1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll explain how to use @DomainEvents annotation and AbstractAggregateRoot class to conveniently publish and handle domain events produced by aggregate – one of the key tactical design patterns in Domain-driven design.
Aggregates accept business commands, which usually results in producing an event related to the business domain – the Domain Event.
If you’d like to learn more about DDD and aggregates, it’s best to start with Eric Evans’ original book. There’s also a great series about effective aggregate design written by Vaughn Vernon. Definitely worth reading.
如果您想进一步了解DDD和聚合,最好从Eric Evans的原书开始。还有Vaughn Vernon撰写的关于有效聚合设计的系列文章也很不错。绝对值得一读。
It can be cumbersome to manually work with domain events. Thankfully, Spring Framework allows us to easily publish and handle domain events when working with aggregate roots using data repositories.
2. Maven Dependencies
Spring Data introduced @DomainEvents in Ingalls release train. It’s available for any kind of repository.
Spring Data在Ingalls发布的培训中引入了@DomainEvents。它可用于任何种类的存储库。
Code samples provided for this article use Spring Data JPA. The simplest way to integrate Spring domain events with our project is to use the Spring Boot Data JPA Starter:
本文提供的代码样本使用Spring Data JPA。将Spring域事件与我们的项目集成的最简单方法是使用Spring Boot Data JPA Starter:
3. Publish Events Manually
First, let’s try to publish domain events manually. We’ll explain the @DomainEvents usage in the next section.
For the needs of this article, we’ll use an empty marker class for domain events – the DomainEvent.
为了本文的需要,我们将使用一个空的标记类来处理领域事件 – DomainEvent。
We’re going to use standard ApplicationEventPublisher interface.
There’re two good places where we can publish events: service layer or directly inside the aggregate.
3.1. Service Layer
3.1 服务层
We can simply publish events after calling the repository save method inside a service method.
If a service method is part of a transaction and we handle the events inside the listener annotated with @TransactionalEventListener, then events will be handled only after the transaction commits successfully.
Therefore, there’s no risk of having “fake” events handled when the transaction is rolled back and the aggregate isn’t updated:
因此,当事务回滚时,不会有处理 “假 “事件的风险,而聚合体也不会被更新。
public class DomainService {
// ...
public void serviceDomainOperation(long entityId) {
.ifPresent(entity -> {
eventPublisher.publishEvent(new DomainEvent());
Here’s a test that proves events are indeed published by serviceDomainOperation:
@DisplayName("given existing aggregate,"
+ " when do domain operation on service,"
+ " then domain event is published")
void serviceEventsTest() {
Aggregate existingDomainEntity = new Aggregate(1, eventPublisher);
// when
// then
verify(eventHandler, times(1)).handleEvent(any(DomainEvent.class));
3.2. Aggregate
We can also publish events directly from within the aggregate.
This way we manage the creation of domain events inside the class which feels more natural for this:
class Aggregate {
// ...
void domainOperation() {
// some business logic
if (eventPublisher != null) {
eventPublisher.publishEvent(new DomainEvent());
Unfortunately, this might not work as expected because of how Spring Data initializes entities from repositories.
不幸的是,由于Spring Data是如何从存储库初始化实体的,这可能不会像预期的那样工作。
Here’s the corresponding test that shows the real behavior:
@DisplayName("given existing aggregate,"
+ " when do domain operation directly on aggregate,"
+ " then domain event is NOT published")
void aggregateEventsTest() {
Aggregate existingDomainEntity = new Aggregate(0, eventPublisher);
// when
// then
As we can see, the event isn’t published at all. Having dependencies inside the aggregate might not be a great idea. In this example, ApplicationEventPublisher is not initialized automatically by Spring Data.
我们可以看到,事件根本没有被发布。在聚合内部有依赖关系可能不是一个好主意。在这个例子中,ApplicationEventPublisher没有被Spring Data自动初始化。
The aggregate is constructed by invoking the default constructor. To make it behave as we would expect, we’d need to manually recreate entities (e.g. using custom factories or aspect programming).
Also, we should avoid publishing events immediately after the aggregate method finishes. At least, unless we are 100% sure this method is part of a transaction. Otherwise, we might have “spurious” events published when change is not yet persisted. This might lead to inconsistencies in the system.
另外,我们应该避免在聚合方法完成后立即发布事件。至少,除非我们100%确定这个方法是一个事务的一部分。否则,当变化尚未持久化时,我们可能会有 “虚假的 “事件被发布。这可能会导致系统中的不一致。
If we want to avoid this, we must remember to always call aggregate methods inside a transaction. Unfortunately, this way we couple our design heavily to the persistence technology. We need to remember that we don’t always work with transactional systems.
Therefore, it’s generally a better idea to let our aggregate simply manage a collection of domain events and return them when it’s about to get persisted.
In the next section, we’ll explain how we can make domain events publishing more manageable by using @DomainEvents and @AfterDomainEvents annotations.
4. Publish Events Using @DomainEvents
Since Spring Data Ingalls release train we can use the @DomainEvents annotation to automatically publish domain events.
自Spring Data Ingalls发布培训以来,我们可以使用@DomainEvents注解来自动发布领域事件。
A method annotated with @DomainEvents is automatically invoked by Spring Data whenever an entity is saved using the right repository.
每当使用正确的存储库保存实体时,Spring Data就会自动调用一个用@DomainEvents注解的方法。
Then, events returned by this method are published using the ApplicationEventPublisher interface:
public class Aggregate2 {
private final Collection<DomainEvent> domainEvents;
// ...
public void domainOperation() {
// some domain operation
domainEvents.add(new DomainEvent());
public Collection<DomainEvent> events() {
return domainEvents;
Here’s the example explaining this behavior:
@DisplayName("given aggregate with @DomainEvents,"
+ " when do domain operation and save,"
+ " then event is published")
void domainEvents() {
// given
Aggregate2 aggregate = new Aggregate2();
// when
// then
verify(eventHandler, times(1)).handleEvent(any(DomainEvent.class));
After domain events are published, the method annotated with @AfterDomainEventsPublication is called.
The purpose of this method is usually to clear the list of all events, so they aren’t published again in the future:
public void clearEvents() {
Let’s add this method to the Aggregate2 class and see how it works:
@DisplayName("given aggregate with @AfterDomainEventPublication,"
+ " when do domain operation and save twice,"
+ " then an event is published only for the first time")
void afterDomainEvents() {
// given
Aggregate2 aggregate = new Aggregate2();
// when
// then
verify(eventHandler, times(1)).handleEvent(any(DomainEvent.class));
We clearly see that event is published only for the first time. If we removed the @AfterDomainEventPublication annotation from the clearEvents method, then the same event would be published for the second time.
However, it’s up to the implementor what would actually happen. Spring only guarantees to call this method – nothing more.
5. Use AbstractAggregateRoot Template
It’s possible to further simplify publishing of domain events thanks to the AbstractAggregateRoot template class. All we have to do is to call register method when we want to add the new domain event to the collection of events:
public class Aggregate3 extends AbstractAggregateRoot<Aggregate3> {
// ...
public void domainOperation() {
// some domain operation
registerEvent(new DomainEvent());
This is a counterpart to the example shown in the previous section.
Just to make sure everything works as expected – here are the tests:
@DisplayName("given aggregate extending AbstractAggregateRoot,"
+ " when do domain operation and save twice,"
+ " then an event is published only for the first time")
void afterDomainEvents() {
// given
Aggregate3 aggregate = new Aggregate3();
// when
// then
verify(eventHandler, times(1)).handleEvent(any(DomainEvent.class));
@DisplayName("given aggregate extending AbstractAggregateRoot,"
+ " when do domain operation and save,"
+ " then an event is published")
void domainEvents() {
// given
Aggregate3 aggregate = new Aggregate3();
// when
// then
verify(eventHandler, times(1)).handleEvent(any(DomainEvent.class));
As we can see, we can produce a lot less code and achieve exactly the same effect.
6. Implementation Caveats
While it might look like a great idea to use the @DomainEvents feature at first, there are some pitfalls we need to be aware of.
6.1. Unpublished Events
When working with JPA we don’t necessarily call save method when we want to persist the changes.
If our code is part of a transaction (e.g. annotated with @Transactional) and makes changes to the existing entity, then we usually simply let the transaction commit without explicitly calling the save method on a repository. So, even if our aggregate produced new domain events they will never get published.
We need also remember that @DomainEvents feature works only when using Spring Data repositories. This might be an important design factor.
我们还需要记住,@DomainEvents功能仅在使用Spring Data存储库时才会起作用。这可能是一个重要的设计因素。
6.2. Lost Events
If an exception occurs during events publication, the listeners will simply never get notified.
Even if we could somehow guarantee notification of event listeners, currently there’s no backpressure to let publishers know something went wrong. If event listener gets interrupted by an exception, the event will remain unconsumed and it will never be published again.
This design flaw is known to the Spring dev team. One of the lead developers even suggested a possible solution to this problem.
6.3. Local Context
Domain events are published using a simple ApplicationEventPublisher interface.
By default, when using ApplicationEventPublisher, events are published and consumed in the same thread. Everything happens in the same container.
Usually, we want to send events through some kind of message broker, so the other distributed clients/systems get notified. In such case, we’d need to manually forward events to the message broker.
It’s also possible to use Spring Integration or third-party solutions, such as Apache Camel.
也可以使用Spring Integration或第三方解决方案,例如Apache Camel。
7. Conclusion
In this article, we’ve learned how to manage aggregate domain events using @DomainEvents annotation.
This approach can greatly simplify events infrastructure so we can focus only on the domain logic. We just need to be aware that there’s no silver bullet and the way Spring handles domain events is not an exception.
The full source code of all the examples is available over on GitHub.