1. Overview
Discord4J is an open-source Java library that can primarily be used to quickly access the Discord Bot API. It heavily integrates with Project Reactor to provide a completely non-blocking reactive API.
Discord4J是一个开源的Java库,主要可用于快速访问Discord Bot API。它与Project Reactor严重集成,以提供一个完全非阻塞的反应式 API。
We’ll use Discord4J in this tutorial to create a simple Discord bot capable of responding to a predefined command. We’ll build the bot on top of Spring Boot to demonstrate how easy it would be to scale our bot across many other features enabled by Spring Boot.
在本教程中,我们将使用Discord4J来创建一个简单的Discord机器人,能够对预定义的命令做出反应。我们将在Spring Boot的基础上建立机器人,以证明在Spring Boot支持的许多其他功能中扩展我们的机器人是多么容易。
When we’re finished, this bot will be able to listen for a command called “!todo” and will print out a statically defined to-do list.
当我们完成后,这个机器人将能够监听一个名为”!todo “的命令,并打印出一个静态定义的待办事项列表。
2. Create a Discord Application
2.创建一个 Discord 应用程序
For our bot to receive updates from Discord and post responses in channels, we’ll need to create a Discord Application in the Discord Developer Portal and set it up to be a bot. This is a simple process. Since Discord allows the creation of multiple applications or bots under a single developer account, feel free to try this multiple times with different settings.
为了使我们的机器人能够接收来自 Discord 的更新并在频道中发布回复,我们需要在 Discord 开发者门户中创建一个 Discord 应用程序,并将其设置为一个机器人。这是一个简单的过程。由于Discord允许在一个开发者账户下创建多个应用程序或机器人,因此,请随时用不同的设置多次尝试。
Here are the steps to create a new application:
- Log in to the Discord Developer Portal
- In the Applications tab, click “New Application”
- Enter a name for our bot and click “Create”
- Upload an App Icon and a description and click “Save Changes”
Now that an application exists, we simply need to add bot functionality to it. This will generate the bot token that Discord4J requires.
Here are the steps to transform an application into a bot:
- In the Applications tab, select our application (if it is not already selected).
- In the Bot tab, click “Add Bot” and confirm that we want to do it.
Now that our application has become a real bot, copy the token so that we can add it to our application properties. Be careful not to share this token publicly since someone else would be able to execute malicious code while impersonating our bot.
We’re now ready to write some code!
3. Create a Spring Boot App
3.创建一个Spring Boot应用程序
After constructing a new Spring Boot app, we need to be sure to include the Discord4J core dependency:
在构建新的Spring Boot应用程序后,我们需要确保包括Discord4J core依赖性。
Discord4J works by initializing a GatewayDiscordClient with the bot token we created earlier. This client object allows us to register event listeners and configure many things, but at a bare minimum, we must at least call the login() method. This will display our bot as being online.
First, let’s add our bot token to our application.yml file:
token: 'our-token-here'
Next, let’s inject it into a @Configuration class where we can instantiate our GatewayDiscordClient:
public class BotConfiguration {
private String token;
public GatewayDiscordClient gatewayDiscordClient() {
return DiscordClientBuilder.create(token)
At this point, our bot would be seen as online, but it doesn’t do anything yet. Let’s add some functionality.
4. Add Event Listeners
The most common feature of a chatbot is the command. This is an abstraction seen in CLIs where a user types some text to trigger certain functions. We can achieve this in our Discord bot by listening for new messages that users send and replying with intelligent responses when appropriate.
There are many types of events for which we can listen. However, registering a listener is the same for all of them, so let’s first create an interface for all of our event listeners:
import discord4j.core.event.domain.Event;
public interface EventListener<T extends Event> {
Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EventListener.class);
Class<T> getEventType();
Mono<Void> execute(T event);
default Mono<Void> handleError(Throwable error) {
LOG.error("Unable to process " + getEventType().getSimpleName(), error);
return Mono.empty();
Now we can implement this interface for as many discord4j.core.event.domain.Event extensions as we want.
Before we implement our first event listener, let’s modify our client @Bean configuration to expect a list of EventListener so that it can register every one found in the Spring ApplicationContext:
在我们实现第一个事件监听器之前,让我们修改我们的客户端@Bean配置,以期待一个EventListener的列表,这样它就可以注册在Spring ApplicationContext中发现的每一个监听器。
public <T extends Event> GatewayDiscordClient gatewayDiscordClient(List<EventListener<T>> eventListeners) {
GatewayDiscordClient client = DiscordClientBuilder.create(token)
for(EventListener<T> listener : eventListeners) {
return client;
Now, all we have to do to register event listeners is to implement our interface and annotate it with Spring’s @Component-based stereotype annotations. The registration will now happen automatically for us!
现在,我们注册事件监听器所要做的就是实现我们的接口,并用Spring的@Component-based stereotype annotations来注释它。
We could have chosen to register each event separately and explicitly. However, it is generally better to take a more modular approach for better code scalability.
Our event listener setup is now complete, but the bot still doesn’t do anything yet, so let’s add some events to listen to.
4.1. Command Processing
To receive a user’s command, we can listen to two different event types: MessageCreateEvent for new messages and MessageUpdateEvent for updated messages. We may only want to listen for new messages, but as a learning opportunity, let’s assume we want to support both kinds of events for our bot. This will provide an extra layer of robustness that our users may appreciate.
Both event objects contain all the relevant information about each event. In particular, we’re interested in the message contents, the author of the message, and the channel it was posted to. Luckily, all of these data points live in the Message object that both of these event types provide.
Once we have the Message, we can check the author to make sure it is not a bot, we can check the message contents to make sure it matches our command, and we can use the message’s channel to send a response.
Since we can fully operate from both events through their Message objects, let’s put all downstream logic into a common location so that both event listeners can use it:
import discord4j.core.object.entity.Message;
public abstract class MessageListener {
public Mono<Void> processCommand(Message eventMessage) {
return Mono.just(eventMessage)
.filter(message -> message.getAuthor().map(user -> !user.isBot()).orElse(false))
.filter(message -> message.getContent().equalsIgnoreCase("!todo"))
.flatMap(channel -> channel.createMessage("Things to do today:\n - write a bot\n - eat lunch\n - play a game"))
A lot is going on here, but this is the most basic form of a command and response. This approach uses a reactive functional design, but it is possible to write this in a more traditional imperative way using block().
Scaling across multiple bot commands, invoking different services or data repositories, or even using Discord roles as authorization for certain commands are common parts of a good bot command architecture. Since our listeners are Spring-managed @Services, we could easily inject other Spring-managed beans to take care of those tasks. However, we won’t tackle any of that in this article.
4.2. EventListener<MessageCreateEvent>
To receive new messages from a user, we must listen to the MessageCreateEvent. Since the command processing logic already lives in MessageListener, we can extend it to inherit that functionality. Also, we need to implement our EventListener interface to comply with our registration design:
public class MessageCreateListener extends MessageListener implements EventListener<MessageCreateEvent> {
public Class<MessageCreateEvent> getEventType() {
return MessageCreateEvent.class;
public Mono<Void> execute(MessageCreateEvent event) {
return processCommand(event.getMessage());
Through inheritance, the message is passed off to our processCommand() method where all verification and responses occur.
At this point, our bot will receive and respond to the “!todo” command. However, if a user corrects their mistyped command, the bot would not respond. Let’s support this use case with another event listener.
在这一点上,我们的机器人将接收并响应”!todo “命令。然而,如果用户纠正了他们打错的命令,机器人就不会做出反应。让我们用另一个事件监听器来支持这个用例。
4.3. EventListener<MessageUpdateEvent>
The MessageUpdateEvent is emitted when a user edits a message. We can listen for this event to recognize commands, much like how we listen for the MessageCreateEvent.
For our purposes, we only care about this event if the message contents were changed. We can ignore other instances of this event. Fortunately, we can use the isContentChanged() method to filter out such instances:
public class MessageUpdateListener extends MessageListener implements EventListener<MessageUpdateEvent> {
public Class<MessageUpdateEvent> getEventType() {
return MessageUpdateEvent.class;
public Mono<Void> execute(MessageUpdateEvent event) {
return Mono.just(event)
In this case, since getMessage() returns Mono<Message> instead of a raw Message, we need to use flatMap() to send it to our superclass.
5. Test Bot in Discord
Now that we have a functioning Discord bot, we can invite it to a Discord server and test it.
To create an invite link, we must specify which permissions the bot requires to function properly. A popular third-party Discord Permissions Calculator is often used to generate an invite link with the needed permissions. Although it’s not recommended for production, we can simply choose “Administrator” for testing purposes and not worry about the other permissions. Simply supply the Client ID for our bot (found in the Discord Developer Portal) and use the generated link to invite our bot to a server.
要创建一个邀请链接,我们必须指定机器人需要哪些权限才能正常运行。一个流行的第三方Discord权限计算器通常被用来生成具有所需权限的邀请链接。虽然不建议用于生产,但我们可以简单地选择 “管理员 “来进行测试,而不必担心其他权限。只需提供我们的机器人的客户端 ID(可在 Discord 开发人员门户中找到),并使用生成的链接来邀请我们的机器人进入服务器。
If we do not grant Administrator permissions to the bot, we might need to tweak channel permissions so that the bot can read and write in a channel.
The bot now responds to the message “!todo” and when a message is edited to say “!todo”:
机器人现在对信息”!todo “做出反应,当信息被编辑为”!todo “时,机器人也会做出反应。
6. Overview
This tutorial described all the necessary steps for creating a Discord bot using the Discord4J library and Spring Boot. Finally, it described how to set up a basic scalable command and response structure for the bot.
本教程描述了使用Discord4J库和Spring Boot创建一个Discord机器人的所有必要步骤。最后,它描述了如何为机器人建立一个基本的可扩展命令和响应结构。
For a complete and working bot, view the source code over on GitHub. A valid bot token is required to run it.