Spring Security Login Page with React – 使用React的Spring安全登录页面

最后修改: 2018年 7月 16日


1. Overview


React is a component-based JavaScript library built by Facebook. With React, we can build complex web applications with ease. In this article, we’re going to make Spring Security work together with a React Login page.

React是一个由Facebook构建的基于组件的JavaScript库。通过React,我们可以轻松地构建复杂的Web应用程序。在这篇文章中,我们将使Spring Security与React登录页面一起工作。

We’ll take advantage of the existing Spring Security configurations of previous examples. So we’ll build on top of a previous article about creating a Form Login with Spring Security.

我们将利用以前的例子中现有的Spring Security配置的优势。因此,我们将在之前关于创建使用Spring Security的表单登录的文章的基础上进行。

2. Set up React


First, let’s use the command-line tool create-react-app to create an application by executing the command “create-react-app react”.

首先,让我们使用命令行工具create-react-app来创建一个应用程序,执行命令”create-react-app react”

We’ll have a configuration like the following in react/package.json:


    "name": "react",
    "version": "0.1.0",
    "private": true,
    "dependencies": {
        "react": "^16.4.1",
        "react-dom": "^16.4.1",
        "react-scripts": "1.1.4"
    "scripts": {
        "start": "react-scripts start",
        "build": "react-scripts build",
        "test": "react-scripts test --env=jsdom",
        "eject": "react-scripts eject"

Then, we’ll use the frontend-maven-plugin to help build our React project with Maven:


            <id>install node and npm</id>
            <id>npm install</id>
            <id>npm run build</id>
                <arguments>run build</arguments>

The latest version of the plugin can be found here.


When we run mvn compile, this plugin will download node and npm, install all node module dependencies and build the react project for us.

当我们运行mvn compile时,这个插件将下载nodenpm,安装所有node模块依赖,并为我们构建react项目。

There are several configuration properties we need to explain here. We specified the versions of node and npm, so that the plugin will know which version to download.


Our React login page will serve as a static page in Spring, so we use “src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/view/react” as npm‘s working directory.


3. Spring Security Configuration


Before we dive into the React components, we update the Spring configuration to serve the static resources of our React app:


public class MvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurer {

    public void addResourceHandlers(
      ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {

Note that we add the login page “index.html” as a static resource instead of a dynamically served JSP.


Next, we update the Spring Security configuration to allow access to these static resources.

接下来,我们更新Spring Security配置,允许访问这些静态资源。

Instead of using “login.jsp” as we did in the previous form login article, here we use “index.html” as our Login page:


public class SecSecurityConfig {


    public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) 
      throws Exception {
            "/index*", "/static/**", "/*.js", "/*.json", "/*.ico")

As we can see from the snippet above when we post form data to “/perform_login“, Spring will redirect us to “/homepage.html” if the credentials match successfully and to “/index.html?error=true” otherwise.

从上面的片段中我们可以看到,当我们将表单数据发布到”/perform_login“时,如果证书匹配成功,Spring会将我们重定向到”/homepage.html“,否则会重定向到”/index.html? error=true“。

4. React Components


Now let’s get our hands dirty on React. We’ll build and manage a form login using components.


Note that we’ll use ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) syntax to build our application.

注意,我们将使用ES6(ECMAScript 2015)语法来构建我们的应用程序。

4.1. Input


Let’s start with an Input component that backs the <input /> elements of the login form in react/src/Input.js:

让我们从一个Input组件开始,它支持<input />中登录表单的react/src/Input.js元素。

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'

class Input extends Component {
        this.state = {
            value: props.value? props.value : '',
            className: props.className? props.className : '',
            error: false


    render () {
        const {handleError, ...opts} = this.props
        this.handleError = handleError
        return (
          <input {...opts} value={this.state.value}
            onChange={this.inputChange} className={this.state.className} /> 

Input.propTypes = {
  name: PropTypes.string,
  placeholder: PropTypes.string,
  type: PropTypes.string,
  className: PropTypes.string,
  value: PropTypes.string,
  handleError: PropTypes.func

export default Input

As seen above, we wrap the <input /> element into a React controlled component to be able to manage its state and perform field validation.

如上所述,我们将<input />元素包装成一个React控制的组件,以便能够管理其状态并执行字段验证。

React provides a way to validate the types using PropTypes. Specifically, we use Input.propTypes = {…} to validate the type of properties passed in by the user.

React提供了一种使用PropTypes验证类型的方法。具体来说,我们使用Input.propTypes = {…}来验证用户传入的属性类型。

Note that PropType validation works for development only. PropType validation is to check that all the assumptions that we’re making about our components are being met.


It’s better to have it rather than getting surprised by random hiccups in production.


4.2. Form

4.2 形式

Next, we’ll build a generic Form component in the file Form.js that combines multiple instances of our Input component on which we can base our login form.


In the Form component, we take attributes of HTML <input/> elements and create Input components from them.

Form组件中,我们采用HTML <input/>元素的属性,并从中创建Input组件。

Then the Input components and validation error messages are inserted into the Form:


import React, { Component } from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import Input from './Input'

class Form extends Component {


    render() {
        const inputs = this.props.inputs.map(
          ({name, placeholder, type, value, className}, index) => (
            <Input key={index} name={name} placeholder={placeholder} type={type} value={value}
              className={type==='submit'? className : ''} handleError={this.handleError} />
        const errors = this.renderError()
        return (
            <form {...this.props} onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} ref={fm => {this.form=fm}} >

Form.propTypes = {
  name: PropTypes.string,
  action: PropTypes.string,
  method: PropTypes.string,
  inputs: PropTypes.array,
  error: PropTypes.string

export default Form

Now let’s take a look at how we manage field validation errors and login error:


class Form extends Component {

    constructor(props) {
        if(props.error) {
            this.state = {
              failure: 'wrong username or password!',
              errcount: 0
        } else {
            this.state = { errcount: 0 }

    handleError = (field, errmsg) => {
        if(!field) return

        if(errmsg) {
            this.setState((prevState) => ({
                failure: '',
                errcount: prevState.errcount + 1, 
                errmsgs: {...prevState.errmsgs, [field]: errmsg}
        } else {
            this.setState((prevState) => ({
                failure: '',
                errcount: prevState.errcount===1? 0 : prevState.errcount-1,
                errmsgs: {...prevState.errmsgs, [field]: ''}

    renderError = () => {
        if(this.state.errcount || this.state.failure) {
            const errmsg = this.state.failure 
              || Object.values(this.state.errmsgs).find(v=>v)
            return <div className="error">{errmsg}</div>



In this snippet, we define the handleError function to manage the error state of the form. Recall that we also used it for Input field validation. Actually, handleError() is passed to the Input Components as a callback in the render() function.

在这个片段中,我们定义了handleError函数来管理表单的错误状态。回顾一下,我们也曾将其用于Input字段验证。实际上,handleError()是作为render()函数的回调传递给Input Components的。

We use renderError() to construct the error message element. Note that Form’s constructor consumes an error property. This property indicates if the login action fails.


Then comes the form submission handler:


class Form extends Component {


    handleSubmit = (event) => {
        if(!this.state.errcount) {
            const data = new FormData(this.form)
            fetch(this.form.action, {
              method: this.form.method,
              body: new URLSearchParams(data)
            .then(v => {
                if(v.redirected) window.location = v.url
            .catch(e => console.warn(e))

We wrap all form fields into FormData and send it to the server using the fetch API.

我们将所有表单字段包装成FormData,并使用fetch API将其发送到服务器。

Let’s not forget our login form comes with a successUrl and failureUrl, meaning that no matter if the request is successful or not, the response would require a redirection.


That’s why we need to handle redirection in the response callback.


4.3. Form Rendering

4.3 表格渲染

Now that we’ve set up all the components we need, we can continue to put them in the DOM. The basic HTML structure is as follows (find it under react/public/index.html):


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <!-- ... -->

    <div id="root">
      <div id="container"></div>


Finally, we’ll render the Form into the <div/> with id “container” in react/src/index.js:


import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import './index.css'
import Form from './Form'

const inputs = [{
  name: "username",
  placeholder: "username",
  type: "text"
  name: "password",
  placeholder: "password",
  type: "password"
  type: "submit",
  value: "Submit",
  className: "btn" 

const props = {
  name: 'loginForm',
  method: 'POST',
  action: '/perform_login',
  inputs: inputs

const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)

  <Form {...props} error={params.get('error')} />,

So our form now contains two input fields: username and password, and a submit button.


Here we pass an additional error attribute to the Form component because we want to handle login error after redirection to the failure URL: /index.html?error=true.


form login error

Now we’ve finished building a Spring Security login application using React. The last thing we need to do is to run mvn compile.

现在我们已经完成了使用React构建一个Spring Security登录应用程序。我们需要做的最后一件事是运行mvn compile

During the process, the Maven plugin will help build our React application and gather the build result in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/view/react/build.


5. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve covered how to build a React login app and let it interact with a Spring Security backend. A more complex application would involve state transition and routing using React Router or Redux, but that’d be beyond the scope of this article.

在这篇文章中,我们已经介绍了如何构建一个React登录应用程序,并让它与Spring Security后端进行交互。更复杂的应用程序将涉及使用React RouterRedux的状态转换和路由,但这将超出本文的范围。

As always, the full implementation can be found over on GitHub. To run it locally, execute mvn jetty:run in the project root folder, then we can access the React login page at http://localhost:8080.

一如既往,完整的实现可以在GitHub上找到。要在本地运行它,请在项目根文件夹中执行mvn jetty:run,然后我们可以访问React登录页面http://localhost:8080