A Guide To Spring Redirects – Spring重定向指南

最后修改: 2015年 7月 22日


1. Overview


This tutorial will focus on implementing a Redirect in Spring and will discuss the reasoning behind each strategy.


2. Why Do a Redirect?


Let’s first consider the reasons why we may need to do a redirect in a Spring application.


There are many possible examples and reasons of course. For example, we might need to POST form data, work around the double submission problem or just delegate the execution flow to another controller method.


A quick side note here: The typical Post/Redirect/Get pattern doesn’t adequately address double submission issues, and problems such as refreshing the page before the initial submission has completed may still result in a double submission.


3. Redirect With the RedirectView


Let’s start with this simple approach and go straight to an example:


public class RedirectController {
    public RedirectView redirectWithUsingRedirectView(
      RedirectAttributes attributes) {
        attributes.addFlashAttribute("flashAttribute", "redirectWithRedirectView");
        attributes.addAttribute("attribute", "redirectWithRedirectView");
        return new RedirectView("redirectedUrl");

Behind the scenes, RedirectView will trigger an HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect(), which will perform the actual redirect.


Notice here how we’re injecting the redirect attributes into the method. The framework will do the heavy lifting and allow us to interact with these attributes.


We’re adding the model attribute attribute, which will be exposed as HTTP query parameter. The model must contain only objects — generally Strings or objects that can be converted to Strings.


Let’s now test our redirect with the help of a simple curl command:


curl -i http://localhost:8080/spring-rest/redirectWithRedirectView

And here’s our result:


HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1

4. Redirect With the Prefix redirect:


The previous approach — using RedirectView — is suboptimal for a few reasons.


First, we’re now coupled to the Spring API because we’re using the RedirectView directly in our code.

首先,我们现在与Spring API耦合了,因为我们在代码中直接使用了RedirectView

Second, we now need to know from the start, when implementing that controller operation, that the result will always be a redirect, which may not always be the case.


A better option is using the prefix redirect:. The redirect view name is injected into the controller like any other logical view name. The controller is not even aware that redirection is happening.


Here’s what that looks like:


public class RedirectController {
    public ModelAndView redirectWithUsingRedirectPrefix(ModelMap model) {
        model.addAttribute("attribute", "redirectWithRedirectPrefix");
        return new ModelAndView("redirect:/redirectedUrl", model);

When a view name is returned with the prefix redirect:, the UrlBasedViewResolver (and all its subclasses) will recognize this as a special indication that a redirect needs to happen. The rest of the view name will be used as the redirect URL.

当视图名称以redirect:为前缀返回时, UrlBasedViewResolver(及其所有子类)将识别出这是一个需要重定向的特殊指示。视图名称的其余部分将被用作重定向的URL。

A quick but important note is that when we use this logical view name here — redirect:/redirectedUrl — we’re doing a redirect relative to the current Servlet context.


We can use a name such as a redirect: http://localhost:8080/spring-redirect-and-forward/redirectedUrl if we need to redirect to an absolute URL.

如果我们需要重定向到一个绝对的URL,我们可以使用一个名称,如redirect: http://localhost:8080/spring-redirect-and-forward/redirectedUrl

So, now when we execute the curl command:


curl -i http://localhost:8080/spring-rest/redirectWithRedirectPrefix

we’ll immediately get redirected:


HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1

5. Forward With the Prefix forward:


Let’s now see how to do something slightly different: a forward.


Before the code, let’s go over a quick, high-level overview of the semantics of forward vs redirect:


  • redirect will respond with a 302 and the new URL in the Location header; the browser/client will then make another request to the new URL.
  • forward happens entirely on a server side. The Servlet container forwards the same request to the target URL; the URL won’t change in the browser.

Now let’s look at the code:


public class RedirectController {
    public ModelAndView redirectWithUsingForwardPrefix(ModelMap model) {
        model.addAttribute("attribute", "forwardWithForwardPrefix");
        return new ModelAndView("forward:/redirectedUrl", model);

Same as redirect:, the forward: prefix will be resolved by UrlBasedViewResolver and its subclasses. Internally, this will create an InternalResourceView, which does a RequestDispatcher.forward() to the new view.


When we execute the command with curl:


curl -I http://localhost:8080/spring-rest/forwardWithForwardPrefix

we will get HTTP 405 (Method not allowed):

我们将得到HTTP 405(方法不允许)。

HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Allow: GET
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8

To wrap up, compared to the two requests that we had in the case of the redirect solution, in this case, we only have a single request going out from the browser/client to the server side. The attribute that was previously added by the redirect is, of course, missing as well.


6. Attributes With the RedirectAttributes


Next, let’s look closer at passing attributes in a redirect, making full use of the framework with RedirectAttributes:


public RedirectView redirectWithRedirectAttributes(RedirectAttributes attributes) {
    attributes.addFlashAttribute("flashAttribute", "redirectWithRedirectAttributes");
    attributes.addAttribute("attribute", "redirectWithRedirectAttributes");
    return new RedirectView("redirectedUrl");

As we saw before, we can inject the attributes object in the method directly, which makes this mechanism very easy to use.


Notice also that we are adding a flash attribute as well. This is an attribute that won’t make it into the URL.


With this kind of attribute, we can later access the flash attribute using @ModelAttribute(“flashAttribute”) only in the method that is the final target of the redirect:

有了这种属性,我们以后可以使用@ModelAttribute(“flashAttribute”) 只在作为重定向最终目标的方法中访问flash属性

public ModelAndView redirection(
  ModelMap model, 
  @ModelAttribute("flashAttribute") Object flashAttribute) {
     model.addAttribute("redirectionAttribute", flashAttribute);
     return new ModelAndView("redirection", model);

So, to wrap up, if we test the functionality with curl:


curl -i http://localhost:8080/spring-rest/redirectWithRedirectAttributes

we will be redirected to the new location:


HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=4B70D8FADA2FD6C22E73312C2B57E381; Path=/spring-rest/; HttpOnly
Location: http://localhost:8080/spring-rest/redirectedUrl;

That way, using RedirectAttributes instead of a ModelMap gives us the ability only to share some attributes between the two methods that are involved in the redirect operation.


7. An Alternative Configuration Without the Prefix


Let’s now explore an alternative configuration: a redirect without using the prefix.


To achieve this, we need to use an org.springframework.web.servlet.view.XmlViewResolver:


<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.XmlViewResolver">
    <property name="location">
    <property name="order" value="0" />

This is instead of org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver we used in the previous configuration:



We also need to define a RedirectView bean in the configuration:


<bean id="RedirectedUrl" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.RedirectView">
    <property name="url" value="redirectedUrl" />

Now we can trigger the redirect by referencing this new bean by id:


public class RedirectController {
    public ModelAndView redirectWithUsingXMLConfig(ModelMap model) {
        model.addAttribute("attribute", "redirectWithXMLConfig");
        return new ModelAndView("RedirectedUrl", model);

And to test it, we’ll again use the curl command:


curl -i http://localhost:8080/spring-rest/redirectWithRedirectView

And here’s our result:


HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1

8. Redirecting an HTTP POST Request

8.重定向一个HTTP POST请求

For use cases like bank payments, we might need to redirect an HTTP POST request. Depending on the HTTP status code returned, POST request can be redirected to an HTTP GET or POST.

对于像银行支付这样的用例,我们可能需要重定向一个HTTP POST请求。根据返回的HTTP状态代码,POST请求可以被重定向为HTTP GET或POST。

As per HTTP 1.1 protocol reference, status codes 301 (Moved Permanently) and 302 (Found) allow the request method to be changed from POST to GET. The specification also defines the corresponding 307 (Temporary Redirect) and 308 (Permanent Redirect) status codes that don’t allow the request method to be changed from POST to GET.

根据HTTP 1.1协议参考,状态代码301(永久移动)和302(找到)允许将请求方法从POST改为GET。该规范还定义了相应的307(临时重定向)和308(永久重定向)状态代码,不允许将请求方法从POST改为GET。

Let’s look at the code for redirecting a post request to another post request:


public ModelAndView redirectPostToPost(HttpServletRequest request) {
    return new ModelAndView("redirect:/redirectedPostToPost");
public ModelAndView redirectedPostToPost() {
    return new ModelAndView("redirection");

Now we’ll test the redirect of POST using the curl command:


curl -L --verbose -X POST http://localhost:8080/spring-rest/redirectPostToPost

We get redirected to the destined location:


> POST /redirectedPostToPost HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8080
> User-Agent: curl/7.49.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 
< Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2017 07:33:00 GMT

{"id":1,"content":"redirect completed"}

9. Forward With Parameters


Now let’s consider a scenario where we would want to send some parameters across to another RequestMapping with a forward prefix.


In that case, we can use an HttpServletRequest to pass in parameters between calls.


Here’s a method forwardWithParams that needs to send param1 and param2 to another mapping forwardedWithParams:


@RequestMapping(value="/forwardWithParams", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView forwardWithParams(HttpServletRequest request) {
    request.setAttribute("param1", "one");
    request.setAttribute("param2", "two");
    return new ModelAndView("forward:/forwardedWithParams");

In fact, the mapping forwardedWithParams can exist in an entirely new controller and need not be in the same one:


@RequestMapping(value="/forwardWithParams", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public class RedirectParamController {

    @RequestMapping(value = "/forwardedWithParams", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public RedirectView forwardedWithParams(
      final RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes, HttpServletRequest request) {
        redirectAttributes.addAttribute("param1", request.getAttribute("param1"));
        redirectAttributes.addAttribute("param2", request.getAttribute("param2"));

        redirectAttributes.addAttribute("attribute", "forwardedWithParams");
        return new RedirectView("redirectedUrl");

To illustrate, let’s try this curl command:


curl -i http://localhost:8080/spring-rest/forwardWithParams

Here’s the result:


HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2021 05:37:14 GMT
Content-Language: en-IN
Location: http://localhost:8080/spring-rest/redirectedUrl?param1=one&param2=two&attribute=forwardedWithParams
Content-Length: 0

As we can see, param1 and param2 traveled from the first controller to the second one. Finally, they showed up in the redirect named redirectedUrl that forwardedWithParams points to.


10. Conclusion


This article illustrated three different approaches to implementing a redirect in Spring, how to handle/pass attributes when doing these redirects and how to handle redirects of HTTP POST requests.

本文说明了在Spring中实现重定向的三种不同方法、在进行这些重定向时如何处理/传递属性以及如何处理HTTP POST请求的重定向。