1. Introduction
In this tutorial, we’ll show how to externalize Spring Security’s authorization decisions to OPA – the Open Policy Agent.
在本教程中,我们将展示如何将 Spring Security 的授权决策外化为 OPA – 开放策略代理。
2. Preamble: the Case for Externalized Authorization
A common requirement across applications is to have the ability to make certain decisions based on a policy. When this policy is simple enough and unlikely to change, we can implement this policy directly in code, which is the most common scenario.
However, there are other cases where we need more flexibility. Access control decisions are typical: as the application grows in complexity, granting access to a given functionality might depend not only on who you are but also on other contextual aspects of the request. Those aspects might include the IP address, time of day, and login authentication method (ex: “remember me”, OTP), among others.
Moreover, the rules compounding that contextual information with the user’s identity should be easy to change, preferably with no application downtime. This requirement naturally leads to an architecture where a dedicated service handles policy evaluation requests.
Here, the tradeoff for this flexibility is the added complexity and the performance penalty incurred for making the call to the external service. On the other hand, we can evolve or even replace the authorization service entirely without affecting the application. Furthermore, we can share this service with multiple applications, thus allowing a consistent authorization model across them.
3. What’s OPA?
The Open Policy Agent, or OPA for short, is an open-source policy evaluation engine implemented in Go. It was initially developed by Styra and is now a CNCF-graduated project. Here’s a list of some typical uses of this tool:
- Envoy authorization filter
- Kubernetes admission controller
- Terraform plan evaluation
Installing OPA is quite simple: Just download the binary for our platform, put it in a folder in the operating system’s PATH, and we’re good to go. We can verify it’s correctly installed with a simple command:
$ opa version
Version: 0.39.0
Build Commit: cc965f6
Build Timestamp: 2022-03-31T12:34:56Z
Build Hostname: 5aba1d393f31
Go Version: go1.18
Platform: windows/amd64
WebAssembly: available
OPA evaluates policies written in REGO, a declarative language optimized to run queries on complex object structures. The result of those queries is then used by client applications according to the specific use case. In our case, the object structure is an authorization request, and we’ll use the policy to query the result to grant access to a given functionality.
It is important to notice that OPA’s policies are generic and not tied to in any way to express authorization decisions. In fact, we can use it in other scenarios that traditionally are dominated by rule engines like Drools and others.
4. Writing Policies
This is what a simple authorization policy written in REGO looks like:
package baeldung.auth.account
# Not authorized by default
default authorized = false
authorized = true {
count(deny) == 0
count(allow) > 0
# Allow access to /public
allow["public"] {
# Account API requires authenticated user
deny["account_api_authenticated"] {
# Authorize access to account
allow["account_api_authorized"] {
parts := split(input.uri,"/")
account := parts[2]
role := concat(":",[ "ROLE_account", "read", account] )
role == input.authorities[i]
The first thing to notice is the package statement. OPA policies use packages to organize rules, and they also play a key role when evaluating incoming requests, as we’ll show later. We can organize policy files across multiple directories.
Next, we define the actual policy rules:
- A default rule to ensure that we’ll always end up with a value for the authorized variable
- The main aggregator rule that we can read as “authorized is true when there are no rules denying access and at least one rule allowing access”
- Allow and deny rules, each one expressing a condition that, if matched, will add an entry to the allow or deny arrays, respectively
A complete description of OPA’s policy language is beyond the scope of this article, but the rules themselves are not hard to read. There are a few things to keep in mind when looking at them:
- Statements of the form a := b or a=b are simple assignments (they’re not the same, though)
- Statements of the form a = b { … conditions } or a { …conditions } mean “assign b to a if conditions are true
- Order appearance in the policy document is irrelevant
Other than that, OPA comes with a rich built-in function library optimized for querying deeply nested data structures, along with more familiar features such as string manipulation, collections, and so forth.
5. Evaluating Policies
Let’s use the policy defined in the previous section to evaluate an authorization request. In our case, we’ll build this authorization request using a JSON structure containing some pieces from the incoming request:
"input": {
"principal": "user1",
"authorities": ["ROLE_account:read:0001"],
"uri": "/account/0001",
"headers": {
"WebTestClient-Request-Id": "1",
"Accept": "application/json"
Notice that we’ve wrapped the request attributes in a single input object. This object becomes the input variable during the policy evaluation, and we can access its properties using a JavaScript-like syntax.
To test if our policy works as expected, let’s run OPA locally in server mode and manually submit some test requests:
$ opa run -w -s src/test/rego
The option -s enables running in server mode, while -w enables automatic rule file reloading. The src/test/rego is the folder containing policy files from our sample code. Once running, OPA will listen for API requests on local port 8181. If needed, we can change the default port using the -a option.
Now, we can use curl or some other tool to send the request:
$ curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8181/v1/data/baeldung/auth/account' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"input": {
"principal": "user1",
"authorities": [],
"uri": "/account/0001",
"headers": {
"WebTestClient-Request-Id": "1",
"Accept": "application/json"
Notice the path part after the /v1/data prefix: It corresponds to the policy’s package name, with dots replaced by forward slashes.
The response will be a JSON object containing all results produced by evaluating the policy against input data:
"result": {
"allow": [],
"authorized": false,
"deny": []
The result property is an object containing the results produced by the policy engine. We can see that, in this case, the authorized property is false. We can also see that allow and deny are empty arrays. This means that no specific rule matched the input. As a result, the main authorized rule didn’t match either.
result 属性是一个包含由策略引擎产生的结果的对象。我们可以看到,在这种情况下,authorized属性是false。我们还可以看到,allow和deny是空数组。这意味着没有特定的规则与输入相匹配。因此,主要的授权规则也没有匹配。
6. Spring Authorization Manager Integration
Now that we’ve seen the way OPA works, we can move forward and integrate it into the Spring Authorization framework. Here, we’ll focus on its reactive web variant, but the general idea applies to regular MVC-based applications too.
First, we need to implement ReactiveAuthorizationManager bean that uses OPA as its backend:
首先,我们需要实现ReactiveAuthorizationManager bean,它使用OPA作为其后台。
public ReactiveAuthorizationManager<AuthorizationContext> opaAuthManager(WebClient opaWebClient) {
return (auth, context) -> {
return opaWebClient.post()
.body(toAuthorizationPayload(auth,context), Map.class)
Here, the injected WebClient comes from another bean, where we pre-initialize its properties from a @ConfigurationPropreties class.
The processing pipeline delegates to the toAuthorizationRequest method the duty of gathering information from the current Authentication and AuthorizationContext and then building an authorization request payload. Similarly, toAuthorizationDecision takes the authorization response and maps it to an AuthorizationDecision.
Now, we use this bean to build a SecurityWebFilterChain:
public SecurityWebFilterChain accountAuthorization(ServerHttpSecurity http, @Qualifier("opaWebClient") WebClient opaWebClient) {
return http
.authorizeExchange(exchanges -> {
We’re applying our custom AuthorizationManager to the /account API only. The reason behind this approach is that we could easily extend this logic to support multiple policy documents, thus making them easier to maintain. For instance, we could have a configuration that uses the request URI to select an appropriate rule package and use this information to build the authorization request.
我们将我们的自定义AuthorizationManager仅应用于/account API。这种方法背后的原因是,我们可以很容易地扩展这种逻辑,以支持多个策略文件,从而使它们更容易维护。例如,我们可以有一个配置,使用请求URI来选择一个合适的规则包,并使用这些信息来建立授权请求。
In our case, the /account API itself is just a simple controller/service pair that returns an Account object populated with a fake balance.
在我们的案例中,/account API本身只是一个简单的控制器/服务对,它返回一个Account对象,并填充一个假的余额。
7. Testing
Last but not least, let’s build an integration test to put everything together. First, let’s ensure the “happy path” works. This means that given an authenticated user, they should be able to access their own account:
最后但并非最不重要的是,让我们建立一个集成测试,把所有东西放在一起。首先,让我们确保 “快乐路径 “的工作。这意味着,给定一个认证的用户,他们应该能够访问自己的账户。
@WithMockUser(username = "user1", roles = { "account:read:0001"} )
void testGivenValidUser_thenSuccess() {
Secondly, we must also verify that an authenticated user should only be able to access their own account:
@WithMockUser(username = "user1", roles = { "account:read:0002"} )
void testGivenValidUser_thenUnauthorized() {
Finally, let’ also test the case where the authenticated user has no authority:
@WithMockUser(username = "user1", roles = {} )
void testGivenNoAuthorities_thenForbidden() {
We can run those tests from the IDE or the command line. Please notice that, in either case, we must first start the OPA server pointing to the folder containing our authorization policy file.
8. Conclusion
In this article, we’ve shown how to use OPA to externalize authorization decisions of a Spring Security-based application. As usual, complete code is available over on GitHub.
在这篇文章中,我们展示了如何使用OPA来外部化基于Spring Security的应用程序的授权决策。像往常一样,完整的代码可以在GitHub上找到。