Get list of JSON objects with Spring RestTemplate – 用Spring RestTemplate获取JSON对象的列表

最后修改: 2020年 12月 18日


1. Overview


Our services often have to communicate with other REST services in order to fetch information.


In Spring, we can use RestTemplate to perform synchronous HTTP requests. The data is usually returned as JSON, and RestTemplate can convert it for us.


In this tutorial, we’ll explore how we can convert a JSON Array into three different object structures in Java: Array of Object, Array of POJO and a List of POJO.

在本教程中,我们将探讨如何在Java中把一个JSON数组转换成三种不同的对象结构。Array of ObjectArray of POJOList of POJO。

2. JSON, POJO and Service


Let’s imagine that we have an endpoint http://localhost:8080/users returning a list of users as the following JSON:


  "id": 1,
  "name": "user1",
}, {
  "id": 2,
  "name": "user2"

We’ll require the corresponding User class to process data:

我们将需要相应的User 类来处理数据。

public class User {
    private int id;
    private String name;

    // getters and setters..

For our interface implementation, we write a UserConsumerServiceImpl with RestTemplate as its dependency:

对于我们的接口实现,我们编写了一个UserConsumerServiceImpl ,将RestTemplate 作为其依赖。

public class UserConsumerServiceImpl implements UserConsumerService {

    private final RestTemplate restTemplate;

    public UserConsumerServiceImpl(RestTemplate restTemplate) {
        this.restTemplate = restTemplate;


3. Mapping a List of JSON Objects


When the response to a REST request is a JSON array, there are a few ways we can convert it to a Java collection.


Let’s look at the options and see how easily they allow us to process the data that is returned. We’ll look at extracting the usernames of some user objects returned by a REST service.


3.1. RestTemplate With Object Array


First, let’s make the call with RestTemplate.getForEntity and use a ResponseEntity of type Object[] to collect the response:

首先,让我们用RestTemplate.getForEntity进行调用,并使用Object[]类型的 ResponseEntity来收集响应。

ResponseEntity<Object[]> responseEntity =
   restTemplate.getForEntity(BASE_URL, Object[].class);

Next, we can extract the body into our array of Object:


Object[] objects = responseEntity.getBody();

The actual Object here is just some arbitrary structure that contains our data but doesn’t use our User type. Let’s convert it into our User objects.


For this, we’ll need an ObjectMapper:


ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

We can declare it inline, though this is usually done as a private static final member of the class.

我们可以内联声明,尽管这通常是作为类的private static final成员进行的。

Lastly, we are ready to extract the usernames:


  .map(object -> mapper.convertValue(object, User.class))

With this method, we can essentially read an array of anything into an Object array in Java. This can be handy if we only wanted to count the results, for instance.


However, it doesn’t lend itself well to further processing. We had to put extra effort into converting it to a type we could work with.


The Jackson Deserializer actually deserializes JSON into a series of LinkedHashMap objects when we ask it to produce Object as the target type. Post-processing with convertValue is an inefficient overhead.


We can avoid it if we provide our desired type to Jackson in the first place.


3.2. RestTemplate With User Array


We can provide User[]  to RestTemplate, instead of Object[]:

我们可以向RestTemplate提供User[] ,而不是Object[]

  ResponseEntity<User[]> responseEntity = 
    restTemplate.getForEntity(BASE_URL, User[].class); 
  User[] userArray = responseEntity.getBody();

We can see that we no longer need the ObjectMapper.convertValue. The ResponseEntity has User objects inside it. But we still need to do some extra conversions to use the Java Stream API and for our code to work with a List.

我们可以看到,我们不再需要ObjectMapper.convertValueResponseEntity里面有User对象。但是我们仍然需要做一些额外的转换,以使用Java Stream API,并使我们的代码能够与List一起工作。

3.3. RestTemplate With User List and ParameterizedTypeReference


If we need the convenience of Jackson producing a List of Users instead of an Array, we need to describe the List we want to create. To do this, we have to use

如果我们需要Jackson产生一个List of Users而不是一个数组的便利,我们需要描述我们想要创建的List。要做到这一点,我们必须使用

This method takes a ParameterizedTypeReference produced by an anonymous inner class:


ResponseEntity<List<User>> responseEntity =
    new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<User>>() {}
List<User> users = responseEntity.getBody();

This produces the List that we want to use.


Let’s have a closer look into why we need to use the ParameterizedTypeReference.

让我们仔细看看为什么我们需要使用 ParameterizedTypeReference

In the first two examples, Spring can easily deserialize the JSON into a User.class type token where the type information is fully available at runtime.


With generics, however, type erasure occurs if we try to use List<User>.class. So, Jackson would not be able to determine the type inside the <>.


We can overcome this by using a super type token called ParameterizedTypeReference. Instantiating it as an anonymous inner class — new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<User>>() {} — exploits the fact that subclasses of generic classes contain compile-time type information that is not subject to type erasure and can be consumed through reflection.

我们可以通过使用一个名为ParameterizedTypeReference的超级类型标记来克服这个问题。将其实例化为匿名内类–new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<User>>() {}–利用了泛型类的子类包含编译时类型信息的事实,这些信息不受类型清除的影响,可以通过反射消耗。

4. Conclusion


In this article, we saw three different ways of processing JSON objects using RestTemplate. We saw how to specify the types of arrays of Object and our own custom classes.


Then we learned how we provide the type information to produce a List by using the ParameterizedTypeReference.


As always, the code for this article is available over on GitHub.
