Spring @EntityScan vs. @ComponentScan – Spring @EntityScan vs. @ComponentScan

最后修改: 2021年 3月 4日


1. Introduction


When writing our Spring application we might need to specify a certain list of packages that contain our entity classes. Similarly, at some point, we would need only a specific list of our Spring beans to be initialized. This is where we can make use of @EntityScan or @ComponentScan annotations.

在编写我们的Spring应用程序时,我们可能需要指定包含我们实体类的某个包的列表。同样地,在某些时候,我们只需要我们的Spring Bean的特定列表被初始化。这时我们可以利用@EntityScan@ComponentScan注释。

To clarify the terms we use here, components are classes with @Controller, @Service, @Repository, @Component, @Bean, etc. annotations. Entities are classes marked with @Entity annotation.

为了澄清我们在这里使用的术语,组件是带有@Controller @Service@Repository@Component@Bean、等注释的类。实体是用@Entity注解标记的类。

In this short tutorial, we’ll discuss the usage of @EntityScan and @ComponentScan in Spring, explain what are they used for, and then point out their differences.


2. The @EntityScan Annotation


When writing our Spring application we will usually have entity classes – those annotated with @Entity annotation. We can consider two approaches to placing our entity classes:


  • Under the application main package or its sub-packages
  • Use a completely different root package

In the first scenario, we could use @EnableAutoConfiguration to enable Spring to auto-configure the application context.


In the second scenario, we would provide our application with the information where these packages could be found. For this purpose, we would use @EntityScan.


@EntityScan annotation is used when entity classes are not placed in the main application package or its sub-packages. In this situation, we would declare the package or list of packages in the main configuration class within @EntityScan annotation. This will tell Spring where to find entities used in our application:

@EntityScan 注解是在实体类没有放在主应用程序包或其子包中时使用。在这种情况下,我们会在@EntityScan注解中的主配置类中声明包或包的列表。这将告诉Spring在哪里可以找到我们应用程序中使用的实体。

public class EntityScanDemo {
    // ...

We should be aware that using @EntityScan will disable Spring Boot auto-configuration scanning for entities.

我们应该注意,使用@EntityScan将禁用Spring Boot对实体的自动配置扫描。

3. @ComponentScan Annotation

3.@ComponentScan Annotation

Similar to @EntityScan and entities, if we want Spring to use only a specific set of bean classes, we would use @ComponentScan annotation. It’ll point to the specific location of bean classes we would want Spring to initialize.


This annotation could be used with or without parameters. Without parameters, Spring will scan the current package and its sub-packages, while, when parameterized, it’ll tell Spring where exactly to search for packages.


Concerning parameters, we can provide a list of packages to be scanned (using basePackages parameter) or we can name specific classes where packages they belong to will also be scanned (using basePackageClasses parameter).


Let’s see an example of @ComponentScan annotation usage:


  basePackages = {"com.baeldung.demopackage"}, 
  basePackageClasses = DemoBean.class)
public class ComponentScanExample {
    // ...

4. @EntityScan vs. @ComponentScan


In the end, we can say that these two annotations are intended for completely different purposes.


Their similarity is that they both contribute to our Spring application configuration. @EntityScan should specify which packages do we want to scan for entity classes. On the other hand, @ComponentScan is a choice when specifying which packages should be scanned for Spring beans.

它们的相似之处在于,它们都有助于我们的Spring应用配置。@EntityScan应该指定我们要为实体类扫描哪些包。另一方面,@ComponentScan是在指定扫描Spring Bean的包时的一种选择。

5. Conclusion


In this short tutorial, we discussed the usage of @EntityScan and @ComponentScan annotations and also pointed to their differences.
