1. Overview
Spring REST Docs and OpenAPI 3.0 are two ways to create API documentation for a REST API.
Spring REST Docs和OpenAPI 3.0是为REST API创建API文档的两种方式。
In this tutorial, we’ll examine their relative advantages and disadvantages.
2. A Brief Summary of Origins
Spring REST Docs is a framework developed by the Spring community in order to create accurate documentation for RESTful APIs. It takes a test-driven approach, wherein the documentation is written either as Spring MVC tests, Spring Webflux’s WebTestClient, or REST-Assured.
Spring REST Docs是由Spring社区开发的一个框架,目的是为RESTful API创建准确的文档。它采用了测试驱动的方法,其中,文档被写成Spring MVC测试、Spring Webflux的WebTestClient或REST-Assured。
The output of running the tests is created as AsciiDoc files which can be put together using Asciidoctor to generate an HTML page describing our APIs. Since it follows the TDD method, Spring REST Docs automatically brings in all its advantages such as less error-prone code, reduced rework, and faster feedback cycles, to name a few.
运行测试的输出被创建为AsciiDoc文件,可以使用Asciidoctor将其组合起来,生成描述我们的API的HTML页面。由于遵循TDD方法,Spring REST Docs自动带来了其所有的优势,例如更少的错误代码、减少的返工以及更快的反馈周期,等等。
OpenAPI, on the other hand, is a specification born out of Swagger 2.0. Its latest version as of writing this is 3.0 and has many known implementations.
OpenAPI则是诞生于Swagger 2.0的一个规范。截至本文撰写时,其最新版本为3.0,并且有许多已知的实施。
As any other specification would, OpenAPI lays out certain ground rules for its implementations to follow. Simply put, all OpenAPI implementations are supposed to produce the documentation as a JSON object, either in JSON or YAML format.
There also exist many tools that take this JSON/YAML in and spit out a UI to visualize and navigate the API. This comes in handy during acceptance testing, for example. In our code samples here, we’ll be using springdoc – a library for OpenAPI 3 with Spring Boot.
此外,还有许多工具可以接收这些JSON/YAML,并吐出一个UI来可视化和导航API。例如,这在验收测试中非常有用。在我们的代码示例中,我们将使用springdoc – 一个用于OpenAPI 3和Spring Boot的库。
Before looking at the two in detail, let’s quickly set up an API to be documented.
Let’s put together a basic CRUD API using Spring Boot.
让我们用Spring Boot来拼凑一个基本的CRUD API。
3.1. The Repository
Here, the repository that we’ll be using is a bare-bones PagingAndSortingRepository interface, with the model Foo:
public interface FooRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Foo, Long>{}
public class Foo {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private long id;
@Column(nullable = false)
private String title;
private String body;
// constructor, getters and setters
We’ll also load the repository using a schema.sql and a data.sql.
3.2. The Controller
Next, let’s look at the controller, skipping its implementation details for brevity:
public class FooController {
FooRepository repository;
public ResponseEntity<List<Foo>> getAllFoos() {
// implementation
@GetMapping(value = "{id}")
public ResponseEntity<Foo> getFooById(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
// implementation
public ResponseEntity<Foo> addFoo(@RequestBody @Valid Foo foo) {
// implementation
public ResponseEntity<Void> deleteFoo(@PathVariable("id") long id) {
// implementation
public ResponseEntity<Foo> updateFoo(@PathVariable("id") long id, @RequestBody Foo foo) {
// implementation
3.3. The Application
And finally, the Boot App:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
4. OpenAPI / Springdoc
4.OpenAPI / Springdoc
Now let’s see how springdoc can add documentation to our Foo REST API.
现在让我们看看springdoc如何为我们的Foo REST API添加文档。
Recall that it’ll generate a JSON object and a UI visualization of the API based on that object.
4.1. Basic UI
To begin with, we’ll just add a couple of Maven dependencies – springdoc-openapi-data-rest for generating the JSON, and springdoc-openapi-ui for rendering the UI.
The tool will introspect the code for our API, and read the controller methods’ annotations. On that basis, it’ll generate the API JSON which will be live at http://localhost:8080/api-docs/. It’ll also serve a basic UI at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui-custom.html:
该工具将对我们的API代码进行内省,并读取控制器方法的注释。在此基础上,它将生成API JSON,并在http://localhost:8080/api-docs/上运行。它还将在http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui-custom.html提供一个基本的用户界面。
As we can see, without adding any code at all, we obtained a beautiful visualization of our API, right down to the Foo schema. Using the Try it out button, we can even execute the operations and view the results.
正如我们所看到的,在没有添加任何代码的情况下,我们获得了一个漂亮的可视化的API,直到Foo模式。使用Try it out按钮,我们甚至可以执行这些操作并查看结果。
Now, what if we wanted to add some real documentation to the API? In terms of what the API is all about, what all its operations mean, what should be input, and what responses to expect?
We’ll look at this in the next section.
4.2. Detailed UI
Let’s first see how to add a general description to the API.
For that, we’ll add an OpenAPI bean to our Boot App:
为此,我们将向我们的Boot App添加一个OpenAPIbean。
public OpenAPI customOpenAPI(@Value("${springdoc.version}") String appVersion) {
return new OpenAPI().info(new Info()
.title("Foobar API")
.description("This is a sample Foobar server created using springdocs - " +
"a library for OpenAPI 3 with spring boot.")
.license(new License().name("Apache 2.0")
Next, to add some information to our API operations, we’ll decorate our mappings with a few OpenAPI-specific annotations.
Let’s see how we can describe getFooById. We’ll do this inside another controller, FooBarController, which is similar to our FooController:
@Tag(name = "foobar", description = "the foobar API with documentation annotations")
public class FooBarController {
FooRepository repository;
@Operation(summary = "Get a foo by foo id")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "found the foo", content = {
@Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = Foo.class))}),
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Invalid id supplied", content = @Content),
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Foo not found", content = @Content) })
@GetMapping(value = "{id}")
public ResponseEntity getFooById(@Parameter(description = "id of foo to be searched")
@PathVariable("id") String id) {
// implementation omitted for brevity
// other mappings, similarly annotated with @Operation and @ApiResponses
Now let’s see the effect on the UI:
So with these minimal configurations, the user of our API can now see what it’s about, how to use it, and what results to expect. All we had to do was compile the code and run the Boot App.
因此,通过这些最低限度的配置,我们的API的用户现在可以看到它是什么,如何使用它,以及期待什么结果。我们所要做的就是编译代码和运行Boot App。
5. Spring REST Docs
5.Spring REST文档
REST docs is a totally different take on API documentation. As described earlier, the process is test-driven, and the output is in the form of a static HTML page.
REST docs是对API文档的一种完全不同的看法。如前所述,该过程是测试驱动的,输出是静态HTML页面的形式。
In our example here, we’ll be using Spring MVC Tests to create documentation snippets.
在我们这里的例子中,我们将使用Spring MVC测试来创建文档片段。
At the outset, we’ll need to add the spring-restdocs-mockmvc dependency and the asciidoc Maven plugin to our pom.
首先,我们需要将spring-restdocs-mockmvc依赖关系和asciidoc Maven插件添加到我们的pom。
5.1. The JUnit5 Test
Now let’s have a look at the JUnit5 test which includes our documentation:
@ExtendWith({ RestDocumentationExtension.class, SpringExtension.class })
@SpringBootTest(classes = Application.class)
public class SpringRestDocsIntegrationTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
public void setup(WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext,
RestDocumentationContextProvider restDocumentation) {
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(webApplicationContext)
public void whenGetFooById_thenSuccessful() throws Exception {
ConstraintDescriptions desc = new ConstraintDescriptions(Foo.class);
this.mockMvc.perform(get("/foo/{id}", 1))
.andDo(document("getAFoo", preprocessRequest(prettyPrint()),
pathParameters(parameterWithName("id").description("id of foo to be searched")),
.description("The id of the foo" +
collectionToDelimitedString(desc.descriptionsForProperty("id"), ". ")),
fieldWithPath("title").description("The title of the foo"),
fieldWithPath("body").description("The body of the foo"))));
// more test methods to cover other mappings
After running this test, we get several files in our targets/generated-snippets directory with information about the given API operation. Particularly, whenGetFooById_thenSuccessful will give us eight adocs in a getAFoo folder in the directory.
Here’s a sample http-response.adoc, of course containing the response body:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 60
"id" : 1,
"title" : "Foo 1",
"body" : "Foo body 1"
5.2. fooapi.adoc
5.2. fooapi.adoc
Now we need a master file that will weave all these snippets together to form a well-structured HTML.
Let’s call it fooapi.adoc and see a small portion of it:
=== Accessing the foo GET
A `GET` request is used to access the foo read.
==== Request structure
==== Path Parameters
==== Example response
==== CURL request
After executing the asciidoctor-maven-plugin, we get the final HTML file fooapi.html in the target/generated-docs folder.
And this is how it’ll look when opened in a browser:
6. Key Takeaways
Now that we’ve looked at both the implementations, let’s summarize the advantages and disadvantages.
With springdoc, the annotations we had to use cluttered our rest controller’s code and reduced its readability. Also, the documentation was tightly coupled to the code and would make its way into production.
Needless to say, maintaining the documentation is another challenge here – if something in the API changed, would the programmer always remember to update the corresponding OpenAPI annotation?
On the other hand, REST Docs neither looks as catchy as the other UI did nor can it be used for acceptance testing. But it has its advantages.
另一方面,REST Docs既不像其他UI那样看起来很吸引人,也不能用于验收测试。但它也有其优点。
Notably, the successful completion of the Spring MVC test not only gives us the snippets but also verifies our API as any other unit test would. This forces us to make documentation changes corresponding to API modifications if any. Also, the documentation code is completely separate from the implementation.
值得注意的是,成功完成Spring MVC测试不仅给了我们片段,而且还像其他单元测试一样验证了我们的API。这就迫使我们对API的修改进行相应的文档修改,如果有的话。另外,文档代码与实现完全分开。
But again, on the flip side, we had to write more code to generate the documentation. First, the test itself which is arguably as verbose as the OpenAPI annotations, and second, the master adoc.
It also needs more steps to generate the final HTML – running the test first and then the plugin. Springdoc only required us to run the Boot App.
它还需要更多的步骤来生成最终的HTML–先运行测试,然后再运行插件。 Springdoc只要求我们运行Boot App。
7. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we looked at the differences between the OpenAPI based springdoc and Spring REST Docs. We also saw how to implement the two to generate documentation for a basic CRUD API.
在本教程中,我们研究了基于OpenAPI的springdoc和Spring REST Docs之间的区别。我们还看到了如何实现这两者来为基本的CRUD API生成文档。
In summary, both have their pros and cons, and the decision of using one over the other is subject to our specific requirements.
As always, source code is available over on GitHub.