Constructor Injection in Spring with Lombok – 用Lombok在Spring中注入构造函数

最后修改: 2017年 2月 4日


1. Introduction


Lombok is an extremely useful library overcoming boilerplate code. If you are not familiar with it yet, I highly recommend taking a look at the previous tutorial – Introduction to Project Lombok.

Lombok是一个非常有用的克服模板代码的库。如果你还不熟悉它,我强烈建议你看看以前的教程 – Project Lombok简介

In this article, we’ll demonstrate its usability when combined with Spring’s Constructor-Based Dependency Injection.


2. Constructor-Based Dependency Injection


A good way to wire dependencies in Spring using constructor-based Dependency Injection. This approach forces us to explicitly pass component’s dependencies to a constructor.

在Spring中使用constructor-based Dependency Injection来连接依赖关系的一个好方法。这种方法迫使我们明确地将组件的依赖关系传递给构造函数。

As opposed to Field-Based Dependency Injection, it also provides a number of advantages:


  • no need to create a test-specific configuration component – dependencies are injected explicitly in a constructor
  • consistent design – all required dependencies are emphasized and looked after by constructor’s definition
  • simple unit tests – reduced Spring Framework’s overhead
  • reclaimed freedom of using final keywords

However, due to the need for writing a constructor, it uses to lead to a significantly larger code base. Consider the two examples of GreetingService and FarewellService:


public class GreetingService {

    private Translator translator;

    public String produce() {
        return translator.translate("hello");
public class FarewellService {

    private final Translator translator;

    public FarewellService(Translator translator) {
        this.translator = translator;

    public String produce() {
        return translator.translate("bye");

Basically, both of the components do the same thing – they call a configurable Translator with a task-specific word.


The second variation, though, is much more obfuscated because of the constructor’s boilerplate which doesn’t really bring any value to the code.


In the newest Spring release, it’s constructor does not need to be annotated with @Autowired annotation.


3. Constructor Injection With Lombok


With Lombok, it’s possible to generate a constructor for either all class’s fields (with @AllArgsConstructor) or all final class’s fields (with @RequiredArgsConstructor). Moreover, if you still need an empty constructor, you can append an additional @NoArgsConstructor annotation.


Let’s create a third component, analogous to the previous two:


public class ThankingService {

    private final Translator translator;

    public String produce() {
        return translator.translate("thank you");

The above annotation will cause Lombok to generate a constructor for us:


public class ThankingService {

    private final Translator translator;

    public String thank() {
        return translator.translate("thank you");

    /* Generated by Lombok */
    public ThankingService(Translator translator) {
        this.translator = translator;

4. Multiple Constructors


A constructor doesn’t have to be annotated as long as there is only one in a component and Spring can unambiguously choose it as the right one to instantiate a new object. Once there are more, you also need to annotate the one that is to be used by IoC container.


Consider the ApologizeService example:


public class ApologizeService {

    private final Translator translator;
    private final String message;

    public ApologizeService(Translator translator) {
        this(translator, "sorry");

    public String produce() {
        return translator.translate(message);

The above component is optionally configurable with the message field which cannot change after the component is created (hence the lack of a setter). It thus required us to provide two constructors – one with full configuration and the other with an implicit, default value of the message.


Unless one of the constructors is annotated with either @Autowired, @Inject or @Resource, Spring will throw an error:


Failed to instantiate [...]: No default constructor found;

If we wanted to annotate the Lombok-generated constructor, we would have to pass the annotation with an onConstructor parameter of the @AllArgsConstructor:


@RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor = @__(@Autowired))
public class ApologizeService {
    // ...

The onConstructor parameter accepts an array of annotations (or a single annotation like in this specific example) that are to be put on a generated constructor. The double underscore idiom has been introduced because of the backward compatibility issues. According to the documentation:


The reason of the weird syntax is to make this feature work in javac 7 compilers; the @__ type is an annotation reference to the annotation type __ (double underscore) which doesn’t actually exist; this makes javac 7 delay aborting the compilation process due to an error because it is possible an annotation processor will later create the __ type.

奇怪的语法的原因是为了使这个功能在javac 7编译器中工作;@__类型是对注解类型__(双下划线)的注解引用,而这个类型实际上并不存在;这使得javac 7延迟因错误而中止编译过程,因为有可能一个注解处理器后来会创建__类型。

5. Summary


In this tutorial, we showed that there is no need to favor field-based DI over constructor-based DI in terms of increased boilerplate code.


Thanks to Lombok, it’s possible to automate common code generation without a performance impact on runtime, abbreviating long, obscuring code to the use of a single-line annotation.


The code used during the tutorial is available over on GitHub.
