1. Overview
When creating a persistence layer, we need to match our SQL database schema with the object model that we created in our code. This can be a lot of work to do manually.
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to generate and export our database schema based on the entity models from our code.
First, we’ll cover the JPA configuration properties for schema generation. Then we’ll explore how to use these properties in Spring Data JPA.
首先,我们将介绍用于模式生成的JPA配置属性。然后我们将探讨如何在Spring Data JPA中使用这些属性。
Finally, we’ll discuss an alternative for DDL generation using Hibernate’s native API.
2. JPA Schema Generation
JPA 2.1 introduced a standard for database schema generation. Thus, starting with this release, we can control how to generate and export our database schema through a set of predefined configuration properties.
JPA 2.1为数据库模式的生成引入了一个标准。因此,从这个版本开始,我们可以通过一组预定义的配置属性来控制如何生成和导出我们的数据库模式。
2.1. The Script action
To control which DDL commands we’ll generate, JPA introduces the script action configuration option:
We can choose from four different options:
- none – doesn’t generate any DDL commands
- create – generates only database create commands
- drop – generates only database drop commands
- drop-and-create – generates database drop commands followed by create commands
2.2. The Script target
For each specified script action, we’ll need to define the corresponding target configuration:
In essence, the script target defines the location of the file that contains the schema create or drop commands. So, for instance, if we choose drop-and-create as the script action, we’ll need to specify both targets.
从本质上讲,脚本的target 定义了包含模式创建或删除命令的文件的位置。因此,例如,如果我们选择drop-and-create作为脚本的action,我们就需要指定两个targets。
2.3. The Schema Source
Finally, to generate the schema DDL commands from our entity models, we should include the schema source configurations with the metadata option selected:
In the next section, we’ll see how we can use Spring Data JPA to automatically generate our database schema with the standard JPA properties.
在下一节中,我们将看到如何使用Spring Data JPA来自动生成具有标准JPA属性的数据库模式。
3. Schema Generation With Spring Data JPA
3.用Spring Data JPA生成模式
3.1. The Models
Let’s imagine we’re implementing a user-account system with an entity called Account:
@Table(name = "accounts")
public class Account {
private Long id;
@Column(nullable = false, length = 100)
private String name;
@Column(name = "email_address")
private String emailAddress;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "account", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private List<AccountSettings> accountSettings = new ArrayList<>();
// getters and setters
Each account can have multiple account settings, so here we’ll have a one-to-many mapping:
@Table(name = "account_settings")
public class AccountSetting {
private Long id;
@Column(name = "name", nullable = false)
private String settingName;
@Column(name = "value", nullable = false)
private String settingValue;
@JoinColumn(name ="account_id", nullable = false)
private Account account;
// getters and setters
3.2. Spring Data JPA Configuration
3.2.Spring Data JPA配置
To generate the database schema, we’ll need to pass the schema generation properties to the persistence provider in use. To do this, we’ll set the native JPA properties in our configuration file under the spring.jpa.properties prefix:
Then Spring Data JPA passes these properties to the persistence provider when it creates the EntityManagerFactory bean.
然后Spring Data JPA在创建EntityManagerFactorybean时将这些属性传递给持久化提供者。
3.3. The create.sql File
As a result, on the application startup, the above configuration will generate the database creation commands based on the entity mapping metadata. Furthermore, the DDL commands are exported into the create.sql file, which is created in our main project folder:
create table account_settings (
id bigint not null,
name varchar(255) not null,
value varchar(255) not null,
account_id bigint not null,
primary key (id)
create table accounts (
id bigint not null,
email_address varchar(255),
name varchar(100) not null,
primary key (id)
alter table account_settings
add constraint FK54uo82jnot7ye32pyc8dcj2eh
foreign key (account_id)
references accounts (id)
4. Schema Generation With the Hibernate API
4.用Hibernate API生成模式
If we’re using Hibernate, we can use its native API, SchemaExport, to generate our schema DDL commands. Likewise, the Hibernate API uses our application entity models to generate and export the database schema.
如果我们使用Hibernate,我们可以使用其本地API,SchemaExport,来生成我们的模式DDL命令。同样地,Hibernate API使用我们的应用程序实体模型来生成和导出数据库模式。
With Hibernate’s SchemaExport, we can use the drop, createOnly, and create methods explicitly:
MetadataSources metadataSources = new MetadataSources(serviceRegistry);
Metadata metadata = metadataSources.buildMetadata();
SchemaExport schemaExport = new SchemaExport();
schemaExport.createOnly(EnumSet.of(TargetType.SCRIPT), metadata);
When we run this code, our database creation commands are exported into the create.sql file in our main project folder.
The SchemaExport is part of the Hibernate Bootstrapping API.
SchemaExport是Hibernate Bootstrapping API的一部分。
5. Schema Generation Options
Even though schema generation can save us time during development, we should only use it for basic scenarios.
For instance, we could use it to quickly spin up development or testing databases.
In contrast, for more complex scenarios like database migration, we should use more refined tooling, like Liquibase or Flyway.
6. Conclusion
In this article, we learned how to generate and export our database schema with the help of the JPA schema-generation properties. Then we discussed how to achieve the same result using Hibernate’s native API, SchemaExport.
在这篇文章中,我们学习了如何在JPA schema-generation属性的帮助下生成和导出我们的数据库模式。然后我们讨论了如何使用Hibernate的本地API,SchemaExport来实现同样的结果。
As always, the example code for this article is available over on GitHub.