1. Introduction
In this tutorial, we’re going to see different ways to configure a connection to our database. We’ll use Spring Boot and Spring Data MongoDB. Exploring Spring’s flexible configuration, we’ll create a different application for each approach. As a result, we’ll be able to choose the most appropriate one.
在本教程中,我们将看到配置与数据库的连接的不同方法。我们将使用Spring Boot和Spring Data MongoDB。探索Spring的灵活配置,我们将为每种方法创建一个不同的应用程序。因此,我们将能够选择最合适的方式。
2. Testing Our Connections
Before we start building our applications, we’ll create a test class. Let’s start with a few constants we’ll reuse:
public class MongoConnectionApplicationLiveTest {
private static final String HOST = "localhost";
private static final String PORT = "27017";
private static final String DB = "baeldung";
private static final String USER = "admin";
private static final String PASS = "password";
// test cases
Our tests consist of running our application, then trying to insert a document in a collection called “items”. After inserting our document, we should receive an “_id” from our database, and we consider the test to be successful. Let’s create a helper method for that:
private void assertInsertSucceeds(ConfigurableApplicationContext context) {
String name = "A";
MongoTemplate mongo = context.getBean(MongoTemplate.class);
Document doc = Document.parse("{\"name\":\"" + name + "\"}");
Document inserted = mongo.insert(doc, "items");
assertEquals(inserted.get("name"), name);
Our method receives the Spring context from our application so that we can retrieve the MongoTemplate instance. After that, we build a simple JSON document from a string with Document.parse().
This way, we don’t need to create a repository or a document class. Then, after inserting, we assert the properties in our inserted document are what we expect.
3. Minimal Setup via application.properties
Our first example is the most common way of configuring connections. We just have to provide our database information in our application.properties:
All available properties reside in the MongoProperties class from Spring Boot. We can also use this class to check default values. We can define any configuration in our properties file via application arguments. We’ll see how this works in the following section.
所有可用的属性都位于Spring Boot的MongoProperties类中。我们还可以使用这个类来检查默认值。我们可以通过应用程序参数在我们的属性文件中定义任何配置。我们将在下一节看到这一点。
In our application class, we don’t need anything special to get up and running:
public class SpringMongoConnectionViaPropertiesApp {
public static void main(String... args) {
SpringApplication.run(SpringMongoConnectionViaPropertiesApp.class, args);
This configuration is all we need to connect to our database instance. The @SpringBootApplication annotation includes @EnableAutoConfiguration. It takes care of discovering that our application is a MongoDB application based on our classpath.
To test it, we can use SpringApplicationBuilder to get a reference to the application context. Then, to assert our connection is valid, we use the assertInsertSucceeds method created earlier:
public void whenPropertiesConfig_thenInsertSucceeds() {
SpringApplicationBuilder app = new SpringApplicationBuilder(SpringMongoConnectionViaPropertiesApp.class)
In the end, our application successfully connected using our application.properties file.
3.1. Overriding Properties With Command Line Arguments
We can override our properties file when running our application with command line arguments. These are passed to the application when run with the java command, mvn command, or IDE configuration. The method to provide these will depend on the command we’re using.
Let’s see an example using mvn to run our Spring Boot application:
让我们看看一个例子使用mvn来运行我们的Spring Boot应用程序: 。
mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments='--spring.data.mongodb.port=7017 --spring.data.mongodb.host=localhost'
To use it, we specify our properties as values to the spring-boot.run.arguments argument. We use the same property names but prefix them with two dashes. Since Spring Boot 2, multiple properties should be separated by a space. Finally, after running the command, there shouldn’t be errors.
为了使用它,我们把我们的属性作为spring-boot.run.arguments参数的值来指定。我们使用相同的属性名称,但在它们前面加上两个破折号。从Spring Boot 2开始,多个属性应该用空格隔开。最后,运行命令后,不应该有错误。
Options configured this way always have precedence over the properties file. This option is useful when we need to change our application parameters without changing our properties file. For instance, if our credentials have changed and we can’t connect anymore.
To simulate this in our tests, we can set system properties before running our application. Also, we can override our application.properties with the properties method:
public void givenPrecedence_whenSystemConfig_thenInsertSucceeds() {
System.setProperty("spring.data.mongodb.host", HOST);
System.setProperty("spring.data.mongodb.port", PORT);
System.setProperty("spring.data.mongodb.database", DB);
System.setProperty("spring.data.mongodb.username", USER);
System.setProperty("spring.data.mongodb.password", PASS);
SpringApplicationBuilder app = new SpringApplicationBuilder(SpringMongoConnectionViaPropertiesApp.class);
As a result, the old values in our properties file won’t affect our application because system properties have more precedence. This can be useful when we need to restart our application with new connection details without changing the code.
3.2. Using the Connection URI Property
It’s also possible to use a single property instead of the individual host, port, etc.:
This property includes all values from the initial properties, so we don’t need to specify all five. Let’s check the basic format:
The database part in the URI is, more specifically, the default auth DB. Most importantly, the spring.data.mongodb.uri property cannot be specified along the individual ones for host, port, and credentials. Otherwise, we’ll get the following error when running our application:
URI 中的 database 部分,更确切地说,是 默认的 auth DB。最重要的是,spring.data.mongodb.uri属性不能与 host、port 和 credentials 的单独属性一起指定。否则,在运行我们的应用程序时,我们将得到以下错误。
public void givenConnectionUri_whenAlsoIncludingIndividualParameters_thenInvalidConfig() {
"mongodb://" + USER + ":" + PASS + "@" + HOST + ":" + PORT + "/" + DB
SpringApplicationBuilder app = new SpringApplicationBuilder(SpringMongoConnectionViaPropertiesApp.class)
"spring.data.mongodb.host=" + HOST,
"spring.data.mongodb.port=" + PORT,
"spring.data.mongodb.username=" + USER,
"spring.data.mongodb.password=" + PASS
BeanCreationException e = assertThrows(BeanCreationException.class, () -> {
Throwable rootCause = e.getRootCause();
assertTrue(rootCause instanceof IllegalStateException);
.contains("Invalid mongo configuration, either uri or host/port/credentials/replicaSet must be specified"));
In the end, this configuration option is not only shorter but sometimes required. That’s because some options are only available through the connection string. For instance, using mongodb+srv to connect to a replica set. Therefore, we’ll use only this simpler configuration property for the next examples.
4. Java Setup With MongoClient
MongoClient represents our connection to a MongoDB database and is always created under the hood. But, we can also set it up programmatically. Despite being more verbose, this approach has a few advantages. Let’s take a look at them over the next sections.
MongoClient代表我们与 MongoDB 数据库的连接,并且总是在引擎盖下创建。但是,我们也可以通过编程来设置它。尽管这种方法更加繁琐,但它有一些优势。让我们在接下来的章节中了解一下这些优势。
4.1. Connecting via AbstractMongoClientConfiguration
In our first example, we’ll extend the AbstractMongoClientConfiguration class from Spring Data MongoDB in our application class:
在我们的第一个示例中,我们将在应用类中扩展Spring Data MongoDB的AbstractMongoClientConfiguration类。
public class SpringMongoConnectionViaClientApp extends AbstractMongoClientConfiguration {
// main method
Next, let’s inject the properties we’ll need:
private String uri;
private String db;
To clarify, these properties could be hard-coded. Also, they could use names that differ from the expected Spring Data variables. Most importantly, this time, we’re using a URI instead of individual connection properties, which cannot be mixed. Consequently, we cannot reuse our application.properties for this application, and we should move it elsewhere.
澄清一下,这些属性可以是硬编码的。此外,它们可以使用与预期的 Spring Data 变量不同的名称。最重要的是,这次我们使用的是 URI,而不是单独的连接属性,后者不能混合使用。因此,我们不能将我们的 application.properties 重用于此应用程序,我们应该将其移至其他地方。
AbstractMongoClientConfiguration requires us to override getDatabaseName(). That’s because a database name is not required in a URI:
protected String getDatabaseName() {
return db;
At this point, because we’re using default Spring Data variables, we’d already be able to connect to our database. Also, MongoDB creates the database if it doesn’t exist. Let’s test it:
在这一点上,因为我们使用了默认的Spring Data变量,所以我们已经能够连接到我们的数据库。另外,如果数据库不存在,MongoDB会创建它。让我们来测试一下。
public void whenClientConfig_thenInsertSucceeds() {
SpringApplicationBuilder app = new SpringApplicationBuilder(SpringMongoConnectionViaClientApp.class);
"--spring.data.mongodb.uri=mongodb://" + USER + ":" + PASS + "@" + HOST + ":" + PORT + "/" + DB,
"--spring.data.mongodb.database=" + DB
Finally, we can override mongoClient() to get an advantage over conventional configuration. This method will use our URI variable to build a MongoDB client. That way, we can have a direct reference to it. For instance, this enables us to list all the databases available from our connection:
public MongoClient mongoClient() {
MongoClient client = MongoClients.create(uri);
ListDatabasesIterable<Document> databases = client.listDatabases();
return client;
Configuring connections this way is useful if we want complete control over the MongoDB client’s creation.
4.2. Creating a Custom MongoClientFactoryBean
In our next example, we’ll create a MongoClientFactoryBean. This time, we’ll create a property called custom.uri to hold our connection configuration:
public class SpringMongoConnectionViaFactoryApp {
// main method
public MongoClientFactoryBean mongo(@Value("${custom.uri}") String uri) {
MongoClientFactoryBean mongo = new MongoClientFactoryBean();
ConnectionString conn = new ConnectionString(uri);
MongoClient client = mongo.getObject();
return mongo;
With this approach, we don’t need to extend AbstractMongoClientConfiguration. Also, we have control over our MongoClient‘s creation. For instance, by calling mongo.setSingleton(false), we get a new client every time we call mongo.getObject(), instead of a singleton.
4.3. Set Connection Details With MongoClientSettingsBuilderCustomizer
In our last example, we’re going to use a MongoClientSettingsBuilderCustomizer:
public class SpringMongoConnectionViaBuilderApp {
// main method
public MongoClientSettingsBuilderCustomizer customizer(@Value("${custom.uri}") String uri) {
ConnectionString connection = new ConnectionString(uri);
return settings -> settings.applyConnectionString(connection);
We use this class to customize parts of our connection but still have auto-configuration for the rest. Helpful when we need to set just a few properties programmatically.
5. Conclusion
In this article, we saw the different tools brought by Spring Data MongoDB. We used them to create connections in different ways. Moreover, we built test cases to guarantee our configurations worked as intended. Meanwhile, we saw how configuration precedence could affect our connection properties.
在这篇文章中,我们看到了Spring Data MongoDB所带来的不同工具。我们使用它们以不同的方式创建连接。此外,我们还建立了测试用例,以保证我们的配置能按预期工作。同时,我们看到了配置优先级如何影响我们的连接属性。
And as always, the source code is available over on GitHub.