1. Introduction
In this tutorial, we’re going to discuss how to use MongoDB as an infinite data stream by utilizing tailable cursors with Spring Data MongoDB.
在本教程中,我们将讨论如何通过利用Spring Data MongoDB的可跟踪游标,将MongoDB作为一个无限的数据流。
2. Tailable Cursors
When we execute a query, the database driver opens a cursor to supply the matching documents. By default, MongoDB automatically closes the cursor when the client reads all results. Therefore, turning results in a finite data stream.
However, we can use capped collections with a tailable cursor that remains open, even after the client consumed all initially returned data – making the infinite data stream. This approach is useful for applications dealing with event streams, like chat messages, or stock updates.
Spring Data MongoDB project helps us utilizing reactive database capabilities, including tailable cursors.
Spring Data MongoDB项目帮助我们利用了反应式数据库的能力,包括可跟踪的游标。
3. Setup
To demonstrate the mentioned features, we’ll implement a simple logs counter application. Let’s assume there is some log aggregator that collects and persists all logs into a central place – our MongoDB capped collection.
Firstly, we’ll use the simple Log entity:
public class Log {
private @Id String id;
private String service;
private LogLevel level;
private String message;
Secondly, we’ll store the logs in our MongoDB capped collection. Capped collections are fixed-size collections that insert and retrieve documents based on the insertion order. We can create them with the MongoOperations.createCollection:
db.createCollection(COLLECTION_NAME, new CreateCollectionOptions()
For capped collections, we must define the sizeInBytes property. Moreover, the maxDocuments specifies the maximum number of documents a collection can have. Once reached, the older documents will be removed from the collection.
Thirdly, we’ll use the appropriate Spring Boot starter dependency:
第三,我们将使用适当的Spring Boot启动器的依赖性。
4. Reactive Tailable Cursors
We can consume tailable cursors with both the imperative and the reactive MongoDB API. It’s highly recommended to use the reactive variant.
我们可以使用imperative和reactive MongoDB API来消费可跟踪光标。我们强烈建议使用反应式变体。
Let’s implement WARN level logs counter using a reactive approach. We’re able to create infinite stream queries with ReactiveMongoOperations.tail method.
A tailable cursor remains open and emits data – a Flux of entities – as new documents arrive in a capped collection and match the filter query:
private Disposable subscription;
public WarnLogsCounter(ReactiveMongoOperations template) {
Flux<Log> stream = template.tail(
subscription = stream.subscribe(logEntity ->
Once the new document, having the WARN log level, is persisted in the collection, the subscriber (lambda expression) will increment the counter.
Finally, we should dispose of the subscription to close the stream:
public void close() {
Also, please note that tailable cursors may become dead, or invalid if the query initially returns no match. In other words, even if new persisted documents match the filter query, the subscriber will not be able to receive them. This is a known limitation of MongoDB tailable cursors. We must ensure that there are matching documents in the capped collection, before creating a tailable cursor.
5. Tailable Cursors with a Reactive Repository
Spring Data projects offer a repository abstraction for different data stores, including the reactive versions.
Spring Data项目为不同的数据存储提供了一个存储库抽象,包括反应式版本。
MongoDB is no exception. Please check the Spring Data Reactive Repositories with MongoDB article for more details.
MongoDB 也不例外。请查看Spring Data Reactive Repositories with MongoDB文章以了解更多细节。
Moreover, MongoDB reactive repositories support infinite streams by annotating a query method with @Tailable. We can annotate any repository method returning Flux or other reactive types capable of emitting multiple elements:
此外,MongoDB 反应式存储库通过用@Tailable注释查询方法来支持无限流。我们可以注释任何返回Flux或其他能够发出多个元素的反应式类型的存储库方法。
public interface LogsRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<Log, String> {
Flux<Log> findByLevel(LogLevel level);
Let’s count INFO logs using this tailable repository method:
private Disposable subscription;
public InfoLogsCounter(LogsRepository repository) {
Flux<Log> stream = repository.findByLevel(LogLevel.INFO);
this.subscription = stream.subscribe(logEntity ->
Similarly, as for WarnLogsCounter, we should dispose of the subscription to close the stream:
public void close() {
6. Tailable Cursors with a MessageListener
Nevertheless, if we can’t use the reactive API, we can leverage Spring’s messaging concept.
First, we need to create a MessageListenerContainer which will handle sent SubscriptionRequest objects. The synchronous MongoDB driver creates a long-running, blocking task that listens to new documents in the capped collection.
首先,我们需要创建一个MessageListenerContainer,它将处理发送的SubscriptionRequest对象。同步 MongoDB 驱动程序创建了一个长期运行的阻塞任务,用于监听封顶集合中的新文档。
Spring Data MongoDB ships with a default implementation capable of creating and executing Task instances for a TailableCursorRequest:
Spring Data MongoDB带有默认实现,能够为TailableCursorRequest创建和执行Task实例:。
private String collectionName;
private MessageListenerContainer container;
private AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
public ErrorLogsCounter(MongoTemplate mongoTemplate,
String collectionName) {
this.collectionName = collectionName;
this.container = new DefaultMessageListenerContainer(mongoTemplate);
TailableCursorRequest<Log> request = getTailableCursorRequest();
container.register(request, Log.class);
private TailableCursorRequest<Log> getTailableCursorRequest() {
MessageListener<Document, Log> listener = message ->
return TailableCursorRequest.builder()
TailableCursorRequest creates a query filtering only the ERROR level logs. Each matching document will be published to the MessageListener that will increment the counter.
Note that we still need to ensure that the initial query returns some results. Otherwise, the tailable cursor will be immediately closed.
In addition, we should not forget to stop the container once we no longer need it:
public void close() {
7. Conclusion
MongoDB capped collections with tailable cursors help us receive information from the database in a continuous way. We can run a query that will keep giving results until explicitly closed. Spring Data MongoDB offers us both the blocking and the reactive way of utilizing tailable cursors.
MongoDB的封顶集合与可跟踪游标帮助我们以连续的方式从数据库接收信息。我们可以运行一个查询,该查询将持续给出结果,直到明确关闭。Spring Data MongoDB为我们提供了利用可跟踪游标的阻塞式和反应式方式。
The source code of the complete example is available over on GitHub.