1. Overview
In this quick tutorial, we’re going to look at how Maven, a tool based on the concept of Project Object Model (POM), can make use of a BOM or “Bill Of Materials”.
在这个快速教程中,我们将看看Maven这个基于项目对象模型(POM)概念的工具如何利用BOM或 “材料清单”。
For more details about Maven, you can check our article Apache Maven Tutorial.
关于Maven的更多细节,您可以查看我们的文章Apache Maven教程。
2. Dependency Management Concepts
To understand what a BOM is and what we can use it for, we first need to learn basic concepts.
2.1. What Is Maven POM?
2.1.什么是Maven POM?
Maven POM is an XML file that contains information and configurations (about the project) that are used by Maven to import dependencies and to build the project.
Maven POM是一个包含信息和配置(关于项目)的XML文件,Maven用它来导入依赖关系并构建项目。
2.2. What Is Maven BOM?
2.2.什么是Maven BOM?
BOM stands for Bill Of Materials. A BOM is a special kind of POM that is used to control the versions of a project’s dependencies and provide a central place to define and update those versions.
BOM是Bill Of Materials的缩写。BOM是一种特殊的POM,用于控制项目的依赖版本,并为定义和更新这些版本提供一个中心位置。
BOM provides the flexibility to add a dependency to our module without worrying about the version that we should depend on.
2.3. Transitive Dependencies
Maven can discover the libraries that are needed by our own dependencies in our pom.xml and includes them automatically. There’s no limit to the number of dependency levels that the libraries are gathered from.
The conflict here comes when 2 dependencies refer to different versions of a specific artifact. Which one will be included by Maven?
The answer here is the “nearest definition”. This means that the version used will be the closest one to our project in the tree of dependencies. This is called dependency mediation.
这里的答案是 “最近的定义”。这意味着所使用的版本将是在依赖关系树中与我们的项目最接近的一个。这就是所谓的依赖性调解。。
Let’s see the following example to clarify the dependency mediation:
A -> B -> C -> D 1.4 and A -> E -> D 1.0
This example shows that project A depends on B and E. B and E have their own dependencies which encounter different versions of the D artifact. Artifact D 1.0 will be used in the build of A project because the path through E is shorter.
这个例子显示项目A依赖于B和E. B和E有自己的依赖关系,遇到不同版本的D工件。在构建A项目时,将使用工件D1.0,因为通过E的路径更短。
There are different techniques to determine which version of the artifacts should be included:
- We can always guarantee a version by declaring it explicitly in our project’s POM. For instance, to guarantee that D 1.4 is used, we should add it explicitly as a dependency in the pom.xml file.
- We can use the Dependency Management section to control artifact versions as we will explain later in this article.
2.4. Dependency Management
Simply put, Dependency Management is a mechanism to centralize the dependency information.
When we have a set of projects that inherit a common parent, we can put all dependency information in a shared POM file called BOM.
Following is an example of how to write a BOM file:
<project ...>
<description>parent pom</description>
As we can see, the BOM is a normal POM file with a dependencyManagement section where we can include all an artifact’s information and versions.
2.5. Using the BOM File
There are 2 ways to use the previous BOM file in our project and then we will be ready to declare our dependencies without having to worry about version numbers.
We can inherit from the parent:
<project ...>
As we can see our project Test inherits the Baeldung-BOM.
We can also import the BOM.
In larger projects, the approach of inheritance is not efficient because the project can inherit only a single parent. Importing is the alternative as we can import as many BOMs as we need.
Let’s see how we can import a BOM file into our project POM:
<project ...>
2.6. Overwriting BOM Dependency
The order of precedence of the artifact’s version is:
- The version of the artifact’s direct declaration in our project pom
- The version of the artifact in the parent project
- The version in the imported pom, taking into consideration the order of importing files
- dependency mediation
- We can overwrite the artifact’s version by explicitly defining the artifact in our project’s pom with the desired version
- If the same artifact is defined with different versions in 2 imported BOMs, then the version in the BOM file that was declared first will win
3. Spring BOM
We may find that a third-party library, or another Spring project, pulls in a transitive dependency to an older release. If we forget to explicitly declare a direct dependency, unexpected issues can arise.
To overcome such problems, Maven supports the concept of BOM dependency.
We can import the spring-framework-bom in our dependencyManagement section to ensure that all Spring dependencies are at the same version:
We don’t need to specify the version attribute when we use the Spring artifacts as in the following example:
4. Conclusion
In this quick article, we showed the Maven Bill-Of-Material Concept and how to centralize the artifact’s information and versions in a common POM.
在这篇文章中,我们展示了Maven Bill-Of-Material的概念,以及如何将工件的信息和版本集中到一个共同的POM中。
Simply put, we can then either inherit or import it to make use of the BOM benefits.
The code examples in the article can be found over on GitHub.