Spring Remoting with RMI – 使用RMI的Spring Remoting

最后修改: 2017年 7月 11日


1. Overview


Java Remote Method Invocation allows invoking an object residing in a different Java Virtual Machine. It is a well-established technology yet a little cumbersome to use, as we can see in the official Oracle trail dedicated to the subject.


In this quick article, we’ll explore how Spring Remoting allows to leverage RMI in an easier and cleaner way.

在这篇文章中,我们将探讨Spring Remoting如何允许以更简单、更干净的方式利用RMI

This article also completes the overview of Spring Remoting. You can find details about other supported technologies in the previous installments: HTTP Invokers, JMS, AMQP, Hessian, and Burlap.

这篇文章也完成了对Spring Remoting的概述。你可以在之前的文章中找到关于其他支持的技术的细节。HTTP InvokersJMSAMQPHessian 和 Burlap

2. Maven Dependencies


As we did in our previous articles, we’re going to set up a couple of Spring Boot applications: a server that exposes the remote callable object and a client that invokes the exposed service.

正如我们在以前的文章中所做的那样,我们将设置几个Spring Boot应用程序:一个暴露远程可调用对象的服务器和一个调用暴露服务的客户端。

Everything we need is in the spring-context jar – so we can bring it in using whatever Spring Boot helper we prefer – because our main goal is just to have the main libraries available.

我们需要的一切都在spring-context jar中–所以我们可以使用我们喜欢的任何Spring Boot帮助器将其引入–因为我们的主要目标只是让主要库可用。

Let’s now go forward with the usual spring-boot-starter-web – remembering to remove the Tomcat dependency to exclude the embedded web service:



3. Server Application


We’ll start declaring an interface that defines a service to book a ride on a cab, that will be eventually exposed to clients:


public interface CabBookingService {
    Booking bookRide(String pickUpLocation) throws BookingException;

Then we’ll define a bean that implements the interface. This is the bean that will actually execute the business logic on the server:


CabBookingService bookingService() {
    return new CabBookingServiceImpl();

Let’s continue declaring the Exporter that makes the service available to clients. In this case, we’ll use the RmiServiceExporter:


RmiServiceExporter exporter(CabBookingService implementation) {
    Class<CabBookingService> serviceInterface = CabBookingService.class;
    RmiServiceExporter exporter = new RmiServiceExporter();
    return exporter;

Through setServiceInterface() we provide a reference to the interface that will be made remotely callable.


We should also provide a reference to the object actually executing the method with setService(). We then could provide the port of the RMI registry available on the machine where the server runs if we don’t want to use the default port 1099.


We should also set a service name, that allows identifying the exposed service in the RMI registry.


With the given configuration the client will be able to contact the CabBookingService at the following URL: rmi://HOST:1199/CabBookingService.


Let’s finally start the server. We don’t even need to start the RMI registry by ourselves because Spring will do that automatically for us if such registry is not available.


4. Client Application


Let’s write now the client application.


We start declaring the RmiProxyFactoryBean that will create a bean that has the same interface exposes by the service running on the server side and that will transparently route the invocations it will receive to the server:


RmiProxyFactoryBean service() {
    RmiProxyFactoryBean rmiProxyFactory = new RmiProxyFactoryBean();
    return rmiProxyFactory;

Let’s then write a simple code that starts up the client application and uses the proxy defined in the previous step:


public static void main(String[] args) throws BookingException {
    CabBookingService service = SpringApplication
      .run(RmiClient.class, args).getBean(CabBookingService.class);
    Booking bookingOutcome = service
      .bookRide("13 Seagate Blvd, Key Largo, FL 33037");

It is now enough to launch the client to verify that it invokes the service exposed by the server.


5. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we saw how we could use Spring Remoting to ease the use of RMI that otherwise will require a series of tedious tasks as, among all, spinning up a registry and define services using interfaces that make heavy use of checked exceptions.

在本教程中,我们看到了如何使用Spring Remoting来简化RMI的使用,否则将需要一系列繁琐的工作,其中包括启动注册表和使用大量使用检查异常的接口定义服务。

As usual, you’ll find the sources over on GitHub.
