1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll explore what the @Qualifier annotation can help us with, which problems it solves, and how to use it.
在本教程中,我们将探讨 @Qualifier 注释可以帮助我们,它可以解决哪些问题,以及如何使用它。
We’ll also explain how it’s different from the @Primary annotation, and from autowiring by name.
2. Autowire Need for Disambiguation
The @Autowired annotation is a great way of making the need to inject a dependency in Spring explicit. Although it’s useful, there are use cases for which this annotation alone isn’t enough for Spring to understand which bean to inject.
By default, Spring resolves autowired entries by type.
If more than one bean of the same type is available in the container, the framework will throw NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException, indicating that more than one bean is available for autowiring.
如果容器中存在多个相同类型的 bean,框架将抛出 NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException,表明有多个 bean 可供自动连接。
Let’s imagine a situation in which two possible candidates exist for Spring to inject as bean collaborators in a given instance:
让我们想象一下这样一种情况:在一个给定的实例中,Spring有两个可能的候选者被注入为Bean Collaborators。
public class FooFormatter implements Formatter {
public String format() {
return "foo";
public class BarFormatter implements Formatter {
public String format() {
return "bar";
public class FooService {
private Formatter formatter;
If we try to load FooService into our context, the Spring framework will throw a NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException. This is because Spring doesn’t know which bean to inject. To avoid this problem, there are several solutions; the @Qualifier annotation is one of them.
3. @Qualifier Annotation
By using the @Qualifier annotation, we can eliminate the issue of which bean needs to be injected.
通过使用@Qualifier annotation,我们可以消除需要注入哪个Bean的问题。
Let’s revisit our previous example to see how we solve the problem by including the @Qualifier annotation to indicate which bean we want to use:
public class FooService {
private Formatter formatter;
By including the @Qualifier annotation, together with the name of the specific implementation we want to use, in this example Foo, we can avoid ambiguity when Spring finds multiple beans of the same type.
通过包括@Qualifier 注解,以及我们想要使用的具体实现的名称,在这个例子中是Foo,我们可以避免在Spring发现同一类型的多个Bean时出现歧义。
We need to take into consideration that the qualifier name to be used is the one declared in the @Component annotation.
Note that we could have also used the @Qualifier annotation on the Formatter implementing classes, instead of specifying the names in their @Component annotations, to obtain the same effect:
public class FooFormatter implements Formatter {
public class BarFormatter implements Formatter {
4. @Qualifier vs @Primary
There’s another annotation called @Primary that we can use to decide which bean to inject when ambiguity is present regarding dependency injection.
This annotation defines a preference when multiple beans of the same type are present. The bean associated with the @Primary annotation will be used unless otherwise indicated.
Let’s see an example:
public class Config {
public Employee johnEmployee() {
return new Employee("John");
public Employee tonyEmployee() {
return new Employee("Tony");
In this example, both methods return the same Employee type. The bean that Spring will inject is the one returned by the method tonyEmployee. This is because it contains the @Primary annotation. This annotation is useful when we want to specify which bean of a certain type should be injected by default.
If we require the other bean at some injection point, we would need to specifically indicate it. We can do that via the @Qualifier annotation. For instance, we could specify that we want to use the bean returned by the johnEmployee method by using the @Qualifier annotation.
如果我们在某个注入点上需要另一个Bean,我们需要特别指出它。我们可以通过 @Qualifier 注释来做到这一点。例如,我们可以通过使用@Qualifier注解来指定我们要使用由johnEmployee方法返回的bean。
It’s worth noting that if both the @Qualifier and @Primary annotations are present, then the @Qualifier annotation will have precedence. Basically, @Primary defines a default, while @Qualifier is very specific.
Let’s look at another way of using the @Primary annotation, this time using the initial example:
public class FooFormatter implements Formatter {
public class BarFormatter implements Formatter {
In this case, the @Primary annotation is placed in one of the implementing classes, and will disambiguate the scenario.
5. @Qualifier vs Autowiring by Name
5.@Qualifier vs Autowiring by Name
Another way to decide between multiple beans when autowiring, is by using the name of the field to inject. This is the default in case there are no other hints for Spring. Let’s see some code based on our initial example:
public class FooService {
private Formatter fooFormatter;
In this case, Spring will determine that the bean to inject is the FooFormatter one, since the field name is matched to the value that we used in the @Component annotation for that bean.
6. Conclusion
In this article, we described the scenarios where we need to disambiguate which beans to inject. In particular, we examined the @Qualifier annotation, and compared it with other similar ways of determining which beans need to be used.
在这篇文章中,我们描述了我们需要明确哪些Bean需要注入的场景。特别是,我们研究了@Qualifier 注解,并将其与其他确定需要使用哪些Bean的类似方法进行了比较。
As usual, the complete code for this article is available over on GitHub.