1. Introduction
In this article, we’ll explore new features of the Spring Security 5 framework for securing reactive applications. This release is aligned with Spring 5 and Spring Boot 2.
在本文中,我们将探讨Spring Security 5框架的新功能,以确保反应式应用程序的安全。该版本与Spring 5和Spring Boot 2保持一致。
In this article, we won’t go into details about the reactive applications themselves, which is a new feature of the Spring 5 framework. Be sure to check out the article Intro to Reactor Core for more details.
在这篇文章中,我们不会详细介绍反应式应用程序本身,这是Spring 5框架的一个新功能。请务必查看Intro to Reactor Core一文以了解更多细节。
2. Maven Setup
We’ll use Spring Boot starters to bootstrap our project together with all required dependencies.
我们将使用Spring Boot启动器来引导我们的项目和所有需要的依赖。
The basic setup requires a parent declaration, web starter, and security starter dependencies. We’ll also need the Spring Security test framework:
基本设置需要一个父声明、Web启动器和安全启动器的依赖。我们还需要Spring Security测试框架。
We can check out the current version of the Spring Boot security starter over at Maven Central.
我们可以在Maven中心查看Spring Boot安全启动器的当前版本。
3. Project Setup
3.1. Bootstrapping the Reactive Application
We won’t use the standard @SpringBootApplication configuration but instead, configure a Netty-based web server. Netty is an asynchronous NIO-based framework that is a good foundation for reactive applications.
The @EnableWebFlux annotation enables the standard Spring Web Reactive configuration for the application:
@EnableWebFlux注解为应用程序启用标准的Spring Web Reactive配置。
@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.baeldung.security"})
public class SpringSecurity5Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context
= new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(
SpringSecurity5Application.class)) {
Here, we create a new application context and wait for Netty to shut down by calling .onClose().block() chain on the Netty context.
After Netty is shut down, the context will be automatically closed using the try-with-resources block.
We’ll also need to create a Netty-based HTTP server, a handler for the HTTP requests, and the adapter between the server and the handler:
public NettyContext nettyContext(ApplicationContext context) {
HttpHandler handler = WebHttpHandlerBuilder
ReactorHttpHandlerAdapter adapter
= new ReactorHttpHandlerAdapter(handler);
HttpServer httpServer = HttpServer.create("localhost", 8080);
return httpServer.newHandler(adapter).block();
3.2. Spring Security Configuration Class
For our basic Spring Security configuration, we’ll create a configuration class – SecurityConfig.
对于我们的基本Spring安全配置,我们将创建一个配置类 – SecurityConfig。
To enable WebFlux support in Spring Security 5, we only need to specify the @EnableWebFluxSecurity annotation:
要在Spring Security 5中启用WebFlux支持,我们只需要指定@EnableWebFluxSecurity注解。
public class SecurityConfig {
// ...
Now we can take advantage of the class ServerHttpSecurity to build our security configuration.
This class is a new feature of Spring 5. It’s similar to HttpSecurity builder, but it’s only enabled for WebFlux applications.
该类是Spring 5的一个新特性。它类似于HttpSecurity构建器,但它只对WebFlux应用程序启用。
The ServerHttpSecurity is already preconfigured with some sane defaults, so we could skip this configuration completely. But for starters, we’ll provide the following minimal config:
public SecurityWebFilterChain securityWebFilterChain(
ServerHttpSecurity http) {
return http.authorizeExchange()
Also, we’ll need a user details service. Spring Security provides us with a convenient mock user builder and an in-memory implementation of the user details service:
此外,我们还需要一个用户细节服务。Spring Security为我们提供了一个方便的模拟用户构建器和一个用户细节服务的内存实现。
public MapReactiveUserDetailsService userDetailsService() {
UserDetails user = User
return new MapReactiveUserDetailsService(user);
Since we’re in reactive land, the user details service should also be reactive. If we check out the ReactiveUserDetailsService interface, we’ll see that its findByUsername method actually returns a Mono publisher:
public interface ReactiveUserDetailsService {
Mono<UserDetails> findByUsername(String username);
Now we can run our application and observe a regular HTTP basic authentication form.
4. Styled Login Form
A small but striking improvement in Spring Security 5 is a new styled login form that uses the Bootstrap 4 CSS framework. The stylesheets in the login form link to CDN, so we’ll only see the improvement when connected to the Internet.
Spring Security 5的一个小但引人注目的改进是使用Bootstrap 4 CSS框架的新风格化登录表。登录表单中的样式表链接到CDN,所以我们只有在连接到互联网时才会看到这种改进。
To use the new login form, let’s add the corresponding formLogin() builder method to the ServerHttpSecurity builder:
public SecurityWebFilterChain securityWebFilterChain(
ServerHttpSecurity http) {
return http.authorizeExchange()
If we now open the main page of the application, we’ll see that it looks much better than the default form we’re used to since previous versions of Spring Security:
如果我们现在打开应用程序的主页面,我们会发现它看起来比我们从以前的Spring Security版本中习惯的默认表单好得多。
Note that this is not a production-ready form, but it’s a good bootstrap of our application.
If we now log in and then go to the http://localhost:8080/logout URL, we’ll see the logout confirmation form, which is also styled.
如果我们现在登录,然后转到http://localhost:8080/logout URL,我们会看到注销确认表单,它也是有风格的。
5. Reactive Controller Security
To see something behind the authentication form, let’s implement a simple reactive controller that greets the user:
public class GreetingController {
public Mono<String> greet(Mono<Principal> principal) {
return principal
.map(name -> String.format("Hello, %s", name));
After logging in, we’ll see the greeting. Let’s add another reactive handler that would be accessible by admin only:
public Mono<String> greetAdmin(Mono<Principal> principal) {
return principal
.map(name -> String.format("Admin access: %s", name));
Now let’s create a second user with the role ADMIN: in our user details service:
UserDetails admin = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
We can now add a matcher rule for the admin URL that requires the user to have the ROLE_ADMIN authority.
Note that we have to put matchers before the .anyExchange() chain call. This call applies to all other URLs which were not yet covered by other matchers:
return http.authorizeExchange()
If we now log in with user or admin, we’ll see that they both observe the initial greeting, as we’ve made it accessible for all authenticated users.
But only the admin user can go to the http://localhost:8080/admin URL and see her greeting.
6. Reactive Method Security
We’ve seen how we can secure the URLs, but what about methods?
To enable method-based security for reactive methods, we only need to add the @EnableReactiveMethodSecurity annotation to our SecurityConfig class:
public class SecurityConfig {
// ...
Now let’s create a reactive greeting service with the following content:
public class GreetingService {
public Mono<String> greet() {
return Mono.just("Hello from service!");
We can inject it into the controller, go to http://localhost:8080/greetingService and see that it actually works:
public class GreetingController {
private GreetingService greetingService
// constructor...
public Mono<String> greetingService() {
return greetingService.greet();
But if we now add the @PreAuthorize annotation on the service method with the ADMIN role, then the greet service URL won’t be accessible to a regular user:
public class GreetingService {
public Mono<String> greet() {
// ...
7. Mocking Users in Tests
Let’s check out how easy it is to test our reactive Spring application.
First, we’ll create a test with an injected application context:
@ContextConfiguration(classes = SpringSecurity5Application.class)
public class SecurityTest {
ApplicationContext context;
// ...
Now we’ll set up a simple reactive web test client, which is a feature of the Spring 5 test framework:
现在我们将建立一个简单的反应式网络测试客户端,这是Spring 5测试框架的一个特点。
public void setup() {
this.webTestClient = WebTestClient
This allows us to quickly check that the unauthorized user is redirected from the main page of our application to the login page:
void whenNoCredentials_thenRedirectToLogin() {
If we now add the @WithMockUser annotation to a test method, we can provide an authenticated user for this method.
The login and password of this user would be user and password respectively, and the role is USER. This, of course, can all be configured with the @WithMockUser annotation parameters.
Now we can check that the authorized user sees the greeting:
void whenHasCredentials_thenSeesGreeting() {
.expectBody(String.class).isEqualTo("Hello, user");
The @WithMockUser annotation is available since Spring Security 4. However, this was also updated in Spring Security 5 to cover reactive endpoints and methods.
@WithMockUser注解从Spring Security 4开始可用。然而,这在Spring Security 5中也得到了更新,以涵盖反应式端点和方法。
8. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we’ve discovered new features of the upcoming Spring Security 5 release, especially in the reactive programming arena.
在本教程中,我们发现了即将发布的Spring Security 5的新特性,特别是在反应式编程领域。
As always, the source code for the article is available over on GitHub.