
response = this.restTemplate.getForEntity(ADVANCED_GREETING, String.class);
assertEquals(OK, response.getStatusCode());
Here we call the endpoint /greeting/advanced twice in quick successions. Since we have configured rate limit as one request per 2 seconds, the second call will fail. As a result, the error code 429 (Too Many Requests) is returned to the client.
Below are the headers returned when the rate limit is reached:
X-RateLimit-Limit-rate-limit-application_serviceAdvanced_127.0.0.1: 1
X-RateLimit-Remaining-rate-limit-application_serviceAdvanced_127.0.0.1: 0
X-RateLimit-Reset-rate-limit-application_serviceAdvanced_127.0.0.1: 268
After that, we sleep for 2 seconds. This is the refresh-interval configured for the endpoint. Finally, we fire the endpoint again and get a successful response.
6. Custom Key Generator
We can customize the keys sent in the response header using a custom key generator. This is useful because the application might need to control the key strategy beyond the options offered by the type property.
For instance, this can be done by creating a custom RateLimitKeyGenerator implementation. We can add further qualifiers or something entirely different:
public RateLimitKeyGenerator rateLimitKeyGenerator(RateLimitProperties properties,
RateLimitUtils rateLimitUtils) {
return new DefaultRateLimitKeyGenerator(properties, rateLimitUtils) {
public String key(HttpServletRequest request, Route route,
RateLimitProperties.Policy policy) {
return super.key(request, route, policy) + "_" + request.getMethod();
The code above appends the REST method name to the key. For example:
X-RateLimit-Limit-rate-limit-application_serviceSimple_127.0.0.1_GET: 5
Another key point is that the RateLimitKeyGenerator bean will be automatically configured by spring-cloud-zuul-ratelimit.
另一个关键点是,RateLimitKeyGenerator Bean将由spring-cloud-zuul-ratelimit自动配置。
7. Custom Error Handling
The framework supports various implementations for rate limit data storage. For instance, Spring Data JPA and Redis are provided. By default, failures are just logged as errors using the DefaultRateLimiterErrorHandler class.
该框架支持速率限制数据存储的各种实现。例如,提供Spring Data JPA和Redis。默认情况下,失败只是使用DefaultRateLimiterErrorHandler类记录为错误。
When we need to handle the errors differently, we can define a custom RateLimiterErrorHandler bean:
public RateLimiterErrorHandler rateLimitErrorHandler() {
return new DefaultRateLimiterErrorHandler() {
public void handleSaveError(String key, Exception e) {
// implementation
public void handleFetchError(String key, Exception e) {
// implementation
public void handleError(String msg, Exception e) {
// implementation
Similar to the RateLimitKeyGenerator bean, the RateLimiterErrorHandler bean will also be automatically configured.
与RateLimitKeyGenerator bean类似,RateLimiterErrorHandler bean也将被自动配置。
8. Conclusion
In this article, we saw how to rate limit APIs using Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul and Spring Cloud Zuul RateLimit.
在这篇文章中,我们看到了如何使用Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul和Spring Cloud Zuul RateLimit进行速率限制API。
As always, the complete code for this article can be found over on GitHub.