Guide to @DynamicPropertySource in Spring – Spring中的@DynamicPropertySource指南

最后修改: 2020年 8月 31日


1. Overview


Today’s applications don’t live in isolation: we usually need to connect to various external components such as PostgreSQL, Apache Kafka, Cassandra, Redis, and other external APIs.

今天的应用程序并不是孤立存在的:我们通常需要连接到各种外部组件,如PostgreSQL、Apache Kafka、Cassandra、Redis和其他外部API。

In this tutorial, we’re going to see how Spring Framework 5.2.5 facilitates testing such applications with the introduction of dynamic properties.

在本教程中,我们将看到Spring Framework 5.2.5如何通过引入动态属性来方便测试此类应用程序。

First, we’ll start by defining the problem and seeing how we used to solve the problem in a less than ideal way. Then, we’ll introduce the @DynamicPropertySource annotation and see how it offers a better solution to the same problem. In the end, we’ll also take a look at another solution from test frameworks that can be superior compared to pure Spring solutions.


2. The Problem: Dynamic Properties


Let’s suppose we’re developing a typical application that uses PostgreSQL as its database. We’ll begin with a simple JPA entity:

让我们假设我们正在开发一个使用PostgreSQL作为数据库的典型应用程序。我们将从一个简单的JPA entity开始。

@Table(name = "articles")
public class Article {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
    private Long id;

    private String title;

    private String content;

    // getters and setters

To make sure this entity works as expected, we should write a test for it to verify its database interactions. Since this test needs to talk to a real database, we should set up a PostgreSQL instance beforehand.


There are different approaches to set up such infrastructural tools during test executions. As a matter of fact, there are three main categories of such solutions:


  • Set up a separate database server somewhere just for the tests
  • Use some lightweight, test-specific alternatives or fakes such as H2
  • Let the test itself manage the lifecycle of the database

As we shouldn’t differentiate between our test and production environments, there are better alternatives compared to using test doubles such as H2. The third option, in addition to working with a real database, offers better isolation for tests. Moreover, with technologies like Docker and Testcontainers, it’s easy to implement the third option.


Here’s what our test workflow will look like if we use technologies like Testcontainers:


  1. Set up a component such as PostgreSQL before all tests. Usually, these components listen to random ports.
  2. Run the tests.
  3. Tear down the component.

If our PostgreSQL container is going to listen to a random port every time, then we should somehow set and change the spring.datasource.url configuration property dynamically. Basically, each test should have its own version of that configuration property.


When the configurations are static, we can easily manage them using Spring Boot’s configuration management facility. However, when we’re facing dynamic configurations, the same task can be challenging.

当配置是静态的时候,我们可以使用Spring Boot的配置管理设施来轻松管理它们。但是,当我们面对动态配置时,同样的任务可能具有挑战性。

Now that we know the problem, let’s see a traditional solution for it.


3. Traditional Solution


The first approach to implement dynamic properties is to use a custom ApplicationContextInitializer. Basically, we set up our infrastructure first and use the information from the first step to customize the ApplicationContext:


@ContextConfiguration(initializers = ArticleTraditionalLiveTest.EnvInitializer.class)
class ArticleTraditionalLiveTest {

    static PostgreSQLContainer<?> postgres = new PostgreSQLContainer<>("postgres:11")

    static class EnvInitializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {

        public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext) {
              String.format("spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:%d/prop", postgres.getFirstMappedPort()),

    // omitted 

Let’s walk through this somewhat complex setup. JUnit will create and start the container before anything else. After the container is ready, the Spring extension will call the initializer to apply the dynamic configuration to the Spring Environment. Clearly, this approach is a bit verbose and complicated.

让我们来看看这个有点复杂的设置。JUnit将在其他事情之前创建并启动容器。容器准备好后,Spring扩展将调用初始化器,将动态配置应用于Spring Environment显然,这种方法有点冗长和复杂。

Only after these steps can we write our test:


private ArticleRepository articleRepository;

void givenAnArticle_whenPersisted_thenShouldBeAbleToReadIt() {
    Article article = new Article();
    article.setTitle("A Guide to @DynamicPropertySource in Spring");
    article.setContent("Today's applications...");;

    Article persisted = articleRepository.findAll().get(0);
    assertThat(persisted.getTitle()).isEqualTo("A Guide to @DynamicPropertySource in Spring");
    assertThat(persisted.getContent()).isEqualTo("Today's applications...");

4. The @DynamicPropertySource


Spring Framework 5.2.5 introduced the @DynamicPropertySource annotation to facilitate adding properties with dynamic values. All we have to do is to create a static method annotated with @DynamicPropertySource and having just a single DynamicPropertyRegistry instance as the input:

Spring Framework 5.2.5引入了@DynamicPropertySource注解,以方便添加具有动态值的属性。我们所要做的就是创建一个带有@DynamicPropertySource注解的静态方法,并且只有一个DynamicPropertyRegistry实例作为输入。

public class ArticleLiveTest {

    static PostgreSQLContainer<?> postgres = new PostgreSQLContainer<>("postgres:11")

    static void registerPgProperties(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {
          () -> String.format("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:%d/prop", postgres.getFirstMappedPort()));
        registry.add("spring.datasource.username", () -> "postgres");
        registry.add("spring.datasource.password", () -> "pass");
    // tests are same as before

As shown above, we’re using the add(String, Supplier<Object>) method on the given DynamicPropertyRegistry to add some properties to the Spring Environment. This approach is much cleaner compared to the initializer one we saw earlier. Please note that methods annotated with @DynamicPropertySource must be declared as static and must accept only one argument of type DynamicPropertyRegistry

如上所示,我们使用add(String, Supplier<Object>) 方法在给定的DynamicPropertyRegistry 上添加一些属性到Spring Environment。与我们之前看到的初始化方法相比,这种方法要干净得多。请注意,用@DynamicPropertySource注释的方法必须被声明为static,并且必须只接受一个DynamicPropertyRegistry类型的参数。

Basically, the main motivation behind the @DynmicPropertySource annotation is to more easily facilitate something that was already possible. Although it was initially designed to work with Testcontainers, it’s possible to use it wherever we need to work with dynamic configurations.


5. An Alternative: Test Fixtures

5.一个替代方案 测试夹具

So far, in both approaches, the fixture setup and the test code are tightly intertwined. Sometimes, this tight coupling of two concerns complicates the test code, especially when we have multiple things to set up. Imagine what the infrastructure setup would look like if we were using PostgreSQL and Apache Kafka in a single test.

到目前为止,在这两种方法中,夹具设置和测试代码是紧密结合的。有时,这种两个关注点的紧密耦合会使测试代码变得复杂,尤其是当我们有多个东西需要设置的时候。想象一下,如果我们在一个测试中使用PostgreSQL和Apache Kafka,基础设施的设置会是什么样子。

In addition to that, the infrastructure setup and applying dynamic configurations will be duplicated in all tests that need them.


To avoid these drawbacks, we can use test fixtures facilities that most testing frameworks provide. For instance, in JUnit 5, we can define an extension that starts a PostgreSQL instance before all tests in our test class, configures Spring Boot, and stops the PostgreSQL instance after running tests:

为了避免这些缺点,我们可以使用大多数测试框架所提供的测试固定设施。例如,在JUnit 5中,我们可以定义一个extension,在我们的测试类的所有测试之前启动PostgreSQL实例,配置Spring Boot,并在运行测试后停止PostgreSQL实例。

public class PostgreSQLExtension implements BeforeAllCallback, AfterAllCallback {

    private PostgreSQLContainer<?> postgres;

    public void beforeAll(ExtensionContext context) {
        postgres = new PostgreSQLContainer<>("postgres:11")

        String jdbcUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:%d/prop", postgres.getFirstMappedPort());
        System.setProperty("spring.datasource.url", jdbcUrl);
        System.setProperty("spring.datasource.username", "postgres");
        System.setProperty("spring.datasource.password", "pass");

    public void afterAll(ExtensionContext context) {
        // do nothing, Testcontainers handles container shutdown

Here, we’re implementing AfterAllCallback and BeforeAllCallback to create a JUnit 5 extension. This way, JUnit 5 will execute the beforeAll() logic before running all the tests, and the logic in the afterAll() method after running the tests. With this approach, our test code will be as clean as:

在这里,我们正在实现AfterAllCallbackBeforeAllCallback来创建一个JUnit 5扩展。这样,JUnit 5将在运行所有测试之前执行beforeAll() 逻辑,并在运行测试之后执行afterAll() 方法中的逻辑。使用这种方法,我们的测试代码将是干净的。

public class ArticleTestFixtureLiveTest {
    // just the test code

Here, we’ve also added the @DirtiesContext annotation to the test class. Importantly, this recreates the application context and allows our test classes to interact with a separate PostgreSQL instance, running on a random port. As a results, this executes our tests in complete isolation from each other, against a separate database instance.


In addition to being more readable, we can easily reuse the same functionality just by adding the @ExtendWith(PostgreSQLExtension.class) annotation. There’s no need to copy-paste the whole PostgreSQL setup everywhere we need it, as we did in the other two approaches.


6. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we first saw how hard can it be to test a Spring component that depends on something like a database. Then, we introduced three solutions for this problem, each improving upon what the previous solution had to offer.


As usual, all the examples are available over on GitHub.
