Saving Date Values in Spring Data Cassandra – 在Spring Data Cassandra中保存日期值

最后修改: 2021年 10月 21日


1. Overview


Apache Cassandra is a scalable NoSQL database. It provides continuous availability with no single point of failure. In addition, Cassandra is able to handle large amounts of data with exceptional performance.

Apache Cassandra是一个可扩展的NoSQL数据库。它提供连续的可用性,没有单点故障。此外,Cassandra能够以卓越的性能处理大量的数据。

In this tutorial, we’ll look at connecting to Cassandra using Spring Data and Docker. Moreover, we’ll make use of the Spring Data repository abstraction to work with Cassandra’s data layer.

在本教程中,我们将研究如何使用Spring Data和Docker连接到Cassandra。此外,我们将利用Spring Data存储库的抽象,与Cassandra的数据层一起工作。

We’ll see how to save different Java date values in Cassandra. Finally, we’ll investigate how those date values are mapped to Cassandra types.


2. Spring Data for Cassandra


Spring Data for Apache Cassandra offers Spring developers a familiar interface for working with Cassandra. This project applies core Spring concepts to the development of solutions using Cassandra data storage.

Spring Data for Apache Cassandra为Spring开发人员提供了熟悉的界面来处理Cassandra。该项目将 Spring 的核心概念应用于使用 Cassandra 数据存储的解决方案的开发。

Spring Data lets us create repositories based on common Spring interfaces. It also allows the use of QueryBuilders to eliminate the need to learn Cassandra Query Language (CQL). The project provides simple annotations that enable rich object mapping.

Spring Data让我们可以基于常见的Spring接口创建存储库。它还允许使用QueryBuilders来消除学习Cassandra查询语言(CQL)的需要。该项目提供了简单的注释,可以实现丰富的对象映射。

There are two important helper classes:


  • CqlTemplate handles common data access operations
  • CassandraTemplate provides object mapping

The project has noticeable similarities with Spring’s core JDBC support.


3. Setting Up a Test Environment


In order to get started, we’ll need to set up a connection to a Cassandra instance.


Note that we can also connect to an Astra DB database instead, which is a cloud-based database built on Apache Cassandra.

注意,我们也可以连接到Astra DB数据库,这是一个基于Apache Cassandra的云数据库。

This guide will show you how to connect to a Datastax Astra DB.

本指南将告诉你如何连接到Datastax Astra DB.

3.1. Cassandra Container

3.1 Cassandra容器

Let’s configure and start Cassandra using the Testcontainers library. To begin with, we’ll define a Cassandra container and expose it to a specific port:


public static final CassandraContainer cassandra = (CassandraContainer) new CassandraContainer("cassandra:3.11.2")

Next, we’ll need to override test properties required for Spring Data to be able to establish a connection with the Cassandra container:

接下来,我们需要覆盖Spring Data所需的测试属性,以便能够与Cassandra容器建立连接。

    "" + cassandra.getContainerIpAddress(),
    "" + cassandra.getMappedPort(9042)

Finally, before creating any objects/tables, we’ll need to create a keyspace:


session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS " + KEYSPACE_NAME + " WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor':'1'};");

A keyspace is simply a data container in Cassandra. In fact, it is very similar to a database in an RDBMS.


3.2. Cassandra Repository


Spring Data’s repository support significantly eases implementing DAOs. Let’s start by creating a simple DAO.

Spring Data的存储库支持大大简化了DAO的实现。让我们从创建一个简单的DAO开始。

The @Table annotation provided in the package enables domain object mapping:


public class Person {

    private UUID id;
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;

    public Person(UUID id, String firstName, String lastName) { = id;
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;

    //getters, setters, equals and hash code


Next, we’ll define a Spring Data repository for our DAO by extending the CassandraRepository interface:

接下来,我们将通过扩展CassandraRepository接口为我们的DAO定义一个Spring Data存储库。

public interface PersonRepository extends CassandraRepository<Person, UUID> {}

Finally, we’ll need to define two additional properties before we can start writing integration tests:


The first property will ensure that Spring Data automatically creates the annotated tables for us.

第一个属性将确保Spring Data自动为我们创建注解的表。

We should note that this setting is not recommended for production systems.


4. Using Date Values


In modern versions of Spring Data for Apache Cassandra, working with date values is quite straightforward. Spring Data will automatically ensure that Java date types are correctly mapped to and from an Apache Cassandra representation.

在现代版本的Apache Cassandra的Spring Data中,处理日期值是非常直接的。Spring Data将自动确保Java日期类型正确地映射到Apache Cassandra表示法,并从Apache Cassandra表示法中获得。

4.1. LocalDate Type


Let’s add a new field birthDate of type LocalDate to our Person DAO:

让我们在我们的Person DAO中添加一个类型为LocalDate的新字段birthDate

public void givenValidPersonUsingLocalDate_whenSavingIt_thenDataIsPersisted() {
    UUID personId = UUIDs.timeBased();
    Person newPerson = new Person(personId, "Luka", "Modric");
    newPerson.setBirthDate(LocalDate.of(1985, 9, 9));;

    List<Person> savedPersons = personRepository.findAllById(List.of(personId));

Spring Data automatically converts Java’s LocalDate to Cassandra’s date type. The LocalDate value in the DAO is identical after saving and fetching the record from Cassandra.

Spring Data自动将Java的LocalDate转换为Cassandra的date类型。在保存和从Cassandra获取记录后,DAO中的LocalDate值是相同的。

4.2. LocalDateTime Type


Let’s add another field called lastVisitedDate of type LocalDateTime to our Person DAO:

让我们为我们的Person DAO添加另一个类型为LocalDateTime的名为lastVisitedDate的字段。

public void givenValidPersonUsingLocalDateTime_whenSavingIt_thenDataIsPersisted() {
    UUID personId = UUIDs.timeBased();
    Person newPerson = new Person(personId, "Luka", "Modric");
    newPerson.setLastVisitedDate(LocalDateTime.of(2021, 7, 13, 11, 30));;

    List<Person> savedPersons = personRepository.findAllById(List.of(personId));

Spring Data automatically converts Java’s LocalDateTime to Cassandra’s timestamp type. The LocalDateTime value in the DAO is identical after saving and fetching the record from Cassandra.

Spring Data自动将Java的LocalDateTime转换为Cassandra的timestamp类型。在保存和从Cassandra获取记录后,DAO中的LocalDateTime值是相同的。

4.3. Legacy Date Type


Finally, let’s add a field called lastPurchasedDate of the legacy type Date to our Person DAO:

最后,让我们为我们的Person DAO添加一个名为lastPurchasedDate的字段,该字段属于传统类型Date

public void givenValidPersonUsingLegacyDate_whenSavingIt_thenDataIsPersisted() {
    UUID personId = UUIDs.timeBased();
    Person newPerson = new Person(personId, "Luka", "Modric");
    newPerson.setLastPurchasedDate(new Date(LocalDate.of(2021, 7, 13).toEpochDay()));;

    List<Person> savedPersons = personRepository.findAllById(List.of(personId));

As with LocalDateTime, Spring Data converts Java’s java.util.Date to Cassandra’s timestamp type.

LocalDateTime一样,Spring Data将Java的java.util.Date转换为Cassandra的timestamp类型

4.4. Mapped Cassandra Types


Let’s check the data that was saved in Cassandra by using CQLSH. It’s a command-line shell for interacting with Cassandra through CQL.


In order to check what data has been stored in the Cassandra container during test execution, we can simply put a breakpoint in our test. During the paused test execution, we can then connect to the Docker container CLI via the Docker Desktop application:


After connecting to the Docker container CLI, we should first select the keyspace and then the table:


# cqlsh
Connected to Test Cluster at
[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 3.11.2 | CQL spec 3.4.4 | Native protocol v4]
Use HELP for help.
cqlsh> USE test;
cqlsh:test> select * from person;

As a result, CQLSH will display us a formatted output of the data saved in the table:


 id                                   | birthdate  | firstname | lastname | lastpurchaseddate | lastvisiteddate
 9abef910-e3fd-11eb-9829-c5149ac796de | 1985-09-09 |      Luka |   Modric |              null |            null

However, we would also like to check the data types used for the specific date columns:


cqlsh:test> DESC TABLE person;

The output returns a CQL command used to create the table. Therefore, it contains all data types definitions:


CREATE TABLE test.person (
    id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
    birthdate date,
    firstname text,
    lastname text,
    lastpurchaseddate timestamp,
    lastvisiteddate timestamp

5. Conclusion


In this article, we explored working with different date values in Spring Data for Apache Cassandra.

在这篇文章中,我们探讨了在Spring Data for Apache Cassandra中处理不同的日期值。

In the examples, we covered working with LocalDate, LocalDateTime, and the legacy Date Java type. We saw how to connect to a Cassandra instance started using Testcontainers. Finally, we used the Spring Data repository abstraction to manipulate with data stored in Cassandra.

在这些例子中,我们涵盖了与LocalDateLocalDateTime和传统的Date Java类型的工作。我们看到如何使用Testcontainers开始连接到Cassandra实例。最后,我们使用Spring Data资源库抽象来操作存储在Cassandra中的数据。

As always, the source code is available over on GitHub.
