Introduction to SPNEGO/Kerberos Authentication in Spring – Spring中的SPNEGO/Kerberos认证介绍

最后修改: 2019年 4月 24日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll understand the basics of the Kerberos authentication protocol. We’ll also cover the need for SPNEGO in connection with Kerberos.


Finally, we’ll see how to make use of the Spring Security Kerberos extension to create applications enabled for Kerberos with SPNEGO.

最后,我们将看到如何利用Spring Security Kerberos扩展来创建支持SPNEGO的Kerberos的应用程序。

Before we proceed, it’s worthwhile to note that this tutorial will introduce many new terms for those uninitiated in this area. Hence, we’ll spend some time up front to cover the grounds.


2. Understanding Kerberos

2 了解Kerberos

Kerberos is a Network Authentication Protocol developed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the early eighties. As you may realize, this is relatively old and has stood the test of time. Windows Server widely supports Kerberos as an authentication mechanism and has even made it the default authentication option.


Technically, Kerberos is a ticket-based authentication protocol that allows nodes in a computer network to identify themselves to each other.


2.1. Simple Use Case for Kerberos


Let’s draw up a hypothetical situation to demonstrate this.


Suppose that a user, through his mail client on his machine, needs to pull his emails from a mail server on another machine on the same network. There is an obvious need for authentication here. The mail client and mail server must be able to identify and trust each other for them to communicate securely.


How can Kerberos help us here? Kerberos introduces a third party called Key Distribution Centre (KDC), which has a mutual trust with each node in the network. Let’s see how this can work in our case:

Kerberos在这里如何帮助我们?Kerberos 引入了一个叫做密钥分发中心(KDC)的第三方,它与网络中的每个节点都有相互信任。让我们看看这在我们的案例中是如何工作的。

Kerberos Protocol

2.2. Key Aspects of Kerberos Protocol


While this may sound esoteric, this is quite simple and creative in securing communication over an unsecured network. Some of the problems presented here are quite taken for granted in the era of TLS everywhere!


While a detailed discussion of the Kerberos Protocol is not possible here, let’s go through some salient aspects:


  • Trust between nodes (client and server) and KDC is assumed to exist here over the same realm
  • Password is never exchanged over the network
  • Trust between the client and server is implied based on the fact that they can decrypt messages with a key shared only with the KDC
  • Trust between the client and the server is mutual
  • The client can cache tickets for repeated use until the expiry, providing a single sign-on experience
  • Authenticator Messages are based on the timestamp and thus are good only for one-time use
  • All three parties here must have a relatively synchronized time

While this just scratches the surface of this beautiful authentication protocol, it is sufficient to get us going with our tutorial.


3. Understanding SPNEGO


SPNEGO stands for Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation Mechanism. Quite a name! Let’s first see what GSS-API stands for. The Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API) is nothing but an IETF standard for client and server to communicate in a secure and vendor-agnostic manner.

SPNEGO代表Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation Mechanism。相当不错的名字!让我们先看看GSS-API代表什么。通用安全服务应用程序接口(GSS-API)只不过是一个IETF标准,用于客户端和服务器以安全的、与厂商无关的方式进行通信。

SPNEGO is a part of the GSS-API for client and server to negotiate the choice of security mechanism to use, for instance, Kerberos or NTLM.


4. Why Do We Need SPNEGO With Kerberos?


As we saw in the previous section, Kerberos is a pure Network Authentication Protocol operating primarily in the transport layer (TCP/UDP). While this is good for many use cases, this falls short of requirements for the modern web. If we have an application that operates on a higher abstraction, like HTTP, it is not possible to use Kerberos directly.

正如我们在上一节中所看到的,Kerberos 是一个纯粹的网络认证协议,主要在传输层 (TCP/UDP) 运行。虽然这对许多用例来说是好的,但这并不符合现代网络的要求。如果我们有一个在更高的抽象上操作的应用程序,比如 HTTP,就不可能直接使用 Kerberos。

This is where SPNEGO comes to our help. In the case of a web application, communication primarily happens between a web browser like Chrome and a web server like Tomcat hosting the web application over HTTP. If enabled, they can negotiate Kerberos as a security mechanism through SPNEGO and exchange tickets as SPNEGO tokens over HTTP.


So how does this change our scenario mentioned earlier? Let’s replace our simple mail client with a web browser and mail server with a web application:


Kerberos with SPNEGO

So, not much has changed in this compared to our previous diagram except that the communication between client and server happens explicitly over HTTP now. Let’s understand this better:


  • The client machine authenticates against the KDC and caches the TGT
  • Web browser on the client machine is configured to use SPNEGO and Kerberos
  • The web application is also configured to support SPNEGO and Kerberos
  • Web application throws a “Negotiate” challenge to web browser trying to access a protected resource
  • Service Ticket is wrapped as SPNEGO token and exchanged as an HTTP header

5. Requirements


Before we can proceed to develop a web application that supports Kerberos authentication mode, we must gather some basic setup. Let’s go through these tasks quickly.


5.1. Setting up KDC

5.1.设置 KDC

Setting up a Kerberos environment for production use is beyond the scope of this tutorial. This is unfortunately not a trivial task and fragile as well. There are several options available to get an implementation of Kerberos, both open source and commercial versions:

建立一个用于生产的 Kerberos 环境已经超出了本教程的范围。不幸的是,这不是一项简单的任务,而且也很脆弱。有几个选择可以获得Kerberos的实现,包括开源和商业版本。

The actual set-up of KDC and related infrastructure is dependent on the provider and should be followed from their respective documentation. However, Apache Kerby can be run inside a Docker container, which makes it platform-neutral.

KDC 和相关基础设施的实际设置取决于提供商,应遵循其各自的文档。然而,Apache Kerby 可以在 Docker 容器内运行,这使其不受平台影响。

5.2. Setting up Users in KDC

5.2.在 KDC 中设置用户

We need to set up two users — or, as they call it, principals — in KDC. We can use the “kadmin” command-line tool for this purpose. Let’s suppose we’ve created a realm called “” in the KDC database and logged in to “kadmin” with a user having admin privileges.

我们需要在KDC中设置两个用户–或者,他们称之为负责人–。我们可以使用 “kadmin “命令行工具来实现这一目的。假设我们在 KDC 数据库中创建了一个名为 “ “的领域,并以具有管理权限的用户登录到 “kadmin”。

We’ll create our first user, whom we wish to authenticate from a web browser, with:


$ kadmin: addprinc -randkey kchandrakant -pw password
Principal "" created.

We’ll also need to register our web application with the KDC:


$ kadmin: addprinc -randkey HTTP/ -pw password
Principal "HTTP/" created.

Note the convention for naming the principal here, as this must match the domain on which the application is accessible from the web browser. The web browser automatically tries to create a Service Principal Name (SPN) with this convention when presented with a “Negotiate” challenge.

请注意这里命名委托人的惯例,因为这必须与Web浏览器可以访问的应用程序的域相匹配。当遇到 “协商 “挑战时,网络浏览器会自动尝试用这个惯例创建一个服务主名称(SPN)

We also need to export this as a keytab file to make it available to the web application:


$ kadmin: ktadd -k baeldung.keytab HTTP/

This should give us a file named “baeldung.keytab”.

这应该给我们一个名为 “baeldung.keytab “的文件。

5.3. Browser Configuration


We need to enable the web browser that we use to access a protected resource on the web application for the “Negotiate” authentication scheme. Fortunately, most of the modern web browsers like Chrome support “Negotiate” as an authentication scheme by default.

我们需要启用我们用来访问网络应用程序上受保护资源的网络浏览器的 “协商 “认证方案。幸运的是,大多数现代网络浏览器,如Chrome,都默认支持 “协商 “作为一种认证方案。

Additionally, we can configure the browser to provide “Integrated Authentication”. In this mode, when presented with the “Negotiate” challenge, the browser tries to make use of the cached credentials in the host machine, which has already been logged into a KDC principal. However, we’ll not use this mode in here to keep things explicit.

此外,我们还可以将浏览器配置为提供 “综合认证”。在这种模式下,当遇到 “协商 “挑战时,浏览器会尝试使用主机中的缓存凭证,这些凭证已经登录到了KDC主账户。然而,我们在这里不使用这种模式,以保持事情的明确性。

5.4. Domain Configuration


It is understandable that we may not have actual domains to test our web application. But sadly, we can’t use localhost or or any other IP address with Kerberos authentication. There is, however, an easy solution to this, which involves setting up entries in the “hosts” file like:

可以理解的是,我们可能没有实际的域名来测试我们的网络应用。但遗憾的是,我们不能使用localhost或127.0.0.1或任何其他带有Kerberos认证的IP地址。然而,有一个简单的解决方案,这涉及到在 “hosts “文件中设置条目,比如。

6. Spring to Our Rescue!


Finally, as we’ve got the basics clear, it is time to test the theory. But, won’t it be cumbersome to create a web application supporting SPNEGO and Kerberos? Not if we use Spring. Spring has a Kerberos Extension as part of Spring Security that supports SPNEGO with Kerberos seamlessly.

最后,由于我们已经清楚了基础知识,是时候测试一下这个理论了。但是,创建一个支持SPNEGO和Kerberos的Web应用不是很麻烦吗?如果我们使用Spring就不会。Spring有一个Kerberos扩展,作为Spring Security的一部分,可以无缝地支持SPNEGO与Kerberos

Almost all we have to do is just configurations in Spring Security to enable SPNEGO with Kerberos. We’ll use Java-style configurations here, but an XML configuration can be set up as easily.

我们所要做的几乎只是在Spring Security中进行配置,以启用带有Kerberos的SPNEGO。我们将在这里使用Java风格的配置,但XML配置也可以轻松设置。

6.1. Maven Dependencies


The first thing we have to set up are the dependencies:



These dependencies are available for download from Maven Central.

这些依赖项可从Maven Central下载。

6.2. SPNEGO Configurations


Firstly, SPNEGO is integrated into Spring Security as a Filter in HTTPSecurity:

首先,SPNEGO作为HTTPSecurity中的Filter被整合到Spring Security中。

 public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
     AuthenticationManager authenticationManager = http.getSharedObject(AuthenticationManager.class);

This only shows the part required to configure SPNEGO Filter and is not a complete HTTPSecurity configuration, which should be configured as per application security requirements.


Next, we need to provide the SPNEGO Filter as Bean:

接下来,我们需要提供SPNEGO Filter作为Bean

public SpnegoAuthenticationProcessingFilter spnegoAuthenticationProcessingFilter(
  AuthenticationManager authenticationManager) {
    SpnegoAuthenticationProcessingFilter filter = new SpnegoAuthenticationProcessingFilter();
    return filter;

6.3. Kerberos Configurations


In addition, We can configure Kerberos by adding AuthenticationProvider to AuthenticationManagerBuilder in Spring Security:

此外,我们可以通过在Spring Security的AuthenticationProvider中加入AuthenticationManagerBuilder来配置Kerberos。

 public AuthenticationManager authManager(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
     return http.getSharedObject(AuthenticationManagerBuilder.class)

The first thing we have to provide is a KerberosAuthenticationProvider as a Bean. This is an implementation of AuthenticationProvider, and this is where we set SunJaasKerberosClient as a KerberosClient:


public KerberosAuthenticationProvider kerberosAuthenticationProvider() {
    KerberosAuthenticationProvider provider = new KerberosAuthenticationProvider();
    SunJaasKerberosClient client = new SunJaasKerberosClient();
    return provider;

Next, we also have to provide a KerberosServiceAuthenticationProvider as a Bean. This is the class that validates Kerberos Service Tickets or SPNEGO Tokens:


public KerberosServiceAuthenticationProvider kerberosServiceAuthenticationProvider() {
    KerberosServiceAuthenticationProvider provider = new KerberosServiceAuthenticationProvider();
    return provider;

Lastly, we need to provide a SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator as a Bean. This is an implementation of KerberosTicketValidator and uses SUN JAAS Login Module:

最后,我们需要提供一个SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator作为一个Bean。这是对KerberosTicketValidator的实现,并使用SUN JAAS登录模块。

public SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator sunJaasKerberosTicketValidator() {
    SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator ticketValidator = new SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator();
    ticketValidator.setKeyTabLocation(new FileSystemResource("baeldung.keytab"));
    return ticketValidator;

6.4. User Details


We’ve seen references to a UserDetailsService in our AuthenticationProvider earlier, so why do we need it? Well, as we’ve come to know Kerberos, it is purely an authentication mechanism that is ticket-based.


So, while it’s able to identify the user, it doesn’t provide other details related to the user, like their authorizations. We need a valid UserDetailsService provided to our AuthenticationProvider to fill this gap.


6.5. Running the Application


This is pretty much what we need to set up a web application with Spring Security enabled for SPNEGO with Kerberos. When we boot up the web application and access any page therein, the web browser should prompt for username and password, prepare a SPNEGO token with Service Ticket, and send it to the application.

这几乎就是我们为SPNEGO和Kerberos启用Spring Security的网络应用程序所需要的。当我们启动Web应用程序并访问其中的任何页面时,Web浏览器应该提示用户名和密码,用服务票准备一个SPNEGO令牌,并将其发送到应用程序。

The application should be able to process it using the credentials in the keytab file and respond with successful authentication.


However, as we saw earlier, setting up a working Kerberos environment is complicated and quite brittle. If things don’t work as expected, it’s worthwhile to check all the steps again. A simple mistake like mismatch in the domain name can lead to failure with error messages that aren’t particularly helpful.

然而,正如我们前面所看到的,建立一个有效的 Kerberos 环境是很复杂的,也是很脆的。如果事情没有按预期进行,值得再次检查所有的步骤。一个简单的错误,如域名不匹配,就会导致失败,而且错误信息并不特别有用。

7. Practical Use of SPNEGO and Kerberos


Now that we’ve seen how Kerberos authentication works and how we can use SPNEGO with Kerberos in web applications, we may question the need for it. While this makes complete sense to use it as an SSO mechanism within an enterprise network, why should we use this in web applications?


Well, for one, even after so many years, Kerberos is still very actively used within enterprise applications, especially Windows-based applications. If an organization has several internal and external web applications, it does make sense to extend the same SSO infrastructure to cover them all. This makes it much easier for administrators and users of an organization to have a seamless experience through disparate applications.


8. Conclusion


To sum up, in this tutorial, we understood the basics of Kerberos authentication protocol. We also discussed SPNEGO as part of GSS-API and how we can use it to facilitate Kerberos-based authentication in a web application over HTTP. Furthermore, we tried to build a small web application leveraging Spring Security’s built-in support for SPNEGO with Kerberos.

总而言之,在本教程中,我们了解了Kerberos认证协议的基本知识。我们还讨论了作为GSS-API一部分的SPNEGO,以及我们如何使用它来促进HTTP上的Web应用中基于Kerberos的认证。此外,我们还尝试建立了一个小型Web应用,利用Spring Security内置的对SPNEGO和Kerberos的支持。

This tutorial just provides a quick sneak peek of a powerful and time tested authentication mechanism. There is quite a wealth of information available for us to learn more and possibly appreciate even more!


As always, the code can be found over on GitHub.
