1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll build a simple Scheduler in Spring with Quartz.
在本教程中,我们将用Quartz构建一个简单的Scheduler in Spring。
We’ll begin with a simple goal in mind, to easily configure a new scheduled job.
1.1. Key Components of the Quartz API
1.1.Quartz API的关键组成部分
Quartz has a modular architecture. It consists of several basic components that we can combine as required. In this tutorial, we’ll focus on the ones that are common to every job: Job, JobDetail, Trigger and Scheduler.
Quartz有一个模块化的架构。它由几个基本组件组成,我们可以根据需要进行组合。在本教程中,我们将重点讨论每个工作所共有的组件。Job,JobDetail,Trigger和 Scheduler。
Although we’ll use Spring to manage the application, each individual component can be configured in two ways: the Quartz way or the Spring way (using its convenience classes).
We’ll cover both options as far as possible, for the sake of completeness, but we may adopt either. Now let’s start building, one component at a time.
2. Job and JobDetail
2.1. Job
The API provides a Job interface that has just one method, execute. It must be implemented by the class that contains the actual work to be done, i.e. the task. When a job’s trigger fires, the scheduler invokes the execute method, passing it a JobExecutionContext object.
The JobExecutionContext provides the job instance with information about its runtime environment, including a handle to the scheduler, a handle to the trigger, and the job’s JobDetail object.
In this quick example, the job delegates the task to a service class:
public class SampleJob implements Job {
private SampleJobService jobService;
public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {
2.2. JobDetail
While the job is the workhorse, Quartz doesn’t store an actual instance of the job class. Instead, we can define an instance of the Job using the JobDetail class. The job’s class must be provided to the JobDetail, so that it knows the type of the job to be executed.
2.3. Quartz JobBuilder
The Quartz JobBuilder provides a builder-style API for constructing JobDetail entities:
public JobDetail jobDetail() {
return JobBuilder.newJob().ofType(SampleJob.class)
.withDescription("Invoke Sample Job service...")
2.4. Spring JobDetailFactoryBean
2.4.Spring JobDetailFactoryBean
Spring’s JobDetailFactoryBean provides bean-style usage for configuring JobDetail instances. It uses the Spring bean name as the job name, if not otherwise specified:
Spring的JobDetailFactoryBean为配置JobDetail实例提供了Bean式用法。如果没有另外指定,它使用Spring Bean的名称作为工作名称。
public JobDetailFactoryBean jobDetail() {
JobDetailFactoryBean jobDetailFactory = new JobDetailFactoryBean();
jobDetailFactory.setDescription("Invoke Sample Job service...");
return jobDetailFactory;
Every execution of the job creates a new instance of JobDetail. The JobDetail object conveys the detailed properties of the job. Once the execution is complete, references to the instance are dropped.
3. Trigger
A Trigger is the mechanism to schedule a Job, i.e. a Trigger instance “fires” the execution of a job. There’s a clear separation of responsibilities between the Job (notion of task) and Trigger (scheduling mechanism).
Trigger是安排Job的机制,即Trigger实例 “启动 “作业的执行。在Job(任务的概念)和Trigger(调度机制)之间有明确的职责分工。
In addition to a Job, the trigger also needs a type, which we can choose based on the scheduling requirements.
Let’s say we want to schedule our task to execute once every hour indefinitely, then we can use Quartz’s TriggerBuilder or Spring’s SimpleTriggerFactoryBean to do so.
3.1. Quartz TriggerBuilder
TriggerBuilder is a builder-style API for constructing the Trigger entity:
public Trigger trigger(JobDetail job) {
return TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().forJob(job)
.withDescription("Sample trigger")
3.2. Spring SimpleTriggerFactoryBean
3.2.Spring SimpleTriggerFactoryBean
SimpleTriggerFactoryBean provides bean-style usage for configuring SimpleTrigger. It uses the Spring bean name as the trigger name, and defaults to indefinite repetition if not otherwise specified:
SimpleTriggerFactoryBean为配置SimpleTrigger提供了Bean式用法。它使用Spring Bean的名称作为触发器的名称,如果没有另行指定,则默认为无限期重复。
public SimpleTriggerFactoryBean trigger(JobDetail job) {
SimpleTriggerFactoryBean trigger = new SimpleTriggerFactoryBean();
return trigger;
4. Configuring the JobStore
JobStore provides the storage mechanism for the Job and Trigger. It’s also responsible for maintaining all the data relevant to the job scheduler. The API supports both in-memory and persistent stores.
4.1. In-Memory JobStore
For our example, we’ll use the in-memory RAMJobStore, which offers blazing-fast performance and simple configuration via quartz.properties:
The obvious drawback of the RAMJobStore is that it’s volatile in nature. All the scheduling information is lost between shutdowns. If we need to keep job definitions and schedules between shutdowns, we can use the persistent JDBCJobStore instead.
To enable an in-memory JobStore in Spring, we’ll set this property in our application.properties:
4.2. JDBC JobStore
4.2 JDBCJobStore
There are two types of JDBCJobStore: JobStoreTX and JobStoreCMT. They both do the same job of storing scheduling information in a database.
有两种类型的JDBCJobStore。JobStoreTX 和 JobStoreCMT。它们都做同样的工作,即在数据库中存储调度信息。
The difference between the two is how they manage the transactions that commit the data. The JobStoreCMT type requires an application transaction to store data, whereas the JobStoreTX type starts and manages its own transactions.
There are several properties to set for a JDBCJobStore. At a minimum, we must specify the type of JDBCJobStore, the data source, and the database driver class. There are driver classes for most databases, but StdJDBCDelegate covers most cases:
Setting up a JDBC JobStore in Spring takes a few steps. First, we’ll set the store type in our application.properties:
在Spring中设置一个JDBC JobStore需要几个步骤。首先,我们要在application.properties中设置存储类型。
Then we’ll need to enable auto-configuration and give Spring the data source needed by the Quartz scheduler. The @QuartzDataSource annotation does the hard work in configuring and initializing the Quartz database for us:
public class SpringQrtzScheduler {
public DataSource quartzDataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
5. Scheduler
The Scheduler interface is the main API for interfacing with the job scheduler.
Scheduler 接口是与作业调度器对接的主要API。
A Scheduler can be instantiated with a SchedulerFactory. Once created, we can register Jobs and Triggers with it. Initially, the Scheduler is in “stand-by” mode, and we must invoke its start method to start the threads that fire the execution of jobs.
Scheduler可以通过SchedulerFactory来实例化。一旦创建,我们就可以用它来注册Jobs和Triggers。最初,Scheduler处于 “待机 “模式,我们必须调用它的start方法来启动执行作业的线程。
5.1. Quartz StdSchedulerFactory
By simply invoking the getScheduler method on the StdSchedulerFactory, we can instantiate the Scheduler, initialize it (with the configured JobStore and ThreadPool), and return a handle to its API:
public Scheduler scheduler(Trigger trigger, JobDetail job, SchedulerFactoryBean factory)
throws SchedulerException {
Scheduler scheduler = factory.getScheduler();
scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);
return scheduler;
5.2. Spring SchedulerFactoryBean
5.2.Spring SchedulerFactoryBean
Spring’s SchedulerFactoryBean provides bean-style usage for configuring a Scheduler, managing its life-cycle within the application context, and exposing the Scheduler as a bean for dependency injection:
Spring的 SchedulerFactoryBean为配置Scheduler提供了Bean式的用法,在应用程序上下文中管理其生命周期,并将Scheduler作为Bean进行依赖注入。
public SchedulerFactoryBean scheduler(Trigger trigger, JobDetail job, DataSource quartzDataSource) {
SchedulerFactoryBean schedulerFactory = new SchedulerFactoryBean();
schedulerFactory.setConfigLocation(new ClassPathResource("quartz.properties"));
return schedulerFactory;
5.3. Configuring SpringBeanJobFactory
The SpringBeanJobFactory provides support for injecting the scheduler context, job data map, and trigger data entries as properties into the job bean while creating an instance.
However, it lacks support for injecting bean references from the application context. Thanks to the author of this blog post, we can add auto-wiring support to SpringBeanJobFactory:
public SpringBeanJobFactory springBeanJobFactory() {
AutoWiringSpringBeanJobFactory jobFactory = new AutoWiringSpringBeanJobFactory();
return jobFactory;
6. Conclusion
In this article, we built our first basic scheduler using the Quartz API, as well as Spring’s convenience classes.
在这篇文章中,我们使用Quartz API以及Spring的便利类建立了我们的第一个基本调度器。
The key takeaway is that we’re able to configure a job with just a few lines of code, without using any XML-based configuration.
The complete source code for the example is available in this github project. This is a Maven project, so we can import it and run it as-is. The default setting uses Spring’s convenience classes, but we can easily switch it to Quartz API with a run-time parameter (refer to the README.md in the repository).
该示例的完整源代码可在这个github项目中找到。这是一个Maven项目,所以我们可以导入它并按原样运行。默认设置使用Spring的便利类,但我们可以通过运行时参数轻松将其切换为Quartz API(参考资源库中的README.md)。