1. Introduction
In this tutorial we are going to focus on the Spring MVC HandlerInterceptor. More specifically, we will change Spring MVC’s model parameters before and after handling a request.
在本教程中,我们将专注于Spring MVC的HandlerInterceptor。更具体地说,我们将在处理一个请求之前和之后改变Spring MVC的模型参数。
If you want to read about HandlerInterceptor’s basics, check out this article.
2. Maven Dependencies
In order to use Interceptors, you need to include the following section in a dependencies section of your pom.xml file:
The latest version can be found here.
This dependency only covers Spring Web so don’t forget to add spring-core and spring-context for a full web application, and a logging library of your choice.
这个依赖关系只包括Spring Web,所以别忘了为完整的Web应用添加spring-core和spring-context,以及一个你选择的日志库。
3. Custom Implementation
One of the use cases of HandlerInterceptor is adding common/user specific parameters to a model, which will be available on each generated view.
In our example, we will use custom interceptor implementation to add logged user’s username to model parameters. In more complex systems we may add more specific information like: user avatar path, user location, etc.
Let’s start with defining our new Interceptor class:
public class UserInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter {
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserInterceptor.class);
We extend HandlerInterceptorAdapter, as we only want to implement preHandle() and postHandle() methods.
As we mentioned before, we want to add logged user’s name to a model. First of all, we need to check if a user is logged in. We may obtain this information by checking SecurityContextHolder:
public static boolean isUserLogged() {
try {
return !SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication()
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
When an HttpSession is established, but nobody is logged in, a username in Spring Security context equals to anonymousUser. Next, we proceed with implementation of preHandle():
当一个HttpSession被建立,但没有人登录,Spring Security上下文中的一个用户名等于anonymousUser。接下来,我们继续实现preHandle():。
3.1. Method preHandle()
Before handling a request, we cannot access model parameters. In order to add username, we need to use HttpSession to set parameters:
public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, Object object) throws Exception {
if (isUserLogged()) {
return true;
This is crucial if we are using some of this information before handling a request. As we see, we are checking if a user is logged in and then add parameters to our request by obtaining its session:
private void addToModelUserDetails(HttpSession session) {
log.info("=============== addToModelUserDetails =========================");
String loggedUsername
= SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName();
session.setAttribute("username", loggedUsername);
log.info("user(" + loggedUsername + ") session : " + session);
log.info("=============== addToModelUserDetails =========================");
We used SecurityContextHolder to obtain loggedUsername. You may override Spring Security UserDetails implementation to obtain email instead of a standard username.
我们使用SecurityContextHolder来获取loggedUsername。你可以覆盖Spring Security的UserDetails实现来获取电子邮件而不是标准的用户名。
3.2. Method postHandle()
3.2.方法 postHandle()
After handling a request, our model parameters are available, so we may access them to change values or add new ones. In order to do that, we use the overridden postHandle() method:
在处理完一个请求后,我们的模型参数是可用的,所以我们可以访问它们以改变数值或添加新的参数。为了做到这一点,我们使用重载的postHandle() 方法。
public void postHandle(
HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res,
Object o,
ModelAndView model) throws Exception {
if (model != null && !isRedirectView(model)) {
if (isUserLogged()) {
Let’s take a look at the implementation details.
First of all, it’s better to check if the model is not null. It will prevent us from encountering a NullPointerException.
Moreover, we may check if a View is not an instance of RedirectView.
There is no need to add/change parameters after the request is handled and then redirected, as immediately, the new controller will perform handling again. To check if the view is redirected, we are introducing the following method:
public static boolean isRedirectView(ModelAndView mv) {
String viewName = mv.getViewName();
if (viewName.startsWith("redirect:/")) {
return true;
View view = mv.getView();
return (view != null && view instanceof SmartView
&& ((SmartView) view).isRedirectView());
Finally, we are checking again if a user is logged, and if yes, we are adding parameters to Spring model:
private void addToModelUserDetails(ModelAndView model) {
log.info("=============== addToModelUserDetails =========================");
String loggedUsername = SecurityContextHolder.getContext()
model.addObject("loggedUsername", loggedUsername);
log.trace("session : " + model.getModel());
log.info("=============== addToModelUserDetails =========================");
Please note that logging is very important, as this logic works “behind the scenes” of our application. It is easy to forget that we are changing some model parameters on each View without logging it properly.
请注意,日志记录是非常重要的,因为这个逻辑在我们的应用程序的 “幕后 “工作。我们很容易忘记我们正在改变每个View上的一些模型参数,而没有正确地记录它。
4. Configuration
To add our newly created Interceptor into Spring configuration, we need to override addInterceptors() method inside WebConfig class that implements WebMvcConfigurer:
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
registry.addInterceptor(new UserInterceptor());
We may achieve the same configuration by editing our XML Spring configuration file:
我们可以通过编辑我们的XML Spring配置文件实现同样的配置。
<bean id="userInterceptor" class="com.baeldung.web.interceptor.UserInterceptor"/>
From this moment, we may access all user-related parameters on all generated views.
Please notice, if multiple Spring Interceptors are configured, the preHandle() method is executed in the order of configuration whereas postHandle() and afterCompletion() methods are invoked in the reverse order.
请注意,如果配置了多个Spring Interceptors,preHandle()方法将按照配置顺序执行,而postHandle()和afterCompletion()方法将按照相反顺序调用。
5. Conclusion
This tutorial presents intercepting web requests using Spring MVC’s HandlerInterceptor in order to provide user information.
本教程介绍了使用Spring MVC的HandlerInterceptor拦截Web请求,以提供用户信息。
In this particular example, we focused on adding logged user’s details in our web application to model parameters. You may extend this HandlerInterceptor implementation by adding more detailed information.
All examples and configurations are available here on GitHub.
5.1. Articles in the Series
All articles of the series:
- Introduction to Spring MVC Handler Interceptors
- Changing Spring Model Parameters with Handler Interceptor (this one)