1. Introduction
In this tutorial, we’ll create composite keys in our Spring Data MongoDB application. We’ll learn about different strategies and how to configure them.
在本教程中,我们将在Spring Data MongoDB应用程序中创建复合键。我们将了解不同的策略以及如何配置它们。
2. What Is a Composite Key and When to Use It
A composite key is a combination of properties in a document that uniquely identifies it. Using a composite primary key is not better or worse than using a single automatically generated property. We can even combine these approaches with unique indexes.
Often, there’s no single property that’s able to uniquely identify a document. In those cases, we can leave it blank and MongoDB will generate a unique value for its “_id” property. Alternatively, we can choose multiple properties that, when combined, serve that purpose. In that case, we have to create a custom class for our ID property to hold all these properties. Let’s see how this works.
通常,没有一个属性能够唯一地识别一个文档。在这些情况下,我们可以将其留空,然后MongoDB 将为其”_id“属性生成一个唯一值。另外,我们也可以选择多个属性,这些属性组合起来就可以达到这个目的。在这种情况下,我们必须为我们的 ID 属性创建一个自定义类,以容纳所有这些属性。让我们看看这是如何实现的。
3. Using the @Id Annotation to Create a Composite Key
The @Id annotation can be used to annotate a property of a custom type, giving full control of its generation. The only requirements for our ID classes are that we override equals() and hashCode() and have a default no-arg constructor.
In our first example, we’ll create a document for event tickets. Its ID will be a combination of the venue and date properties. Let’s start with our ID class:
public class TicketId {
private String venue;
private String date;
// getters and setters
// override hashCode() and equals()
Since the no-arg constructor is implicit and we don’t need other constructors, we don’t need to write it. Also, we’ll use String dates to make examples simpler. Next, let’s create our Ticket class, and annotate our TicketId property with @Id:
public class Ticket {
private TicketId id;
private String event;
// getters and setters
For our MongoRepository, we can specify our TicketId as the ID type, and that’s all the setup needed:
public interface TicketRepository extends MongoRepository<Ticket, TicketId> {
3.1. Testing Our Model
Consequently, trying to insert a ticket with the same ID twice, will throw a DuplicateKeyException. We can check this with a test:
public void givenCompositeId_whenDupeInsert_thenExceptionIsThrown() {
TicketId ticketId = new TicketId();
Ticket ticket = new Ticket(ticketId, "Event C");
assertThrows(DuplicateKeyException.class, () -> {
And this ensures our key is working.
3.2. Finding by ID
Since we’re defining our TicketId as the ID class in our repository, we can still use the default findById() method. Let’s write a test to see it in action:
public void givenCompositeId_whenSearchingByIdObject_thenFound() {
TicketId ticketId = new TicketId();
ticketId.setVenue("Venue B");
service.insert(new Ticket(ticketId, "Event B"));
Optional<Ticket> optionalTicket = ticketRepository.findById(ticketId);
Ticket savedTicket = optionalTicket.get();
assertEquals(savedTicket.getId(), ticketId);
We should use this approach when we want absolute control of our ID property. Similarly, this will make sure the properties in our ID object cannot be modified. One downside is that we lose the ID generated by MongoDB, which is less readable. But, easier to use in links, for example.
当我们想要绝对控制我们的 ID 属性时,我们应该使用这种方法。类似地,这将确保我们的ID对象中的属性不能被修改。一个缺点是,我们失去了由MongoDB生成的ID,它的可读性较差。但是,在链接中更容易使用,比如说。
4. Caveat
When using a nested object as an ID, the order of the properties matter. This is usually not a problem when using our repository, as Java objects are always constructed in the same order. But, if we change the order of the fields in our TicketId class, we can insert another document with the same values. For instance, these objects are considered different:
"id": {
"venue":"Venue A",
"date": "2023-05-27"
"event": "Event 1"
After that, if we change the field order in TicketId, we’ll be able to insert the same values. No exceptions will be thrown:
"id": {
"date": "2023-05-27",
"venue":"Venue A"
"event": "Event 1"
This doesn’t happen if, instead of an ID class, we use unique indexes on properties of our Ticket class. In other words, it only happens with nested objects.
5. Conclusion
In this article, we saw the pros and cons of creating composite keys for our MongoDB documents. And the required configuration to implement them with a simple use case. But, we also learned about an important caveat to be aware of.
And as always, the source code is available over on GitHub.